

Original Title was 'VRMMORPG: DREAM ONLINE' ----- Roman was 19 years old when the game VRMMORPG: DREAMSCAPE went public. The game was an instant hit. With 500,000 new accounts by the end of the first week to nearly 20 million accounts by the end of the month. The game was so popular among parents because of how real it felt. It would even scan your body and make your character look just like you. That meant that kids who were out of shape would be out of shape in game. This motivated many kids to stay active and also made parents very happy. For the gamers though, it was the perfect game. A game that had everything. Quests! Dungeons! Monsters! Pvp! What really sold it though was the leveling system. The system allowed you to level up anything you wanted. You want to be an archer? Grab a bow and level up! You want to be an archer with a sword? Grab a sword and level up! You want to bake cookies and sell it to the rich? Grab the ingredients and level up! You want to be able to talk your way out of any situation? Start talking and level up! Over the course of a year, the game kept growing and growing. Eventually even government officials had to take part in the game. It stayed this way for a year. After one entire year, the game had gone offline. No one knew why or when it will be back. After one week, on that day, we all knew why it didn’t come back online. PATCH NOTES 1: THANK YOU FOR COMPLETING THE TUTORIAL. - Author’s Note: I took inspiration from other books on this site that are written in the same genre. I also took inspiration from the real mmorpgs that I have played. I plan to have this story be about 50/50. The time spent in the game and in real life will be about the same. Some arcs may only be in the game while others are only in real life. Please be patient with these arcs if they aren’t your favorite!

SamChang1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

The Mysterious Power of a Saint 2

Please read the author's notes at the bottom. A bit of info on the magic power rankings is there. 


The old man immediately reacted. He brought Roman forward in front of him. This way he could keep an eye on Roman. He then released a huge amount of mana in which he used to strengthen his Domain.

"Domain Strengthen!"

His Domain, the shimmering glass seem to shine brighter. He tried his best to strengthen his Domain. He ended up staggering a bit, the presence of another person had caught him off guard. He wipes the sweat away as he concentrated on his new opponent.

As he did so, a powerful invisible force came flying at him. It was so strong that it destroyed the ground and ripped it up. The force clashed with his Domain.

The two invisible forces clashed, each seemed to be fighting for supremacy. After a minute, the clash stopped and the two invisible forces had mushed together and become one.

The old man felt a tinged of anger and stress enter him. This was the emotions of the other person that was present. This was the emotions of the Domain that had merged with his.

*sigh* 'At least our power match, I would be in trouble if he was stronger.'

The old man then looked in the direction that the new Domain had came from.

"Come out!"

He waited as the trees and bushes rustled around. After a moment, a tall man with a blue mask walked out. He was standing as tall as the old man, both being 6 feet exactly. The masked man had no visible hair. He wore a green cloak that covered his upper body, including a hood that covered his head. He had on black tattered pants and wore black boots that went half way up his shins.


The old man knew who it was. He was the person that brought Edward and the other vampires here over a year ago.

"Raven… I didn't think that you would try to stop me. After all, you spent an entire year stalking us and never did anything."

A husky and deep voice came from the mask. To the old man, the masked man's voice sounded both authentic and unauthentic. It was robotic, almost like the person was trying to sound more human. 

'It's no good. He seems to be a Saint but I can feel the aura coming from him. It's stronger than a Saint at the very least. He just chose to keep it at Saint level.' 

The old man was very cautious. He had watched them carefully for a year, never daring enough to make a move. It was because of their masked leader. 

Within a Domain, the caster can mark certain individuals. The old man had marked Edward and the others but the masked man somehow removed his mark.  No one had every done this and the old man wasn't sure if those higher ranked than him were capable of this. So he had cautiously watched from afar, only making his presence known if necessary. He carefully answered the masked man.

"It wasn't my intention to stop you or whatever you had planned. My only objective was to protect this boy and keep the vampire's in check." 

He tried to sound non threatening as possible but also made sure to let the masked man know that he wasn't going to be easily pushed around either. The masked man stared at the old man, after a few seconds passed, he spoke again. 

"Is that so? If that's the case, I would like your cooperation."

The old man nods. He didn't want to fight if it wasn't needed. The power of Saints would cause unimaginable damage to the surrounding area. He didn't wish for this so avoiding a fight was a must. The masked man continues on. 

"That boy has a dagger that belongs to me, you saw it as well right? The golden dagger." 

The old man nods. Of course he saw it, he watched the fight between Roman and Edward. 

"Sorry, but the boy is unconscious right now. You will have to wait until he comes to. I'm sure he will be willing to give it to you." 

The masked man sighs. He seemed impatient. "Forget it then. I will get it myself." 

The masked man began walking forward, the old man prepared his Domain. Before his eyes, the old man multiplied and now six of the old man appeared in front of the masked man. The six of them shouted in unison. 

"You will not touch him!" 

The masked man scoffs. He stops and then his power began to surge. It went all the way up to Low Rank King! The old man's eyes widen in horror. The clones he created disappeared which frightened him even more. 

'He destroyed my Domain!' 

The old man positioned himself in front of Roman. He wouldn't allow for anything to happen to him, even if it meant his death. As he prepared himself for the masked man's attack, the power coming from him suddenly stopped and dropped back down to Saint. The masked man then turned around and walked off, back towards the forest. The masked man that had suddenly appeared decided to stop suddenly. The old man looked at the figure disappearing into the dark forest. Right when he thought it was all cleared, he heard a voice echo throughout the forest. 

"I will come back for the dagger another day. Since you valiantly stood your ground, I will let you live today. Please tell the Sky Witch I said hi." 

The old man froze up.

'So he knew... Who was that man? He came and left so quickly. Did he do all that just as a show of his power?' 

Not only was the masked man stronger than him, he knew who his mistress was. The masked man only left him with more questions. But now wasn't the time to think about it. He turned to Roman. Roman was tossing and turning in his sleep, his stump was still leaking a bit of blood. 


"I guess you're body hasn't had enough. Do not worry young master, I will feed the other vampires that escaped to you." 

The old man walked into the opposite direction that the masked man went. Roman was floating behind him. As he walked into forest, he quietly whispers. 

"Domain Expansion." 


(A/N: Who was the masked man? Why did he want the dagger? who's the old guy that saved Roman? AHHH so many questions!

Just fyi for all. Domain is the most powerful ability a NPC/player could have in game. It is technically a magic spell since it uses mana. I wanted to set a ceiling on the magic power scale for myself, because if I didn't then we would see many unnecessary power ups in the future. 

Magic wise, it goes like this by weakest to strongest:

Regular Spellbook (contains regular spells and manipulations. The spells usually goes up in rank along side the character's actual rank. Roman bought this at the beginning.)

Maker Spellbook (not really seen yet. Some NPC and some players will be able to create their own special spells/abilities by combining regular spellbooks together.)

Legacies  (not fully explained yet either, but they will be soon. Legacies looked like regular spellbooks. For players, an equip option will appear for them. Once they equip it, it will reveal itself to be a Legacy and not a regular spellbook. Only two can be equipped at one time.)

Codex  (not fully explained yet either. Codex's are different. They can take on any shape and won't look just like a book. Sword, chair, shield, house, animals etc. Only one Codex can be equipped at once. Anymore info and it'll spoil future chapters. :) 

Domain (I won't say much about this. Just know that only Saints and higher ranks can use them.) 

Most MMOs have a range style and warrior/knight/sword style as well. I haven't completely made up my mind on these two since I focused heavily on magic. I have a rough idea of what I want from them though. 

If you wish to support me, the best way to do so is through power stones! Thanks again for reading! If you like the book so far, feel free to add it to your library. Also rate it and leave a review!

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