
Virgo Waterpark & Its Seven Slides

P.S. This story contains lots and lots of 21+ scenes, but of course it's still got its plot twist which'll make readers curious to complete reading it until the end. Go ahead only if you're comfortable with it. Virgo Waterpark – a vast, always crowded, and always fun waterpark right in the middle of crowded, modern, sophisticated, and never sleeping Tokyo city. It was built by a quite well-known mixed Japanese Indonesian businessman, Toshiro Jeffry Nakamura. The name of the waterpark is given based on the name of the woman whom he loves and adores immensely truly and deeply. The woman is also a mixed between Chinese and Indonesian, whose name is Virgo Belle Huangwira. In Virgo Waterpark itself, there are lots and lots of slides as well as many other water games. There are seven largest, highest and most thrilling slides for the thrill-seekers as well as water-games lovers. Each slide has their own stories until there comes an ‘urban-legend’, or so-called ‘superstition’, or so-called ‘belief’ lain behind those seven slides. All of those sound queer, illogical, or perhaps absurd. All of them don’t even make sense at all. However… As long as you believe… As long as you take them for granted, the ‘urban-legend’, or so-called ‘superstition’, or so-called ‘belief’ will certainly… come true… Will you dare to prove it?

ATua · Urban
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61 Chs

The Love Between Taurus Bruce & Anabella Fanggawa (part 1)

Tetsuo and Cecilia Belinda solely nodded their heads. They turned to Taurus Bruce and Anabella right now.

"There's also quite high dosage of stimulating medicine inside his body. The stimulating medicine could kill him if his lust and desire isn't expressed out, Anabella…" said Tetsuo with his quite relaxed manner again.

"I… I… I… Mr. Tetsuo… Mrs. Cecilia… Could you please… Could you please… bring Taurus to one of the rooms in this hotel? His house is quite far from here. I don't want anything worse to happen to him," stuttered Anabella Fanggawa.

Both Tetsuo and Cecilia Belinda were seen staring at each other for a little while.

"You should've known what will be done by a man with aphrodisiac inside his body, shouldn't you? Are you sure you want to accompany him for the whole night tonight?" asked Cecilia Belinda gently.

Anabella Fanggawa required quite a couple of seconds before she eventually nodded her head. "Taurus can become like this is all because of me, because he wants to help me, to save me. I won't abandon him in his worst moments like now."

"Okay… We'll bring him to the next room… Don't worry about the fee… We've already paid it…" Cecilia Belinda was seen smiling knowingly.

The three bodyguards brought Taurus Bruce to the next room and laid him down on the bed.

"Anyway, one more thing, Anabella…" Suddenly, really out of the blue, really astonishingly, Cecilia Belinda gave Anabella Fanggawa a tube of lube. "I think you'll need this tonight, Anabella."

Blushing in her red blossom, being intensely embarrassed, Anabella accepted the lube. "Thanks… Thanks very much, Mrs. Cecilia…"

"Have a nice night with Taurus, Anabella… I like you being together with Taurus, who's loved and adored you for all these times, rather than the previous shit rubbish man who doesn't appreciate your existence at all. Don't worry, Anabella… Tonight you'll hand in your purity and originality to the perfectly correct man. Tomorrow morning, when he wakes up, Taurus will be an intensely overjoyed man."

Still blushing in her red blossom, Anabella merely nodded her head. When Tetsuo, Cecilia Belinda and their three bodyguards had left, Anabella closed the door and slowly approached Taurus Bruce who was still squirming restlessly and uneasily on the bed. Unknowingly to himself, he'd taken off his coat, his shirt and his pants. It merely left his black briefs covering his manhood magical sword which had been rebelling vastly strongly against his black briefs.

"Oh… My body is extraordinarily hot… It's getting hotter and hotter… What's happening to me? What did they put in that kiwi juice just now?" murmured Taurus Bruce to himself.

"Taurus…" called Anabella gently when she'd lain beside her Taurus Bruce. She gently caressed her Taurus Bruce's perfect, handsome and gorgeous face. She also caressed his sturdy, muscular and six-packed stomach.

Taurus Bruce suddenly and slightly strongly clutched his Ana Darling's hand. "Ana… Anabella… Is that you?"

"Yes, this is me, Taurus…"

"Just get away from me, Ana… I don't want you to be afraid of me… They must have put something in that kiwi juice a moment before. Now, I think I… I… I want you so much, Ana…"

"Then… Then… Then, you can have me, Taurus…" whispered Anabella softly and a bit nervously.

"Ana… Ana… I can be very unpredictable underneath my strong love, lust and desire like this… I don't want you to be afraid of me; I don't want to hurt you, Ana…"

Anabella caressed her Taurus Bruce's six-packed stomach again. She lastly reached that man's manhood magical sword. It was like a kind of high voltage electricity striking Taurus Bruce's whole body when Anabella gently squeezed that manhood magical sword which was still inside the black briefs.

"Oh, Ana… Ana… You're awakening the sleeping lion… Are you sure, Ana?" Taurus Bruce's eyes had become more foggy and misty.

"You can be like this is all because of me, Taurus… I won't leave you… I won't abandon you… I'll accompany you tonight, Taurus… If you really love and adore me, you can just have me…" whispered Anabella intoxicatingly, but actually she was rather afraid and nervous.

"Oh, Ana… You've really awakened the sleeping lion… You're very beautiful, Ana… You're really sexily intoxicating… I want to have you, Ana… I want you so much…"

Slightly aggressively, as though he'd been possessed by a kind of evil spirit, Taurus tore off his Ana Darling's dress wholly. He also tore off Anabella's undies entirely. Anabella was now perfectly naked. After having taken off his black briefs hurriedly, Taurus was slightly suppressing his Ana Darling's slim and sexily-intoxicating body. He landed his wet, intimate but quite aggressive kisses as well as squashing on his Ana Darling's whole face, next to her lips, next to her chin, down to her neck, collarbones and also to her mountainous hillsides.

Taurus Bruce put one of those challenging mountainous hillsides into his mouth. He sucked and sucked that hillside like a baby who was breastfeeding.

"You're not a human, Ana Darling… You're really an angel… Never have I dared to expect that I can enjoy this sexiness, perfection and beauty of yours right now… I really love you, Ana Darling… I really and really love you… Right now, you're totally mine…"

"Oh, Taurus… Taurus…" Anabella was seen clutching and gently squeezing her Taurus Bruce's head and hair while that handsome man was breastfeeding on one of her mountainous hillsides.

Taurus Bruce stopped his breastfeeding. He turned round his Ana Darling quite strongly and aggressively as if he'd been possessed by one of Hades' evil soldiers from the underground world.

Taurus Bruce licked, kissed, squashed and sucked the whole of Anabella's slim and sexy back, which was as white as Chinese porcelains. His licking and squashing went up and up until it reached Anabella's nape, shoulder and ear. Anabella felt really tickled, but also immensely enjoyable. It really flung her to the middle of her pleasure typhoon and hurricane.

"Sorry, Ana Darling… I really want you now… I really want you… I can't wait any longer…" whispered Taurus Bruce with his vastly hoarse voice tune.

Taurus Bruce saw a tube of lube which was still gripped by his Ana Darling. He grabbed that lube from Anabella's hand and poured it onto his manhood magical sword and his Ana Darling's enjoyment valley. Without any prior notice, he strongly inserted his manhood magical sword into his Ana Darling's enjoyment valley. He managed to break into Anabella's gate and fortress of virginity and fully reached inside Anabella's world of enjoyment valley just in twice strikes.

"Aaarrgghhkk…" Anabella's screaming and squealing sank into the white bed sheet inasmuch as she was lying with her stomach on the bed at this moment. She really felt as if her underpart body had been cleft into two parts without using any anesthetics.

Taurus Bruce began to shake and shake both of their bodies. For the next one hour, Anabella's tormenting and unbearable pain had gradually changed to a kind of indescribable and unknown pleasure as well as enjoyment sensations which flung her back to her cyclone of joy.

"Oh, Taurus… Taurus… Taurus…" groaned Anabella endlessly, over and over, repeatedly and repeatedly.

"Oh, Ana Darling… I've been dreaming to love you, to express out my love, lust, and desire to you like this since the first day I got to know you, since the first day we bumped into each other in the office. Thanks for making it come true, Ana… Thanks for letting me love you, have you and make you mine…"

"Oh, Taurus… Taurus… I think my body… my body…" Anabella really couldn't finish up her statement inasmuch as a kind of substantial tsunami of pleasure had struck her whole body, had flown her to the breezy rainbow garden with her never ending zephyr over there.

"I wanna come right now, Ana Darling… Where… Where… Where should I squirt it?" asked Taurus Bruce with his somewhat shuddering voice tune.

"If you really love me and adore me, you'll certainly be responsible to me. Will you, Taurus? Then, just squirt it inside me, Taurus… To show your love and affection to me…" whispered Anabella really softly.

"I really and really love you, Ana Darling… After this, perhaps I'll bring you to a jewelry shop, to select our wedding rings…" Taurus Bruce licked and slightly squashed his Ana Darling's ear, nape and shoulder while he carried on shaking both of their bodies faster and more aggressively.

"Here it comes, Ana Darling… Get ready to receive my seeds of love, Ana Darling… Aaarrhhkk… Aaarrhhkk…" mooed and growled Taurus Bruce withhis extraordinarily high voice tune. By his several final strikes on his Ana Darling's enjoyment canyon, he squirted quite a lot of his warm, sticky and thick quintessence inside his Ana Darling's enjoyment valley.

Anabella felt a kind of warm, soothing and relaxing lava inside her underpart body down there. However, Taurus Bruce merely gave her quite a couple of seconds to take her break. In the next seconds, Taurus Bruce shook and shook their bodies again.

"Oh, Taurus… Taurus…" groaned and moaned Anabella again when she felt another tsunami of enjoyment striking her and lifting up her whole body above the ground.