
Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

The era of the decline and fall of the galaxy has arrived, and the power to destroy the world has gathered unprecedentedly. The minions of the four evil gods are wreaking havoc in the real universe. The terrifying monsters and demon legions in the night of old have brought destruction and despair to countless human worlds. In the darkness, a ray of light emerged. Carrying countless human technologies, the soul from another world returned to life with the help of the body of the thirteenth parent and child of the imperial emperor. The battle between humans and evil gods is rekindled. In the name of the Emperor, countless human heroes gather again. Blood and corpses will pave the way for the glory of mankind. “As soon as I opened my eyes, you told me that human beings are about to die??”

Almighty_flex · Book&Literature
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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 204: Siege Guilliman

   "Yes, Lord of Iron."

  He came from afar, Ahriman said to Perturabo, neither humble nor overbearing.

   "He has arrived at Ghost Planet, and those Eldar are preparing to help him open the webway. Soon, he will enter the Eye of Terror."

  Ariman has lived for tens of thousands of years, and he was born in the richest area of ​​Terra - the Achaemenid Empire.

  The leaders of this region were the first to surrender when the Emperor launched the Unification War.

  Before the Great Crusade began, Ahriman and his brother Ohm were accepted into the Thousand Sons.

  Ohm is the core figure of the Thousand Sons and is highly respected.

   Before the return of the Primarch, he led the Thousand Sons for a while.

  It's a pity that this hero died of severe flesh and blood mutation.

  Having lost his younger brother, Ahriman suffered from mental trauma, and thus buried his paranoia that he must solve the mutation of flesh and blood.

  This kind of obsession made him make a fatal mistake in the scarlet letter spell.

   That spell did save some of the Thousand Sons from the crisis of flesh and blood mutation.

  However, some thousand sons whose souls were not strong enough became scarlet warriors without flesh and soul.

  Because of this, the enraged Magnus drove him out, making him a wanderer.

  In these years, Ahriman has been active all over the galaxy, looking for various ways to reverse the scarlet spell.

  After the Great Rift happened, he got a new clue.

  The black library is said to have the answer to this problem.

  So, he was planning to enter the black library again.

  The existence of the black library is very special, it is a place that is said to hide countless knowledge.

   Entering it, you can find the solution to all these problems, and you can also find your own way to become a god.

   For this reason, Ahriman is very keen on the black library.

   After throwing himself into Chaos, Ahriman was different from others.

  He doesn't care about any evil **** at all, and firmly believes that he has nothing to do with Tzeentch.

  Even if he often gets the favor of this evil god, he is regarded by the other party as one of the most powerful champions.

  His dream is to become a **** of witchcraft, rebelling against the fate set by the gods.

  However, his rebellious and uncontrollable rebellious behavior made him get closer to the way of Tzeentch.

  The power of the gods is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

  Even if the other party is not their own believer, or even their own enemy, they can be influenced and manipulated to follow the path designed by the gods for them.

  Words of Magnus' defeat at Pharos spread throughout the Warp.

   Tzeentch's champion, a demon primarch who claims to have infinite wisdom, was plotted by his brother and almost died on the spot in Pharos.

  Among them, the emperor who had been silent for a long time also showed his power, and directly injured the mighty Magnus, almost killing him on the spot.

   Magnus' scream unleashed a violent warp storm.

  This incident caused quite a stir, and many demons stood up in fear of the Emperor.

   Ahriman naturally knew about this.

   And planning to avenge Magnus.

  As a Thousand Sons warrior, even though he was expelled, Ahriman still regarded Magnus as his father.

   Being expelled after the scarlet letter incident was not because Magnus was heartless.

   It was his arrogance that made all of Magnus' efforts go to waste.

   In the past, in the Terra Palace.

   Magnus refused the emperor because he was unwilling to give up those flesh-and-blood mutated offspring.

   And the Emperor refused to forgive the Thousand Sons.

   Eventually led to a complete break between father and son, and Magnus ascended to become a demon primarch.

   And his scarlet letter spell transformed all the blood-mutated Thousand Sons Warriors into soulless scarlet letters.

   This makes Magnus' sacrifice and betrayal a joke.

  Peturabo stood up from the Iron Throne.

  Before he was promoted, he was already a giant.

  After receiving the power of Chaos, he became stronger and more magnificent, like a giant of silver and steel wrapped in thick armor.

  The heavy armor that originated from the empire has long been transformed beyond recognition. Rather than being built for living people, it is more like a solid sarcophagus.

  The edges of that set of battle armor are alternately yellow and black, with scars and welds from tens of thousands of wars on it.

  Its texture is unusually lively, like a piece of iron-meat skin.

  The Lord of Steel didn't wear a helmet, revealing the noble face of the past.

  His head had become a necrotic and discolored nightmare.

   Thick threaded cables dug into his skull, hissing data and energy through his scalp and into his brain.

  A pair of pure and flawless eyes like black gemstones, carrying the majesty of the Iron King, as deep and invisible as the eternal abyss.

   No one would be willing to look at such eyes, it is enough to swallow all souls.

   "You want me to stop him." Perturabo turned his head and stared at Ahriman, that terrifying gaze was like that of an evil beast from the warp.

  Even if the devil saw that kind of gaze, he would probably scream in fear.

   "Great Lord of Steel, this is my goal. Guilliman's army is getting stronger and stronger, and he is already arrogant enough to declare war on the gods." Ahriman stabilized his mind and said his goal.

   Cheating is pointless.

  Peturabo is the Primarch.

   Few are able to deceive a Primarch.

  Peturabo walked back and forth, knowing that Guilliman hated him absolutely as much as he hated the Empire.

  If there is a chance, Guilliman will never let him go.

   It is a wise choice to strangle the opponent and prevent the opponent from continuing to grow stronger.

   "What is he doing in the Eye of Terror? Or what does he want to get?"

  Perturabo wants to know more.

  As the former commander of the Primarch who jointly created the foundation for the empire, Perturabo knew Guilliman's character, that is, stability.

  After Horus launched a rebellion and set off a massacre on the five planets of Istvan.

   The first thing to do is to ask Angron and Lorgar to disrupt Guilliman's Ultimate Legion and the Five Hundred Worlds.

  If the Five Hundred Worlds and the Ultimate Legion in their prime join the battlefield, it will instantly break the balance of strength between the enemy and us.

   With the help of five hundred worlds, Guilliman can continuously explode soldiers.

   No one is better at running a business than Guilliman.

   When fighting Guilliman, the most taboo thing is to prolong the time.

   Regardless of the advantage or disadvantage at the beginning, the Ultramarines definitely have the advantage in the end.

   "Webway, he wants to obtain complete knowledge of the Webway." Ahriman said what he knew.

  Guilliman has done an excellent job of keeping the secrets of various plans.

  But the secret will not be known unless it does not exist.

  As long as it is said, there are means to trace it back.

   Warp space is a reflection of the real world.

  Any word, any emotion will echo in the subspace.

   "Isn't my father's failure enough for him to understand? He has the confidence to create another golden throne and let himself sit on it?"

  Perturabo's tone was full of mockery, and the cables on his head swung from side to side as he spoke.

"He didn't intend to create the Golden Throne, but he wanted to obtain complete knowledge of the webways and build those real webways. The failure of the emperor lies in his arrogance and arrogance, thinking that with his own powerful power, he can make up for the technical problems. Flaws. The Emperor's webway plan is incomplete and full of flaws. For this reason, the Emperor needs to sit on the Golden Throne to prevent the invasion of demons. Guilliman does not intend to do that, the Eldar Guide him to find the complete knowledge of webway technology, and once he gets it, he will build a complete webway."

"Once the empire obtains the Webway, its strength will be greatly improved, forming a crushing situation against the forces of chaos. If Guilliman is not stopped, the consequences will be unimaginable, and the emperor's career and grand plans are likely to be realized in his hands ."

  Perturabo frowned when he heard Ahriman's words, "You are exaggerating."

"No, the Lord of Steel, Guilliman is already starting to reform the empire, and his reforms have already achieved results. In a short period of time, human beings have created endless new technological creations, and even have a weapon that can replace the Emperor's Astronomical Torch." Human lighthouse. Mechanicists are also trying to reproduce some creations that only appeared in the golden age. The power of the empire is increasing every day. But we have not changed. If we don't take action in time, we will really Will be defeated by Guilliman."

   "Don't tell me you have to wait until Guilliman cleanses the Eye of Terror and descends on this planet before you take action? At that time, is it still too late?"

   "You think Guilliman can counterattack the Eye of Terror?" Perturabo said.

"Do you think it is impossible? If you have studied the things he has done recently, you may not think so." Ahriman said in a deep voice, "He is stronger than we imagined, and the human empire is in his hands." The world has developed like never before, and the gods have regarded it as an enemy equal to the Emperor, and plan to kill him."

  Peturabo stared at Ahriman, thinking about the truth in his words.

  Is Guilliman really so powerful that the gods are afraid of him?

   But recently, there has been a lot of news about the empire.

  Words have spread that Guilliman designed to pit Magnus and repel Angron.

  The opponent also took control of Terra, began to eliminate and exterminate the Chaos sect in the empire, promoted the construction of the lighthouse, and weakened the influence of the warp space storm on the human empire.

  These obvious actions are enough to show that Guilliman's methods are more powerful than those of ten thousand years ago.

   "What do you want to do?" Perturabo said, "And, do you represent an individual, or the will of Magnus?"

"I have been expelled from the Thousand Sons Legion, but I still have a large-scale war gang of prodigal sons with 1,200 people who can join the battle. Moreover, there should not be only one alliance. Currently, in the Eye of Terror You are not the only Primarch who is active, the Lord of the Word Bearers may also join our ranks, and his hatred for Guilliman is unparalleled."

   "As long as we can gather together, we will definitely be able to use the Eye of Terror's advantage to severely damage Guilliman's troops, and even keep them here."

"Then go." Perturabo looked at Ahriman, and a smile appeared on the face of the implanted cable, "Perhaps, you can also find Fulgrim, I don't know where that trash is hiding, if you Being able to find him may make this temporary coalition stronger."

   "Do you agree to form an alliance, my lord?" Ahriman asked.

   "Our alliance is limited to the siege and killing of Guilliman. Don't think about other things, and don't think that I will cooperate with your other actions."

  Perturabo blocked Ahriman's other thoughts.

  He has been in the Eye of Terror for ten thousand years, and rarely leaves this place.

   Perturabo was not interested in matters of gods and emperors, chaos and men.

  He just wants to study his buildings and all kinds of incredible creations here.

  If it wasn't for Guilliman's recovery and the rapid growth of the human empire, he planned to keep going.

  The Great Crusade and the Heresy of Horus made Perturabo realize that any relationship is unreliable.

  The so-called loyalty and brotherhood are just lies, and if they are provoked lightly, they will be fragmented and extremely unbearable.

  Steel is the most reliable partner.

  He has plunged into Chaos and found his way.

  If it goes well, becoming a **** is not impossible.

   It is meaningless to waste time in the war between the gods and the emperor.

   "I understand." Ahriman said.

   "When will the action start?" Perturabo asked.

   "I have to contact the Lord of the Word Bearers first. If all goes well, we can launch an attack on Guilliman soon." Ahriman said.