
Void Origins

Joy, an ordinary man suffering from depression masked by a false facade of happiness who has nothing to lose finally decides to end his life. Just when his life was about to end he encounters an opportunity that will change his life. An opportunity led by the mysterious workings of karma and fate. With renewed vigor he embarks on a new journey breaking his own shell everyday, growing stronger, wiser and exploring mystic concepts of magic, soul and divinity. His life that was mundane flips over to an exciting and thrilling adventure as he finds more about new worlds, new races, unanswered questions and the truth behind his origins. As he gain more strength and understanding of the mystical ways, his perspective towards life and the world changes. Now he wants to change the world to an utopia he dreamed of, so that people like him who had nothing to lose and working like a cog in the machine each day, burning their life gets a second chance in life, which they never had. Persevering through thick and thin with his soul companion he continues to strive forward to a limiless future or so he thought unaware of the cosmic cog of destiny and fate churning to avert the destruction of an era. Let's watch Joy's journey together as he unravels myths, mysteries and the truth behind all origin.

Joydeep_Tamuli_8765 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 7: Level and Authority

"Tell me more about Levels and Authority."

"Joy, levels are quite simple. It is related to your cultivation stage. After going through your memories, I have figured out that in many cultures' cultivation stages are named differently, but most of them have a similar pattern.

After every 10 levels there is a breakthrough to a major realm. Hence to keep things simple I have used Levels as your cultivation stage. After every 10 levels you will need to breakthrough to a major realm, and this will significantly increase your strength. Also, each time you level up you will gain 5 additional stat points which can be used to increase your strength further."

Listening to Sky's explanation I understood her point and I was damm curious on how to level up, if by levelling up I can increase my stat points, then working out is not required.

Seeing my weird thoughts, Sky interjected

"Levelling up is a slow and tedious process, let me explain it in terms you are familiar with. To level up you need to build up inner energy in your body. The first major realm deals with your body, this includes your skin, muscle, tendons, ligaments, bones and your internal organs. In this realm your entire body is nourished by inner energy, this inner energy is derived from world energy or ether. You can also call it mana.

By following a repetitive pattern of breathing exercises, you can slowly accumulate mana in your body, once it gets saturated and you can't fill your body with mana anymore, you need to breakthrough to the second major realm, which deals with your spiritual energy, and the third major realm includes your soul energy.

I will explain about them when you reach that stage. And you can't cultivate now as the city you are currently living in has high pollution. You need to go to a remote place free from pollution and rich with mana."

After getting a thorough understanding of the entire levelling up process, I calmed down and began to plan for my next steps. I also asked Sky about her opinion on this, to which Sky replied

"My suggestion is for you to build your foundation first before you start to cultivate, the stronger the foundation the more efficient will be your cultivation. You should work out for at least 3 months and max out all your stats to 10 which is the peak of humanity.

I can draw a schedule for you to follow and will teach you some breathing exercises in these 3 months so that when you begin to cultivate in a good place, you can gain inner energy faster. I will also gather more information about the world through the internet while you are asleep, I just need to connect myself with your laptop during the process."

"OK. I understand. I will do as you suggested. I will join a gym, practice the breathing exercises, and will plan to move to a new place after 3 months to begin my cultivation journey."

"Now can you tell me more about authority?"

"Authority is your right to access my information database. Authority is related to your connection with the world and its living beings. The deeper the connection and the more living beings who have a connection with you the higher your authority will be.

As you keep increasing your authority, my restrictions will be lifted and I can be able to do a lot of things, currently there is a 99% restriction on me."

"So how much authority points do I need to lift your restriction?"

"100 authority points can be used to lift 0.1% of my restriction."

"So, to remove my restriction by 49.9% you will need 49,900 authority points. And to completely remove all my restrictions you will need 99,900 authority points."

"Woah. That's a lot of authority points required. How fast can I earn authority points? And how can I earn it?"

"Authority points are related to the influence you have on the world. For example, if you are a celebrity/minister, and influences around 100,000,000 people you will earn around 1000 authority points." Sky replied.

"The world has around 7,500,000,000 people, so you are saying even if I have influence over the whole world, I can only earn 75,000 authority points. Isn't It too insane? How will I ever earn so much authority points. And by influence do you mean like a cult? Like whatever I tell people to do, they do? Explain this."

"Yes, Joy you are right that even if you have influence all over the world, you will gain around 75,000 authority points.

The influence doesn't mean that you need to be a dictator or force people to do something, against their will.

By influence, what I mean is people having a positive inclination towards you, they put their faith towards you and are likely to listen to the things that you tell them."

"Isn't it like Jesus, or Buddha, or the great Prophets? Are you telling me that I need to be someone like them?"

"You can think as being someone like them, or not, even for example the president of a large country like the US has a lot of influence all over the world.

For a country like North Korea, the president has a lot of influence over its people.

Even famous celebrities of sportspersons have a huge influence all over the world. You can think of being some like Michael Jackson or Muhammad Ali or Lionel Messi, or anyone that comes to your mind.

There are a lot of ways you can gain influence, there is no hard and fixed way to do so. Even a local gangster has some influence or so do a good teacher. Influence can be built over time. What you need is to be determined to do so."

"Also, the deeper the connection is the higher the authority you get, for example, Jesus is treated as a God, so people deeply believe in him. In a way you can say there are many people who put their faith on Jesus and their lives are guided by his teachings.

The higher authority one has, the more beneficial it is for them, as it unlocks a new world of opportunities. Faith is often used as a medium to earn authority. In a way you can say most religions are a tool to earn authority by the propgenitors."

"All right, I get the gist of it. But first tell me what benefits I can get from lifting your restrictions?"

"Since all my other capabilities are restricted right now, once you reach enough authority to lift my restrictions slowly, once the threshold to reach a certain point is crossed, my locked capabilities will be unlocked.

For now, I only know that after lifting my restriction by 1% the memories feature will be unlocked, the contents and knowledge about the memories is still locked and I can't access them yet."

"Also, there is a memory that has been unlocked by default when I fused with you. You can watch it whenever you want"

Pondering on Sky's words, I understood that earning authority will be a slow and tedious process. I will need to have a deep connection with more then 100 million people to gain just 1% of authority.

And about the memories feature, I was not sure about the whole thing, but still decided to see what memory was available for me to watch.

"Sky, show me the memory that has been unlocked."

Soon after that I felt my whole world changed as I was engulfed by a bright light, and an entirely different scenario was present in front of my eyes.

The world that I knew off was burning like hell.

It was an apocalypse.