
Wandering Guard

"I'm just your everyday average guy living an average life, my face: average, my body: average, my talent: average, you can figure out the rest. If people ask me how do I think I will die, I'll just say old age but nope, death come and say hi when I'm in my mid-20 in a form of fork, knife and a lot of pain, and now I'm living my second normal life in a world not so normal. At least that is what I think until I met her...…. a certain night gaunt." first thing first, I'm doing this just for fun and as a wish fulfillment and english is not my first language and this is the first time i write a story.

Winter_Night · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

New body, Same soul

The 19 bosses could be seen surrounding Masaru, expecting a continuous one-on-one fight not a one sided beat down, Masaru is having a hard time against all 19 of them that for some reason fight like a functional team

When he go to face one of them head on the other will intervened and it goes like that for a while until he sees the pattern on how they attack, their moveset is somewhat the same as it is in-game with an exception of ghidorah which is the biggest threat, The witch of Hemwick and nevan will always prevent him from attacking the others with their bats and humanoid summon called the mad ones, the big guys like berial, echidna, the monster hunter monsters and the other bloodborne bosses take the aggressive role of attacking Masaru non-stop while ghidorah will join in using it gravity beam from time to time, other than that ghidorah didn't do a lot which give Masaru an easier time compared to what he would have to deal with if the three headed dragon join from the start.

As time when on he finally get the rhythm of their attack and thing start to get easier and easier, the first to go down was nevan as she is the easiest target since he has a plan to use the witch summon as his battery for Agni&Rudra's body since the both of them need a sacrifice to create their body and the enemies can easily destroy it, so having an unlimited batteries really help.

After killing nevan something, Masaru is surprised to see that he obtain the electric guitar scythe from the game plus her power of summoning swarm of lightning bats. This would've pleased him so much knowing that thing would get easier to handle. Much to his dismay the remaining enemies also obtain nevan's power.

"not only am i fighting in an all out boss rush mode, it also has orstein and smough flavor added" commented Masaru, thinking that he's not the only one getting buff for each enemies defeated.

Using his new power Masaru sent swarms of bats toward all of them except for the witch, with the swarms that targeting living failure, bloodstarved beast, and bael&dagon is bigger. Just as he expected the swarm didn't do much to the others just enough to stagger them for a moment but the same thing couldn't be said for the three since the lightning is bigger for them. The lightning is enough to fried living failure and blood-starved beast but only severely injured the giant toads, by killing the two he can feel a boost to his overall strength. Not letting the chance of killing the toads to go to waste, Masaru jump toward one of them to found out that he is also now faster than before and deliver a punch straight to bael's head which resulting for it to fly all the way to the wall creating a spider web crack on it and punch dagon straight to the floor also leaving cracks on it.

When he kill the toads some of their blood landed on Masaru's hand which make him feel stronger and refresh which his guesses are he get some kind of skill from bloodstarved beast, after the two angler fish and toad fusion died gold orb emerges from each of them and merge together before merging with Masaru. He instinctively know what the the orb is as soon as it enter his chest, its the pandora and what seems to have a little twist.

Golden ripple start to appear around Masaru and from those ripple gatling guns heads, canons heads and what seems like a big reactor machine thingy emerge. "well lets see how many of you guys i can kill" and from then on the fight that at first is annoying turn into easy mode for a short while but long enough to kill most of the enemies. "Agni, Rudra return to me!" on his command the two stop fighting the one reborn, bazelgeuse, deviljho, tigrex and rajang and return back to their sword form and fly into Masaru's hand. 'I hope the witch survive this somehow' thought Masaru as he release barrage of attacks ranges from bullets into missiles and lasers.

After the carnage of explosions and howl of dying enemies all that is still standing is ludwig, the witch and ghidorah who's shielding the witch with its wings. "so i manage to kill a lot of you" says masaru as he gain weapons and feel the new power entering him.

"so i guess the three of you get the upgrade as well" he says as with light emerge around the damaged Ludwig that somehow survive the onslaught, healing itself at an alarming speed. The witch summon its minion only this time each of them has something new, one of them have lucifer a devil arm in the form of skull shaped backplate from which two wing shaped sheathes extend outward and the other one has a set of gauntlet, greaves, mask, and back armor named gilgamesh, both are a weapon that dante obtain after defeating berial and echidna.

"hmm by the look of it, seems like you only have the lucifer and gilgamesh, so only I have pandora...hopefully" after that he bring out his own lucifer only his wasnt attach to his back at first, its hovering around behind him before attaching itself on his left shoulder blade. Seemingly surprised at the changes of the weapon he gets he decide to just test everything out at one.

He brings out all that is in his disposal. He equip gilgamesh, lucifer, Pandora and gate of Babylon fusion that he decide to call gate of Pandora, both Agni&Rudra and even summon a huge swarm of nevan's bat and readying himself to go all out with the remaining three. The 3 enemies also preparing themselves with ludwig bringing out his moonlight sword, the witch keep summoning her minion and thanks to the boost in strength all of us get from those that died in the carnage, it seems that she can even fight heads on instead of teleporting around, and looks like its time for the three-headed dragon to join the game, the heads on it left start to release fire from its mouth while the one on it right release a blue lightning.

With a loud roar from ghidorah the all of them sprint toward each other with all their have. Dodging a swing from Ludwig by sliding under him, Masaru cut one of his leg and when he get out on the other side he is greeted by the mad ones with gilgamesh fist, not having enough time to dodge he block the punch with both agni&rudra. When the hit land the floor under Masaru crack showing that despite the mad ones swinging it fist around the strength is still there and not to be underestimated.

Pushing the mad one back he stab agni in it chest, igniting and jump back onto Ludwig's back dodging the sword thrown from his right by the mad ones with lucifer, he throw rudra toward the lucifer mad ones as he use the swords produce by his own lucifer to stab ludwig in the back multiple time only to be thrown of by the flailing ludwig. "Both Of You Handle Him For Me!" says Masaru toward the two brothers that just turn into their humanoid form by using the mad ones as a catalyst "Yes Master" answer the brothers before they jump straight toward ludwig blocking him from pursuing Masaru, before he could even land on the floor he is hit by a punch from his left when he look at the perpetrator he's surprise to see the witch who is not the same fragile witch but a buff beautiful woman with her back straight.

"how- never mind I know how big the boost in overall strength from the one reborn, living failure and the 4 monster feels like so this is to be expected but from Who Do You Get Your Youth Back From, is it the one reborn it has to be it?" not letting how the witch get her youth bother him anymore he launch himself from the floor straight toward the witch and deliver a right punch straight to her gut only for her to grab his hand and rip it of and throw him upward toward ghidorah. Seeing it target coming toward it the dragon didn't waste anymore time and charge their breath attack with the right head charging a lightning attack the right head charging a fire attack and the middle head the iconic gravity beam.

When they release their attack at the flying Masaru the attack connect with it target and send Masaru flying again to the other side of the battlefield knocking a cloud of dust up along side some of the rubble from the destroyed floor. When Masaru came out of the rubble he could be seem bloodied and burnt then stream of information flood his head even giving him a headache. "ARGH!..hahaha so that's what heal them so fast, Salvation!" as he use the healing abilities that he get from killing vicar Amelia, his body is healed completely like he's never lose an arm and get blasted by three different attack from a dragon he also gain the information about the other skill he obtain through defeating his enemies. As he completely heal himself, both agni&rudra came crashing beside him each on one side. When the two came out of the rubbles, Masaru place one of his hand on each oh their shoulder and says "isn't this fun, come on I don't want to see any of you lying around being lazy" he then proceed to heal them and even giving them a buff, agni's body is engulf in flame but this is not his flame this is the first vicars flame enhanced by Masaru while rudra's body is engulf by paarl's blue lightning and nevan's purple lightning. "Oh and that's the last time I'll help both of you here so don't let me down" "YES!" says the two brother with determination in their eyes.

As they finish their conversation a single mad ones jump toward Masaru only to be grabbed by the head and ripped out along side the spine and before the mad ones body could even fall Masaru stab his hand inside its body and crush the skull on his other hand, dark blood start to pour out of the body and crushed head, the blood didn't drop to the floor but instead cover both the body and head along with the spine that is still intact like a cocoon and then the cocoon of blood dispersed revealing a big shield that looks like it is made out of flesh and giant whip sword with bone handle and skull pummel and the blade is made out of spine.

For the second time they ready themselves to go battle it out head on. Silent fill the vast pandemonium castle, and unlike the first time where the roar of ghidorah signals the start, this round is initiate by the roar of every single being that is standing.

Years flew by as they kept battling it out and with a smile that only a battle junky could have Masaru finally able to kill the last one standing that is the three-headed dragon, standing on top of the remaining head of ghidorah, lot of battle scar could be seen on his body as Masaru deliver the final blow by blasting it head with an energy bullet from what seems to be some type of heavy bowgun in a shape of horse head, the energy bullet has the same looks like the moonlight sword's energy.

"its finally done" he says in relief as the long battle finally ended. He looks to the other heads of ghidorah and on each of them both agni and rudra could be seen stabbed in the middle of the dragon heads and cracks could be seen along the blade until the pummel.

"hey you both there?" he didn't get any replies from the two. "go take a rest both of you" he says as he lie down on top of the head to get some rest. All of a sudden wind start to blow harder and harder and this alerted Masaru, thinking the fight still haven't finish. When he look at the source of the raging wind, he's eyes land on the single pillar that is cloaked in dark fog since the start, the very same pillar the forget about when he enjoy the fight too much.

"of course, how can I forgot about the only thing that's not destroyed in here". As the fog covering the pillar cleared, silhouettes start to be seen and coming out of the fog is Shin Godzilla, Fatalis, Crimson Fatalis, White Fatalis, Dire Miralis, Moon Presence, Dante, Vergil, Nero and-

"wait I understand the others being here but wtf are you doing here Soki, there no one from your series here at all. No Let Start From How From The Other Pillars Only Has One Thing Come Out Of It And Now 9 Of You Come Out Of One Pillar....Motherfu-