
Wanjie Fishing System

One piece fan-fiction Traversing in one piece with wanjie fishing system

MD_Nurnabi_Islam · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs


For Rogge Town, Zhang Jun was deeply impressed by two points.

First, it is the place of birth and death of pirate king Roger.

Second, it is the beginning of the legend of the protagonist Luffy!

Moreover, Zhang Jun has a hunch that this will also be his blessed land!

Maybe he will find the partner he wants to find here!

At this time, the three had just entered the port and stood under a triangular archway.

The street ahead is full of shops and people come and go.

According to Zhang Jun, the straw hat Pirate Group has not yet reached Rogge town.

"Brother Jun, I want to go shopping... Will you accompany me?"

Suddenly, Hill\'s eyes lit up and pulled Zhang Jun\'s sleeve.

"Ah? No, no, I have something else. Misoga, will you go with hill? Huh?"

Zhang Jun was shocked. He didn\'t want to suffer from shopping with girls! So immediately transfer the damage to misoga.

"OK, OK! Boss, you can go busy. I will go shopping with hill!"

Misoga almost jumped up in surprise, and the corners of her mouth were almost to her ears.


Hill stamped his foot discontentedly and headed for the market.

Misoga gave Zhang Jun a thumbs up and ran after him.

"Hey, misoga, lick the dog, lick the dog, have nothing..."

Zhang Jun shook his head and went in one direction.

"Here it is!"

After some inquiry, Zhang Jun came to the door of a weapons store.

If he remembers correctly, there will be two knives with Sauron for a long time.

What impressed him most was a evil knife called the third generation ghost!

"You\'re here again, boy? Go away, don\'t disturb my business!"

Before entering the door, a loud voice came into Zhang Jun\'s ear.

With some curiosity, Zhang Jun stepped into the weapons store.

Inside, a middle-aged man with a strange hairstyle pointed impatiently at a teenager.

The boy kept a black inch short, and his black clothes could not hide his strong figure.

What\'s more strange is his face. He has a pair of red pupils. With his cold face, he has a sense of demon vision.

Moreover, after feeling the smell of evil sword thunder blood, he could detect that the boy also had a similar strange smell.

It\'s like the curse smell on Lei Xue, but it\'s a little different.

At this time, the boy was staring at a knife without saying a word!

Looking along his eyes, Zhang Jun felt that the evil knife thunder blood that had been taken out long ago and pinned around his waist shook slightly.

It seems that there is some induction.

"It seems that this Dao is evil Dao. It has been haunted for three generations!"

Touched his chin, Zhang Jun muttered thoughtfully.

"Oh, Hello, guest. Welcome. I\'m the boss yibensong. What can I do for the guest?"

At this time, yibensong seemed to suddenly notice Zhang Jun, stared at the young man and hurried to meet him.

"Boss, what\'s this?"

Zhang Jun looked curiously at the boy who was still there for a moment, staring at three generations of ghosts, and asked yibensong.

"Harm, you say that boy? That boy is not local, and I don\'t know where he comes from."

"A few days ago, the boy walked into my shop. I thought it was a customer. As a result, the boy walked towards the evil knife as soon as he came in."

"Then he kept staring at the knife. I think it\'s a evil knife anyway. It doesn\'t matter if he can take it away."

"But the boy is too wonderful. He says he doesn\'t deserve the knife! But the most disgusting thing is that he doesn\'t go after saying that. He comes to my store early in the morning to stare at the knife."

"I can\'t drive away. Many guests are scared away by him!"

Seeing that Zhang Jun was interested in the young man, yibensong rubbed his head and said.

After listening to yibensong\'s words, Zhang Jun suddenly felt a move in his heart. This boy may be the person he wants most!

A long time ago, Zhang Jun became a fan of Sauron shortly after he started watching the pirate king.

I always think that if I come to the world of the pirate king, I must create a pirate group, and then find a swordsman like Sauron to join my Pirate Group!

"Hey! Boy, you like this knife very much?"

Thinking of this, Zhang Jun went to the boy and asked.

"Yes! I want to be the greatest swordsman with a good knife!"

The young man didn\'t look back, but his firm voice came.

"Ding, task trigger: Crazy swordsman! Completion condition: successfully recruit ghost Mo Yan. Task reward: high-quality bait * 1 (greatly increased the probability of catching famous knives!)"

Suddenly, the sound of the system came, which made Zhang Jun happy.

Sure enough, the boy is the swordsman he wants to find!

"Brother, what\'s your name?"

Zhang Jun walked to his side and said faintly.

No matter how happy you are inside, you have to pretend to be calm on the outside!

"Ghost Mo Yan!"

The boy turned his head and looked at Zhang Jun for the first time.

No, it\'s not so much looking at Zhang Jun as looking at the thunder blood pinned to Zhang Jun\'s waist!

"Ghost Mo Yan. Good name. My name is Zhang Jun. do you like my knife?"

Zhang Jun narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at him with a smile.

"Good Dao! Very strong! You are also very strong!"

Ghost Mo Yan doesn\'t seem to speak much, word by word.

"Hahaha, know the goods! Well, I have something to discuss with you, so I\'ll come straight to the point!"

Zhang Jun laughed twice, his whole body changed, and a dull air filled the whole weapon store.

"Join my Pirate Group! I will make you strong! Similarly, I will give you a knife no weaker than the third generation ghost!"

At this time, Zhang Jun is no longer approachable. At this time, he is like a high emperor and a ghost master in hell!

Murderous spirit is spreading all over the body. At the same time, there is a kind of domineering spirit growing quietly



To Zhang Jun\'s surprise, ghost Mo Yan agreed directly!

He gave a voice of doubt and his momentum came back.

"Ding, congratulations to the host on completing the task. Task reward: high-quality bait * 1 (the probability of catching famous knives has increased greatly!). Congratulations to the host on recruiting crazy swordsmen successfully. Reward high-quality bait * 1 and ordinary bait * 3"

The sound of the system sounded at the right time, which proved that ghost Moyan did agree to Zhang Jun.

"Why did you promise so soon? I\'m not afraid I fooled you?"

Zhang Jun asked suspiciously.


Ghost Mo Yan didn\'t seem to want to say more. He looked at Lei Xue and Zhang Jun, and a trace of pure light flashed through his red pupil.

Walking down the street with ghost Mo Yan, Zhang Jun is still a little confused, but success is good.

He did not follow the original plan to observe the three generations of ghost Che and snow. The urgent task is to go back to the ship and catch a famous knife for ghost Mo Yan.