
Warlock of the Magus World: immortality

Ron, a brilliant scientist in his past life, is reborn as Leylin Farlier in a WMW in a European Middle Ages, a world filled with powerful magicians and hidden forces. Obsessed with the pursuit of immortality, Ron's scientific mind and unrelenting ambition are reborn within him. Driven by his unending desire to escape death, Ron has to learn the ways of the Magus, a group of powerful sorcerers. Here, knowledge and magical abilities are everything. Ron combines his scientific knowledge with the mysterious powers of the magicians and begins a perilous journey to gain immense power and achieve immortality. On this journey, Ron makes an unexpected discovery: a highly advanced A.I. Chip that can do things that should be impossible in this magical world. With the chip's help, he enhances ancient spells and unlocks forgotten wisdom, breaking free from the limitations that hold back other magicians. Ron transforms into a powerful Magus and is headed for a destiny that will change everything. Disclaimer this fanfiction of a novel called warlock of the magus world. also I got inspired by other fanfic novel so there will be similar content. (WARLOCK OF THE MAGUS WORLD FAN FICTION) Thank you.

matt_the_creator · Book&Literature
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Chapter 16: The Quest for Immortality

Chapter 16: The Quest for Immortality

Ron's steps carried him to the "Ghosts With Grievances Don't Weep" inn. A faint smile played on his lips as he pushed the creaking door open, revealing a desolate establishment devoid of patrons.

Approaching the counter, Ron tossed a golden coin and commanded, "Give me ten private rooms."

The shop owner, seemingly surprised by this extravagant request, responded enthusiastically, "Yes, sir!"

He handed Ron ten oily keys and hollered, "Pinky! Pinky! Don't keep me waiting, or I'll peel your skin!"

A dwarf in a pointed hat, named Pinky, appeared quickly. "Respected Sir, Pinky is at your service."

Pinky, comically dressed in a green costume, received instructions from the owner. "Take our esteemed guests to the rooms upstairs. You know which ones."

Pinky touched his hat and led the way, with Ron and the others following.

"Choose your rooms," Ron instructed his companions. He handed nine keys to Glenn and went to a room with Anna.

After a session of relaxation, Ron summoned Glenn and Fraser.

"Young Master," both bowed.

"I want you to buy a house nearby for use as our base of operations. Go tonight, and take Anna with you. She will provide you with her orders. Be discreet about it."

"As you command, Young Master," all three agreed.

Currently lacking a spatial bag, Ron needed a place to store the rare herbs he would collect from Dylan Gardens until his return from the academy. He decided to postpone selling them until he reached Rank 1 Magus.

"I'll need to visit the academy soon. I require the Advanced Potion Formula from Kroft, the 'Branded Swordsman' scripture from Dorotte, and many spells available at an extremely low cost. I also need access to the advanced lab for refining the bloodline," Ron contemplated.

Knowing he would need to visit the academy, Ron deferred any advancement and decided to participate in the Bloodbath. His life wasn't in danger, and he could buy Grine Water afterward, ensuring his transition to Rank 1 Magus would have minimal repercussions.

Ten days later, nine shadows silently vanished in the town under the dim starlight. A few indistinct figures left the town and headed for the entrance of the Zither Moon Mountain Plains.

Ron had left the town with his guards, leaving Glenn and Fraser to assist Anna in securing a safe house. They moved swiftly through the night, making their way through the dense foliage.

Upon arriving at the Zither Moon Mountain Plains, they encountered a striking transformation. The vegetation had become bizarre, with unusual plants dominating the landscape.

One common sight was a species of white shrubs with spiral-shaped leaves that produced a cacophonous sound resembling piano keys when rustled by the wind.

"Careful! These are Piano Key Bushes. Their noise can attract regular humans and even affect acolytes," Ron cautioned. His party had been provided with enhanced tranquilizing potions to resist the effect.

As they progressed, they encountered traps with poisonous gases and ambushes, necessitating the use of potions provided by Ron, who had enlisted a Potioneering acolyte for this purpose.

The journey continued with encounters of miasma and swarms of poisonous insects. Ron's provisions made it easy for the party to navigate these danger zones.

Two days later, they reached the overhanging cliff depicted on the map. Bright yellow flowers grew at its edge, their centers a vivid red. The cliff was nearly insurmountable, with granite rocks and steep walls.

"Only those who carry courage and respect will be able to see the Dylan Gardens," Ron recited from the map and smiled. "One must carry a Beta Daisy. Otherwise, the secret plane won't open."

Ron plucked a Beta Daisy and instructed his companions to do the same. They jumped from the cliff, carried by the flowers.

During the rapid descent, Ron felt the pressure on his skin nearly overwhelm him, but a smile remained on his face. Mid-fall, a circle of light appeared on the precipice, and they passed through it into another dimension.

They landed in a dark cave. Ron and his party swiftly drew their swords, prepared for what lay ahead. Ron stood ready to confront the Black Horrall Snake.