
Warlock survival

The story follows 27 year old Liam who dies in a accident while on a bus, and possesses the body of xen bronxe, the illegitimate son of Duke piro bronxe of the fathom empire. join Liam as he becomes the strongest man in the history of fathom.and conquers the unreachable peaks.

Miodoir69 · Fantasy
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10 Chs


'Aaah....' He said as he got up from the bed he was lying in. He squinted his eyes and rubbed them, as his eyes started to open he saw an unfamiliar place infront of him. He was dumbfounded he didn't remember where he was, as he focused on remembering his memories that were foggy. They started to clear up and he remembered.

He was scared as he remembered what had happen and looked around the place. 'This doesn't look like a hospital so where am i' the room he was in was a fairly large room mostly made out of stone. There was a large double sized bed and two side table's beside it. There was very dim light in the room, but enough for someone to see without any problem, When liam tried to see the source of light he saw candle holder with candles lit at each corner of the wall.

There was also a big mirror in the opposite direction of the bed, as soon as liam saw the mirror he rushed himself towards it. As soon as liam saw the reflection he gasped

'Huhh.' The person in the mirror was not him. Liam had worked in game developing company, and was familiar with fantasy games so as soon as he observed the room. The first thing that came into his mind was a fantasy mid age room, so to confirm his theory the first thing he did was check himself in the mirror, but he was surprised as the reflection showed someone else and not him, usually in a fantasy game or comics the MC is transported to another world in his current state or he is reborn as a baby these concepts are called isekai and reincarnation, but what was before him was neither of the two.

It was like he was possessing someone else body and more or less a very young body. Liam was 27 years old when he was on earth and now he was in a body of someone who looks as young as 14 , with brown hair and brown eyes his skin was white and a very skinny body. It was not like he was in shape back on earth but he had great upper body as he had a hobby of camping in the mountains with his office friend's. Liam was processing all of this in his mind as he sat on the bed beside him, and tried to concentrate but no matter how hard he tried to remember he couldn't...nothing came to mind.

As he thought he came to conclusion that he would search the room to find any clues possible, first he opened the window to know the time. It was still dark outside, that meant he had a little more than 5 hours to save himself from any threats that may come from possessing this body no#1 was the fact if he could speak this worlds language that would attract a lot of attention ,he had to lay low until grasps the basic and common knowledge of this new world.

Liam started to search every corner of the room with all his heart to find any clues to how he got here, or how he possessed this body. Liam from a young age had to face the hardships of the world that's why he matured early then people of his age he first observed the situation then came to a conclusion and acted on it. This was also a reason why he was able to achieve his goals back on earth.

He accepted his fate rather easily and tried to get out of the situation as fast as possible the only situation he couldn't accept was his siblings death. Three hours have passed since then liam had came up with many scenarios but he narrowed it down to three.

1.The fact that he wasn't on earth was confirmed, When liam opened the window, he saw two moons instead of one.

2. This world was lacking in technology and civilisation, as he saw pictures of dragon and demon mainly in the book, and the stucture of the room was based on the middle ages.

3.Third and the most important how he possessed the body, first clue was the voice that came to him before he died, it asked him if he wanted a second chance. The second was the bottle he found underneath the bed.

It contained dark green and very bad smelling liquid, which meant his safest guess was poison.

The owner of the body took poison committed sucide and the being which spoke with him tranferred his soul into this body, as he was processing all these thoughts, there was a knock on the door ,and someone spoke 'zembei xen roias cica!!'.