
Wandering Guard

"I'm just your everyday average guy living an average life, my face: average, my body: average, my talent: average, you can figure out the rest. If people ask me how do I think I will die, I'll just say old age but nope, death come and say hi when I'm in my mid-20 in a form of fork, knife and a lot of pain, and now I'm living my second normal life in a world not so normal. At least that is what I think until I met her...…. a certain night gaunt." first thing first, I'm doing this just for fun and as a wish fulfillment and english is not my first language and this is the first time i write a story.

Winter_Night · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

info dump and maybe confusion

A little moan could be heard when Masaru squeeze the comfy lump that's under the blanket which mostly only covering his lower half , beside him could be seen another smaller figure and this figure is own by a petite female with purple skin, modest size bust, slender legs with thicc thighs that's fitting with her small frame body that ended with two toes on each leg (A/N: yes the juicy lump is her butt you perverted reader, jumping into conclusion before I even said it (-_-) and yes....im a thigh man )

-Masaru POV-

Masaru: hey, Taki wake up we have to get ready for the graduation

not getting any respond from her, I decide to try it again but with more effort

Masaru: Taki Tsunozaki Ryushi wake up, come on you know how long both of us gonna take to get ready.

As I called her with my surname added in the back and not forgetting to give her plump cake a stronger squeeze, she start to make little movement showing that's she's waking up. She then lift her head to look at me in the eyes.

Taki: You really like my butt huh and its your fault for always wasting time in the bath

she said with monotonous voice without any emotion behind it, same could be said about her expression, not even a little bit of emotion could be seen.

Masaru: you cant blame me for that, you're the one that keep taunting and clinging to me 24/7

Taki: I cant help it okay, its this race characteristics to be clingy with their mat- …

Masaru: hmm? not gonna finish the sentence?

I smirks at her blushing face when she's about to admit that i am her mate but stop before the word could properly go out of her lip. She's been like this since she start turning, it all started a few month after our first meeting in this dormitory, she is the other person that live here beside Fumio-san before I arrive and our first interaction is me messing with her, back then she is still a human only for a few months later at the end of that year, the world government make an announcement about the existent of another dimension that majority of its inhabitants is a monster girl called the Mamono. The organization that succeeded in keeping it all a secret is called M.O.N., the existent of this organization shocked not only Japan but the whole world because apparently its a secret even among the leader of some nation. For me however its not that big of a surprise since one, I'm from a world where Monster Musume is just another fictional story and two, both my mother and father is an agent there and mother even told me about the whole thing and where and who to go to after I graduate. The day that they announce the existent of the other dimension, the portal that is scattered all around the world that connect the two world release an amount of magic energy that's not particularly harmful toward anyone as a result of stabilizing itself so that it will be a permanent gate for people of both world. The energy release isn't harmful but to some human woman it has the effect of turning them into the monster girl that's they have the closes connection to spiritually or they have the species as one of their ancestor. On that day everything start to become a little bit hectic since Taki is one of the few that's affected by the energy, so few that in Japan there's only three woman that's transform, Taki being the special one out of the three of them.

While the other two turn into lamias which is one of the known species and M.O.N. have information on. Taki turns into a species that both the inhabitant of Mamono and M.O.N. have little to no information about. The name of her new species is Night Gaunt, the only information that is known about them is that they appear to be emotionless to all other creature except for those of the same species and to their own husband, the pair of husband and wife seems to be inseparable from each other, at first everything is fine other than Taki being restless during the first full moon and during the second full moon she comes to my room and ask to sleep in a same bed with me and she afraid of thunder being the reason for her wanting to sleep with me despite the fact that, one she can just ask help from Fumio-san, who has been like a family to us and, two its not even raining on that day let alone a thunder. Her body during that time has a little bit of change as her height increase a little bit from her being a little taller than my navel into her her shoulder being on the same height as my navel, albeit me having a lean muscular body at the height of 6'9, and her body start to fill on the right place making it hard for me to hold myself back from cross the line. The next morning is where I wake up to her current looks.

When we report about her transformation to the M.O.N. All three of us we get called to go to their HQ since we're needed to answer a few things about her behavior. She got asked questions concerning the changes of her body, after everything is done the final question is asked, the question that lead to both me and her to share the same room and the question is 'does she has any mate' which caught us by surprised and the reason they asked this is because the traits of monster girls is that once they choose their mate they'll stay loyal to their mate until the end of their life and the changes will only occur to pure women as in virgin so they don't want to leave them alone vulnerable to people that might take advantages of them during the time they getting use to their new body and abilities hence why the question is asked in case they didn't have a mate M.O.N. will provide a shelter under their surveillance to protect them and to help them getting used to their new self. Out of curiosity i asked the M.O.N. agent about the other two and one of them stay with her boyfriend she call darling and the other one decide to stay In the shelter only to meet her soulmate in the form of childhood friend who is working as a doctor. I'm happy to know that Taki is still untouched because despite not being even close to a waifu as she only get a few screen time during the whole anime and manga, she really grown on me during the time we spend together even though its not even a year since we know each other. So knowing that she's still a virgin makes me happy and I almost jump around happily like an idiot when she answer the question by pointing her finger at me with her blushing face facing her feet.

Taki: hey stop spacing out. come on, lets go take shower.

She said bringing me out of my thought. Without saying anything we both start to get out of the embrace of the comfy single bed and my left hand felt empty after it lose the sensation it wake up to.

Taki: Stop staring at your hand, you do this everyday and it still gonna find it way to the same place tonight anyway.

She then proceed to get out of bed and head toward the bathroom that's in the room thanks to M.O.N., now the dormitory is bigger and a room with it own bathroom is added specifically for the two of us. One might ask why only one? and the answer is why need more than one when there's only one monster girl in the whole academy.

When I look at her walking towards the bathroom, I catch a glimpse that she's looking at me for a split second and continue to walk only this time with her hips moving more seductively, at such a sight my little brother down there cant help itself from standing tall at the length of 12 inch and when R.O.B. says that I'll be packing down there I expect a 7 or at most 8 not 12!, good thing I'm a grower and not a shower.

After we finish bathing we start to get ready for the graduation ceremony. When I finish getting ready a certain letter on the table in the room catch my attention.

In the letter contain sentences of assurance and talking about how i should live my life to the fullest, ended with words that first greet me to this world and now a farewell at the end of her life.

"protect those dear to you and don't betray them. Be brave and strong so that you can help those in need okay, my little baby boy. I will always love you no matter how far apart we are."

I can feel my chest getting tight, wave of emotion start to hit me, as I feel someone giving me a hug from behind. Taki didn't say anything as she start to sway left and right while humming, trying to calm the wave of emotion I'm in and its work it always work. I'm lucky to have a loyal partner that also know how to calm me down. After staying like that for a minute she finally let go of me.

Taki: better?

Masaru: yes, I'm better now

Its only been a year and a half since she passed away so it still sad even for a little bit. The both of us then went out of our room toward the dormitory kitchen to make breakfast and as always Fumio-san is already there you. This has become somewhat of a normal things for us from the time it only the three of us in the dormitory.

Fumio: would you do the honor of waking the kid up.

Masaru: don't mind if I do...

I went to a bronze pipe that connected to every other room in the dormitory, I inhale loudly a large amount of air and as I was about to shout the wake up call

??&??&??&??: WE'RE AWAKE, WE'RE AWAKE

??: my heart cant take that kind of wake up call anymore

the three of us can only laugh at their respond not wanting to be woke up by a yell loud enough to get noise complain from the other dormitory.

The three of us then start to cook our breakfast since everyone has to cook their own food. Not long after four people enter the kitchen and among them is a short, thin, and light-skinned boy with short black hair, large black eyes, and a rather wide nose with large nostrils. A serene-looking girl with waist-length that has a chest-length hair strand tied at the bottom by a black bow with bangs covering her forehead, light-blue eyes and a large bust. A big and muscular boy that has a slicked-back dark red hair and eyebrow. A muscular and boy with somewhat messy blue neck-length hair, he has three scars running from his left ear to just under his left eye which he was born with, a strong, angular facial features and somewhat catlike eyes. This 4 is Komatsu Vinsmoke a second year, Sonoka Kikuchi a second year, Zebra and Toriko Glutto a first year.

(a/n: the name for toriko zebra and komatsu is just things that come to my mind when I'm thinking what to give em so don't think much about it)

Toriko: you both gonna graduate today and you still don't know how to wake us up properly

Masaru: Oh I know, I just refuse to.

Zebra: Then I'll beat you up

Toriko: Yeah!

They then proceed to lunge toward me, I put my right foot in front of me and slide the floor tile back revealing two caved soil, when both is in my attack range I just smack their head down simultaneously planting it straight into the caved soil silencing them.

Komatsu: The two of you need to stop, the same thing keep repeating even though both of you is has bigger frame and muscle.

Afterward we have a rather calm breakfast together. After we finish it and get out of the dorm both me and Taki is welcome by a large group of 100 people separated 50/50 by gender.

R.Male Student: Since this is the last day for the two of you we all want to challenge both of you to a Shokugeki

R.Female Student: yeah and both of you will go against all of us, if you two lose we will have both of you repeat the academy from first year and do whatever we say.

When I was about to decline I feel I saw that Taki is determine to win by the aura she releasing and when I follow her line of sight I see a few female students looking at me with lewd intent.

Masaru: 'looks like she found a reason to be motivated-'



-Win The battle royal shokugeki

-Rewards= 1 skill ticket, 3 creature ticket, 4 item ticket

Masaru: 'and now I found mine, I even get skill selection ticket instead of skill upgrade. That's the first and since I cant convert other ticket into it, I'll just assume it as mission reward only'. You in?

I asked Taki just incase she want to refuse even though I know she wont back down after seeing what some of the girls is aiming for and only nod.

Masaru: okay so, have you assemble the judges and when we doing it?

R.M.Student: we will start after your graduation ceremony and don't worry about the judges we got them already

Komatsu: you think they can win?

he ask Sonoka who is beside him with the two brothers behind them.

Sonoka: I think they will since its our senpai we talking about, Taki-senpai the 2nd seat that almost on par with Saiba Joichiro himself only 3 point behind and Masaru-senpai who secure the 1st seat since his first year and 10 points ahead of Saiba Joichiro in their usual match whenever he came visit.

Toriko&Zebra: Count Us In!

And after the ceremony we went straight to the usual shokugeki arena only to see thousands of people already inside and my grandpa standing in the middle of the arena

Sanzaemon: On This Day The First Ever Battle Royale Shokugeki Will Take Place And The Audience Will Be The Judges That Also Include Those That Joins Later, In Other Word This Is The Battle Of Which Side Can Last The Longest! Begin The Shokugeki!

As he finish his whole speech the audience roars loudly in excitement of getting to eat food cooks by the Totsuki student for free in a buffet fashion. The whole match last until midnight after non-stop waves of new people, non-stop cooking and the other sides tag-teaming each other, in the end both me and Taki emerge victorious and now we are walking toward along with our dormmates instead of accepting grandpa's invitation to send us there since this maybe the last time we all can walk together for a long time. Once we arrive we went straight to bed after a short bath. The next morning after waking up and saying goodbye to the others we went to an address given to us a few days back by M.O.N. probably an address to our new house given to us by M.O.N. since I'm registered as Taki's "Interspecies Cultural Exchange Act" family and because I'm not yet 20 years old which apparently the minimum age to be a foster family for mon girls, we'll be living in the house alone at least for the next two years and of course we wont be doing any mating related stuff given that the rule that allow a marriage between interspecies is still haven't been announce yet but since we now have our own space I think cuddling time gonna increase and I'm looking forward to it and if it still follow the plot of momusu it should be announce by the time I turn 20. When we arrive there we found out that our new house is pretty decent just like the house own by the mc of momusu and the nearest M.O.N. branch is close by our house since we will be working as a part time chef there and just like that, time passed by quickly filled with a little part-time and a lot of cuddling 24/7 in the house and now both me and Taki is 20 years old and I am a quite excited knowing the time to claim her as mine is drawing near.