
Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

The era of the decline and fall of the galaxy has arrived, and the power to destroy the world has gathered unprecedentedly. The minions of the four evil gods are wreaking havoc in the real universe. The terrifying monsters and demon legions in the night of old have brought destruction and despair to countless human worlds. In the darkness, a ray of light emerged. Carrying countless human technologies, the soul from another world returned to life with the help of the body of the thirteenth parent and child of the imperial emperor. The battle between humans and evil gods is rekindled. In the name of the Emperor, countless human heroes gather again. Blood and corpses will pave the way for the glory of mankind. “As soon as I opened my eyes, you told me that human beings are about to die??”

Almighty_flex · Book&Literature
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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 203: Perturabo's Rage

 As soon as these words came out, many demon hunters who were noisy at first looked at each other in blank dismay.

  The conference hall was suddenly silent, and needles could be heard.

   Only the breathing of these witchers can be heard.

  They all signed a contract with the Lord of Suffering.

  If it is really the oracle of the Lord of Suffering, then they have to send it even if they die.

  The power of the contract is very powerful, and it is impossible to resist.

   "How is it possible, do you want us to die!"

"How can you do this!"

   "Bastards, are you spreading the oracle of the Lord of Suffering indiscriminately?"

   "Shameless, it must be your conspiracy. I don't believe that the Lord of Suffering will let us die."

   "How could it be possible to have such an outrageous oracle! Indigenous gods fight against interstellar civilization, isn't this courting death!"

  All high-level demon hunters questioned this news.

   They are warriors from the interstellar era, and they possess technologies and tactics that they do not understand.

  Let these demon hunters fight.

  Even if he has extraordinary abilities, it's probably not enough.

  My lord, times have changed.

   People are starship light spears, not aircraft carrier cannons, the gods are not suitable!

  If it was the industrial age or the Internet age, they still had hope of defeating each other.

  With their various extraordinary abilities and strange items, they can touch the opponent's machine guns and artillery.

  Now this kind of thing is impossible to touch.

  If someone drops a nuclear bomb in low-Earth orbit, their extraordinary ability will be of use.

   Isn't this a proper way to die!

   "This news is true, and it has been confirmed by several priests. The Lord of Suffering personally wrote the oracle, requesting the Church of the Lord of Suffering and the Demon Hunter Organization to expel foreigners by all means."

  The man opened the authorization document in his hand, and showed these rebellious traversers the contents inside.

   Few demon hunters looked at the content. Their gazes were all focused on the peculiar double-headed eagle mark shrouded in a faint golden glow.

   That is the emblem of the Lord of Suffering, and no one else can forge it.

  Seeing the evidence presented by the other party, all the high-ranking demon hunters who were noisy just now remained silent.

  As the contractors of the Lord of Suffering, they can naturally feel the imprint of the Lord of Suffering.

  The faint golden glow means that the content inside is approved by the Lord of Suffering.

  The oracle of the Lord of Suffering is very special.

  It will not directly reveal miracles, but the priests get the order of the Lord of Suffering through dreams and write it down.

  If it emits golden light and the double eagle emblem appears, it is the correct oracle.

  If there is no response, it is a misunderstanding.

   "Do you really want to expel those foreigners?" A high-ranking demon hunter took a few puffs of his pipe and looked at the man with a solemn expression.

   "This is God's will," said the man. "We have no other choice but to obey."

  The noisy high-ranking witchers all sat back in their seats.

  They are time travellers, they can become stronger through fighting and praying, and they also have the ability to resurrect.

  But they know that all their strength comes from the Lord of Suffering.

  The witcher bond binds them.

  They must fight for the Lord of Suffering, otherwise they will encounter the backlash of this force.

  In the past, their interests were the same as those of the Lord of Suffering.

   That is to find ways to expand the power of human beings.

  Now, what the demon hunter wants to do is to get along with those foreigners as much as possible. After all, this world is full of crises, so internal strife is really too stupid.

   The monsters in the mist are too powerful and terrifying. The technology of those foreigners may bring different changes to this world.

  The Lord of Suffering, who has always been aloof and rarely responded to by the world, now shows miracles and wants to expel those strangers, even at the expense of force.

   In this matter, they have no choice.

   Either submit to the Lord of Suffering.

   Either be obliterated by the power of the contract.

   "Why do we have to expel those foreigners." A high-ranking witcher asked puzzledly, "We have no irresolvable conflicts with them, and the other party has no intention of doing anything."

   "There is no revelation, the Lord of Suffering only issued an order to expel." The man said, "Act as soon as possible, and treat those damned foreigners as monsters and expel them from our world."

  After leaving this sentence, the man turned around and left, walked out of the witcher building, got into the church carriage and left.

   Trains can be powered by coal.

  Cars need oil to drive, and the technical content and requirements for machine tools are very strict.

  The current industrial strength is not enough to allow everyone to enjoy high-end industrial products such as cars.

  For this reason, most of the means of transportation in the city are horse-drawn carriages.

  A man is just a servant responsible for conveying the orders of the church.

   Now that the order has been conveyed, he naturally has no reason to stay.

  Several highly respected demon hunters stood in front of the window, watching the departing carriage, all showing a bitter smile at the same time.

   are all time travelers, and everyone has certain knowledge.

  Even if you haven't seen the real guy before time travel, you've seen all kinds of military exercises.

   Fighting an enemy whose technology is far superior to your own, you don't know how to die.

  Supernatural ability is not omnipotent.

  Even if it is a strange item, the range of action is not large, more than ten meters, even a hundred meters is considered a very high-end strange item.

  The task of the Lord of Suffering is really to let them die.

  Expel those aliens from the interstellar age. If the other party is an exploratory civilization, they will leave when they see that they are not welcome, and they will not say much to the backward natives.

  If the opponent is an expanding civilization, naturally a fierce battle cannot be avoided.

   At that time, I am afraid that the demon hunter organization will usher in an unimaginably tragic war.

  At the beginning, they all made a contract.

   Now that you want to repent, the price is not so high.

  The Cathedral of the Lord of Suffering is located in the center of the city.

   In front of it is the square where the sculpture of the Lord of Suffering stands.

   Covering a vast area, it is the most important gathering place for urban residents.

  This place usually announces various important information to citizens or initiates mobilization.

  Usually, it is a leisure place for residents.

   Across the square is the main building of the church, majestic and magnificent.

  The steeple clock tower is the tallest building in New York City.

  The spire bell tower has a history of nearly 500 years. After many repairs, it looks very mottled and old.

  The gate of the church is very thick, and it was considered to be used as the last bastion after the city fell.

  From the time the church was built until now, the gate has never been closed and has never been used.

  Stepping in, you can see the thick painted windows inside the church, depicting the achievements of the Lord of Suffering and the heavy sacrifices made by the ancestors to establish the New Testament City.

  Looking around the sides of the church, you can see sculptures standing in niches.

  Those sculptures are heroes who died in the past.

  They sacrificed their lives in this polluted land, allowing the human race to survive in the weird and foggy world.

  The top of the church is painted murals, which describe the heroic deeds that are widely spread and sung as stories

  In the interior of the church, there is a high platform.

  On the high platform is the sculpture of the Lord of Suffering.

  At first glance, you will feel that the gaze of the sculpture is very solemn, holding a long sword, vigilant against the enemy.

   Upon closer inspection, the expression of the sculpture is full of pity, as if secretly saddened by the human race that has suffered so much.

  The church is full of murals and paintings, as well as burning candles and incense, and the sound of prayer is mixed with the sound of priests preaching.

  Everything looks so divine.

   Behind the main church is the residence of the clergy and the Holy Family, which covers a large area and is very beautifully built.

  The Holy Family is the descendant of the first generation of traversers who established New Testament City.

  They claim to be divine descendants, and the high-level positions in the church basically come from their families.

  After thousands of years, the Holy Family has prospered, and the population flowing with the so-called holy blood has accounted for one-fifth or more of New Testament City.

   After all, this family generally rarely undertakes combat missions, and is responsible for preaching and managing these tasks.

   Their average life expectancy is much higher than that of other families.

  After developing for a long time, their population will naturally increase, and their lives are very decent.

   In the depths of the ground nearly 300 meters above the ground, there is an underground space of astonishing scale.

  This underground space already existed here when the church was built.

   It was originally designed here to suppress monsters that are hard to kill.

   It's a pity that after the church was built, no prisoners were ever held here.

   On the contrary, it has undergone a brand new decoration, making it look very luxurious.

   This is the secret place of the Church of the Lord of Suffering.

   Only a few people know that the creator of the New Testament City lives here, that is, the ancestor of the Holy Family.

  The ancestors of the Holy Family founded New Testament City, regarded it as their own private property, passed it on to their next generation, and laid the foundation of the Holy Family.

   In countless propaganda, the heirs of the Holy Family are noble.

   is the master of New Testament City and the savior leading mankind.

   Only by uniting under the command of the Holy Family can the suffering people create a bright future and defeat the terrible fog.

   Travelers are quite dissatisfied with this kind of inheritance and personality worship.

  But they don't have their own fundamental forces, and the belief of the Lord of Suffering is controlled by the Holy Family, so they can only acquiesce in this order.

  Travelers and members of the Holy Family who are not direct descendants are generally not allowed to enter inside the church.

   For this reason, the outside world does not know that the first batch of traversers are still alive.

   No one would think this way.

   After all, a thousand years have passed since the founder of New Testament City was active.

  Thousands of years are enough to erase a lot of things, it is a very long time.

  The ancestors have been living in the bottom of the church, very secret, unknown to outsiders.

  They secretly control the holy family composed of their blood descendants, and let those clansmen do things for them.

  For a long time, relying on the vision and vision of the traversers, they have allowed the Holy Family to lead the development of industry and commerce, becoming an out-and-out behemoth, with strong control over every world and town.

  Even traversers cannot challenge the position of the Holy Family.

  The Holy Family controls industry, politics, economy, and faith.

   There is still a thousand years of life behind him, and he is also the ancestor of the traversers.

  Other traversers fight against them!

  After the ancestors founded the New Testament City, every summoned traverser can only be at their mercy.

  The living conditions of a demon hunter are good, but every mission is full of dangers.

  Casualties are even more common.

  But why do time travelers continue to become demon hunters instead of doing business or other easy jobs.

  The reason is that besides this job, they have no other job to do.

  By manipulating the economy and politics, the Holy Family blocked other paths for travelers.

  If you want to improve your social status, live a comfortable life, have money and have money, and want a woman to have a woman's life, the traveler can only "voluntarily" become a demon hunter, otherwise, he will live a poor life.

  The story of the stranger reached the Holy Family.

   It was passed on to those ancestors who have been living under the church through special channels.

  The underground space and the outside are two completely different worlds.

  The surrounding is made of white steel and silver plates, the air is clean and sterile, and very comfortable.

  The standard of living here is at least an era ahead of the outside world.

  Has a variety of modern refrigerators, air conditioners, air switches and other living equipment.

   Even if they live underground, these founding ancestors who have lived for a thousand years can live comfortably.

  The ground is covered with a thick and soft red carpet, which is soft and comfortable to step on, all of which are carefully woven by hand.

   Huge crystal chandeliers hang from the ceiling, they are the sun of the underground space, providing bright light.

  In the central area of ​​the underground space, there is a silver door.

  It is engraved with various protective runes and a huge eagle emblem.

  In front of the gate, there is also a password lock that requires fingerprint and pupil verification.

  The mechanism installed in the wall will be activated after entering the password, will release poisonous gas and barrage, and will also activate various anti-transcendent mysterious runes.

   No ordinary person or witcher with extraordinary powers could have survived such a situation.

  Under the church representing superstition and ignorance, such advanced technology is hidden, which seems a bit out of place.

   Only the ancestors can enter here.

   Only their fingerprints and pupil information can open this heavily guarded core building.

   Inside the building, there is a huge group of light that exudes golden brilliance.

  The light group was tightly bound by countless iron chains carved with runes.

   A log table was built around the light group, and the seven ancestors of the holy family sat in front of the table.

"He's back." One of the ancestors whispered, "We stole his power back then, but now, those strangers come back with his wrath, we have to be prepared not to let them destroy us All that hard work."

  The building of the New Testament city is all thanks to the Lord of Suffering.

  As the first generation of traversers, the ancestors were not very interested in the theory of gods and ghosts, nor did they have any sense of awe.

  They were summoned by the Lord of Suffering and signed a contract,

  Borrowing the strength of the other party, the city was built as promised, and the church that belonged to him was built.

  plans to use the power of faith to open the tunnel so that his power can enter this world.

  The cooperation was very good in the early stage, but the ancestors who had mastered the power saw the continuous arrival of traversers.

  This makes them feel a sense of crisis.

   You know, in their respective worlds, they are just ordinary people.

  After arriving here, I managed to build up a little career and gained fame, wealth and love.

  If the Lord of Suffering keeps calling the traversers like this, and keeps signing contracts with the traversers, then sooner or later they will disappear from everyone.

   I have been mediocre for a lifetime, and then I will continue to be mediocre!

  How can this kind of thing be tolerated!

  They must firmly control this power, and let their descendants also enjoy this superior power.

  Labor and management have worked so hard to build a foundation. Why should future generations enjoy the blessings? Why can't my heirs inherit it?

  In order to achieve their own goals, the ancestors cooperated with certain creatures in the mist in the dark.

  Work together to close the portal for the Lord of Suffering to enter this world, and take the opponent's power as his own.

   Also killed a group of traversers, using their pure souls to deliver the rewards of the mist creatures.

  The light cluster in front of them is said to be a fragment of the body of the Lord of Suffering, and it is also the source of the power of faith for human beings in this world.

   In a sense, they are actually the masters of suffering in this world.

  The so-called oracles are issued by manipulating fragments.

  Ordinary demon hunters have no ability to question at all.

  They don't know what the real Lord of Suffering is.

  With the help of the light group, the seven ancestors glimpsed the strangers who suddenly appeared in the border town.

  As long as the Church of the Lord of Suffering is located, they can use the light group to spy on it.

  The Lord of Suffering is already a god.

   It is not difficult to do this.

  They stole each other's power, so naturally they also possess this mysterious ability.

"Even if he comes back, so what! We have mastered this power, even if his minions come back, we can drive them out." Another ancestor said, with golden light flowing in his pupils, powerful power flowing in his strong body.

"Don't be so arrogant, they have powerful technology. Isn't this world a weird world! Why is the level of technology of his minions so high?" One of the ancestors looked at a human with various mechanical tentacles on his body, The tone was a little surprised.

  As time travelers, they have naturally read many related novels.

   It's just that the protagonists in those novels travel through certain worlds.

  They thought they had traveled to a weird world controlled by evil gods.

  But now, the technological equipment in the hands of those foreigners caught them off guard.

  They have a very **** feeling.

   It's like a person who has practiced in the martial arts world for 30 years and just wants to dominate the world for thousands of years.

   Then someone showed up in front of him with a bazooka and said, "Stupid, times have changed."

"Their technology is indeed a threat, but we are not helpless." The ancestor leader sitting on the main seat said, "We have His power in our hands. When necessary, we can find a way to reach an agreement with the existence of the mist. No matter how strong their technology is, they are **** in front of the power of the gods. How can technology that relies on foreign objects compare to the extraordinary path of great power attributed to itself? Those technological creations will gain a temporary advantage, but we will inevitably win the final victory ."

   "I reached an agreement with the existence of the mist, but I want to give them soul and flesh, so is it necessary to summon traversers on a large scale!" Another ancestor asked.

"Is there any problem? Isn't it a kindness to let them travel through time and have a chance to change their fate against the sky?" The ancestor leader sitting at the main seat said with a smile, "The weak will prey on the strong, the winner is the king, and those who can survive People naturally get wealth and women. This is the law of nature, and we just follow the trend."

"Summoning traversers on a large scale will consume the power of faith we have accumulated over the years, and will also weaken the protection of the Church of the Lord of Suffering for various regions. Should we withdraw the civilians from those border towns in advance and suspend the pioneering work?" The ancestor suggested, "After all, tens of thousands of civilians are involved,"

"It doesn't matter what the fate of tens of thousands of people is, don't make any noise. At this stage, we are going to use death to arouse the hatred of the people. When those people die because of this incident, we can put It is said that the invasion of foreigners caused their death. In this way, they can have hatred for those foreigners and unite against those foreigners."

  The ancestor leader sitting on the main seat had a cold tone, and his scheming was so vicious that it was unimaginable.

  In order to arouse the hatred of the people, they even did not hesitate to drive the civilians in the border town to a dead end.

   "This is not good, after all, we are human beings." Another ancestor couldn't bear it.

   "Then do you want to become a god? Or do you want to save them?" The ancestor leader sitting on the throne looked at the ancestor who couldn't bear it.

  Ask this question, the ancestors looked at each other and stopped talking.

   Naturally, he became a god.

  Does the death of those civilians have anything to do with them? ?

  Becoming a **** is the most important thing.

  As long as you get unlimited lifespan and powerful strength, you can get what you want!

  Give up your path of detachment for those fools, only fools would do that.

"Since no one objects, let's do it according to the plan. We who have His power have a great chance of winning, but we also need to unite everyone and let them become cannon fodder for us to consume each other. Necessary casualties are needed. And once we become gods, we will naturally be able to protect humans in turn, and there are only tens of thousands of casualties, isn't it worthwhile in exchange for our chance to become gods to protect humans?"

  The ancestor leader said calmly, not moved by his cruelty.

  At the beginning, it was he and the misty creature who designed to cut off the passage of the Lord of Suffering into this world.

   It was also he who designed to kill the traverser, just to consolidate his position and complete the transaction.

  Doing so much is not because he is cruel by nature, but because he has already set his goals.

  He will step up to the position of god, ignite the fire, overlook the **** of all living beings, and become the **** that all living beings bow down to.

  He can kill everyone for this purpose.

   Slaughter all living beings and achieve one's own way.


   "Only a fool would choose to be a god."

  In the dungeon where Cherubel was held, Guilliman summoned Marchai Kidd, the demon he beat up on the road of the warp.

  He wants to find some people to work in the Eye of Terror, to help him collect intelligence and grasp the enemy's dynamics.

  In order to be free, the summoned Marchai Kidd wants to use his knowledge of becoming a **** in exchange for Guilliman's termination of the contract.

  However, Guilliman satirized his conditions and was severely beaten.

   was trampled underfoot, let him recognize his slave status.

  Seeing such a brutal scene, Vinsenhorn and the priests were shocked even though they were well-informed.

  They all stared blankly at the imperial regent beating up an unknown demon.

  Becoming a **** is something that many people dream of, but the imperial regent is unmoved by it.

   This moved them.

  Vinsenhorn examines his heart, if he really has a plan to become a god, he may not be able to resist the temptation.

   All life has the fear of death.

  Even though the state religion proclaims that the human soul will be reborn under the Emperor's throne.

  But people are still afraid of death.

   The allure of immortal life is really great.

   "As long as you become a god, you can gain immortal life and become a powerful individual who overlooks all living beings and the destruction of the universe." Marchekid felt his face was suppressed by a mountain of creation.

   What is this emperor's father and son made of!

  Why is it so scary!

  The combined power of Sirian's gods is not as terrifying as him alone.

  What evil did I do in my previous life? I was expelled by the gods of Sirien, lost my **** position, and became an exiled great demon.

   Finally came to a brand new universe, and was forced to sign a slave contract.

  Is there still a king's law? ?

   Is there still a law? ?

   God of destiny in this universe, be yourself!

   Torturing people can't always catch one unlucky person.

  Guilliman was unmoved, and said mockingly, "Then you are also a god?"

"Naturally, I have lived for countless years. You can't imagine how long I have lived. As long as you become a god, you can have an immortal body and eternal lifespan like me. Even if the universe is destroyed, you can live safely Go down, look down at all beings, laugh at the ups and downs of the world, this is the power of God."

  Marchie Kidd said bewitchingly that he tried his best to make Guilliman show a little interest in becoming a god.

  As long as Guilliman wants something, he can find a way to confuse the other party, let himself be free, and even turn against the customer.

   "As a god? Why are you so weak?" Guilliman said word by word.

  Marchie Kidd's smile disappeared little by little on the face that was stepped on the ground.

  Slay the demon and punish the heart!

  It's really too much to hit a demon without hitting your face.

  Guilliman moved his feet, reached out and grabbed Marchey Kidd by the neck, and lifted him up.

   A tall demon with flame marks all over it.

   There was no way to fight back in his hands, and he picked it up like a chicken.

"I don't want to listen to your nonsense about becoming a **** anymore, and you don't have any idea of ​​freedom. The only way you can have freedom is to die. Death can make you have absolute freedom. If you need it, I can do it to you." With kindness."

   "My lord, I am willing to serve you forever, please don't banish me into eternal nothingness." Looking at the golden long sword in Guilliman's hand, Marchai Kidd could only choose to survive in humiliation.

  The sword in the opponent's hand is not a joke.

   It will really make him fall into eternal nothingness.

  Being deported to the eternal world of nothingness is definitely something that every native of the warp fears.

   That is death in the true sense.

   will not be resurrected, nor will it return.

  Everything about the dead will come to an end and be forgotten by the world.

   Hearing this, Guilliman put away his long sword.

   "I'm asking you something, how much do you know about the Eye of Terror?"

   "My lord, I know very little. I'm usually only active in the depths of the subspace." Marche Kidd whispered.

   "Trash." Guilliman said unceremoniously, "I'm still a devil, I don't know anything."

   Cherubel on the side was shocked when he heard this.

   Being PUAed by Guilliman for a long time, he once doubted the meaning of his magic life!

  Now another demon is said to be trash, which immediately makes him happy.

  If everyone is trash, Cherubel's heart will be much more balanced.

  Hearing Guilliman's words, Marchey Kidd almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

   Being called trash like this.

   It's the first time I've lived for so long.

   If it wasn't really impossible to fight, I would have raised my fist to prove that the king of branding should not be insulted.

   "I'm sorry, Lord Guilliman, in the future, I will definitely search for relevant information as much as possible." Marchai Kidd suppressed the anger in his heart, and said word by word.


   Guilliman landed a punch on Marchey Kidd's face.

   Even though the opponent was a big demon, his skull was almost cracked, and he was about to be sent back to the subspace to be reborn on the spot.

   "Doing things for me, are you wronged? Why are you gnashing your teeth? Why is there no smile?" Guilliman said.

  As soon as these words came out, Marche Kidd only felt that he had been stabbed in the heart again.

  You **** me up and made me smile.

  I'm not human, but you can't go too far!

  Feeling the threat of Guilliman's gaze, Marchey Kidd grinned and showed a smile.

   "I'm sorry, Lord Guilliman, in the future, I will definitely search for relevant information as much as possible."

  Guilliman stared at it for a while, then shook his head, "Forget it, you better stop laughing, it's too ugly."

   Marche Kidd:

  Don't let me find a chance, mortal, otherwise, you will definitely know what cruelty is.

   Today's humiliation must be repaid a hundredfold by you.

   "Go and collect enough information for me, remember this time is just forgiving you. If you still can't provide any value next time, then go to die."

  Guilliman threw Marchey Kidd and fell heavily to the ground.

  The moment he landed, Marchey Kidd didn't hesitate at all.

  He immediately turned into black mist and disappeared, fleeing back to the subspace.

   If he stays any longer, he will suspect Mo Sheng.

  Cherubel also closed his mouth very honestly and stopped talking.

   Getting Guilliman's attention is not a good thing.

   This guy is so moody.

  Demon Prince, now

  Vinsenhorn came up, "My lord, do you want to continue summoning other demons?"

  Guilliman waved his hand, "No, number one. Their intelligence is probably nothing new. Send them a message and ask them to pay attention to the activities of the Eye of Terror forces."

   After a moment of silence, Guilliman spoke, "A batch of aliens will be transported recently, find a barren planet, and sacrifice them to those demons."

   "My lord, do we really want to feed those demons? Chaos should be the enemy of all civilizations. Will it be a bit..." Vinsenhorn didn't finish.

  Guilliman knew what he wanted to say.

"Chaos is the great enemy of all civilizations, but do you think those alien civilizations will join hands with humans? The dangers of aliens are sometimes no less than the invasion of chaos, beast wars, Tyranids, and Tau wandering on the border of the empire. Those of the Skaven tribe have caused no less slaughter than Chaos, and many of them have turned to Chaos and regarded the dark gods as the truth."

   "I have my own sense of proportion in this matter. If we want to establish a human intelligence network in subspace, we must not abide by those rules too much. Morality and benevolence are used within human beings, and there is no need to pay attention to these with the enemy."

   "I understand, Regent, I will do this." Seeing Guilliman's firm attitude, Vinsenhorn stopped persuading him.

  Guilliman nodded, showing a smile, and patted Wensenhorn on the shoulder twice, "Take care of the matter here, I'll go first."

   After saying this, Guilliman turned and left, walked through the corridor, and took the encrypted elevator to leave.

  Vinsenhorn watched Guilliman leave, and then ordered the machine slave and his men to clean up the summoning site and strengthen the runes that imprisoned Cherubelle.

  Just as he walked back to his encrypted elevator, a slight vibration came.

   Not long after, Brehe, captain of the Macragge's Glory, sent a message to Guilliman.

   "My lord, we have jumped out of the subspace and reached the ghost star field."

   "Well done, Captain Breher, you have taken us safely through another subspace journey."

"My lord, you are too humorous. Regardless of the fact that it is my job to safely send passengers to their destinations, it is more because of you that I can complete the subspace voyage safely. Your reform of the Mechanicus has given us More protective measures."

"Don't always put the credit on me alone, Captain Breher, you must know that no one can replace your importance to the Macragge's Glory. Go and inform the Eldar Prophet-Nata Si, let him help us open the webway entrance." Guilliman said, "There is one more thing, tell all the troops, from now on, enter a state of first-level combat readiness, and we will face a **** battle."

   "Understood, my lord." After finishing speaking, Breher hung up the communication.

  Guilliman walked to the porthole of the passage, staring at the starting point of his trip.

  Massive blue-white stars spewing radiation and heat.

   There are not many members in this galaxy, only a gaseous planet and an earth-like planet named Ghost Star.

  The data about the ghost star is entering Guilliman's personal database through the communication network.

   It took Guilliman less than half a minute to memorize the information about the entire galaxy.

   Primarch possesses extraordinary memory.

   After receiving the blessing of dominance, Guilliman's memory also improved.

  He can remember anything he wants.

  Even just a glance can firmly engrave it in my mind.

  Ghost Star is an ancient planet.

   It once had oceans and was a habitable world.

   It was ruined by the war waged by humans and Iron Man during the Golden Age.

  The ocean disappeared in that madness that no one remembers, leaving only a sea bed of black rock, turning it into a black ball of steel streaked with silvery veins.

  There is a webway entrance on this barren planet, which is one of the few passages that can lead to the depths of the Eye of Terror after the great event of the fall of the Eldar.

  Many webways were destroyed at the first shriek of the evil **** Slaanesh.

  Of course, entering the Eye of Terror, even with the help of the Internet, may not be absolutely safe.

  Many webways have demons, and they become very active when augmented by webways.

   The unlucky ones who strayed into it rarely survived.

   This is destined to be a road full of wars.

  The fleet slowly approached the ghost star, suspended in low-earth orbit, waiting for the opening of the webway entrance.

  Escorted by Primordial Warriors, Natas boarded a human transport boat and went to the ground to open the entrance to the webway.

  After the Great Fall, many webway entrances were closed to prevent the demons from invading the Arkworld.

  The same is true for this channel of Ghost Star.

  Natas has to be re-opened to use the webway entrance here.

  Eye of Terror.

  The home planet of the Iron Warriors.

  Here stands countless steel buildings with sharp edges and corners, piercing the chaotic sky filled with etheric power.

   Those buildings are all foundries and manufacturing plants.

  The slaves plundered from the empire worked like machines.

   Obedience - Labor - Loyalty.

  These words stretch across the metal walls in all directions.

  Each character is ten meters high, with traces of corrosion over the years, leaving scars on the screw-fixed plastic steel.

  Busy assembly lines will be hung with chains or iron cages.

  Used to punish those disobedient guys.

  Many of those who were punished are already dead.

   Some of them have even been dried by the wax, shriveled and placed in iron cages or hung on iron chains.

   Unless someone else can take their place, they will be hung forever.

  These punished represent the will of the Iron Warriors.

  Any disobedience invites punishment instead of mercy.

  They are as cold and unfeeling as steel.

   Countless factories are like this. The slaves repeat their work day in and day out. Except for the necessary rest, they are working.

  The only reward given to them is the continuation of life.

   Other than that, nothing.

   At the center of those factory clusters is a huge and magnificent steel fortress.

  The fortress is full of weapons and traps, which are extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be torn apart by those weapons and traps.

   No force of Chaos would dare claim to have captured that fortress.

  Its degree of defense is not inferior to the Terra Palace of the Human Empire.

   There are only a handful of people in the entire galaxy who can design such a fortress.

   Those people were once hailed as demigods, the embodiment of war.

  They once dragged the galaxy into an endless war and set countless worlds ablaze.

   And the designer of the fortress is one of them.

   That was Perturabo who had commanded the rebel army to attack the Terra Palace, and was only one step away from breaking through the palace.

   Perturabo, sitting on the Iron Throne, stared at the person below.

   "You said Guilliman was trying to get into the Eye of Terror?"