
Warlock of the Magus World: immortality

Ron, a brilliant scientist in his past life, is reborn as Leylin Farlier in a WMW in a European Middle Ages, a world filled with powerful magicians and hidden forces. Obsessed with the pursuit of immortality, Ron's scientific mind and unrelenting ambition are reborn within him. Driven by his unending desire to escape death, Ron has to learn the ways of the Magus, a group of powerful sorcerers. Here, knowledge and magical abilities are everything. Ron combines his scientific knowledge with the mysterious powers of the magicians and begins a perilous journey to gain immense power and achieve immortality. On this journey, Ron makes an unexpected discovery: a highly advanced A.I. Chip that can do things that should be impossible in this magical world. With the chip's help, he enhances ancient spells and unlocks forgotten wisdom, breaking free from the limitations that hold back other magicians. Ron transforms into a powerful Magus and is headed for a destiny that will change everything. Disclaimer this fanfiction of a novel called warlock of the magus world. also I got inspired by other fanfic novel so there will be similar content. (WARLOCK OF THE MAGUS WORLD FAN FICTION) Thank you.

matt_the_creator · Book&Literature
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Chapter 15: The Pursuit of Immortality

Chapter 15: The Pursuit of Immortality

Ron had meticulously prepared for his upcoming journey. The return order would arrive in six months, providing a three-month window to return to the Academy. The journey from his current location to the Academy would take two months, affording him ample time to conquer Dylan Gardens and manage the items he obtained. However, to avoid any complications, Ron decided to leave soon.

"I was waiting for the A.I. Chip to finish examining 'Sentient Force,' which will be completed during the journey. Now, I need to take care of things here and set off," Ron thought to himself.

He instructed Anna to make arrangements for him to join his subordinates for dinner. Ron was not accustomed to involving himself in daily chores and left them to Anna, Greem, and others. He often secluded himself in the experiment lab. This sudden request from Ron startled Anna, but she quickly complied.

The hall in the manor was large enough to accommodate the master dining with his subordinates. Candles on a silver rack illuminated the room, while a long red table was set with various delicacies.

Leylin, sitting at the head of the table, observed the group in front of him. To his left and right were Fraser and Greem, his loyal knights. Leader of the Roran Hawks mercenary group, Fayern, was also present. Anna, his favored servant, was behind him, and she held a special position among the servants.

The crowd included many others, but Ron was only familiar with a few. He relied on the A.I. Chip to remember faces and names, as he did not bother with trivial matters.

As Ron tapped his glass with a silver spoon, the guests stood up, and he addressed them. His spiritual force had reached 15.2, and his imposing gaze commanded attention. Even Greem and Fraser bowed to him.

"From today onwards, the words of Rene and Shera will hold the same weight as mine. Their decisions must be obeyed," Ron declared.

The group obeyed his orders with reverence. Ron then instructed Anna, Greem, Fraser, and his other subordinates to come to his study room after dinner.

After dinner, Ron met with the trio who were aware of his magician identity. He explained his impending journey and their role in it.

Greem and Fraser, clad in leather armor, nodded in understanding. Anna, still wearing a low-cut blouse, appeared eager to accompany Ron.

With the trio taken care of, Ron turned to Anna and handed her a parchment paper containing letters of authority. These documents transferred control of his establishments in Extreme Night City to Rene and Shera. He explained that if he did not return within ten years, these assets would become theirs, and Viscount Jackson was a witness to the arrangement.

Ron hoped that these possessions would improve their lives, and his intentions remained inscrutable.

With these matters resolved, Ron was ready to dismantle the experiment lab and underground cells.

In Extreme Night City, Ron's decision to leave and entrust the manor to his attendants became a subject of discussion among commoners. Such an act was unusual among nobles. However, his attendants quickly asserted control, and Viscount Jackson lent his support.

Unconcerned with these events, Ron had already left the city.

The sky darkened as raindrops fell, and two carriages rushed down a road, stopping at a small town gate. After a brief conversation with the gatekeepers, they entered the town and parked at a small inn.

Ron and Anna disembarked from one carriage, while the other carried six people. Ron, removing his coat, revealed his youthful face with brown hair and jewel-like eyes.

He had finally reached Zither Moon Town after a four-month journey, making a few detours to visit magus hotspots and establish connections for future endeavors.

Zither Moon Town sat at the foot of Zither Moon Mountain Plains, and Ron observed the ten people who had traveled with him. Among them were Glenn, Fraser, and eight knight slaves he had acquired. Six of them were experienced knights, while the other two were grand knights.

The purchase had cost Ron 2,200 magic crystals, but he saw it as a reasonable investment. With the potential rewards from Dylan Gardens, the expenditure was justified. These guards would serve as cannon fodder.

Ron's obsession with immortality drove him forward, and he was prepared to do whatever it took to achieve his goals.