
Warlock of the Magus World: immortality

Ron, a brilliant scientist in his past life, is reborn as Leylin Farlier in a WMW in a European Middle Ages, a world filled with powerful magicians and hidden forces. Obsessed with the pursuit of immortality, Ron's scientific mind and unrelenting ambition are reborn within him. Driven by his unending desire to escape death, Ron has to learn the ways of the Magus, a group of powerful sorcerers. Here, knowledge and magical abilities are everything. Ron combines his scientific knowledge with the mysterious powers of the magicians and begins a perilous journey to gain immense power and achieve immortality. On this journey, Ron makes an unexpected discovery: a highly advanced A.I. Chip that can do things that should be impossible in this magical world. With the chip's help, he enhances ancient spells and unlocks forgotten wisdom, breaking free from the limitations that hold back other magicians. Ron transforms into a powerful Magus and is headed for a destiny that will change everything. Disclaimer this fanfiction of a novel called warlock of the magus world. also I got inspired by other fanfic novel so there will be similar content. (WARLOCK OF THE MAGUS WORLD FAN FICTION) Thank you.

matt_the_creator · Book&Literature
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Chapter 17: The Alchemical Showdown

Chapter 17: The Alchemical Showdown

Sssii! * * Sssii! *

The incessant hiss of a serpent's tongue filled the air.

Bang! *

A colossal black figure surged forward under the cover of darkness, charging at the knights.

"Except you three, take the 'pill'," Ron commanded, pointing to one Grand Knight and two regular Knights.

He tossed an illuminating potion that burst midair, flooding the cave with light.

Ron squinted at the creature before him. It was a massive black serpent, over a dozen meters long, covered in rhombus-shaped scales. A red line ran down its back, and a stubby horn adorned its head, emanating potent energy waves. Triangular-shaped pupils beneath the horn glowed like amber as they locked onto Ron and his companions.

"A.I. Chip, scan the stats of the Black Horrall Snake in front of me," Ron ordered, even though he was already aware of its capabilities.

[Beep! Target stats: Strength: 18, Agility: 15, Vitality: 20, Spiritual force: 22. Abilities – 1. Scales Defence: The Black Horrall Snake's rhombus scales have a defensive force field that makes it immune to physical and magical attacks under 5 degrees. It also has significant resistance against attacks of 5 degrees or more. 2. Shadow Stealth: Inherited from the Kemoyin Serpent, this ability allows the Black Horrall Snake to enter a stealth state, concealing its energy waves. 3. Lightning Blaze: Emits a lightning flame from the horn. Estimated attack level: 12 to 15 degrees. Status: Extremely weak!]


Before the Knights could react, the Black Horrall Snake hissed piercingly. Its massive body writhed, and its tail lashed out, shaking the cave. Ron didn't expect the Knights to harm the snake; they were there to buy time and distract the creature.

Ron roared, hurling attack potions at the snake.

Bang! *

The potions exploded upon contact with the snake's scales, but it remained unfazed and lunged at a Knight, swallowing him whole.

A bulge formed in the snake's neck, and after a brief struggle, it went still. All this occurred in a matter of seconds.

The Grand Knight, his eyes frenzied, attacked the snake's scales with his silver sword, knocking loose a few palm-sized scales.

"Hisssssss!" The snake hissed angrily and swung its tail like a black lightning bolt, sending another Knight flying against the cave wall.

Hua La La! * Rocks and mud fell, revealing a gruesome mess.

"Cloud of Afterlife!" Ron unleashed his signature spell. A large, murky green cloud enveloped the Black Horrall Snake, emitting corrosive sounds.

After the dark green mist dissipated, the massive snake's scales were still gleaming. However, the flesh around the wound from the Grand Knight's attack had turned purple-black due to Ron's high-purity spiritual force.

The snake looked dispirited, indicating Ron's attacks had taken their toll.

"All together!" Ron shouted at his Knights, and all but one Grand Knight joined the assault.

Bang! *

The snake lost its balance and crashed to the ground, raising dust and rock fragments. The Grand Knight attempted to drive a sword through its head.

The Black Horrall Snake's eyes revealed a ferocious expression.

Bang! *

An immense wave of spiritual force struck the Grand Knight's chest, sending him flying backward, blood spewing from his mouth.

Ron retrieved the cross blade from his waist. With an incantation, frost covered it, thanks to Frost Alchemy Runes, temporarily upgrading it to the equivalent of a low-grade magic artifact. The blade was about to break after use.

He raised the frost greatsword and ordered, "Attack it. I'm going up."

After releasing an explosive amount of spiritual force to harm the Grand Knight, the Black Horrall Snake writhed wildly, surging with energy waves.

"Cross Blade Slash!" Ron's muscles bulged as he wielded the sword with his Grand Knight strength. With a mighty roar, he jumped high into the air, creating two slashing arcs that intersected, forming a large 'X.' Frost condensed on the 'X,' transforming it into an ice-covered blade aimed at the snake's neck.

*Chi! *

The icy 'X' sliced through the snake's neck, scales fell, and the area was encased in ice. A cross-shaped wound now marred the Black Horrall Snake, and black and red blood poured from it.

"Hisssssss!" The snake cried out in agony, thrashing its body and shaking the cave.

"Hisssssssssssss!" After its frenzied outburst, the snake unexpectedly calmed down. Scales, skin, flesh, and bones turned transparent, vanishing entirely.

"Hurry! Defensive formation!" Ron ordered his Knights, who quickly encircled him. This was the moment he had been waiting for, as the snake couldn't hold out much longer after his attack, even if it killed more Knights.

The illuminating potion brightened the cave, and all traces of the snake vanished. It was as though the massive serpent had disappeared.


A flicker appeared in the air where Ron had originally stood. The Black Horrall Snake materialized, and from its head, a deadly light flashed. It clamped its jaws on the Grand Knight nearest to Ron's initial location.


A powerful explosion occurred inside the snake's mouth as the Grand Knight used the Explosive Potion provided by Ron.