
Void Breach

Flynn becomes hunted by beasts of the void. Can he sever his connection to it, before it opens the void and releases uncontrolled annihilation? The power Flynn is granted is slowly corrupting him, will he fully give in and become a beast of the void himself, or can he harness that power to destroy it once and for all? The clock is ticking, and soon the void will be released.

dediwap553 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Teach Me

"Leaving so soon?" Raine asked with a smile on his face as he sat down.

"I didn't realise you'd arrive with someone." Flynn replied, flustered and still a little alarmed.

"You look a little pale, come, sit down." Flynn nodded and sat down in front of Raine. He looked so friendly, a contrast to the man standing next to him. He looked at Flynn with an unwavering steel gaze. He stood shoulders high and proud, like he knew he was better. Raine looked at him like an old friend.

"I understand you must be stressed, this place is very unnerving to the untrained eye. If you'd like, I have some chocolate." He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a bar of chocolate and offered it to Flynn. He sat there for a second, looking at it, but decided to pull off a row. Raine put the bar back in his pocket. Flynn noticed the man's gaze was on the chocolate for a split second. Maybe he just wanted some, poor guy.

"Let's discuss why were here, shall we? You must miss your arm. I know how that feels." Raine paused for a little, looking directly ahead, yet at nothing, completely lost in thought. Suddenly he snapped back.

"We can build you an arm." Flynn's eyes lit up and he leaned forward, resting his chin on his hand. Raine laughed.

"I knew you'd be excited, but there's one little thing. You see, my profession is very intricate and specific. I mix robotics and magic." They way he said that was different than before. Almost as if he was threatening Flynn. Raine leaned back and rested his arms behind his head.

"The machinery is tied to the magic inside the person, fully connecting them to the prosthetic. The process is impossible if the person can't cast magic."

"Well that's why I'm here! I want to be able to cast magic." Flynn replied stammering in his excitement, without noticing he was almost yelling. His heart was racing, could Raine teach him? He had to know how to use magic, he knew that Raine would be able to teach him.

"I know what you're thinking, but no, you won't find a teacher here. That's a whole nother branch entirely. But it just so happens to be, that I know someone that can help you." Flynn's eyes sparkled and his jaw was on the floor. Pure joy rippled through him. He had finally found what he was looking for.

"Donovan here can take you there, I have a lot of things on my plate. I would trust him with my life." Raine leaned in closer and beckoned Raine to do the same. He covered his mouth with his hand to direct his voice to only him.

"Donovan might look cold and unfeeling on the outside, but on the inside, he's a total softie. Don't be too intimidated by him." He whispered. He leaned back and looked at Donovan.

"I'm quite sure you know where you're going. Do take your time there. There's no need to hurry." He said. Raine stood up and left through the door from which Flynn came from, waving with a smile before closing the door. It was just Flynn and Donovan in the room. Donovan started walking through the other door without saying a word, Flynn followed. Even if what Raine had said was true, Flynn still didn't feel like bothering Donovan with questions, as he didn't seem too thrilled last time. Even this hallway was like the first two, just as eerie too. After some walking they reached a door. Donovan opened the door and waited for Flynn to go in first.

It was a small room not unlike the one he was in just before. There were potted plants and a sofa to wait on. There were three elevators. Donovan stepped into the leftmost one and Flynn followed. The elevator didn't seem like it moved at all, but when the door opened they were somewhere completely different. A lively room full of many different looking people all scurrying about.

The feeling in the air was completely different from before, it wasn't at all intimidating like the others. Flynn followed Donovan to the front desk where the person greeted Donovan.

"New blood to teach? I'm gonna go ahead and open the door for you." The person said as he typed something on his computer. A door next to them opened. Flynn followed Donovan once more. They reached another door.

"This is where we split. Don't trust much of what she says about her 'medicine'." Donovan said before he left. What was that supposed to mean? Why would they hire such an untrustworthy person? Flynn thought for a little, then tried to knock on the door. Before he could even touch it, the door was already opened. Flynn was greeted by a strange looking woman. She had long curly hair, big round glasses and flowing colorful dress. Her neck was adorned with a necklace made of crystals. She spoke to him with a slow and dreamy voice.

"Hello dearie! You must be here to learn magic, aren't you?" She asked.

"Yes, I am." He said, taken slightly aback by her tone and appearance. She inspected Flynn closely, hand on her chin. Then she clapped her hands together.

"I feel a very unusual aura coming from you, you're different from the others I've seen." What a strange thing to say, Flynn thought to himself. She then noticed Flynn's lack of one arm, and looked surprised, and a little scared.

"Your chakra is misaligned, it should be flowing through your arm, but there is nowhere for it to go! I have just the thing." She said as she scuttled to her cabinets.

Flynn had some time to look around. He had just noticed how many strange and mystical objects there were scattered around the room. Crystals, dream catchers, statues and other relics. Bottles filled with strange substances and tablets. The room itself was wooden and decorated with more plants, succulents, Flynn observed. After rustling around in her cabinets, the woman came back with a crystal in hand.

"This is a healing crystal specifically for your condition. I may not be able to bring back your arm, but I can do the next best thing." She said while chuckling. Flynn never believed in any sort of healing crystals or such, just in science and medicine. This definitely wasn't going to change his mind.

"Umm, Donovan said not to trust your 'healing' methods." Flynn said nervously. She waved her hand and scoffed at Flynn.

"Oh what do they know about medicine, my crystals and oils are plenty effective." She said, slightly agitated.

"Can we just get to the magic?" Flynn pleaded.

"If you're sure you don't want it, sure, but don't come complaining. Sit down then." She said as she sat down and invited Flynn to do the same. She leaned forward and inspected Flynn very closely. She muttered something to herself and suddenly jolted up. She giggled discreetly.

"I know exactly what kind of magic will fit you."