
Walking Dead Fanfic

When Adelaide was looking for supplies on her normal run she does every day she runs into Negan he fancies her and she of course doesn't like him at first but soon falls in love with the crazy man with the bat

NancyRow · TV
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4 Chs

New Day

I wake up I groan I look at the door I chose not to fix Negan got his men to just take the door so I had no door Negan walks up "You finished with your tantrum you want your door back" he said leaning on the frame grinning. I sat on the bed glaring at him "You going to give it back" I asked in the nicest way I could without coming off as rude. Negan grinned "Of course I can darlin but you have to obey the rules," he said. I stood up "Fine I want my bat and my smokes back then" I walked up to him. Negan grinned "Did you just give me an order little lady?" he said. I nod "Yes I did," she said. "also want a room with a kitchen," I said. Negan grinned "There is a room with a kitchen next to my room you can stay there fine your bat will be returned once I can believe you can obey the rules and the same goes for your smokes follow me, spitfire," he said. I was fine yep I followed Negan "Also how does the food system work here" I ask. Negan grins "Normally the people use points to buy what they want but for you just take it also there is a garden out back if you want fresh vegetables," he said. I look "Won't your people get mad I am just taking and not using the point system like everyone else," I ask. Negan shrugs "You are mine and my people know that so they won't do anything to you," he said opening the door to my new room. I walk in seeing the small kitchen "Thank you" I said. Negan nodded his hand goods across my face "See what happens when you behave" he whispered in my ear. He pulls out a pack of black and milds he hands it to me no smoking in the building outside only" he said. I nod taking it "Okay," I said. Negan walks away. I go looking around I grab some empty jars and salt I found some garlic and vinegar and went to the garden and was looking I find cucumbers and went back inside and grabbed a mustard seed and went back outside and found spicy peppers I took two and went back to my room. I unpack everything I pull out a cutting board and a knife and make spicy pickles. Once I finish I place the jar in the fridge happily. I head back and go outside light a smoke and watch people work and go about their day, I was walking and found the garden again and was watering it and picking tomatoes and the carrots. I saw an old greenhouse that was run down I walked over to it opened the door and started to clean it up. I stop and go get some water so far it's okay here but fuck that guy Negan.