
Walking Dead : New Nightmares

Reincarnated into the walking dead world with the apocolypse on its way, luckily, I have a Harry Potter System Starting in Modern Family I don't own anything but my oc

Andrew_Alsbrooks · TV
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20 Chs

An Existential Crisis

Alex Froze at that. The world was going to end. She looked me in the eyes and saw I was serious.

"W-what? How would you know?" She stammered out.

"Well, when I was given these gifts I was given access to certain parts of the future," I tell her. Stretching the truth a bit but I can't tell her she's from a tv show what I know from Alex that might really break her she'll have an existential crisis like she did when she learned of the math problem that disproved math," but what I know is that in about two months the world will end in a zombie-like apocalypse."

She just stares at me. She doesn't move I don't think she's even breathing. I can tell she doesn't want to believe me I can tell she is trying hard to think of a rational way that I could make her fly with a swish of a piece of wood so that logic comes back into play.

"That's why you are building It," She says in a whispered voice to herself more than me. I nod.

"Why can't we stop it?" She asks.

"Well I don't think we'd be able to first the person who gave me knowledge of the future said it was punishment and whether he meant it to me or to the masses everyone will suffer from it but I don't think that's a reason to give up hope and if you and I are working together and we recruit people for the oasis maybe we can come out the other end of this and magic isn't just for making people float a few inches I'm working on something to keep us safe in the oasis I'm building strong walls just don't give up hope," I told her and at the end, she looks at me I can see tears in her eyes.

"why are you telling me this now," She asks with an edge to her voice.

"I had to know I could trust you what if I were to tell you and you tried to get me sent to a mental hospital I'd never finish construction we won't have a safe place to go when everything falls apart and that will be all she wrote," I tell her. She stares off and then nods as if she understands. Then After a little moment of awkward silence, she gets a half sided Grin I guess she is focusing on the positive news for now.

"What else can you do? Are you able to teach me how does it work what are your limits?" She asks shooting off the questions quick. I smile at her looking forward to showing someone my magic. I walked her through magic I showed her the spells I had mastered so far I asked the bird that I had been training to Legimency on in trade for bacon to put a flower in her hair. Which made her giggle. I showed her the only transfiguration Spell I knew she was extremely excited when I showed her the invisibility cloak most likely since it was the only magical thing I had she could use herself. That thought made me add a few items I have to add to my list I need to know if magical items will work for her. If so then I should plan to make her a few things for Self-Defense.

"I wonder if You can make and/or use potions," I said to her. There were many fanon stories where the Dursleys take veritaserum. Even if she can't she couldn't She could learn herbology and basic Potioneering theoretical knowledge for when I start looking at that subject of magic later. That will give me a small relief to my workload for now. then I can focus on other subjects and then if we need a potion desperately She could help me in cooking it plus she could learn to help me identify Mundane alternatives for potion ingredients. I"m pretty sure she can use occlumency at least that will improve her memory and intellect.

"There is this mind magic called Occlumency It Guards your mind against people who have the ability to infiltrate it. It also Improves Your Intelligence Memory and recollection speed and I need you to learn theoretical knowledge of herbology. I need to know what Crops we could set up to grow in the oasis that could be used for Potioneering. I take out the texts books from My inventory on potions, herbology, and Occlumency and hand them to her.

Her existential Crisis has moved to the backseat as her eyes sparkle at the sight of the books. Within five minutes, she disappears into the occlumency books not literally but I'd have a better chance of pulling a lion off fresh prey than pulling her away from the book With a hug to her back and a kiss on her forehead I walk over Deciding to let them have Their moment.

I go over to the desk and start working on my ward stones. It took 2 hours the first time but looking at the stone in front of me A small amount of information fills me when I look at it maybe Its the result of the Artisan Enlightenment I'd received yesterday but as I stare at the stone Information fills my head kind of like directions to better craft, not exactly directions but just made my functions for carving more clear I had two options carving into the stone I could draw a single rune for open effectively turning the stone into like magic holder that acts as a magical channel focus that slowly gathers magic which is what a wardstone is or I could use a Runic Charm to Draw a Rune scheme for an enchanted an inanimate object to perform a specific action most enchanted items are runic Charmed which is why they ware down after awhile since they can only hold so much magic power and aren't constantly gathering magical power unless from a person which is why they need a magical person to use I'd use like if I wanted to craft a broom to fly or boots to run up a wall side ways.

Yesterday I must have gotten really lucky because technically I'd mixed the two categories and created the Unique ward stone through Runic Enchanting which was also the most dangerous form of Magical Carving. Runic Enchanting was like Alchemy was to potions and transfiguration IT was made to figure out If Runic Charms could be made permanent.

I take a look at warding runes again and I kind of see how hard it will be to make regular unique ward stones without Runic Enchanting No matter what grade ward stone it's going to take me about 15 minutes to craft and about 500 mp per stone until I leveled my warding skills but that didn't really matter by the time I was one crafting my MP would be refilled. I would be able to shorten the time crafting but The level of my crafting and warding skills didn't affect the grade of the stone I crafted I guess artesian Enlightenment really did mean something My current rate for ward crafting despite my the time spent would be.

[ Low-Grade: 9/10


High- Grade:1/100



Legendary-Grade: 1/10,000,000,000]

In the short time before the apocalypse, I think 2- 2.5 hours a day will be enough time to craft ward stones to craft enough to ward the oasis even with my time turner, I would be able to make about one mid-grade ward stone a day, one High-Grade ward stone a week, If I worked on crafting ward stones 2 hours a day for the rest of my life I could craft maybe 1 Mythical ward stone if I get lucky at my current enlightenment. Though I Should Spend at least an hour a day on regular Item Crafting So that if I ever need to turn to Runic Enchanting to make a unique ward stone I'd be able to because a Unique ward stone was too vital to only make one of every two years.

I'd have 10 high-grade ward stones to connect in to connect to the Unique ward stone and 5 Mid-grade stones would be able to connect per each High-grade stone making them Extra magically potent.

If Nicholas Flamel was like me it would make sense why he never was able to recreate the philosophers stone if it was legendary-Grade especially if it was some strange mixture of Runic Charming(Rune Enchanting and ward stone crafting) crafting Alchemy (Potions and transfiguration).

After About thirty minutes Alex gets out her phone. She sends a few texts And then she lets the comforter of the bed slip from her shoulders. I turn around as she does still marveling at how beautiful she looks naked I turn slightly when she looks at me because I was staring. She walks over to me and wraps her arms around my shoulders and put her head next to my head. My heart beats fast at her sign of affection.

"I was wondering if you would be ok coming with me Friday?" I ask her.

"Depends where are we going?" She asks back a little snarkily. I focus on crafting while talking to her it doesn't take much focus since I'm just carving the open Rune.

"Well I have to go over the plans for construction with the crews on Friday in Georgia?" I am also planning to go to Brooklyn for our recruits for security." I told her.

"Why are you going all the way to Brooklyn for that?" She asks with a look of confusion.

"Well let's just say the end of the world wasn't the only information I was given I know who these people are and I know they are trustworthy I can't trust a lot of people who know who will just up and bail on us when everything goes to shit or worse try to take it over and kill us," I tell her and say the last part a little harshly and she juts out her lip in a pout a little but she nods about it a silence ensues and I'm about to apologize when she speaks.

"What are you making?" She asks me. As she picked up a low-grade ward stone." Why is it Humming?"

"Humming" I shout out in surprise at her question. Still holding it in her hand.

'She can feel the magical power in it' I think. In a moment of random ingenious thought.

"Hey Try Holding it out FLicking your hand like this and saying Lumos," I tell her. She does so and a small light flickers above her hand. I'm overjoyed I grab her into my arms pretty much hopping with joy. she would be able to cast spells. I could feel the worry draining out of me I had been having these deep-seated fears that whatever had sent me here was truly trying to punish me by giving me everything I wanted love power money just so they could just rip it away but now that I know I have a true way to protect her a huge weight lifted from my shoulders.

I kiss her enthusiastically she matches my enthusiasm inch by inch. I carry her back to bed to celebrate our discovery. I looked forward to my life always being like this with Alex and us working on projects together celebrating breakthroughs with sex. For the first time I was dreading the future my Hope for the future wasn't so hopeless even if the world died around us I was so sure that I would be able to protect her and that's all that mattered.


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I decided to just release my chapters as soon as I type them up though I may be slow releases from time to time because It do be like that sometimes