
Walking Dead : New Nightmares

Reincarnated into the walking dead world with the apocolypse on its way, luckily, I have a Harry Potter System Starting in Modern Family I don't own anything but my oc

Andrew_Alsbrooks · TV
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20 Chs

Alex R-18 and Honesty

Lemon start

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The drive home was pretty hard. Alex kept trying to distract me. The door of my apartment barely closed and she was climbing me. She kissed me deeply taking control When we had made out before I was in control it was pretty hot for a second and then I responded matching force to force it was a bit of a battle between tongues and hands everywhere. I don't know if she was kissing me because I had been great with her family or that coping mechanism she showed in the show where she shows physical intimacy to feel alive as a coping mechanism for sex but I deeply enjoyed it.

She ripped My dress shirt open buttons flying everywhere trying to pull the first layer of my suit off and dragged me to my room getting impatient I placed her against the door of my room kissing her passionately and pressing her in place with my body as I started to help her with my clothes. In a matter of seconds, I was shirtless and now it was time to get her clothes off. I was rock hard in my slacks pressing up against her. I slid the dress off her shoulder sliding down her curves and revealing sexy black lingerie. I pulled back to look at her But just catching a look at her 32f's I was back on her.

I had her arms around the back of my neck lips on her nack trying to crack the clasp of her bra but I couldn't get the small hook after a few seconds. After Another few seconds, one end of the bra ripped. I wanted to apologize but I was too busy filling my hands. She moaned in my ear. The door opened behind her I guess she had gotten one of her hands from behind my neck to grab the doorknob but that wasn't the only knob she searched for. She twisted me around and shoved me. I fell on my back and she jumped on top of me.

"Oh Mamma" she whispered to herself as she stared at me while sitting on my lap grinding into me. She undid my belt and started to pull my pants down. she leaned down and kissed me a deep sensual kiss at the end of it she bit my lip.

"You're going to sit right there and enjoy this, "She said forcefully, and she started sliding down my body she got her head on my crouch I sat up slightly to look at her. I guess she intended to have her own special type of Staff meeting.

She pulled my boxers down with her teeth. and when she did my 9-inch cock slapped her in the face. She had this mesmerizingly sexy smile and that was before I found her lips around my cock. I had my hands in her hair as she slowly went up and down at first only the first few inches and then more and more stopping just shy an inch of my whole length. It was warm and snug and I could feel the vibrations when she moaned she had a hand between her thighs so it seemed she was enjoying it.

I came quickly I wasn't a quick shot but I hadn't done the before-a-date Cum because didn't think we were at that stage yet. She gaged on my cock as I filled her throat letting it stay in her throat. The sound was music to my ears like she was choosing my cock over breathing. The feeling was so fucking good. She slid back up. kissing my body on my way up though I was still slightly out it from tit post nut clarity was hitting I saw how hot she was and I wanted to return the favor I pulled her up and started at her neck. She didn't have any protests as I slid down her body kissing just as she had done to me though I took a significant time passing by her perfect breasts.

I was going to show her why beast speakers where superior to Parcletoungues if it was the last thing I ever did. As I pulled back her black lace panties I was greeted by her beautiful pussy lips she was shaven but had a small stache in the front it was orderly and cute. I used a finger to start SHe had a slight musky scent she tasted kind of like vanilla and honey, she moaned lower.

"Damian, Fuck OH OH OH OH," She yelled"OH baby don't STOP" She yelled as she came I gave her four orgasms in about 15 minutes. After the second time little damian was back in tip top shape ready to embark her chamber of secrets. ON the third she had sprayed on the fourth she had lost all control but after she stopped moaning I stood and looked at her gave her a kiss.

"are you ready?" I had forgotten about condom's but She didn't seem to be bothered by that. she nidded bitting her lip it was so goddamn sexy and then I was lining up my cock with her after three It was really tight even though she was dripping wet. she had a hand on my chest stop ing me from going further at six inches and after a second she had me continue. I got my full length inside and I was just a perfect fit. Our bodies perfectly made for each other and then I started to move.

I'd already came once so I was really able to get to work This was my first time in both lives but Damian's muscle memory engrained into me let me know exactly what I needed to do while my other side made everything more loving and gentle. She moaned in my ear and bit my ear lobe. SHe sucked on my neck leaving blothes of red skin on neck. After Fifteen minutes of perfect pounding into her warm perfect cave I bottomed out inside her balls deep her lips attached to mine. we kept kissing falling asleep in each others arms not even removing myself from inside her.


End lemon

As the Mourning came I woke up First. I felt amazing but then an insane amount of guilt came over me. I realized how much I loved her and I had been lying to her well not exactly lying but untruthful all the same. I needed to come clean about everything if she feels like I do for her she won't freak out. I just have to trust her. I Can't do this with out her. Well, That's not true I just don't want to do this without her and I think that's even more meaningful in a way.

I make her breakfast exactly like i'd done the morning before. But instead of waiting for her to wake I climb in bed beside her and start spooning her I placed the food on the die table near her alarm clock. God she is so warm. She curls into me and I smell her hair and hold her until she wakes up.

"g'morning" I Say as she as started to stir.

"go away five more minutes" She says and tightens her grip on me as her pillow. I chuckle slightly and kiss her forhead.

After a minute she turns around not sitting up still staying in my arms and grabs a piece of bacon from the tray.

"Hmmm, BACON," I say as she eats it saying like eric from that's 70 show. I get serious I want to tell her. I think I should start with Magic I can prove it and maybe that will make everything else more believable.

"I have something to tell you." I say. She turns to me quickly I guess because of my voice she thinks I'm going to do break up with her which would be awful and prove her sister right. "Don't worry it's nothing that will change us... it's just... well it might...depend on how you take it.." I start and stop several times finally alex gets a little pissed.

"JUST TELL ME,"She yells at me. I find it cute and chuckle a little.

"Ok, Well I know your a scientist and I Don't know if you can believe me?" I say and then stop again." I have abilities that are of a certain magical nature,"

She looks at me like I'm insane and stupid a look she has perfected in her time at the dunphy house. I laugh at the look.

"If you want to break up you don't have to tell me some half-assed story to be insane," She says. She starts to get up and tears start to fill her eyes.

"Wait, look," I say standing up before she can and reaching out with wandless magic at a small lamp in my wardrobe. I let it fly over to my hand. It barely takes any mp since it barely weighs anything. She seems shocked but not really convinced most likely since Phil was an amateur magician.

"oooh a magic trick makes you the next Gandalf," She said and started to pull up her dress still intent on leaving. I grab my wand. " Haley was right about you just using me for sex you son of a bitch." The fact she was naked undercut her scathing tone but it still hurt a bit I could see she was forcing herself to say them.

"If that was a magic trick what about this," I cast a Wingardium leviosa on her. She weighs maybe 120 so about 13 mp per second so I can only hold her and let her fly for a few seconds over a minute. She starts to rise and is too shocked to do more than give out a light eeep. I could almost see the error codes in her head As her system crashed and reboot after a second in response after I set her down. She sat on the bed trying to process I waited a minute before saying anything. wrapping my comforter around her shoulders.

"Oh," She said after a second. I guess she has decided to believe me for now since her scientific brain couldn't find an answer to what had happened.

Behind her shock, She doesn't look scared she looks intrigued I guess the scientist part of her just got super excited I could see her mind moving a mile a minute.

"I know this is really hard to accept but this isn't the biggest thing secret I have," I tell her.

"what could be bigger than Magical Powers," She says screaming the words magical powers. I scratch my neck nervously. I knew there was no way to put it nicely.

"well, The end of the world is coming," I tell her.


Please subscribe if you can that would be pretty cool of you Thank you. I could really use it

I decided to just release my chapters as soon as I type them up though I may be slow releases from time to time because It do be like that sometimes