
Warlock survival

The story follows 27 year old Liam who dies in a accident while on a bus, and possesses the body of xen bronxe, the illegitimate son of Duke piro bronxe of the fathom empire. join Liam as he becomes the strongest man in the history of fathom.and conquers the unreachable peaks.

Miodoir69 · Fantasy
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10 Chs


Two weeks have passed since Liam came to this world, and possessed the body of xen bronxe, he came to know many things in this time. In these two weeks he spend his time only in his room, to avoid conversation with anyone, and to his surprise no one but the maid visited him. The maid would come 3 time's a day to his room bringing his 3 meals of the day. Once every 3 days he would receive a set of clothes and his old clothes were taken for laundry.

He spent most of his time trying to read, and practicing speaking the language, it was only after one week as he understood some words written in the book, as he discovered that one book contained the grammar of this new language.

The words were drawn in symbols of the objects that made the sound, for example the word T was written as a symbol of something falling to the ground and producing the "Thh" sound and so on and so forth. This was the end of his second week, In which he started understanding the meaning of some words, and could form a few sentences, although he couldn't speak as fluently, but now he could somewhat understand what others were saying, and started to improve his pronunciation of words.

He was currently in his room reading about the history of his family and kingdom, from the crescent symbol present on the knights armor outside of his room, and on the maids uniform. He knew that he was currently residing in the house of one of the main Noble's of the empire "The house of Bronxe" it was the house of Duke piro bronxe, the cousin of the current king. According to the family tree in the book,The duke had 3 official wife's from the house of nobility, other Womans rather then the official wife's were not mentioned in the book, but the Duke's children were mentioned.

The duke had 23 children's and only five were from the official wife's other's were from Duke illegitimate affairs, Which he had with many women's. Although his name was mentioned in the book, which he had come to know from the maid. but his mothers name was not mentioned meaning, he was one of the illegitimate children of the Duke, and further more, he was the 18th child which made him very low in the ranking.

As he was reading, there was a knock on the door. Liam gazed in the direction of the door and said with an irritated expression 'Come..' After hearing his voice, the maid Lily came in with a Tray, which contained a bowl of porridge, and some fruits. This was the only type of food Liam had eaten in two weeks, but the reason for his irritated expression was something else. Liam had keen eye's, and judging by the situation around him, he could tell that something was wrong.

Even though he was an illegitimate child, but he was still a noble, judging by the outfit he saw the children of the official wife's wearing from his window, He knew that they were discriminating between the official's and the illegitimate's, he had expected it to be on some degree, but this was increasing day by day. He saw his official brothers bullying their illegitimate brother's, and the amount of food he was getting was also decreasing day by day. The amount of food compared to his first day was unbelievable, they were treating us as commoners, as if trying to keep us in check.

Liam already knew that, there was also a possibility of this maid being a spy of the official wife's, thats was the reason he still remained quiet. In spite of now knowing how to speak. He remained calm whenever the maid arrived and only said few word's like 'come', 'yes' and 'leave' they were the only words he had said to the maid. The maid came in bowed infront of Liam, and put the tray on the side table and left.

This was a special day, as it was the day when liam had decided to go out of his room, and roam around the fortress of bronxe. According to the book liam was reading the bronxe duchy was very big almost as big as a mid-sized kingdom. The bronxe house had two fortresses, one was the main house, where his father "piro bronxe" lived, and the other was the house he was currently residing in. This fortress was made for the duke's children, that were still not adults, In this world one became an adult at the age of 16, that meant he had only 2 years left untill he left for the main house and fights for the right of the throne. As he was now confident in speaking the language, he had to roam around the fortress, and listen to rumors and other information he couldn't get from the book.

Liam closed the book he was reading and got up from the bed, he wore the clothes he had, and looked at himself in the mirror. The clothes were rather loose and baggy. but he was still looking ok, he thought as he moved towards the door and opened it. The knight was startled as he was half asleep. Liam gazed at him, and left the hallway leading to stairs.

When liam arrived on the stairs, At the end of the stairs, he saw his official brother's were bullying his illegitimate brother's. He ignored the situation and silently slid pass them. He made his way to the garden, and went to the empty space he had always seen from his window, it was actually the wall connecting to the servant quarter's. Non of the official's went to this place, because they thought it reeked of peasent's.

Liam's main goal was to enter the servant quarters, to listen to rumors and information that he couldn't receive from books. He wanted to aquire some basic common knowledge, and information about his siblings, to survive in this family.

Liam tried to climb the tree beside the wall of servant quarters, as he reached the branch closest to the wall. He jumped on the edge of the wall, and slipped from the edge to the other side, as the wall was not so large, he didn't get any major injuries but had roughed up his hands, this was nothing compared to how he struggled back on earth. He quickly got back up and brushed off the dirt on his clothes, and as he looked up at the place in front of him he said. 'So this is the servant quarters.'