
War Of Realms

The war of the realms was one of the most brutal wars in all of creation. It was between the good universe 1 with its pure and noble angels and the evil and corrupted universe 2 with its dark and twisted angels. The war had been raging for years and has been increasingly brutal.Who will be the one to stop all this? Nudity-Sex-and Graphic Violence warning!!

Darktruth098 · Anime & Comics
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Timeline 238:age 180…

The war of the realms was one of the most brutal wars in all of creation. It was between the good universe 1 with its pure and noble angels and the evil and corrupted universe 2 with its dark and twisted angels. The war had been raging for years and has been increasingly brutal.

We open with a violent and chaotic battle scene. Angels of light and dark battle with flashing staffs of divine power flashing from them. The dark angels have a dark hue of gold skin with red and black horns and halos of purple and black around their necks. The good angels have light gold skin and their halos are shimmering golden or gold. In addition, there is a huge army of gold female and light red male demons,the demons had red and black clothes and red yellow and black markings on their skin,they were an advanced race,and they had spears and swords with blood dripping from them,the. The sound of swords clashing fills the air while Elfs scream battle cries. At the border of the two universes a battle between two divine cosmic figures is taking place.both sides are damaged the demons clothes are torn showing their red blood and bare breasts,we see the primitive primal Elfs with their long ears fighting a race of green people,and a race of what looks to be humans.

  Months before the war begins, a good angel finds a dark crystal on a random planet in universe 2 and begins playing with it. Unbeknown to him, the crystal was actually a powerful weapon of dark energy capable of corrupting everything around it. As soon as he touched it, a wave of dark energy swept across universe 2 corrupting all the angels and warping them into the most twisted and dark versions of themselves.

The Grand Priest of universe 1 learned of the situation and tried to intervene and reverse the effects of the dark energy but it was too late, the corruption had become too widespread. Furious, the Grand Priest declared war against universe 2 and the first attack of war was made by the corrupted angels.The war of the realms is a terrifying conflict that has the potential to rage on for millions of years,but it will soon be up to one warrior to end it all,who will he/she end up being? Join me on an epic adventure to learn of the one being that saved the multiverse from extinction.