
War Soldier Leon

This is the era of the big universe, and many civilizations compete and coexist in the big universe. On this day, an escape pod drifting in space was discovered. The last soldier Leon walked into the era of the big universe with a mysterious curse. Can he face against time and survive? What is the secret of the universe? _____________________________________________________________________ The book is not mine.

fellowdaoistreader · Sci-fi
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13 Chs


The    Rand is a medium-sized exploration spacecraft whose purpose is to develop new safe passages in unknown areas of space. In addition, discover new resource stars and even administrative stars are incidental tasks of the Rand.

The space area where the    Rand is currently located is an undeveloped space area by the government. The Rand is scanning the data of this starry sky into its own brains, and these data will become part of the government's space star chart after returning.

   "The distress signal is found on the public channel, the coordinates are '96°, 30°, 16000'." Eva's voice sounded.

   "Turn on high-power scanning to determine the target location?" Captain Anselm ordered in a deep voice.

   With the energy refill, the Rand's maximum power scanning device began to work.

"The target is found, the target has a second level of danger, and it is an illegal armed spacecraft. The comparison result of the hull number and the database determines that it is a pirate spacecraft. The pirate spacecraft is currently floating and there is no sign of weapon charging!" Zhinao Eva reported the scan results .

The   Rand is a medium-sized exploration spacecraft without external weapons. Under normal circumstances, Captain Anselm will not take the initiative to approach this type of pirate spacecraft with a second-level danger level.

   Regardless of why the pirate spacecraft sends out a distress signal, it does not mention that the pirate spacecraft is illegally equipped with external weapons. Even the pirates inside the pirate spacecraft cannot be handled by the crew on the Rand.

   But this time it was different. There was a background combat commander on the Rand, and a smile appeared on Captain Anselm's face when he thought of this.

   "Combat Commander Claire, please come to the control room!" Captain Anselm opened the communication and said.

   Soon, the Claire combat commander, wearing a women's combat uniform and having a pair of long legs, entered the control room.

   "Report to Captain Anselm, Commander Claire is here!" Commander Claire saluted.

   Captain Anselm shook his head helplessly. If possible, he definitely did not want a young girl like Claire to board the Rand and become a very important battle commander of the Rand.

   But because of Claire's background and the accompanying bodyguards she brought, Captain Anselm couldn't refuse.

   "Combat Commander Claire, there is a distressed spacecraft ahead, with a second level of danger, and you need to check it out." Captain Anselm also ordered.

   "Yes, Captain Anselm!" The battle commander Claire was surprised and quickly agreed.

  The battle commander Claire has always disliked the boringness of this mission. She worked very hard to complete the job of the battle commander, but the work in this voyage was a trivial matter for patrol inspection.

   finally encountered a big event, which made her full of energy.

   "That is a pirate ship. Although the two main guns are not charged, the pirates inside are still very dangerous. Please ask Lucian Stars to go with you. Don't be careless!" Captain Anselm reminded in a low voice.

   "I can do it alone!" Claire's battle commander patted the self-defense gun on his waist and replied.

   "If you don't notify Stars Lucian, then I will notify you, otherwise I won't allow you to board the pirate ship alone!" Captain Anselm said in a deep voice.

The   Rand is only a medium-sized exploration spacecraft. In addition to the necessary crew, it is also a researcher. The only one who is truly a combatant is the Claire Combat Commander.

   As for the Lucian Stars, they are not a member of the Rand, and Captain Anselm cannot afford to invite a powerful star to join the Rand.

   "Well, I'll call Uncle Lucian!" Claire's battle commander replied helplessly.

The scanning device of the   Rand is always keeping an eye on the state of the pirate spacecraft to prevent any changes in the pirate spacecraft, especially whether the two Gauss cannons are abnormal.

The hatch of the   rand opened, and the small spacecraft Seeker 1 flew out of it and flew in the direction of the pirate spacecraft.

   In the small spacecraft Searcher 1, in addition to the battle commander Claire, there is one person and one giant wolf. The person is the Lucian Stars mentioned by Captain Anselm, and the giant wolf is his combat partner.

   Leon saw the approaching small spacecraft through the video sent by Zhi Brain.

   He opened the hatch of the pirate spacecraft to facilitate the entry of the small spacecraft.

   The battle commander Claire breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the hatch of the pirate ship open.

   Although it is said that Lucian Stars will follow to protect her, she does not want to encounter a space battle.

  As long as it can enter the interior of the pirate spacecraft, then no matter what happens, Lucian Stars can easily solve it.

  The battle commander Claire leaves the small spaceship. She is wearing a space combat suit. This space combat suit can operate in space. This is also a precautionary situation.

   She holds the life detector in her hand. In addition to the life signals of herself, the Lucian Stars, and the giant wolf, it is a life signal in the control cabin.

   Lucian Stars did not speak. His task was to protect Claire's battle commander. He would not ask how Claire behaved. He would not intervene as long as he was not in danger.

   When the Claire combat commander walked to the entrance hatch, he found that the hatch opened automatically.

   After entering the main passage, her face suddenly changed.

   Looking around, in the passage where the line of sight is, there are several corpses at intervals.

   As a combat commander who has just joined work, she has not seen as many corpses since she was born until now.

   Claire battle commander forcibly resisted the discomfort in his heart, and muttered in his heart: "I am the battle commander!"

   She didn't want to let the crew on the Rand watch her jokes, nor did she want to disappoint the Lucian star.

   Lucian Star Warrior frowned. The battle here is fierce, and the shooter's marksmanship is extremely terrifying, and the location of every bullet point is critical.

   Two people and a giant wolf walked all the way and came to the forefront of the pirate spacecraft, where the control room was also located.

   Leon had already been here waiting for them. He was ready to be rescued. His escape pod was moved here. Except for the escape pod and his belongings, he didn't expect to take away the items.

   Even two self-defense guns, he threw aside, not wanting the rescuers to cause any misunderstanding.

  The battle commander Claire entered the control room and saw Leon, who opened his hands and showed that he was not threatening.

   If Leon was not covered with blood and his battle uniform was soaked black with blood, then it would be more convincing.

   But the battle commander Claire doesn't care, she is confident that Lucian Stars will follow.

   Leon saw the giant wolf, his whole body muscles were tense, because he sensed the threat from the giant wolf, this threat almost made his fighting instinct out of control.