
On the way to a Wake

I walk into the meeting with Mr. Grier.

The meeting is boring. After the niceties, he makes a comment about my age and I chuckle it off. He told me most of his family was already moving on whether college jobs cross country road trips and it just wasn't worth it the land isn't my family land I bought it from a man who convinced me that the Catskills resorts would never die and then I tried for 15 years to bring it back the land is kind of a bad reminder," He said. I nodded my head. I was sorry to hear that it would mean I would need to find someone other than him to manage the farm but that's fine.

I Want you to know that we plan to grow your farm into about 200 acres," I Tell him "I promise I'll take good care of your land. He smiles at that leans signs the paper and shakes my hand. It was kind of weird that was one of the smoothest professional interactions I've ever been in. I guess the difference might be I'm good-looking now. It only lasted 30 minutes I go grab lunch and then head back to my apartment and get to work practicing magic. That leaves six full hours to study magic I planned for today to be the first try at warding just a simple stone with an aversion ward. It should take a very limited bit of magic and I'd only need to carve two runes.

As soon as I get home I'm opening my inventory and pull out the carving set I pull out the warding books. Slip on some protective gear and my dragon hide gloves. They are pretty cool to wear you can definitely see them on your hand but you can't feel them at all until you take them off.

I start to carve slowly but I soon relax my shoulders. This comes naturally to me. It was like playing an instrument that you played as a child after years of lack of practice it was stiff but I knew what I was doing. Before I knew it I was eyeing my new masterpiece.


[High-grade Ward stone]

[As the host was carving his first ward stone he reached artisan enlightenment as such ward stone has been upgraded ward stong to Unique Grade]

[Ward stones grades are Low, Mid, High, Unique, Mythical, and Legendary]

Low-low quality usually can produce one small effect that is instantaneous power similar to a low-end first-year spell

Mid- May be used as a receptacle of magic power like a magical battery cant maintain a continuous flow of magic so if you wanted to add a mid-grade stone to a high-grade stone it could act as a backup generator if another stone is broken or can great a single instantaneous effect similar to a low-end second-year spell

High-The minimum size to have a continuous flow of magic if you wanted to ward a property but can't be set up as a main ward stone which controls perimeter ward stones and can be used for a single spell power is closer to a bombarda.

Unique-Most Heartstones are this grade the Heartstone of many most ancient and noble families are unique is essential to any warding matric because it controls the rest. It will also be able to drain and add the user's magic to the ward scheme and excess magic that is not being used is sent back to the users. The magic you put into it also gathers magic around the ward you place in the ward scheme so the more magic you put into the ward stones the more magic you could pull into yourself from the wards. Though there are some variables like commands of the wards if they are simple then it will be easy but if they are magically exhaustive like making a huge magical barrier it will drain your magic.

Mythical-Most Wizarding countries have only managed to find one Mythical Ward stone. The British's mythical ward stone was used in the ward scheme of Hogwarts. The mythical ward stone can be used in the same ways as the stones in a lower grade but there are also other effects Hogwarts students inside of the ward had a minor health boost it didn't just help the magic growth of the master of the wards but it helped the students, believed that it could directly protect the students and they thought that in some cases it would bend luck in order to help students.

Legendary- Some people say that the philosophers stone was truly the only Legendary ward stone in the world meaning it naturally absorbed Magic and that is what gave it its amazing alchemical abilities and the way to make the elixir of life]

I thought about the philosophers stone it would make sense in a way. I mean if the stone was made truly with alchemy which is a mixture of potions and transfiguration to make transfiguration permanent why wouldn't he have made more but if he was just an artisan carving some randomly into a ward he could try for ten thousand years and never repeat it.

I looked at my stone to see if there are any effects.

[Unique Grade Wardstone/Heartstone: Can connect to up to a hundred lower ward stones to cause effects over an area with the right about of magic flowing through wards ton insides boundaries of wards can boost the magic by up to 50 percent of their existing mana pool without other mana stones, the stone improves the wearer's magical power by 10%

I slipped it into my jacket pocket who doesn't need a magic boost my magic regen is pretty high I'm back to full power in ten minutes but my magical power is kind of pitiful I mean if I cast Lumos and kept it on for 17 minutes I'd pass out or If I was surrounded by Zombies Even fully using all my magic and accounting for my regen rate I'd only be able to shoot off 20 severing charms before I'm a dead man.

I check the time its 2:30 so I Bring out the time turner and sent myself back a few minutes before I entered the apartment and went to wait in my bathroom and waited for myself to arrive I waited until I heard myself shut the door to my bedroom and sat on the couch opened up the book on apparition and disapparition and healing. I saw a charm that I was meaning to practice since yesterday that improves reading speed called Perlego I cast it and got to work I read a good bit into both books for half an hour then did 50 minutes of practical practice on the subject each that left me enough time to fully refresh my mana pool between activity Though the spell felt a little weird at first it was very effective it was Also the third spell I was able to use with a continuous flow of magic other Lumos and Wingardium Leviosa. It was also lower mana than Lumos though I guess because I'm not pushing magic out of my body.

When I started on the first practical lesson for apparition it was apparating a ball a few inches away and then disapperating it back to you a few inches it took me a lot of tries and nearly magically exhausted me several times but I was able to do 1 out 20 times with an intense focus. I then spent the rest of my time. Trying to cast a scanning spell on my leg to check for broken legs It wasn't magically taxing but it took a lot of focus.

I pull away from the prompts I had gained four new skills warding skill and rune crafting skill and it was level 8 from my first creation. I check the other changes in my status.


Host: Damian Swift


Dumbledore Bloodline: 25% boost to ( Alchemy, Transfiguration, Flying), 50% growth of magical power and control(wandless included), Chance of summoning phoenix)

Merlin Bloodline: 100% magical power, 50% boost to ( Potions, Charms, Spell Creation) 100% boost in Intellect and Memory Enhancement, Beast speak

Level: 1

Wand: Elder Wand( Bonded, Magical Foci, 50% magic power, Blocked features)

HP: 300/300

MP:(23x1.5=34.5x2=69x10= 690+10%=) 759/759

MP Recovery:(23x2.5=58.5x2) 117 mp per minute

Str: 13

Dex: 13

Vit: 13

Int: 23 (One stat point is 10 MP plus merlin bloodline times two)

Wis: 23 (one point in wisdom is 2.5 In MP Regen)

Unallocable stats:

Charm: 25

Luck: 15

Will: 15

Inventory 10x10x5 (uses 40 per minute): Level 10 (Upgrade 10 stat points): Potion ingredients, All magic books, Craftion supplies, Invisibility cloak

Equipment: (Equpied)

Ring of Death (doubles magic regen rate(functions blocked)


Gamer body: MAX level: Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. (He receives no physical damage from attacks only pain for a few seconds and a loss of HP). After sleeping in a bed, it restores HP, MP and cures all status effects.

Gamer mind: MAX level: Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through Allows a peaceful state of mind. Immunity to mental disorder.

Beast Speak: MAX level: Speak to all animals

Phoenix Familiar Bonding Call: One Opportunity to Summon Phoenix only comes to pure of heart or a Dumbledore in need

Wandless Magic: Level 6: Wandless telekinetic ability: to lift and control matter Under 25 pounds for 25 MP per second - Over 25 pounds an extra 1 MP/ 18 pounds

Occlumency: Level Max on account of Gamer Mind

Legimancy: Level 7: 80% chance of success if wanded and has eye contact though if successful will hear sporadic coherent sentences.

Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering specializing in Robotics


Levitation Charm: level 10: Cast: Wingardium Leviosa: Under 25 pounds 10 MP per second - Over 25 pounds an extra 1 MP/ 30 pounds

Wand lighting Charm: Level 10: Cast: Lumos: Control Light Continuous use of 3 mp per second

Wand extinguishing Charm: Level 10: Cast: Nox: Cuts light off the use of Lumos on the end of the wand 10 mp per cast

Fire-Making Charm: Level 10: Cast: Incendio: Makes controlled Flame Size Dependent on Magical Power

Unlcking Charm: Level 10: Cast: Alohomora: Unlocks locks Mp 20

Locking Charm: Level 10: Cast: Colloportus: Locks locks MP 20

Dancing Fruit Charm: Level 10: Makes fruit dance for 30 seconds MP 20

Mending Charm: Level 10: Cast: Reparo: Fixes broken Items MP Varies on size of object and state of destruction

Softening charm: Level 10: Cast: Spongify: Makes anything soft and bouncing on the places it was cast MP 20 costs 30 MP

Ice Jinx: Level 10: Cast: Glacio: makes a certain amount of ice-dependent on Magical Power

Knockback jinx: Level 10: Knocks people back 50 MP

Severing Charm: Level 10: Cast: Diffindo: sends magic out to slice and cut whatever is cast in half 50 MP

Box Blasting Charm: Level 10: Cast: Cistem Aperio: Blasts open locked chests and safes 50 MP

Summoning Charm: level 2: Cast: Accio (-----): Under 25 pounds 100 MP - Over 100 pounds an extra 1 MP/ 20 pounds

Reading Charm: Cast:Perlego: Increases cognition and reading speed: 30 MP and 1 MP per second


Match to Needle: Level 5: 10 seconds necessary and cost 35 MP lasts an hour

Potion Making:

Spells Creation:


Scan: Cast: Echografia: Scan for Broken limbs 10 MP

Apparition and Disapparition: Level 2 80 MP

Enchanting, Item Creation, Wards, and Rune Crafting:

Warding: Level 8

Rune crafting: Level 7

After I Check my status one last time I check the time making sure the time loop has closed and walk into my room to freshen up to go meet Alex. I put on a different suit than the dark blue one I have on. It takes me 10 minutes to get ready and I'm out the door.

As I get to the bar and I see some fresh Pink tulips as one of the centerpieces of a side table. I order a drink. She shows up not even five minutes after me. She doesn't see me until I'm right next to her I put the tulip out so she sees it first. She took it and I leaned in and gave her a small peck on the lips.

"A tulip for your two lips" I saw with a smirk. I can tell she has had a rough day. Whether it works the wake or a mixture I'm not sure. As soon as I see a bit of her vulnerable side her defenses come back up but I think that's more that we were in public than her being with though. we do a bit of small talk I tell her the deal went through. She says she put in her two-week notice. At 4 we are heading to my car.

"What's that?" she says a full octave higher than her usual voice in Confusion, awe, and a little bit of excitement when they bring my car. I realized that every time we've been out we've either walked or eaten here or I've cooked for her so she hasn't had to check it out.

"My Car, "I tell her. I say awkwardly with my hand on the back of my neck scratching it."It's not too Flashy is it."

"No, It's cool...it's just really nice," She says. She touches the tips of her fingers on the hood. She kinda seems turned on by the car. I wouldn't have expected that I mean I thought that from the show and how they described her learning how to drive she would like to drive slowly. Maybe that changed after college.

"You want to drive," I asked her. She smiled and nodded quickly at least I had gotten her mind off the destination now I had to just survive the trip. She got in and we were off we were 25 minutes out from her parent's house but we got there in 15 It's a miracle we made it there in one piece but she did look happy when she drove so it was worth it. I opened the car door and made my way around to open hers a voice yelled out to me.


---‐-----‐------------------------------------------------------------------------this isn't set it stone yet but I'm thinking of using the limitless world please vote if the winning vote won't set it stone if I use it but I will take your votes into account




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Please subscribe if you can that would pretty cool Thank you.

I decided to just release my chapters as soon as I type them up though I may be slow releases from time to time because It do be like that sometimes

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