
Wanting Her Back

An arranged marriage in the 21st century, a savage husband and a runaway wife. Based on her adopted parents' wishes, Jennifer Aniston was forced to go into holy matrimony with her adoptive step brother and spend the rest of her life with this handsome devil of a husband. If you think about it, there isn't much of a problem. Her adopted parents are nice people and she had a good life even after he original parents died. The only problem is that her soon-to-be husband has always seen her as mediocre, and he had a girl friend of which they have been together for since their days of high school abandon him after leaning about the planned marriage. Their marriage did not turn out the way they'd hoped. They were incompatible at first and he caused her a great deal of pain. She bolted from him. He was left alone, devastated, ravaged and overwhelmed from her disappearance. Will their long awaited romance get a second chance? Is it true love is sweeter the second time around?

Maximus_Prime2003 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 5: Step Brother

In about that an hour, they arrived at the school. Tyler came down from the car without saying a single word, Jennifer followed behind him. Tyler's silence seem to make Jennifer consider if the joke about Auntie Mirabel dropping him when he was given birth to was true. With a shake of her she, she expressed a sign of dissatisfaction with the situation.

Instead of pondering how sparing Tyler used words she tried to focus on the fact that her new school was a lot bigger than her previous one. For some reason this made her a bit intimidated.

Tyler turned and took a good look at Jennifer to check if she was wearing or doing anything that would disgrace him, he looked her in the eye and said; "let's go" . She gave him a nod and followed him closely.

"Try not to get lost, it's a big place this school" Tyler added.

Every student they walked past turned to stare at them. Jennifer noticed this; she felt a bit shy, so she started to look around herself Incase she had or wore something that caused everyone to stare. She soon came to the conclusion that the other students weren't looking at them, they were staring at Tyler!.

A young lady approached them; "hello, babe".

Jennifer caught a glimpse of the girl, she was really pretty. She leaned forward and kissed Tyler on the lips. The girl was astonished to see Jennifer next to him.

"Oh, you have business; Hi my name is Emily.... Emily Blake, am Tyler's girlfriend." She said waving her hands and smiling broadly. Tyler seemed emotionless when he glanced at them. Jennifer was surprised to this event that just occurred right in front her eyes. Tyler was already dating someone. Is uncle Donald aware of this, she thought. She took a glance at Tyler frantically and looked back at Emily.

"Hi!" ,This came with an unusual high pitched voice, "my name is Jennifer...", She took a deep breath, "Jennifer Aniston",she finished. "Am Tyler's sist...", She was about to finish her sentence when Tyler interrupted her, "she moved in with us a few weeks ago", he said. " She's new here" he finished.

"Wow you're very adorable, your like a cute pussy cat with your neat uniform" Emily said.

" Are you his cousin?", She inquired brightly.

She was quite the stunning, young female, very beautiful and sexy.

Jennifer glanced at Tyler intently wandering "what is my connection with the Griffins". She hoped Tyler would lend her an assist her.

"Like Tyler said, I live with them now, I'm basically his sister now" she managed to say.

There was a lot some silence between the three of them for a few seconds and then Tyler broke it, "well we better get going or we'll be late". He said. Jennifer engulfed a huge sigh of relief, she was stating to get uncomfortable as the situation seemed to grow incredibly awkward. Emily couldn't help but nod.

Jennifer gently yanked Tyler shirt.

"You could've at least helped me out back there, couldn't tell her what happened to my family? ". She said.

Tyler looked at her over his shoulder, his eyes twinkled a bit. " Are you alright?" He inquired.

Jennifer was taken aback by this query and did not respond straight away.

"Don't get me wrong. Well, mom requested me to keep a close eye on you," he explained.

Jennifer nodded in agreement.

"I won't tell anyone about your family, because you know how much I don't talk," he quipped, presumably to put Jennifer's mind at ease. She let out a nice smile and nodded.

Tyler gave returned a nod before turning around to head to his own classroom, he's class was situated at the senior high building a short distance from Jennifer's class.


Jennifer was asked to introduce herself in the class as the newest addition to the students before the the session began. She stood from her chair and walked to the front of the class, everyone was staring at her, she introduced herself like any normal person would. Some of the students in their seats waved to her while some others smiled at her and some just ignored her. She returned to her seat and the session continued. Jennifer liked how thing turned out while introducing herself, the positive reaction she got from her new classmates was able to make her relaxed and feel at ease with the new surrounding.

When Jennifer went out of her room for lunch break, Tyler was waiting for her. She almost forgot to mention that she was still unfamiliar to the whereabouts of the cafeteria and other places in the school. She inquired about the cafeteria from Tyler, she liked that she had some one that was responsible for her enough not to forget her.