
Wanjie Fishing System

One piece fan-fiction Traversing in one piece with wanjie fishing system

MD_Nurnabi_Islam · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs


On the sea, misoga listened attentively to Zhang Jun\'s experience.

Especially when Zhang Jun talked about the two most impressive fights he encountered when climbing corpse mountain, both of them couldn\'t help showing their fear, surprise and admiration.

Identity exchange, the two of them are definitely lost in these two fights.

At the same time, Longteng Wanli set off gently, and a vague figure floated up and down the captain\'s room.

"Hey, what bothers me most is that the last thunder turned the whole island into scorched earth..."

Zhang Jun flicked Lei Xue hard and sighed.

"Brother Jun, what does this have to do with you? It\'s clearly Lei Xue\'s fault!"

Hill tooted his small mouth and looked at Lei Xue discontentedly. It seemed that he was blaming it for making his most beloved brother Jun so upset.

Hearing Hill\'s words, Zhang Jun and misoga looked at each other and smiled.

The days passed slowly, and the three lived a boring life on the sea.

During this time, Zhang Jun experimented with the ability brought by the third gear.

On the surface, this time it doesn\'t look as powerful as the second gear permanently increases its combat effectiveness by 20%.

But in fact, Zhang Jun felt that he was better than him!

Because the third gear brings electromagnetic force to Zhang Jun!

In other words, he can manipulate all metals by electromagnetic force!

What\'s more strange is that the electromagnetic force can be directionally controlled! That is to gather all the power on the same object!

"The imperial sword flies! The imperial sword cuts the enemy thousands of miles away!"

Zhang Jun is very happy. This is the attack he especially wants!

Two days later, Zhang Jun packed up his mood and began fishing!

As usual, sitting cross legged, Zhang Jun prayed in his heart, and then threw out the hook.

"Ding, congratulations to the host on getting a bag of beauty plum candy! You can eat it to make you beautiful."

For a long time, a voice came, and Zhang Jun was stunned. What is it?

Half a day later, Zhang Jun stood up with a smile.

Although some wonderful things have been caught, it is still good on the whole!

"Ding, fishing is over. Congratulations to the host for getting a bag of beautiful plum candy!

Congratulations! The host has gained 200 combat power points!

Congratulations on getting a weather stick!

Congratulations to the host on obtaining wind thunder stick * 1 (can be given)!

Congratulations on getting Bailey one million!

Congratulations to the host for getting a super grenade! "

Yes, this time the high-quality bait is the super grenade!

When the internal explosive explodes, countless killing fragments and steel balls fly out in all directions, which has great lethality to unprotected effective forces within a radius of 10 meters!

"Hi tech, I miss it!"

Zhang Jun looked at the exquisite iron pimple in his hand and couldn\'t help but praise it.

According to the system, the power of this super grenade is no less than 50% of the power of the four emperors!

In other words, with this super grenade, Zhang Jun had a life-saving card in the early stage!

"Eh? It looks so novel!"

Just then, Hill grabbed the super grenade in Zhang Jun\'s hand and played it curiously.

"Ah! Be careful! Don\'t..."

Zhang Jun was subconsciously surprised, but he immediately reacted.

The reason why this super grenade makes Zhang Jun call high technology is that it is equipped with a chip that can recognize the voice of the owner. As long as you hear the owner shout, it will explode!

This super grenade will explode instantly, but it will not explode independently as long as it is not hit too much at ordinary times.

"Well, hill, give it back to me. This is our killer mace! By the way, this plum candy is for you, beauty and beauty!"

Zhang Jun relaxed, took out the plum candy and handed it to hill.

"Beauty?! thank you, brother Jun!"

The girl really cared about this kind of thing. She took the plum candy, threw the super grenade at Zhang Jun, and bounced back to the room.

"Boss, boss, we\'re almost in Rogge town!"

As soon as one person left and the other came again, misoga excitedly said to Zhang Jun with a map.

"Rogge town?! is that the famous Rogge town?!"

Zhang Jun looked happy and asked in surprise.

This Rogge town is very popular in the world of the pirate king, because it is the place where the pirate king Gore D Roger was born and died!

Also known as the place of beginning and end!

Zhang Jun was surprised not because of Rogge Town, but because he was going to Rogge town so soon!

He thought he would encounter some emergencies, so he was worthy of crossing and system!

I didn\'t expect to arrive so quietly?

Judging from this time, Luffy must not have arrived yet.

"Yes, boss! That\'s Rogge town!"

Misoga said excitedly that they had learned from the map that Rogge town would soon reach the great route!

That\'s the starting point Zhang Jun has been telling them!

"Well, well, I know you\'re excited, but there\'s one thing that makes you more excited! Promise, here you are!"

Zhang Jun shook his head, took out the weather stick and handed it to misoga.

"This thing can let you better control the climate. It\'s called weather stick. It\'s extremely hard. You can also use it as a weapon! In addition, there\'s another thing for you. Come to the room with me."

Zhang Jun saw that misoga was curious, but he was not very excited. After all, he could control the climate himself, so he planned to give him the wind and thunder stick!

Half an hour later.

"Oh, my God! God! Mom!"

A strange cry came from misoga\'s room, which made Hill keep asking what was wrong outside.

"Hill, don\'t worry. It\'s all right. He just succeeded in cultivating a set of stick skills. He\'s too happy."

Zhang Jun came out with a smile. Sample, I said you would be excited!

This wind and thunder stick technique, as its name suggests, is to stand up as fast as the wind and as strong as thunder!

Zhang Jun\'s thunder crazy knife!

It\'s a pity that misoga\'s physique is not strong enough to exert all his power.

This is also an important reason for misoga\'s crazy forging.

"Oh, no matter this madman, brother Jun, what changes do you see in hill?"

Hill obviously didn\'t care much about it. Instead, he asked with a pretty face and shame.

"Eh? Hill, you\'re beautiful!"

Zhang Jun didn\'t know her mind yet, so he immediately exclaimed and praised her.

"Hey, it\'s all the credit of the plum candy brother Jun gave me! Ah! Brother Jun, look!"

Suddenly, Hill screamed and pointed straight ahead of the ship.

Misoga also came out of the cabin at this time. At this time, he had suppressed the excitement in his heart.

The three stood in a row and looked into the distance.

I saw an island lying in front of the Longteng Wanli under the scorching sun.

The port is full of ships, large and small, constantly coming in and out, a prosperous scene.

I don\'t know why, although the island looks ordinary, it has an inexplicable momentum.

This momentum makes it look particularly tall and magnificent!

"Rogge town!"

Zhang Jun stood in the center, with a glimmer of light in his eyes. This is the place to start!

The so-called "dead horse running in Wangshan" didn\'t arrive in Rogge town until a full hour later.

The three men arranged the ship and set foot on the island endowed with great significance.