
Virgo Waterpark & Its Seven Slides

P.S. This story contains lots and lots of 21+ scenes, but of course it's still got its plot twist which'll make readers curious to complete reading it until the end. Go ahead only if you're comfortable with it. Virgo Waterpark – a vast, always crowded, and always fun waterpark right in the middle of crowded, modern, sophisticated, and never sleeping Tokyo city. It was built by a quite well-known mixed Japanese Indonesian businessman, Toshiro Jeffry Nakamura. The name of the waterpark is given based on the name of the woman whom he loves and adores immensely truly and deeply. The woman is also a mixed between Chinese and Indonesian, whose name is Virgo Belle Huangwira. In Virgo Waterpark itself, there are lots and lots of slides as well as many other water games. There are seven largest, highest and most thrilling slides for the thrill-seekers as well as water-games lovers. Each slide has their own stories until there comes an ‘urban-legend’, or so-called ‘superstition’, or so-called ‘belief’ lain behind those seven slides. All of those sound queer, illogical, or perhaps absurd. All of them don’t even make sense at all. However… As long as you believe… As long as you take them for granted, the ‘urban-legend’, or so-called ‘superstition’, or so-called ‘belief’ will certainly… come true… Will you dare to prove it?

ATua · Urban
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61 Chs

Let Go of Your Hand from My Ana

"Wow… Your manhood junior is rebelling against your swimming trunks, Tet Tet Sweetheart…" Cecilia Belinda chuckled jovially again.

"Shit… Weren't it because of our babies, I'd certainly drag you to one of the hotel rooms here and transfer you my love and affection, Ceci Darling."

"Hehehe… That's okay… You've been fasting for these several days… Tonight you can do it on the condition that you do it slowly and gently. Will you…?" Cecilia Belinda caressed the handsome face which was engraved perfectly right in front of her eyes.

"Really, Ceci Darling? Are you sure with what you've said? Don't give me such false hope and then you dump me again to hell, Ceci Darling…" uttered Tetsuo to make sure what he'd just heard.

"Sure… Sure, Tet Tet Sweetheart… You can do it as long as you do it slowly and gently…"

"Wow… I can't wait to finish this mission for Jun and then drag you to one of the hotel rooms, Ceci Darling…" muttered Tetsuo with his vastly beaming eyes.

"Okay… Okay… Let's go down to the tenth floor right now, Tet Tet Sweetheart…"

"Okay… Let's go, Darling…"

After changing back their clothes, they went down to the tenth floor.

Meanwhile again, Anabella Fanggawa became more and more worried when she'd stepped into room 2007 on the tenth floor. She was now more afraid rather than worried.

What should I do now? Must I really do this? They seem to have put a kind of vitalizing medicine into Jun Kim's body. Look at his condition at this moment… He's squirming restlessly and uneasily on the bed…

Spotting a woman right in front of his eyes, Jun Kim suddenly stood up and would hug Anabella.

"Jud Jud Darling… Is this you…? Oh, I want you, Jud Jud Darling… I want you so much, Jud Jud Darling…"

"Aaarrrgghhkk…" shouted Anabella Fanggawa. She was terribly astonished. She stepped back instantly. Consequently, Jun Kim fell down to the floor.

Jun Kim couldn't recognize who was standing in front of him anymore because his head was enormously queasy and his body was extraordinarily hot.

"Please, Jud Jud Darling… I want you so much… My body is very and very hot… My body is unbearably hot… They must have put something in my drink just now… I feel like I was going to die, Jud Jud Darling…"

Anabella stepped back and stepped back again. She became more and more doubtful to continue this mission.

"What are you waiting for? Quickly take off all your clothes!" shouted Aldo Saturn who'd just come into the room, together with Mrs. Aquila King.

"You've promised to help… You've promised and you may not break your promise…" screamed Mrs. Aquila staring sharply at Anabella.

Anabella carried on shaking and shaking her head. "I don't want… I think I'm… I'm… I'm unable to continue this mission. Sorry… Sorry…"

Aldo Saturn and Mrs. Aquila King growled ferociously at this moment. They were like two lions having found their prey and couldn't wait any longer to eat that prey of theirs. Their only mistakes were that they'd let their bodyguards go away and they forgot to close back the door of the hotel room.

"Just take off your clothes and lie beside him! Now!" shouted Aldo Saturn with his higher and higher voice tune.

"No… No… No, Aldo Saturn… You're merely utilizing me… I won't let you utilize me any further…" said Anabella with her humongous determination.

"Why can you still be so peaceful and relaxed, Anabella? You've drunk that juice, haven't you? You should be in the similar circumstance like he is right now." Really Aldo Saturn couldn't finish up his rhetorical question to himself.

Having heard that, Anabella Fanggawa was extraordinarily surprised. She could simply mumble inside the quagmire of her mind, thought and perception.

Hah…? Kiwi juice? Kiwi juice which was quaffed by Taurus a moment before in the auditorium, wasn't it? There must have been something inside that kiwi juice. Something bad and dreadful must have occurred to Taurus at this moment. Oh, holy goodness… Merely for saving me, he even sacrifices himself…

Suddenly, out of a sudden, Aldo Saturn began to approach Anabella Fanggawa and he tore Anabella's dress.

"Let go of your hand from me! Let go! Let go!" Anabella started to shout hysterically. She ran here and there inside that hotel room. Her dress had been half torn and she'd been half naked, slightly showing her undies inside.

"We solely need some more steps to complete this mission… I won't let it fail just because of your carelessness and doubt… You must finish this mission… You must…"

Suddenly again, really out of expectation again, Taurus Bruce also broke into that hotel room.

"Let go of your hand from my Ana…" shouted Taurus Bruce landing some of his deadly punches on Aldo Saturn's head, face, and body. Being assaulted without any preparations, of course Aldo Saturn fell down to the floor.

"Aldo…" screamed Mrs. Aquila in her great astonishment.

Aldo Saturn stood up again and also landed some of his deadly punches as well as kicks onto Taurus Bruce's head, face and body. Because the vitalizing medicine inside his body had reacted, Taurus Bruce wasn't as powerful a man as he usually was. He fell down to the floor due to some deadly kicks and punches from Aldo Saturn.

"Taurus! Taurus!" screamed Anabella dashing towards Taurus Bruce. Seeing that Aldo Saturn would land his deadly kicks on Taurus Bruce's body again, without thinking any further, Anabella Fanggawa seized Taurus Bruce into her cozy, warm and precious hug.

Aldo Saturn would kick both Anabella and Taurus Bruce when suddenly he was kicked from his right side. His body was flung to the glass window. His head hit the glass window and the glass window shattered to pieces.

Mrs. Aquila was incredibly shocked seeing her daughter coming into the room together with her two other friends and their three bodyguards.

Two of the bodyguards approached Aldo Saturn who was lying helplessly on the floor. They landed some of their deadly kicks and punches onto Aldo Saturn's entire body. Screaming helplessly and hopelessly, Aldo Saturn subsequently sank into his pitch black and dark background world.

"Jud… Jud… Judith…" stuttered Mrs. Aquila King.

"Enough, Aquila King… Enough… Enough…" hissed Judith with her extremely cold and icy eyesight.

"Jud… Judith…" stammered Mrs. Aquila King again. Her daughter didn't even call her 'Mom' anymore right now. Such deep anger, furiousness and disappointment could be seen from her daughter's eyesight at this moment.

"I said… Enough! Enough! Enough! Didn't you hear that! Don't you have ears! Are you deaf!" shouted Judith within her substantial depression and frustration, closing tightly both of her eyes and ears.

Tetsuo and Cecilia simply stood silently behind Judith. They didn't want to interfere in Judith's family affair.

"Just get out of this hotel room! Get out of here and never appear in front of my eyes, at least for quite a couple of months ahead. Do you hear me?"

"Jud… Jud… Judith… Let me explain first… This isn't the same with what you saw… Actually I…"

"Do you still wish for some time for your rubbish invaluable explanations?"

"Of course I do… Actually, I…"

"Then, I also need some time to think and think again, to mull over again whether I'm actually your daughter or what…"

"Judith… How could you…?"

"Get out of here right now! Get out of this hotel room right now! Can't you understand humans' language!" shouted Judith King within her tremendous frustration again, closing tightly again both her eyes and her ears.

Not having any other better choices, forcefully, Mrs. Aquila King was seen walking out of the hotel room.

Tetsuo's three bodyguards were seen dragging out Aldo Saturn who'd been unconscious right now. They also helped to move Jun Kim's nude body back onto the bed.

"Jud Jud Darling… I want you… I want you so much, Jud Jud Darling… They must have put something in my drink just now. My body is extraordinarily hot. I feel like I was going to die. This is… this is… tremendously torturing, Jud Jud Darling…" murmured Jun Kim, hugging Judith's body without any thought to let her go.

Judith was slightly panicked when suddenly one of Tetsuo's bodyguards landed a punch on Jun Kim's nape. Jun Kim also fell into his pitch black dark background world. Judith looked at Tetsuo with a lot of question-marks at the quay of her mind, thought and consideration.

"The vitalizing medicine inside his body could kill him if his lust and desire isn't expressed out," said Tetsuo in his quite relaxed fashion.

"We know you aren't ready yet, Jud Jud. So, the only way to save Jun is to make him faint for a little while," mumbled Cecilia Belinda, trying smiling gently.

"Okay… Thanks a lot… Thanks a lot for your help, Tetsuo, Ceci… I much appreciate it…" said Judith trying smiling thankfully.

Tetsuo and Cecilia Belinda solely nodded their heads. They turned to Taurus Bruce and Anabella right now.