
Wanting Her Back

An arranged marriage in the 21st century, a savage husband and a runaway wife. Based on her adopted parents' wishes, Jennifer Aniston was forced to go into holy matrimony with her adoptive step brother and spend the rest of her life with this handsome devil of a husband. If you think about it, there isn't much of a problem. Her adopted parents are nice people and she had a good life even after he original parents died. The only problem is that her soon-to-be husband has always seen her as mediocre, and he had a girl friend of which they have been together for since their days of high school abandon him after leaning about the planned marriage. Their marriage did not turn out the way they'd hoped. They were incompatible at first and he caused her a great deal of pain. She bolted from him. He was left alone, devastated, ravaged and overwhelmed from her disappearance. Will their long awaited romance get a second chance? Is it true love is sweeter the second time around?

Maximus_Prime2003 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 4: New Life

Jennifer got up from her bed she slowly savoured the chill from the Christmas season. It was November so the cold, chilly breeze was expected, especially in the morning, Christmas songs were every where, in public places.

After debating with her self about whether to stay in her pajamas it get dressed, she decided to lie back down in the soft warm bed to savour this time of the year.

She sprung her head up immediately she was about to get comfort. "Shoot school", she said. Remembering she had to go to school. She took of her clothes immediately, jumped into the shower and took a really hot bath. This was her first day of school!.

She got dressed in her new uniform which Aunt Mirabel had purchased for her. Aunty Mirabel was ever so supportive in her transition to her new school. Jenn didn't have to worry about anything Aunt Mirabel bought them for her even with ot without a request from Jenn. Not only did aunty Mirabel prevail in providing for Jenn in material things, she also stimulated her to be both physically and emotionally ready to return to school.

Jenn spun around in a three hundred and sixty motion in front of the mirror to checkout her self in her new school uniform. She looked like does Korean female students in Korean dramas that she'd been watching to kill time, and she loved it. Before leaving her room, she took a look at her self in the mirror, she was really cute. She chuckled and jiggled her rear end like a duck and bolted off into the hallway.

Jennifer went to the kitchen as she made her way down she was like a leaping and singing. She was looking forward to studying once more she was a little anxious because she was going to be attending the new school and that means that she will be meeting new people. She just hope that she will be able to move along with her new classmates. And be able to make new friends and start a new life at her new school.

She was instrumental music when only spiritedly collated with solid hard wall. The impact nearly knocked her off her feet. She closed her eyes and prepared to fall. She anticipated for some seconds but her body did not make contact with the cold floor.

Someone put her forehead, how is were school closed. She opened her eyes and was immediately taken aback by Tyler solemn expression on his face. She blamed a year into his blue eyes speechless. To that point she was still surprised that someone could have such an amazing blue eyes. It was breathtaking seen it in a short distance.

He aggressively snared, "Are you just going to get at me kid?, I don't have time to play a gazing game with you fool".

"Huh?" She inquired, her mind wandering. Her response caused his eyebrows to shake in displeasure. What am I doing here? she thought. She was supposed to go and help Auntie Maribel in the kitchen with breakfast but she ran into something or rather a person. Tyler was currently holding her by the waist preventing her from falling down on the floor.

She was able to get away from him swiftly. In humiliation, she bit her tongue. At the moment she had realised that she had disgraced herself.

She slowly stated. "I'm....... I'm really sorry, I just feel that was going to collapse on the floor".

"Tsk tsk. What a pain in the neck you are child". He murmured coldly before leaving her standing in the corridor perplexed.

Throughout the breakfast Jennifer was completely silent. She was embarrassed about what happened earlier. Uncle and auntie you are busy talking about something that she didn't understand. So she felt it best to just keep quiet and eat her food. After recording the business related item, She recalled her father's film. Her father owned an operated well-known restaurant chain.The restaurant wasn't only well known in the country it was also well known internationality. Jennifer wondered who will take care of everything now that our parents are gone? What about the workforce and all the employees?.

"Uncle, what will happen to my father's company now that my father is gone? No one will handle it, ". Jennifer inquired worriedly. She remember that her father gave his entire life to that company. She didn't want her father's life's work to go away in flames.

" I'm still thinking about it, honey. Your father was a great business man. But don't worry, I'm not going to let your father's Legacy fade away. The truth is I am considering running it in myself, for the time-being. Once you can manage it on your own, then you can have it managed by yourself. Don't worry, I will discuss this with you and your father's most trusted lawyer ", Uncle Donald said. Jennifer wasn't expecting such a detailed answer, this proves that they truly had good intentions for her. This made her smile. Despite the fact that she had only recently met uncle Donald, she had begin to grow confident that she can rely on him.

"Thank you Uncle, it means a lot to me." Jennifer said with a sincere smile.

"your father raised you well. He must be pleased of you appreciating his company. You are one of a kind young lady". Uncle added, smiling.

Jennifer smiled weakly in response to his flattery. She Didn't have any choice in the matter. For her own sake, she needed to be brave. Auntie Mirabel took her hand into hers and massaged it gently. Jennifer gave her a kind grin to let her know she was alright.

"Jenn, when you enter your new school, go with Tyler here; I already told him to go with you to your new class. If you need anything, just call him ok? ". " I want you to take it to your new school, but your uncle told you not to. You might get in trouble there". Auntie Mirabel pouted when Uncle Donald laughed at what she said.

"What? Jennifer is my daughter, and I just want to make sure she doesn't feel uncomfortable on her first day of school," Auntie Mirabel said rolling her eyes at Uncle Donald.

"Honey, Jenn is now a senior in high school. Uncle Donald said. He seemed to love his wife's annoyed expressions.

Jennifer raised her head to meet Tyler's cold blue eyes. She wanted to shudder at his icy stare. He didn't even bother to smile at her. He just continued eating as if their presence bored him.

Jennifer and Tyler got into the car at the same time. They seating side by side in the backseat, and if it wasn't for his faint arm on her shoulder, she would have assumed she was the only one in the vehicle. Tyler closed his eyes listening to music on his airpods quietly. Next to him, she virtually drenched in saliva. She wasn't used to being silent, both at the same time, she wasn't particularly chatty. She couldn't take any more of the deafening silence, so she gently poked him on his arm.

"Are we still far away from the school?" She asked. Again, his brow frowned a little. He then nodded and replaced his airpods. She shivered. Is it so difficult to speak the word "yes", he only speaks in hushed tones, she taught.

She sulked. She wanted to poke him and ask another question but she rather of teasing him, she simply focused her gaze on the passing structures as they made their way to the school in the car. Her new school appeared to be a bit far from the house. As the approached the school she had these thoughts roaming her mind in anxiety. "What will my school appearance be like?", "will my new classmates be pleasant to be around?", She definitely hoped so. Back then, she was very friendly in class, she was gullible. But now she's reluctant to go close to people.