
Wandering Guard

"I'm just your everyday average guy living an average life, my face: average, my body: average, my talent: average, you can figure out the rest. If people ask me how do I think I will die, I'll just say old age but nope, death come and say hi when I'm in my mid-20 in a form of fork, knife and a lot of pain, and now I'm living my second normal life in a world not so normal. At least that is what I think until I met her...…. a certain night gaunt." first thing first, I'm doing this just for fun and as a wish fulfillment and english is not my first language and this is the first time i write a story.

Winter_Night · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

how are you guys today

Its February, a month has passed since my 20th birthday which make the two of us a little anxious days after but not for the same reasons.

After years of spending time together all the time both at home and during our part time work as a chef at the M.O.N. which taught us a little about the whole "Interspecies Cultural Exchange Act" or just simply called ICEA since we cook foods for the human agent, mon girl agent and mon girls that come to this country for the exchange. We know that one of the girl there or yet to arrive will eventually be living under the same roof as us, which make Taki a little bit restless since she knows that it is inevitable and the girls that also realise this little facts keep trying to get close to her and each time she told them to go away they just think that she meant it nicely since no one can see her emotion or read the aura she releasing, of course except for me thanks to ASEG, agents that know how to read the mood thanks to their experience and mon girls that can sense aura because she's emitting quite a terrifying aura.

Despite my attempt to put her to ease by literally hugging her whenever we get home till the next time we need to get out of the house which we then turn toward hand holding and she hugging my arm, she'll become restless again whenever we go back to work and the mon girls keep festering her or when the one assigned to be our ICEA agent which is not that surprising, is Smith herself come to check up on us and to remind us not to do any funny business which eliminate one way for her to 'mark' me as hers.

After my usual morning practice inside pandemonium, making sure im not rusty when using Agni&Rudra, letting the two stretch their body while train myself to fight with only my bare hands in case things happen where i cant use my weapon and to sharpen my instinct, both me and Taki wakes up and take a long relaxing shower as we decide to stay home today. Who would've thought after years of holding ourself back, its not even a struggle saying no to the urge to jump on eachother like an animal in heat at the slightest touch, its like we build a damp holding the horniness at bay, we go take a shower.... a LONG refreshing shower.

When we're done we head down while holding hand to make some breakfast and there she is the sneakiest kunoichi I've ever known and if it not for me having haki she'll give me heart attack every time she visit and she's currently watching the television while laying on the couch.

Smith: so what's for breakfast?

Taki: not cooking any for you

Masaru: Waffles

Taki looks at me in the eyes and give my hand a hard squeeze.

Masaru: she arrange the whole house with furniture, free food supply and our part-time so this is the least we could do.

Taki: I still dont like her, but i'll tolerate

Smith: then i'll order one cup of coffee, a ring and 10 children

Taki: now that just push it

She release quite a lot of bloodlust from Smith's joke. Before anything could escalate I give Taki a hug from behind and kiss the back of her hand which work like a charm at calming her down.

Smith: Oh, did something happen between the both of you?

Masaru: nothing happen, it just small things we learn about each other all those years together and you know very well we wont cross the line and risking her getting deported to the land unknown to her and me to jail. We have this conversation almost every time you visit.

I said to her while getting ready to cook our breakfast quite hurt that she thought we don't know self-control and we were able to hold back for 2 years without that much of supervision by M.O.N and now that she come almost everyday to check up on us just help us to not crossing the line way easier

Smith: I know but I still need to ask, its my work after all and I want strawberry waffle

We then have our breakfast after I'm done preparing them with help from Taki. Smith had strawberry waffle with coffee, Taki had blueberry waffle with warm milk and I had banana waffle with tea. After the three of us finish eating our food, Smith start to talk about more serious stuff

Smith: Okay time to get to the real reason I'm here.

Taki: hmm? so you're not here for usual free breakfast and our couch?

Smith: Yes, I'm here to tell both of you that you've been registered under the available house for ICEA, so expect girls in the future.

As she finish relaying the information, I can hear Taki groaning probably not liking the idea of having less private time with me.

Smith: oh, and before I forget starting today the rule of mon girls and human to be able to get married is in effect so you know what to do and I wont be visiting tomorrow so take your time tonight.

She then wink at us but more specifically at Taki, but what she does she mean by the last part. Wait when is the next full moon?

Smith: Well that's all I want to tell both of you, so I'll take my leave, bye-bye

And with that there's only us left in the house and when I look at Taki all she did is looking at the floor and somehow her skins is shinier like there's some kind of substances. All day long she didn't say anything even if I talk to her she's only answer with body language. At first I thought I made her mad somehow but she still glued to me but more than usual this time and as the time goes on I get even more aroused and at that time I come to conclusion of that this slimy sweat of hers has an aphrodisiacs property AND its full moon tonight PLUS now marriage between different species is allowed. No wonder she's more clingy than usual and I'm not complaining.

As the sun finally set and the night taking its place both of us went to our room without saying anything and when we're there she finally look me in the eyes and with just that we both know what each of us want, what we've been yearning for..... a physical connection. As the night goes on, our love session show no sign of slow down as we didn't intended to stop in the beginning anyway. We get addicted to each other as soon as we kiss earlier that night. I don't know what time it is when we stop caring about the time and didn't show even a single restriction as we kiss, hips bumping, me flooding her inside and her moans flooding the whole house which just fire me up even more, I'm too engross in making love with her to the point I didn't even realize that somehow her already petite body when compared to mine became smaller but I'm too absorbed in making love with her to care and we goes non-stop and when we finally stop we both fell asleep while I'm still inside her and she fell asleep on top of me

The next thing I know, I'm inside pandemonium.

Masaru: what why am i in here? SiSy what happen.

I get no replies and when i access it manually


Masaru Ryushi


Armament Haki{Mastered}

Observation Haki{Mastered}

Conqueror Haki{Mastered}

True Ailment Immunity

Pandemonium Castle

Property Lock

{Skill Locked}

(require "key" to be unlock)

{Skill Locked}

(require "key" to need unlock)

Household Skill{Mastered}

All-Seeing Eyes of God


Agni & Rudra

Masaru: Wait what happen? where's the ticket section? actually never mind that I need to get back to Taki. I hope there nothing bad happen.

R.O.B.: no need to worry I bring you here for your final gift that I have for you and don't worry about your dear night gaunt I stop the time in your world after both of you done with what you're doing and the ticket thingy author don't know what to do with em so he just remove it and replace it with mission reward instead

Out of nowhere R.O.B. the blurry OP being suddenly appear behind me while telling me that's everything is fine on the other side and that I don't have to worry about Taki's safety which is a major relieve for me.

Masaru: Wait.... so you're telling me....you've been watching me?

R.O.B.: What, hell no I just put a timer in your system, you know the one you've been calling SiSy.

Masaru: so does that mean SiSy is no more? And what do you mean by final reward?

R.O.B.: Well you do remember I say I'll give you 3 reward for free before I reincarnate you right. the first one is the system, second one is the lock skill and finally the two locked skill which is too much for your current body and here you are about to obtain it.

Masaru: let me guess you're not just going to hand it to me are you?

R.O.B.: correct, I need you to be able to get it yourself since I have a bigger plan for you and time is not on our side.

Masaru: does it has something to do with the 'problematic' soul like last time.

R.O.B.: oh you're still remember it even though it has been like what more than 10 years for you, and its both yes and no but I'll tell you more later. Now just have fun dealing with this guys.

Just like that I'm all alone in this place but there's something odd about this place, the interior is the same as pandemonium but there's 20 big pillar on the wall that I'm pretty sure wasn't all of them wasn't there before. Before I can even inspect them any further the whole castle shakes and from one of the pillar emerge darkbeast paarl one of bloodborne bosses and then another shakes happen and this time vicar amelia came out of another pillar, the whole thing happen again and again until only one pillar remain thats cover with dark ominous mist and tentacles emerge put of it sometimes. Standing around me is the monsters emerge from the 19 pillar and among them is darkbeast paarl, blood-starved beast, The One Reborn, Vicar Amelia, Witch of Hemwick, Living Failures, Laurence, The First Vicar, Ludwig and Orphan of Kos, 10 set of bosses from the bloodborne franchise. Deviljho, Bazelgeuse, Tigrex and Rajang, 4 from Monster Hunter series. Nevan from Dmc 3. Berial, Echidna, Bael & Dagon from Dmc 4 and King Ghidorah towering all the others including me.

Masaru: oh boy this is gonna take a while.

Summoning Agni&Rudra into my hand and readying myself for a Long Long fight.

Masaru: Get ready both of you, this gonna be one fun ride

Agni: Finally something to kill

Rudra: something to shred

That's how one of the longest battle I've ever fought in started and it goes on for years inside the Pandemonium.