
Walking Dead : New Nightmares

Reincarnated into the walking dead world with the apocolypse on its way, luckily, I have a Harry Potter System Starting in Modern Family I don't own anything but my oc

Andrew_Alsbrooks · TV
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20 Chs

Bad Day for a Modern Family


I turned to see who was screaming at me. I saw a brunette pushing a double stroller and I knew she was Haley. She had a tall lanky guy next to her who I knew was Dylan. The Old Damian knew her in passing while doing the club promotion. He slept with a few of the girls that did promotion with her she quit just after my 21st birthday a little over 2 and a half years ago, He flirted some with her but he never really set his targets on her. Actually, Hilariously Enough He thought she was shallow and Vain It says a lot about her that among that crowd he saw her as shallow and vain.

"Hey" I yell back to her with a slight wave. I turn to Alex and lean in slightly.

"Your sister is that Haley?"I ask rhetorically in fake shock. I mean Alex hadn't shown me any pictures of her family so if I did want to tell her how I knew everyone I'd have to fake a bit today.

"You know Haley?" She asked me Giving me a wary look shes very stiff at that.

"yeah I used to hang out In clubs with my friend John and she was one of the promotion girls to a few that we Frequented," I tell her. She relaxes a bit at that It would be pretty bad if The Old Damian had slept with Haley would have probably wrecked our relationship.

"Hey, long time no see," I say to her."You're a mom now that's really cool. I'm happy for you. This is?" I asked stretching my hand out to Dylan.

"I'm Dylan, Haley's My Wife," he said"And I'm her Husband"

"What are you doing here? And with Alex? Also What's with the Car? Did John let you Borrow it?" She said In a scathing loud tone of voice. The kind of voice you use when you are about to admonish a child. It's similar to the tone she uses to reprimand andy or Dylan in the show. It sucks she mentioned John for two reasons.

First, I was planning to keep that buried from Alex I didn't want to be seen as a project by her like something she had to fix like the other guys she's dated better to leave old Damian's skeletons buried though she already knows that I was something of a party guy. She didn't know about John's betrayal. Maybe one day he would open up about it but Honestly, if he was sharing secrets of past lives He'd rather share the fun secrets first.

Second, I know when I met Haley I wasn't exactly swimming in a lake of gold coins like my boy Scrooge McDuck but I paid for myself mostly at the very minimum way more than she did. I guess I could give her the benefit of the doubt when Damian went out with John a lot to clubs from the time john joined Damian at the company at 19 until about three months ago So just under years as he was 23 almost 24 the company hadn't really taken off well until he was 21 So when they did jo out john would be the one to pay as he was already rich John would always drop a ridiculous amount of money at clubs but insinuating the car was John's that's a step to far.

"Haley you don't need to yell We've been seeing each other a few weeks," Alex says in my defense and loops her and grabs my hand.

"BUT..." She takes a pause to lower her voice and then a stage whisper "But he isn't really ya know..." She trails off at the end I Don't know what she was going to say but I could tell It was judgemental. I think it's ironic that she's judging me for my time hanging at clubs at least the old Damian was being used for his brain she was literally promoting girls to make bad decisions. I try to push down my annoyance. I decide to push past her Judgemental comment and answer her questions.

"John and I had a bit of a falling out, This is my car, As Alex said we've been going out for a few weeks I came to support her," I tell Haley through my annoyance seeps through my words a bit. Seeing Alex hang on to my arm she decides I guess to talk to her later.

"Well, I guess a lot has changed in two years maybe we can talk more after," She says and starts to head into the house. I hang back with Alex to talk to her.

"I'm sorry I was a bit brisk with your sister," I tell her.

"Don't worry she's like that will anyone I bring home I Don't know why she mentioned your car," She says with a raised eyebrow like 'why would she assume it's not yours?' as the unsaid question.

"Yeah, I was 19 when I started My company and it didn't really take off until I was 21 so when John came into the picture we would go to clubs that's actually when he became friends and I let him be CEO He was a good cover good as a face for the company deal with all the day to day stuff that I wouldn't want to deal with. But since the company was New our finances were strained but John He was already rich from his sorta estranged Father so until we really turned a good profit he paid for stuff a lot. After we turned a profit his father that kind of kept his son at arm's length now had his arms wide open to embrace his son and my company with him. He's the guy who bought me out and after he pushed me to the curb Taking my designs and my company at least I was left with a good bit of money but still sucks we were best friends for nearly four years," I tell her with a grimace. It didn't take a genius to figure out that his company was stolen right under him. It wouldn't have surprised me if John's father didn't have something to do with the pressure he was facing from the government. Damian had been told by a few people that John had called him a charity case but he didn't believe them. I pushed that out of my head.

"I'm sorry she mentioned it and whatever she says isn't going to change my opinion of you, especially with her tastes," She says with a grimace and sigh. She stands on her toes and gives me a peck on the lips. She starts to pull me towards the house but I pull back. I grab a bouquet of flowers from the backseat that I'd had Higgins get for me. He got beautiful white Gardenias. Weh head into the house I set the Flowers near the piano.

I Scan the room there are about 8 people I don't know maybe friends of Phil's Dad. Claire, Jay, Cameron, and Gloria look at me as I enter slightly behind Alex. Phil is Staring kind of wistfully at his father's portrait manny, Lily and luke aren't there. Alex leads me over to her grandfather and Gloria. He looks me up and down and then I guess he approves. I look at Gloria and Damn I got to say she does look mighty tempting in that dress but I make sure to avert my eyes instantly I can't say she doesn't look good in black but I don't want to be Phil Model 6 (Phil, Andy, Dylan, Luke, and Cam) guess luke technically wouldn't count on that list but he kinda acts like Phil but either way, I know she isn't one of the soul pieces beautiful but just not mine in the way that Alex could be.

"Hey Grandpa/Gloria, This is Damian" Alex introduced me. I Put out my hand and Shake Jay's.

"I'm Sorry to be meeting you on such a somber occasion I'm really sorry for your loss," I tell them. Jay nods slightly Gloria is Smiling At Alex Cameron has disappeared probably to Gossip to Mitch that Alex has brought a date.

"I recognize your Grandparents and Dad too" I Whisper to Alex after we walk over to the kitchen. She looked shocked before she has a chance to ask why and where.

"Your Grandfather from a commercial and your Grandmom Did Wasn't she a Spokes model for Salsa? I think I saw her as a cutout in a Grocery store a couple of times and your day had a Couple dozen Billboards Mr. Real estate," I tell her. Her Shocked looks fade Slowly and a Smirk pops on her face realizing I'm messing with her a little bit. She gets a text from Haley trying to be secretive though it's very obvious Her head is sticky around the corner watching Alex read it. I kinda see it off the reflection of her glasses mostly about me being a no-good scum bag party boy.

"Hey Can you give me a second," She tells me and then walks off and drags Haley somewhere forcefully she did not look happy at Haleyproving the difference between Haley and Alex. Haley had been Dating Dylan Off and On for ten years I'd never seen her look that pissed off in the show when her Mom Talked crap about him.

"I am one lucky man" I whisper to myself Watching her Drag her sister up the stairs to berate her at her rudeness.

"You better remember that," Jay said. I hadn't even heard Him Approach He was across the room a second ago I swear. I need to figure out a spell for that maybe some kind of sonar or maybe a ward stone I bet a personalized Highgrade ward stone that can alert me of certain presences and threats. though it won't loop magic and has no feedback of ambient mana so it would be pretty wasteful mana wise especially if it's in zombie time and I have to have it on the entire time I'm in public or outside of my future facilities wards.

"Sorry sir," I tell him I scratch the back of my head awkwardly that he had heard my comment. I like jay he's strong resourceful Grumpy Stubborn but he's also pretty good at adapting at the start of the show he was known to take a knee on battles he knows he's not going to win. Though he definitely has his flaws. I hope he survives hed makes a could community leader Plus even though he's old he proved throughout the show he could kick some ass. Other than Cameron, Lily, Gloria, and maybe Claire He was on my favorites list for survivors. He was what I hoped Luke could Turn Into given The right incentives.

The person I was most worried for besides Alex(though I was only worried for her because She truly is not Athletically Gifted she makes up for it with outside-of-the-box thinking and problem-solving skills) among the Dunphy clan was Phil. Phil Is the nicest guy He's the father-in-law that anyone would want but he's kind of like dale from the walking Dead. He will believe in the good of man in the Darkest hour. It's kind of like he's Superman and I don't want to be Batman if this turns into Injustice. I could see him losing his sanity at what people are like when no one is watching.

"No, reason to apologize You seem to be an ok guy just make sure you are respectful," he says giving me a serious look when he says the last part.

"Yes, Sir," I say. I get the sentiment but I'm not afraid of his Intimidation routine I'm glad he likes me I can tell it's a low version of his routine. He walks off after a minute. Claire walks past me to the kitchen and I decide to Introduce Myself.

"Excuse Me," I say. She turns to see me across the kitchen island."Hi Im Damaian Swift I just wanted to introduce Myself and offer my condolences for your loss I'm Here with Alex and I'm sorry to meet your family in such circumstances it's nice to be here for Alex."

"Oh Yeah, She sent a text So your the reason she kept smiling when she was chewing us out for going out your build a few weeks ago Haven't seen much of her since then weird...So she didn't tell us much about you," She Smiled at me.

"Well, I'm 23 I had My Own Company But I recently Sold Controlling stock, I have a Bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering, and I just found a location and am currently funding the construction of a research facility for a kind of think tank collective for certain high-level projects like to Build an A.I. to track for Biomarkers in certain decease, and How to Genetically modify Crops to grow to their best potential without any harmful effects," I tell her. Her jaw dropped I guess he Thought I was just another version of the fireman with brawn and no brain.

"If you still Scouting locations, I could help you I mostly do residential real estate but i deal with property," I hear over my Shoulder I guess Phil had heard me talking. It seemed that it wouldn't start for another ten so we were ok to talk.

"Well, I've already got I bought 1500 Acres for the ground In the facility From A man who had a Catskills resort in Georgia. He tried to bring it back after 15 years but it sunk within a year because of its location from the pictures, The grounds are gorgeous Small lake all the VAcation omes are around the lake I'm THinking about Calling it The Oasis." I tell them I bring out my phone and start showing pictures of the grounds. I don't want to spoil The surprise that Alex is joining me there but It's hard to keep my lips sealed I want to invite them to The Opening. Claire whispers to phil ' At least this one's a lot smarter' and Phil says' He's like Kenneth but more handsome'

Alex comes back with Huffy Haley but at least she looks a little ashamed. I Move over to Alex with a glass of wine in my hand for her.

"Hey, You didn't have to do that," I say with a smile showing that I do appreciate it." I met your parents. I showed your parents pictures of the resort." I tell her.

"You don't need to try so hard to Impress them." She tells me. I sigh and grab her hand. She Smiles but She goes a little stiff when she moves out of the kitchen. She sees the Memorial Canvas Picture of her grandfather.

"I'm Sorry about your Grandfather." I look at her seriously and squeeze her hand. She squeezes it back. The Wake Starts and Phil Did his Speech for his father I can almost see him Walking in the big three toad shoes to honor his father.

It doesn't last long. I didn't see when Luke and Manny showed up. Luke says a few words about their grandfather. When it's over Franks's friends slowly clear out The Dunphy and Pritchetts slowly move to the kitchen area. I shake Luke's hand and then Manny's hand. We had a pleasant evening they ordered in Chinese after around 7. Sunset's down THey rehash some stories from a while then I mostly talk with Luke about video games while everyone else sprinkles off There's a good bit of gossiping. Luke gives me the perfect opening I've been waiting for After I show him the pictures of the resort.

"Oh, You got to let me come stay with you this place is sweet" Luke all but yelled.

"Well," I Sent a look at Alex and sad half to her searching for permission, "If Alex is cool with it I would like to invite you guys to the grand opening in April when Construction and renovations are all done," She kind of nods to everyone.

We talk about it for a bit Randomly organizing it claire tried to shoot it down because they are already going to Paris but Jay was pretty insistent after He knew the lake was filled with bass.

"Plus when you guys can come we can hang out on my new 80-foot yacht or go for a ride in my helicopters," I told them I knew I was really laying it on thick but I knew if my plans came together the place would be awesome. That even convinced claire.

After that, The conversation drifted to the twins and how there is some about a mean woman in their baby class. I kinda zoned out. soon after It was time for us to leave. We exchanged a few pleasant goodbyes. We walked out to my car This time I slid into the driver's seat as I stayed sober during the wake. She flashed me a sultry smile as I started the engine. The night was just beginning.


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I decided to just release my chapters as soon as I type them up though I may be slow releases from time to time because It do be like that sometimes