
You are mine

There was a lot more behind that sentence than he let on. Lina shrugged it off. She wasn't going to push it now. The man was too hot to get angry.

"Oh, that's good." She laughed nervously looking into his yes. "Can you let me go now, my hands are going numb."

And they were. With her hands trapped at a weird and slightly uncomfortable angle, all of the blood flow had been cut off from them.

He blinked and then abruptly released her hand looking guilty. He didn't mean harm. Lina smiled and backed out to a safe distance away, trying to rub some feeling back into her tingling fingers. There was an awkward silence which she stupidly felt the need to break.

"So, you can read my mind?"

For a moment, he gave her a blank look. The man was an enigma. His eyes had even faded back to the regular black. Wasn't he just all over her?

Hah. Maybe a mistake, she was not in the same league as him.

Suddenly her upper arms were caught in an iron grip. It was strong but there was no real force. Angry red eyes bore into hers.

"Never, ever, say that. You are beautiful, and you are mine." He sounded both happy and angry about the last comment.

Wait, did he just say she was beautiful?

"Yes, I did."

"Okay. That's a little creepy. I'm not going to fight over it right now, but stay out of my head! That is just too weird," she said.

He looked at her.

"This whole night is weird. No, this whole day has been weird. First, the library. Then the roommate. Then you." She knew she was just rambling at the end. The guy stared at her. At least his eyes were no longer red, but they were still all black.

"I think you need to sleep now. Humans do not do well late at night."

"What?" She looked at him incredulously. "What do you mean 'humans'? And I of all people know I need more sleep, but I never let that stop me before."

He looked slightly shocked but at the same time amused at her scolding. Bastard. She made an angry noise and stomped past him. Now that he seemed to be more in control of himself, she wasn't quite so worried about the whole escaped serial killer thing.


She stopped and looked back at him. Dammit, why did she feel so compelled to stay with him a little longer, and why did her heart skip a beat whenever he spoke? Any sane person would have kept walking, but sanity was never something anyone had accused her of.

"What?" She seemed to be saying that a lot tonight.

He smirked at her again and damn if she didn't melt a little.

"Aren't the girl's dorms in the other direction?"


"Well, you see, I'm just--" She stopped.

Shit. Again.