
War Soldier Leon

This is the era of the big universe, and many civilizations compete and coexist in the big universe. On this day, an escape pod drifting in space was discovered. The last soldier Leon walked into the era of the big universe with a mysterious curse. Can he face against time and survive? What is the secret of the universe? _____________________________________________________________________ The book is not mine.

fellowdaoistreader · Sci-fi
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13 Chs


Leon's instinctive body tightened when he saw the giant wolf, and he felt an extreme threat.

   This time his fighting instinct did not involuntarily shoot. On the one hand, his recent familiarity with the body allowed him to control his body freely.

   On the other hand, he felt that with his bare hands, he could not defeat the giant wolf in front of him.

   Of course, Leon did not feel malicious from Claire's battle commander, and even the middle-aged man behind Claire's battle commander did not show any special hostility.

   "Uncle Lucian, Alpha scared him!" Claire battle commander said to Lucian Stars.

   Lucian Starman smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and patted twice on the giant wolf called Alpha, and the force of the giant wolf Alpha's body suddenly loosened.

   Leon felt that the giant wolf Alpha had lost his sense of horrible threat, and his body relaxed from its tight state.

   "I'm the battle commander Claire of the Rand, this gentleman, can you tell me what happened here?" The battle commander Claire looked at Leon and asked.

   "I came out of this escape pod. They wanted to kill me, so I killed them!" Leon simply replied.

   "Your name and identity?" Seeing Leon's cooperation, Claire's battle commander then asked.

   "I have amnesia, this is my identity card!" Leon took off his identity card and handed it over.

  Combat Commander Claire did not approve of Leon's amnesia. She didn't believe that a person with amnesia could slaughter all the pirates on a pirate ship.

  According to the law, Leon's act of killing pirates did not violate the law, but was a legitimate act, so the Commander Claire could not blame Leon in this regard.

   When encountering pirates in space, anyone has the right to attack them. This attack can be self-defense or a priority attack.

   That is to say, in space, pirates are the existence of everyone shouting and beating, and this behavior is also supported by law.

  The battle commander Claire took the ID card, and she first saw the public information on the ID card.

   It was only the above information that made her look surprised, and soon the surprise turned into suspicion and indignation.

"Mr. Leon, maybe you have other names, but if the information on the identity card is true, then your age is more than 500 years old, and you have set the latest longevity record!" said Claire Combat Commander There was a strong cynicism in it.

   Leon's face was indifferent, and he didn't want to make Claire Battle Commander believe the information on the ID card, let alone Claire Battle Commander, even he himself had doubts about the information on his ID card.

   What he wants is that the Commander Claire can take him back, let him find the military to verify his identity, and finally find his true identity, so that he can retrieve his memory.

   "In addition, regarding professional combatants, do you know that the professional combatant organization was cancelled from the military as early as five hundred years ago!" Claire combat commander pointed to the professional combatant column and said.

   For some reason, when Leon heard the news, he couldn't help but feel a pain in his head, and a restless mood appeared in his heart.

   Claire battle commander paired Leon's identity card into the port of the portable device, but found that it could not be matched.

   "Mr. Leon, the authenticity of your ID card cannot be verified. If you want to return to the Rand with us, you need to wear this!" Claire battle commander took out a handcuff and said.

   "No problem, I just hope you can hand me over to the military to verify my identity!" Leon stretched out his hands and said.

  The battle commander Claire didn't expect Leon to be so straightforward. She stepped forward to handcuff Leon.

   "What weapons do you have must be handed in. They will be inspected on board the Rand. Don't be driven off by us." Claire's battle commander continued.

  Leon took off the holster tied around his calf and handed it to the battle commander Claire.

  The battle commander Claire took the leather case and saw the style of the leather case, and he was surprised.

   She gently pulled out the dagger, seeing the light blue light on the dagger and the mark on the handle of the dagger, her doubts became heavier.

  As a crazy equipment fan, she can be sure that this is a genuine professional combat dagger.

  At this time, the battle commander Claire noticed Leon's battle uniform. The battle uniform was covered with blood before, so she didn't pay too much attention.

   She only discovered now that this suit turned out to be a professional combat suit.

   She looked at the rank of lieutenant on Leon's battle uniform again. The rank of lieutenant in the military has not changed much, but the ranks worn by some special services are still somewhat different.

  Leon's rank of lieutenant was contaminated with blood, but it could still be seen that it was a professional lieutenant rank.

Combining identity cards, professional combat daggers, professional combat uniforms, and professional combat lieutenant ranks, if not the last professional combat soldier had disappeared five hundred years ago, she would have thought Leon His identity is a professional soldier.

   "I asked to take this escape pod, this is the evidence to prove my identity!" Leon pointed to the escape pod next to him and demanded.

   "Uncle Lucian, in trouble!" Claire's battle commander looked at the Lucian star and said.

   Lucian Starman smiled and grabbed the escape pod with one hand, as if he was carrying a straw with ease.

   Leon's pupils shrank for a while, you must know that the gravity system of the pirate spacecraft is one-to-one, which means that the weight of the escape capsule does not have any attenuation.

   The power embodied by the Lucian Stars was beyond comparison with Leon. Leon moved the escape pod over and still relied on the cargo tool.

   Lucian Star Warrior also did it deliberately. He showed his strength to frighten Leon.

   Although Leon's strength is nothing in his eyes, for ordinary people, Leon is still a very big threat.

The battle commander Claire is in front, Leon is in the middle, Lucian Stars is holding the escape pod in the back, and the giant wolf Alpha is walking beside Leon. It is estimated that Leon will be torn by the giant wolf as long as there is a slight change. Fragments.

   Leon knows this very well, his perception of danger is as strong as his fighting instinct.

   "Captain Anselm, our rescue is over, what will happen to the pirate ship?" Commander Claire reported to Captain Anselm while walking.

   "Don't worry about the pirate spacecraft, the Rand can't take this spacecraft away, let it fend for itself!" Captain Anselm gave instructions.

The pirate ship has two gauss guns that are illegally installed. In addition, it has been on the blacklist of the ship in the database. Such a ship cannot be traded at all. In addition, the Rand is for the government, and they can't do it illegally. thing.