
Warhammer 40K/HP The Warp Debacle

Cast into the warp in the dying days of the 41st millennium. Harry fights to return to the wizarding world and the challenges beyond. - Enjoy a slippery descent into Madness - _______________________________________ Reviews and any spare power stones would be appreciated - No smut or harem degeneracy The trademarks, IP and characters relied upon are owned by their respective organisations, only the AU characters are my own. This fanfiction is not monetised.

Descentofpotential · Movies
Not enough ratings
48 Chs

Chp 10: Short flashbacks in Unconciousness

Adam was in a haze. He saw through lidded eyes as strangely dressed people crowded around him seeing as he seemed to float towards some kind of red bricked condemned department store, with a sign with big cursive letters above it, Purge and Drowse Ltd.

Only to pass straight through a glass pain as if it wasn't there. 'What' he thought even more confused as his eyes to hurt as he came under bright hospital lighting

Then seemed to move through some kind of complex, unable to hear the words streaming out the adults surrounding whatever he was moving on.

Suddenly falling asleep as a stream of red lights hit him one after the other.


Location: London, St Mungos Hospital of Magical Maladies

One of the receiving mediwitches looked down only to see the child struggling on the air, massive cuts and lacerations opening to let splatters of blood wash across the floor.

On no she thought, shouting at Adam 'Stop moving you're going to hurt yourself'.

Adam continued to writh seemingly unaware of the witch screaming in his face.

'He's gonna die if he continues, 'Omar stun him now'. Omar Abasi a dignified looking man quickly drew his wand, casting the stunning charm.


But to his shock Adam continued to struggle tearing more wounds open.

'Stupefy', 'Stupefy, Stupefy'

Three more mediwitches cast the spell again finally putting him under.

'Move, Let's get him to the Dai Llewellyn ward he's lost too much blood, Augustus prep some blood replenishing potion' said healer Omar, 'tell Hippocrates that he's got patient with massive trauma and hemorrhaging coming in' shouting after Augustus as he ran up the stairs to the first floor ahead of them.


Location: The hunting fields

Time: ERROR (1 Week Earlier)

As Adam limped across the great flat plain he was on his lips cracked and skin peeling he could see in the distance a massive green horde meeting a red swarming tide, beneath a great bronze citadel which seemed to have expanded over the last few days to encompasses the entirety of the horizon.

The great walls and parapets were jagged and thick with crusted blood. Gibbets and gallows swinging from every shooting hole and crenalation.

'Find a way out' mumbled Adam staggering across the cracked red ground growing closer to the din of battle ahead .

A stray Ork rocket striking some distance off to his rear. It's blast knocking the accumlated dust off Adams head with a poof.

The acrid smell of cordite filling his nostrils.


On a lonely nearby crag nearby a pair of eyes were peering out of a land train which looked like it had seen better days, magnoculars held up scanning the plains around them.

Kôrv Ȗrann looked tiredly through is magnocolours hours into guard duty, scanning the area back and forth around their upturned vehicle for hours.

Slowly moving his magnoculars right he saw a few flesh hounds running down some overly curious Gretchen who had strayed too far away from the main Ork force battling in the distance.

Kôrv cringed as he saw them get torn in half almost sorry to see it happen with how cowardly the Gretchen were as they ran hands wiggling above them as they didn't even attempt to defend themselves. The final one's cry made more dramatic as it's red hat with white trim flew into the air floating gracefully down like the snow on a winters night, splattered with blood.

Dearie me the things we see he thought having gone on quite the emotional rollercoaster.

Continuing to scan the horizon he noticed far in the distance a few chaos aligned warlord titans coming to flank the orks from the rear, letting out a breath of air when he confirmed they weren't coming towards him or the crew.

His eyes having grown desensitized from hours of watching, he took his eyes off the magnoculars just to give his eye strain a little bit of rest.

Nodding off he came to with a shudder mangnoculors brought back up to his eyes before anyone noticed, zooming back out, revealing the area close to the land train.

A shape. His eyes quickly widened, as he saw the black outline of a kin no a human chold, who hadn't been there when he nodded off.

'Skalfi look here are my eyes deceiving me or is a small ummie walking towards the cluster fock over yondarrr', said a Kôrv a soot stained but distinguished long beared kin garbed in the distinctive white void armour of a squat. He passed the magnoculars over.

'Aye I see em, he's sailing ter far space e is, gonna git emself spaced growin the way he es' replied Skalfi in an accent comparable ter a Yorkshire pit miner.

Both of them turned back to the female kin behind them who was attempting to repair the micro field generators of a hulking ironkin, crouched down but still almost touching the ceiling of the land train carriage they were holed up in.

'Ymmê what do ya think should we go check it out' asked Kôrv.

'You sure it is no demon, messen with demons to go after Tuska was what got us er' replied Ymmê.

'Don't see why a demon would bother here, more than that it looks like a kid, he seems ter be wearing a carapace chest plate so maybe a member of the guard lost like us out here'.

'He's not a member of the kin, why should we help him' questioned Ymmê.

'I don't know why' replied Kôrv 'but I've got a feeling whoever that is out there is going to be the missing puzzle piece to get us out of here'.

'Yuu and Skalfi go pick em up then I ain't wasting my life on a bunch' replied Ymmê distainfully, before intoning solemnly 'waste feeds the void'.

'Waste feeds the void' echoed Kôrv and Skalfi back.


Kôrv and Skalfi skulked from rock to rock as well as they could in their bright white rotund power suits emblazoned with a white six sided cog with a red border.

~ Orchestral intro to the original Batman plays somewhere in the universe ~

'Dun dun, dun, dun dun dun duna dum'

Careful to stay out of the struggling human figures line of sight they trailed after it.

'Shush' said Kôrv looking down the sight of his chunky HYlas auto rifle with one eyes whilst giving Skalfi side eye when he loudly cracked a loose geod under his heavy boot.

'Looks to be in a bad way let's try and make contact'.

Running to get ahead of the human, they hid themselves behind the black burnt out chasis of leman russ battle tank ahead of the route who they could now clearly see was a kid was walking.

(The Five Hundred Years' War was triggered when the Orks of WAAAGH! Morbok overran the hold of Oriâkh's Irongate Kindred and tore apart the Ancestor Core within. The Grand Orion Compact swore the most widespread Grudge in recorded Kin history for this death of their Votann, hurling all their might against the Warlord Morbok's Empire of Scrap for more than five Terran centuries, until all but one of the Orks responsible was slain).



Wwwwwhhaaattt thought Adam sure he was hearing things his tired mind hyper focused on getting to Khornes palace, one foot in front of the other, one foot in front of the other.


He stopped looking around.

'Over er hummie'.

The strange sounding voice seemed to be coming from a burnt out tank off to his left.

Blurry eyes focusing he saw as from behjnd it popped the bald head of a short soot covered beared fellow.

'Come over er then lad'

Too tired to argue or worry. Adam turned stumbling slowly towards them, coming to a stop, only to realize that he was the same height as the man in front of em.

No longer focused on his singleminded goal his legs collapse utterly exhausted.

'You okay laddie' said Kôrv 'Mi names Kôrv and this is my brudder Skalfi'.

'How did you get out here, to this shite hole '

'I've always been here' replied Adam who Kôrv had set against the side of the leman russ, his heavy head fallen against his chest in exhaustion.

Kôrv made eye contact with Skalfi raising his eyebrows.

' Do you know where we are, we haven't seen a single sentient thing butt demons and orkz since we sufferd eh hiccuwp transitioning into real space'. Stated Skalfi offering Adam some dried out brü.

Adam extended a finger pointing toward the great brass citadel on the horizon. 'Khornes palace' he mumbled tiredly.

'Ooooh na, were in deep this time Skalfi' said Kôrv paling a few paint shades.

'and you were walking towards it ya madman, don't you see the armies, the ramparts the beasts in the ways'

'Only way out .... no way back' mumbled Adam.

'you're either crazy or brave ummie' said Skalfi' jovially.

'Do not demean his bravery Skalfi his hearth burns bright'.

'His hearth burns bright' echoed Skalfi loudly back with a cult like fervor.

'I I, I ' said Adam unable to hold his head up.

'Don't worry we have somewhere safe near by we'll take care of you ummie' what's your name.

'My name, my name .... my names Adam'. said Adam smiling peacefully as if he was finally content, before fainting going limp in Kôrvs arms who was trying to stand em upright

'Whooo-oow' he said almost dropping him.

I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole; for power stones pls donate we all mined up. hope you've enjoyed the chapter.

Descentofpotentialcreators' thoughts