
Warlock survival

The story follows 27 year old Liam who dies in a accident while on a bus, and possesses the body of xen bronxe, the illegitimate son of Duke piro bronxe of the fathom empire. join Liam as he becomes the strongest man in the history of fathom.and conquers the unreachable peaks.

Miodoir69 · Fantasy
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10 Chs


'zembei xen roias cica' The voice came from outside the door along with a knock, the voice belonged to a young girl who looked in her early teens probably 13, she was wearing a maid outfit, and carried a silver tray which had clothes and some accessories. Liam was shocked, when he heard the voice. He thought that he had atleast 5 hours before anyone looked for him.

Although the sun had risen up. It was still early, so the only conclusion was, that the time routine in this world was different from earth. Liam focused his thoughts, and tried to remain calm. He quickly grabbed all things that were scattered around, and tried to make the room as clean as it was before. After arranging everything back to normal. Liam sat on the bed calmly, and foucused his attention on the door, judging by who will enter he will take the next course of his action.

'ahem ahm..' liam scuffed loudly, for anyone outside to hear clearly. Taking this as a permission, the person outside opened the door, and entered....

It was a girl wearing a maid outfit, carrying a silver tray with clothes and accessories.. Liam was quick in observing the situation, as soon as he saw the maid before him, he let out a sigh of relief 'huu..' Liam had thought out many worst case scenario's.

The situation could've been really worst, if it was someone close with the owner of the body, but it was a simple maid and let alone a child...He had came to a conclusion that the girl before him was a maid that was here to give him his clothes, which meant that he was probably nobility, that made him wonder even more about why would a noble consider committing sucide.. letting that thought aside he looked towards the girl.

'xen roias cica di`ti coro fi`sham' Liam couldn't understand a single word, but instead he noded slightly, as it was the only thing he could do at the moment.. The girl saw Liam nod, and gently put the tray on the side table beside his bed. After that she bowed towards liam, and left the room..

Liam let out a sigh of relief. It went much smoother than he had expected, after changing his clothes, he saw his reflection in the mirror once more. He was currently wearing a plane off-white shirt along with some baggy pants, the clothes were not his size at all, but were rather very loose as if they were of some one else, He noticed but for the time being he put that thought aside, and started reading the books again...


(In another language) 'so how was he' said a woman weraing a very fancy outfit, She looked to be in her late 20's, She was wearing light make-up and heavy jewellery, that matched with her outfit. There was another person infront of her, it was the same maid who had given liam the clothes, she was currently kneeling in front of the woman.

'He...was quiet and only noded when I said I had bring him a set of clothes, but his stare... it was as if he knew about it.. My lady.' The lady infront of her was the youngest wife of Duke "Piro Bronxe" of the esteemed fathom empire. She was a little annoyed, as she heard what the maid said, and replied 'Tell seth to keep an eye on him, and immediately let me know if he tries to act up, A peasent should know his place...'



when there is a scene away from the MC. I will mention the place in CAP for the readers to understand easily. Please do share this novel as it will motivate me to write more. Thank you;)