
Chp 26: Doom Stick

Location: Ollivanders Shop


'Come in, come in ... I believe this may be one of the most unique wands I have ever crafted' said Ollivander, shuffling back into the gloom of the shop he had just appeared from.

Calcifer in automaton Griffin form jumped off his shoulder and went to laze on a shelf above the entrance way.

Going below the counter he drew out a seamless box and placed it on a velvet place setting.

'Interesting peice of enchantment you have there'.

Pulling out his own wand which seemed to just appear in his hand, he tap the box once a glowing light sparkling out of a newly formed seam. Pushing the top cover away on a rail like mechanism built into the boxz the wand was revealed.

'The wand itself is 11 inches, silver lime wood with a wraithbone core or in this case more accurately the tip of the wand is wraithbone, I tried to inset it into the wood but when I came back minutes later the wraithbone had burst back out the tip almost like it had grown, or was too proud to be hidden I would guess, the material seems almost sentient, I apologize but it's mechanisms escape me and I believe with time the wraithbone will continue to grow into the silver lime absorbing it'.

'If it wasn't so unfathomable it would without a doubt be my lifelong magnus opus' said Ollivander offering the wand to Adam pride swelling on his face.

The wand itself up to the halfway point was the silvery white of silver lime wood, the handle was relatively ergonomic flaring at the base to form a slight pommel. Whilst the second half seemed more bonelike, with a subtle blue tint which seemed to almost grow like a lightning strike into the wood, before spiraling into a monomolecular spiked tip, at the end of the wand.

Tentatively Adam stretched out his hands, creeping slowly closer, fingertips finally grasping the wand.

Then time stopped.


Adam was ripped from his body like an astral projection, looking down on himself for a split second, before being sucked back into his body like the force of a black hole was acting on him, zooming past Calcifer's shocked immaterial flaming form which was stood protectively over one of his beating hearts.


Adam's magic flared in real space lightning flaring in his eyes and rippling across the space around his wand like a conducting electrical pylon playing the opening beats of Secrets by One republic , papers and wands boxes flying off the walls as Sirius and Ollivander dived for cover in slow motion as the lightning bolts split around them.

He found himself in a dark space, in front of him he heard the roar, of a swirling globe of icy black seawater, which seemed to be spinning in all directions at hundreds of miles an hour, pulsing with magical energy and through him passed warp energy surging into his body like water out of a dam.

It felt like all his magical energy was being sucked from somewhere inside him, and the warp was channeling unrestricted.

'The wand' thought Adam, panicking he clamped down harder on his mental shields, harder than he ever had in his life, which was drawing out his magical energy like a vampire, before forcibly purging, the warp energy in his body, which was begining to mutuate his body, his teeth lengthening grotesquely.

Stopping the unrestricted flow of magic and the warp, control of his body was returned to him from the unconsentual introspection.

In the back of the room through the crisscrossed afterimages burnt into his retina, a pinprick formed, swelling into a rolling portal seconds later a pink limb crawling its way out.

"Don't let the horror get out" screamed Calcifer in his mind.

Adam, anchored, drew and struck his mind machine like from the hardest application of mental shields he had applied in his life.

Nervous system sparking and muscles bulking up he crossed the room, before Sirius and Ollivander has even hit the ground from diving away from the lightning.

Out the portal crawled a pink short neck-less creature with long, multi-jointed arms, an ever-shifting mass of flesh, limbs, and flame-spewing orifices.

Adam appeared in front of it slamming his wand, straight into the the things head, which was pretty much its torso. The wand cut through the blue horror like a butter, an ear piercing screech spilling out as it fell in half only to reform into two blue horrors as Adam spun out of range from one of its flailing limbs.

By this time Sirius had come around from diving to the ground, wand up and casting the worst curse he had ever dared learn from the black library.

Expurgate sanguinem!!

A thick red beam of almost smokey light struck the horror on the left, purple blood bursting from the demons pores as it turned emaciated before crumbling back into the immaterium.

Adam seeing Sirius's proper usage of a wand raised his own which was dripping with purple blood. Opening a sliver of the control over his wand, he purged the warp energy spiking through his body into the wand, released a bolt of plasma energy which punched through an expanding conflagration of fire spilling from the horrors mouth, before creating another orifice in its body. Obviously one too many as it to crumbled drawn back into the immaterium.

The falling papers finally hit the ground, as Ollivander carefully peered back over the counter he had dived behind.

'Merlins beard' said Ollivander shocked at the scene before him, looking around his wrecked shop in confusion.

'I'm so sorry Sir, the wand it just pulled my magic out of me, I couldn't control it, I'll pay for the damage' garbled Adam through still shortening teeth.

Ollivander sighed looking at Adam, 'I think I was right in only using three cores'.

"I don't think he saw, but Sirius definitely did, considering .... he took one out" said Calcifer.

Adam looked over at Sirius to see him boaring a hole in his head with a stare, hard eyes making clear he would be requiring an explanation.

"Aaaaahh ssshiiiiieeetttt".

'Hand back the wand carefully' said Ollivander now wearing dragon hide gloves and extending a pair of blacksmiths tongs which he had seemingly produced from the air whilst Adam was looking at Sirius.

Adam placed them in the tongs, following which Ollivander placed it back on the velvet pad.

Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a jewelers loupe as he inspected the blood soaked wand.

'Where did this strange blood come from' he asked confusedly, wiping it off with a rag.

Looking closer, 'It seems the wraithbone had grown. I must ask you, where did this come from, you told me it was removed from your leg .... what was the purpose of the wraithbone when it found its way into its leg".

'It was a thorn that I cut myself on crossing a field .... its purpose well it must have been to maim and inflict pain I guess' said Adam his mind returning to the moment where it had sunk into his leg with no resistance.

'Aaaarh, that explains a lot unfortunately, I can only summise here but I believe inadvertantly, the creation of your wand was more ritual magic than wandlore'.

Reparo, cast Sirius behind Adam waving his wand in a circular motion above his head causing the wrecked room to return to its previous state almost like tike had been reversed, boxes returning to their shelves, papers reforming unburnt and laying themselves back into messy piles.

'Rituals' asked Adam.

'I wouldn't concern yourself too much with them, they're barely even touched upom at Hogwarts after the ministry banned all but the most minor of rituals from common usage. But I feel in these circumstances an explanation is fair. Ritualistic magic has three facets, sacrifice, symbolism and intention'.

'With a spell the sacrifice is your magic the symbolism is the word and the intention is your will belief that the spell will happen as you wish for it to. Ritual magic on the other hand the sacrifice is typically things of meaning, like blood, magical ingredients, the things you value most in your life, and more sinister offerings, the symbolism is derived from the ingredients themselves and their relative positions which can directed more intentionally through runes and arithmancy. But unlike a spell, the intention of the ritual is the product of the previous two components, outside of the control of the one conducting the ritual. The sacrifice in this case was your blood when the thorn took it from your body, the symbolism is in the intention of the thorn to maim and cause harm. Meanwhile the intention and purpose of a wand is to conduct magic. Together forming the intention to draw out magic uncontrollably a vampire by another analogy, this is a cursed wand, powerful yes ... but dangerous, a double edged sword if their ever is one, but the wand has chosen the wizard and so it is your wand, never let another touch it'.

Adam would be dead if Sirius's eyes could kill, which were aimed at the back of the Adams head like they were mining lasers.

'Take it ... I shan't charge you for such an abominable creation but I'm sure if it does not consume you, your magic shall be capable of channeling power far outside the realms of imagination. But ... I will be charging you for the dragon hide wand holster and cleaning kit you don't want to be touching it when you don't have to and as you can see it's needs a good cleaning' said Ollivander transitioning from a grave expression to a mischievous smile.

Adam handed over the money steeling his mind as he exposed himself to the roaring hunger of the wand for a moment, the wand almost bucking to escape the control held over it, before quickly slipping it into a wand holder, which he strapped to his right forearm.

'Sorry for the trouble, even so I will treasure it' said Adam bowing respectfully to Ollivander, swearing to himself that he would treat the wand like one would a demon blade.

Adam and Sirius, left the shop, apparating soon after to the Dogs Den to have an uncomfortable post daemonic incursion conversation.

Cheeky breaky demon portal. Also I'm kinda regretting making this a HP crossover but here we are, never realized how restricted and boring canon was. So bear with for a couple of chapters and I'll reintroduce some spice.

PS More Chapters on Patreon chp 29 is out.

Descentofpotentialcreators' thoughts