
Void Origins

Joy, an ordinary man suffering from depression masked by a false facade of happiness who has nothing to lose finally decides to end his life. Just when his life was about to end he encounters an opportunity that will change his life. An opportunity led by the mysterious workings of karma and fate. With renewed vigor he embarks on a new journey breaking his own shell everyday, growing stronger, wiser and exploring mystic concepts of magic, soul and divinity. His life that was mundane flips over to an exciting and thrilling adventure as he finds more about new worlds, new races, unanswered questions and the truth behind his origins. As he gain more strength and understanding of the mystical ways, his perspective towards life and the world changes. Now he wants to change the world to an utopia he dreamed of, so that people like him who had nothing to lose and working like a cog in the machine each day, burning their life gets a second chance in life, which they never had. Persevering through thick and thin with his soul companion he continues to strive forward to a limiless future or so he thought unaware of the cosmic cog of destiny and fate churning to avert the destruction of an era. Let's watch Joy's journey together as he unravels myths, mysteries and the truth behind all origin.

Joydeep_Tamuli_8765 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 6: Fusion

I was in a dilemma whether to take the fusion slowly that will take a year to complete or get it done in one go with excruciating pain. Since I won't be able to level up without the fusion, I didn't want to waste a year knowing that I had an opportunity I always dreamt of but was too scared of pain. Hence with a firm resolve I asked Sky

"Sky, I won't die right if the fusion happens now in one go? It is only pain that I need to endure, right?"

To my doubts Sky responded

"Yes, you won't die but the pain will be very much, I can numb your pain receptors to a certain extent, if you want me to do it just let me know. But if you decide to numb your pain receptors, there might arise some complications with your endurance and pain tolerance as in the future when you level up and break through, you will face pain again. IT is best if you get used to pain, as it will help you in your journey."

I thought about it for a moment now that I have an option to numb my pain receptors meaning the pain, I experience will be lessened but it might have a negative affect on me. Gritting my teeth, I made my choice.

"Sky, do the fusion and do not numb the pain receptors. I want to become strong, strong enough to decide my own fate. I need to get used to the pain."

"Ok. Kindly lie down on your bed and put a cloth in your mouth, I will make your body paralyzed so that you are not able to move but you need to stay awake throughout the process. Do not faint, as it may negatively affect the fusion. It will take at most a minute for the fusion to complete. Are you ready?"

Making my preparations, I rolled a small towel and put it between my teeth, I lied down on my bed. Took a few deep breathes and replied

"I am ready, you may begin now."

Joy who was lying on his bed felt slight pain but not much. Sky put him to a slightly induced sleep paralysis. One by one all the muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, blood, organs, cells, everywhere sky infuses herself with him.

As the fusion was going on Joy felt like his muscles were torn apart and stitched together. It started with his feet, then the pain moved towards his genitals, and he experienced a pain no men should ever experience, not even the vilest of men. He felt his little brother to be stretched, then torn then rebuilt again. Though it took only a couple of seconds for Joy it felt like eternity.

The resolve Joy made, helped him go through the pain. Then he felt his torso going through the same rebuilding process. His bones, skin, ligaments, tendons, nerve vessels, blood even his DNA all went through the same process.

After his body was rebuilt till his neck from the bottoms up, Sky started to fuse with his internal organs and the pain amplified. When his heart was about to be rebuilt Joy for a moment was not able to endure it anymore, and was about to faint, seeing him in this state, Sky gave him an electrical shock in his brain to jolt him up and Joy regained his consciousness.

Soon after Sky gave Joy a final reminder

"Joy, 90% of the fusion is complete, only your brain is left. It will be extremely painful, but you must hold on to yourself. Do not faint, no matter what."

Joy's eyes gleamed with a resolve that he never showed in his life. It was the resolve that can make or break one's life.

Soon Joy's brain, eyes, and neural cortex were all fused with Sky. Throughout the excruciating pain Joy firmly stayed awake. And then Sky's voice rang again

"Congratulations! The fusion is successful. You did well Joy. I will release your body from the paralysis slowly, you should take a quick nap to relax and let your body get used to it."

Hearing Sky's voice, Joy smiled with an exhausted expression and fell into deep slumber.

Six hours later.

Joy woke up from his deep slumber and experienced a never felt before strength coursing through his body. He felt like he was twice as strong as before the fusion. His eyesight became sharper, he could see different colours even better. His sense of hearing and smell increased exponentially.

Slowly he got down from the bed and walked towards the mirror, expecting changes in his outer appearance. But nothing changed from what he saw in the morning. He was 6 feet tall, silver hair and blue eyes. The only change was his skin felt more smoother and his body had more well defined muscles. He looked like someone who is a fitness enthusiast but not a hulk.

Joy spoke in his mind again just to confirm it with Sky

"Can you even hear my thoughts?"

"Yes. Since I am fused with your entire body and brain even your thoughts go through me."

"Where is my privacy? Won't everything I think will go through you?"

"Joy do not worry. I am your karmic avatar. As I said before worldly affairs doesn't concern me."

"Can you turn yourself off, when I am taking a dump?"

"No, I am not a machine with an On/Off switch. I cannot switch myself off. I am a consciousness and in a way just as alive as you are. Please get used to it."

"Oh whatever. This is not the worst trade off, given the fact that you have offered me so much help. It just makes me feel a bit uncomfortable."

"Ahem. Joy, have you seen your new attribute points."

"Oh, I forgot, let me check."

Joy said with a smile,


Name: Joy

Allignment: Neutral

Level: 1


Strength: 5

Dexterity: 5

Intelligence: 9

Agility: 6

Vitality: 10

Wisdom: 6

Stat points: 0


Skills: Null

Skill points: 0

"Wow all my attributes have gone up. And there is something new – Skill points and Stat points"

"Yes Joy, during the fusion I have fully optimized your body structure, you will be needing to take supplements and nutrients to keep on improving it. Skill points and Stat points are your newly added function. It was successfully added to you after the fusion was successful.

Stat points as I said earlier will help you level up you various attribute to what you need. To earn more stat points you need to provide me with energy, such as by working out for certain time I can store some of the energy releasing by the changes in your body to the stat points function and you can then use it to level up your attribute.

You can also gain additional stat points by providing me with sufficient energy which can use to boost your body.

And Skill points are used to level up your skills after you acquire them. I will explain about skill points after you acquire them."

"Ok I understand. Tell me more about Levels and Authority."