
Wanting Her Back

An arranged marriage in the 21st century, a savage husband and a runaway wife. Based on her adopted parents' wishes, Jennifer Aniston was forced to go into holy matrimony with her adoptive step brother and spend the rest of her life with this handsome devil of a husband. If you think about it, there isn't much of a problem. Her adopted parents are nice people and she had a good life even after he original parents died. The only problem is that her soon-to-be husband has always seen her as mediocre, and he had a girl friend of which they have been together for since their days of high school abandon him after leaning about the planned marriage. Their marriage did not turn out the way they'd hoped. They were incompatible at first and he caused her a great deal of pain. She bolted from him. He was left alone, devastated, ravaged and overwhelmed from her disappearance. Will their long awaited romance get a second chance? Is it true love is sweeter the second time around?

Maximus_Prime2003 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 6: Best Friend

The sun was beaming brightly, as it always does, like a giant ball of fire. There was no sign of rain and the sky was clear.

The sun shone brightly on jennifer's face, and despite the fact that it was a hot afternoon, she was able to appreciater the beauty and the wonder nature provided to her surroundings. Here at the university, this was her favourite site. It was serene, solemn, quite and even sometimes lonely. But she loved it that way, and it was a place where she could relax and unwind. The massive tree's lush leaves shielded her from the sun's scorching rays, it was 1 p.m, and the sun as it should be was blistering.

She was resting on the chilly green grass, snozing. The chirping of the birds that makes the university's forest a haven appreard to soothe her worried mind like music. The fresh air and tranquil surroundings seemed to transport her to another universe. A planet free of the clamourous and chaotic crowds. This was the only spot where she could truly relax.

There was no one observing, so she did not have to worry about what others would think. She was currently at the univerty's back entrance, where no students go. Most of them prefered staying at the cafeteria or outside the campus.

She had recently been enrolled in her third year of college. She wasn't sure what she wanted to do with her life, she jumbled courses to fit her self but she always ended up confused. But then she remembered her father's business. She wanted to be able to do things on her own so that she could assist her Uncle Donald. He has been in charge of both his and jennifer's father's businesses. As a result, Jennifer enrolled in a business management course.

She wanted to learn how to run the business that her father left behind.

It has been almost eight years since the Griffins adopted her. Nothing much has changed. Jennifer Aniston was still her name. Auntie and Uncle approached her about legal adption, but she humbily refused. Still, she aspired to be an Aniston.

Despite her insistence that they adopt her, they haven't stopped loving and taking good care of her any less. They were fine with it and they totally understood her point of view in the situation.

"Hey, young lady. You are just here; I have been looking for you for a while but can't seem to locate you,'' an irritated woman said, jolting Jennifer awake.

She sulked. She was still hopeful that was able to meditate. That annoyance had arrived in less than an hour. She sat down, shook her, and faced the visitor.

Jennifer smiled and said, "Hello there, Lyia."

Lyia Gardner, Jennifer's friend. She was loud, hilarious, and had a lot of friends on campus, unlike jennifer. Jennifer liked to award her the title of friendliest.

"What are doing here again? You really have a habit of leaving your best friend behind," she replied, a grumpy expression on her sun baked face.

Jennifer held her instead of arguing with her, soothing her grouchy soul.

"Tss,'' she laughed, "here you are again and your goddamn childlike manner." Jennifer had a feeling Lyia could not neglect her. The friendship had lasted for about years, thus make it possible for both them to exchange insults and step on eachother toes without any hard feeling attached.

"Have you had your lunch?", Lyia asked.

"You sound like my grandmother now, Lyia," Jennifer exclaim. Even as she never met her grandmother, she seemed to fly with that tease.

"Silly you, like as if you know what your grandmother sounds like. So?" she inquired once more. Jennifer hadn't eaten yet that afternoon and she knew that Lyia would surely over react about it.

"Let me guess, you have been thinking about so many. . . . . . . . many things that you have forgotten it is lunchtime." Lyia was right Jennifer had almost forgot.

Lyia hauled Jennifer to the school cafeteria with a shake of her head.

"Hey, where the hell are we going? We are supposed to go back to our room lunchtime is almost over," Jennifer said, attempting to sway her friend in the opposite direction.

Lyia yelled, "No, we are not going anywhere until you get something to eat. For gods sake, Jenn you don't have a strong physique to skip meals." she was becoming irritated.

"Do you want to collapse again, huh?" she asked, Jennifer thought that her friend was starting to sound like Aunt Mirabel.

They were done eating so they decided to head home, "He, lets just go home. We might run into our another proffessor again." Said Jennifer. Lyia agreed even her could concur that they both had a long day. They were able to pass through the gate undetected because the guard was not at his station. They called a cab.

"Lets simply stay at my house," Lyia said, "cause I think your brother might be there at your house." She closed her eyes and rested her head on Jennifer's shoulder.

Lyia had just reminded Jennifer about her brother, Tyler. Someone she havent seen in a long time. Uncle Donal got him a condo when he started college, he hadnt come back to the house to visit since then. If he came to visit Jennifer would be at school, thus they woundnt be able to meet.

Occasionally, Aunt Mirabel and Uncle Donald payed him a visit, but Jennifer was too bashful to accompany them. Besides, they were not even close at any given point since Jennifer stated ling with them.

Tyler is a graduate now and he currently oversees the Griffin's company, while the Aniston's company was controlled by Uncle Donald. Jennifer till that day still wandered if his relationship with Emily Blake was still going strong, was Uncle Donald aware of Tyler's relationship. As far she could remember he hasn't yet brought his girlfriend and formally introduced her to the family.