
Wedding Wrecker

"You're still a virgin, right?" Isabella's laughter held a bitter edge as she pushed Deus Wycliffe's body away, putting space between them once more. "Virgin? After what you did to me last night, you're asking if I'm still a virgin?" "I meant before we... you know." "Will my answer change anything, Deus? Will it?" Deus fell silent, Isabella's cutting words sinking deep into his heart. "It's your fault, Isabella. You initiated this deception. If you hadn't lied, none of this would have happened. When you claimed to be pregnant with my child, it was like insinuating that you and I..." Deus paused, searching for a more tactful term. "Well, engaged in what we did last night." He finished his sentence, realizing the impact of his words. --- "Maybe this will refresh your memory." Deus Wycliffe's grip tightened on Isabella's neck as he drew her closer. "I won't allow anyone else to lay a hand on you but me."

ariaevelyn · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 1 - The Wedding Intrigue

In the bride's courtyard, the air was buzzing with anticipation and excitement. Guests were streaming in, their faces reflecting eagerness to partake in the wedding ceremony of a notable figure.

Among them, a figure stood out. The regal bearing of Esmeralda, also known as Lady Esmeralda Ravenscroft, reflected her prestigious lineage from a distant branch of the royal family.

Her father and the head of Ravenscroft, Alexander Ravenscroft is renowned for his impeccable manners and humble demeanor, traits that had endeared their family.

Elsewhere, a young woman named Isabella was meandering through the courtyard, absorbing the vibrant yet serene ambiance that enveloped the villa. This villa was known as 'Serenity Haven', a fitting name considering its tranquil atmosphere.

The villa was guarded by a towering 2-meter gate, ensuring the privacy of the estate. Even so, within its confines, the meticulously landscaped grounds of the two-story villa exuded an undeniable charm.

From the tranquil lake that mirrored the azure sky to the winding pathways of the picturesque garden leading guests to the main house, every element seemed crafted to delight the senses.

And at the heart of it all, a glistening pond with a majestic fountain served as the centerpiece of the courtyard, adding an extra touch of elegance to the scene.

As Isabella continued her leisurely stroll, she was interrupted by a gentle voice.

"Are you an acquaintance of Lady Esmeralda Ravenscroft? Do you mind if I take a look at your invitation?" A curious attending girl inquired.

Isabella nodded in acknowledgment, and following the girl's guidance, she made her way along a stone path that meandered through the villa's grounds.

This path eventually led her to the bustling gathering surrounding the wedding ceremony.

Upon reaching the wooden pagoda where Esmeralda and her prospective husband stood, Isabella couldn't help but admire the scene before her.

The air was fragrant with the scent of tube roses and white roses, the delicate petals adding a touch of romance to the atmosphere.

"Equally stunning, equally fitting," Isabella mused silently to herself as she settled into a front-row seat among the neatly arranged chairs, eagerly awaiting the commencement of the ceremony.

"What a shame.." She muttered to herself.

Just as the officiant, Priest Judy, began to initiate the proceedings, she approached the pagoda, her actions eliciting murmurs of surprise from the assembled guests.

Deus Wycliffe, the groom, paused mid-vow, his expression is a mix of confusion and concern as Isabella's unexpected interruption unfolded before him.

"I request... for this ceremony not to be proceed." Isabella's voice quivered with

emotion as she addressed the gathered crowd, her words hanging heavy in the air.

"Why?" Priest Judy's voice rang out after a heavy silence, his astonishment mirroring that of the guests.

"I apologize for disrupting your ceremony. Lady Esmeralda Ravenscroft deserves to know the true face of her husband-to-be before she seals the bond of marriage with Deus Wycliffe." Isabella's voice wavered with emotion.

Deus Wycliffe's eyes narrowed in confusion.

"And who might that be?" His eyes wavered to Isabella's huge belly. His lips twitched.

Isabella's hands shook as she reached for the envelope in her pocket.

"Deus is the father of my child." she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.

"What are you talking about?!" Deus exclaimed, his face turning red with anger.

Isabella's eyes filled with tears as she pleaded, "Deus, I'm not asking for anything from you, but Lady Esmeralda deserves to know who you are. If you don't want to take responsibility, it's fine, I will raise it by myself and accept it."

The attendees remained silent, their eyes shifting between Isabella and the shocked couple on the pagoda.

Alexander Ravenscroft approached Priest Judy, his expression grave as he examined the contents of the envelope handed to him by Isabella.

They both inspected the contents of the envelope. Dozens of pictures depicting intimate moments between Deus Wycliffe and several different girls were enclosed.

Esmeralda Ravenscroft watched uncomfortably as they reacted. Amidst the chaos of guests and hosts, Isabella continued to flee, leaving the stunned guests behind, reeling from the shocking revelation.

Deus Wycliffe's face flushed crimson. He didn't even recognize Isabella. He must be crazy if he's ever slept around with such an ugly woman like Isabella.

Her face is heavily made up with thick makeup. There is a large mole under her left eye. Her hair is also dyed ginger, enough to catch the attention of anyone who sees it.

Deus Wycliffe is not sure whether it was her original appearance or she made it up.His mind reeled, trying to comprehend what had just transpired.

When he attempted to locate Isabella, she had already vanished.

"The deal is off. I declare this marriage null and void!" Thundered Alexander Ravenscroft, his anger palpable. Does the Wycliffe want to conceal their son's indiscretions and attempt to wed him to his daughter? Not in a thousand years!

Even if it was their long-last wish from their ancestor, this marriage could not be proceed. It would besmirch their family's reputation if Esmeralda ever married a man who had impregnated another woman.

Alexander Ravenscroft regretted pushing Esmeralda to marry David Wycliffe's son.

The shocked guests exchanged whispers, their eyes darting between the conflicted families. Esmeralda stood in silent contemplation, her gaze fixed on the unfolding drama before her.

The once joyous occasion now hung in the balance, overshadowed by the revelation of secrets and betrayals.

Eyes darted between the conflicted families, trying to make sense of the shocking revelation that had unfolded before them.


Deus Wycliffe burst into his chamber, the door slamming shut with a resounding thud behind him.

In a fit of frustration, he tossed his impeccably tailored blazer across the room, the fabric swirling through the air before landing in a crumpled heap on the polished floor.

His breath came in ragged gasps as he struggled to contain the seething anger that threatened to consume him. Who was she, that enigmatic intruder who had shattered the tranquility of his wedding ceremony? What drove her to sabotage the most important day of his life?

The unanswered questions gnawed at his mind, fueling a relentless inner turmoil that left him pacing the length of the room in restless agitation.

With each step, the weight of uncertainty pressed down upon him, a suffocating blanket of doubt that threatened to engulf him entirely.

Yet amidst the chaos of his thoughts, one thing remained resolute: Deus Wycliffe would not rest until he uncovered the truth behind this brazen act of disruption.

A soft rap on the door of Deus Wycliffe's chamber shattered the tranquility of the room, yanking him abruptly from his reverie.

Startled, he blinked rapidly, his mind racing to catch up with the present moment.

With a quick shake of his head to clear the fog of introspection, he called out, "Enter."

In strode Izek, Deus's longtime confidant and occasional troublemaker, wearing a mischievous grin that hinted at mischief yet to come.

"Congratulations, Deus Wycliffe," Izek declared, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he exaggeratedly bowed low.

"You're now a father."

Izek's announcement hung in the air like a thick fog, He clapped his hands together with exaggerated enthusiasm, his eyes dancing with amusement as he awaited Deus's reaction.

Deus merely arched an eyebrow in mild annoyance, his expression unreadable.

Izek's grin faltered for a fraction of a second before he recovered, his eyes narrowing as he studied his friend's inscrutable countenance.

"Well, aren't you going to say something?" he prodded, unable to resist the urge to tease Deus further.

Deus's response was measured, his voice calm yet tinged with a hint of weariness.

"I appreciate the news, Izek," he replied evenly, his gaze unwavering. "But forgive me if I don't jump for joy at this particular moment."

Izek's grin widened at Deus's dry wit, his laughter echoing off the walls of the chamber as he clapped Deus on the shoulder with affectionate camaraderie.

"Ah, Deus Wycliffe," he chuckled, "always the stoic one. But mark my words, my friend, fatherhood will change you yet." With a playful wink, he sat down on the sofa opposite of Deus Wycliffe.

"Are you finished?" Deus Wycliffe asked, referring to Izek's relentless teasing with a serious expression.

Izek cleared his throat, halting his jests.

"So, who is the woman?" Izek inquired seriously, his tone shifting from the lighthearted banter with Deus.

"Did you actually sleep with her? Since when did your preference in women change? I didn't realize you were into bimbos," Izek remarked casually, disregarding the darkening expression on Deus Wycliffe's face, which now seemed poised to strike at any moment.

Deus Wycliffe chose to remain silent, preferring not to engage in a heated argument with his closest friend. Despite Izek's relentless teasing and probing questions, Deus maintained a stoic composure, his expression unreadable as he silently endured the verbal barrage.

If looks could kill, Izek would have perished a thousand times under the weight of Deus's silent glare.

But instead of succumbing to the palpable tension in the room, Izek merely chuckled, seemingly unfazed by his friend's ominous silence.

"I don't know who she is," Deus finally spoke, his voice calm but tinged with a hint of frustration.

He closed his eyes briefly, as if gathering his thoughts, before continuing. "But I can hazard a guess as to her motive."

Izek's curiosity was piqued, his interest evident as he leaned in closer, eager to hear Deus's insights.

"So, what's the conclusion?" he asked, his tone tinged with anticipation, though deep down he already had a suspicion about the motive behind the mysterious woman's actions.

Izek had been acquainted with Deus Wycliffe not just for a fleeting moment, but for years on end. Their friendship had weathered the passage of time, forged through shared experiences and countless adventures.

Despite their close bond, Izek couldn't help but marvel at the enigmatic nature of his friend, Deus.

Each day seemed to bring forth a new rumor, another tale spun by a woman claiming to have shared an intimate moment with Deus.

These women would often find their way to the grandeur of the Wycliffe mansion, their voices echoing through the halls as they professed to carry the seed of Deus Wycliffe within their wombs.

It was a spectacle that had become all too common, a recurring theme in the tumultuous life of Deus Wycliffe.

However, the current situation surpassed anything Izek had witnessed before. This woman, whose identity remained shrouded in mystery, had not only come forward with her claims but had also caused a scene at Deus Wycliffe's own wedding ceremony.

The audacity of her actions left Izek reeling, his mind racing to comprehend the magnitude of the chaos she had wrought.

As he pondered the events that had unfolded, Izek couldn't help but wonder about the true motives of this woman.

How many lives had she disrupted with her deceitful schemes? And more importantly, what drove her to such lengths to tarnish the sanctity of Deus Wycliffe's most cherished moment?

Izek awaited eagerly for Deus Wycliffe's response, his curiosity piqued by his friend's enigmatic demeanor.

Deus, with a dark chuckle, finally broke the silence.

"Firstly," he began, his tone tinged with a hint of cynicism, "she's no different from the women who've come before her. She seeks to claim the title of young mistress of Wycliffe, just like those who've dared to tread this path."

Izek's brow furrowed in understanding as he processed Deus's revelation. It was a familiar pattern, one that spoke volumes about the allure of power and prestige associated with the Wycliffe name.

Yet, there was something more, something lurking beneath the surface that Deus had yet to reveal.

"And second?" Izek pressed, eager to unravel the mystery that surrounded this elusive woman.

Deus's expression darkened, a shadow passing over his features like a storm cloud.

"She seeks to sabotage my wedding," he declared, his voice heavy with a mixture of resignation and indignation.

Izek's confusion deepened at the revelation.

"Isn't that the same as wanting to be your mistress?" he ventured, struggling to make sense of the distinction.

Deus's response was cryptic, his words laden with unspoken meaning.

"It's not just about claiming a title," he explained, his gaze distant as if lost in the depths of his own thoughts.

"It's about wielding power, about exerting control over me and everything I hold dear. And that," he concluded, his voice dropping to a whisper,

"is something far more dangerous than mere ambition."