
Virgo Waterpark & Its Seven Slides

P.S. This story contains lots and lots of 21+ scenes, but of course it's still got its plot twist which'll make readers curious to complete reading it until the end. Go ahead only if you're comfortable with it. Virgo Waterpark – a vast, always crowded, and always fun waterpark right in the middle of crowded, modern, sophisticated, and never sleeping Tokyo city. It was built by a quite well-known mixed Japanese Indonesian businessman, Toshiro Jeffry Nakamura. The name of the waterpark is given based on the name of the woman whom he loves and adores immensely truly and deeply. The woman is also a mixed between Chinese and Indonesian, whose name is Virgo Belle Huangwira. In Virgo Waterpark itself, there are lots and lots of slides as well as many other water games. There are seven largest, highest and most thrilling slides for the thrill-seekers as well as water-games lovers. Each slide has their own stories until there comes an ‘urban-legend’, or so-called ‘superstition’, or so-called ‘belief’ lain behind those seven slides. All of those sound queer, illogical, or perhaps absurd. All of them don’t even make sense at all. However… As long as you believe… As long as you take them for granted, the ‘urban-legend’, or so-called ‘superstition’, or so-called ‘belief’ will certainly… come true… Will you dare to prove it?

ATua · Urban
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61 Chs

The Love Between Taurus Bruce & Anabella Fanggawa (part 2)

"Oh, Taurus… Taurus…" groaned and moaned Anabella again when she felt another tsunami of enjoyment striking her and lifting up her whole body above the ground.

"I'm really not done yet, Ana Darling… Please accept me again… My body will be intensely hurt as well as tormented if I don't express out this love, lust and desire of mine… Please… Please accept me again, Ana Darling… Will you…?" whispered Taurus Bruce with his somewhat begging voice tune.

"Okay, Taurus… Just do it, Taurus… Just do it to neutralize the effect of the stimulating medicine in your body…" uttered Anabella quite softly.

Taurus Bruce didn't stop pumping and shaking both of their bodies. Only until his fifth release, did he really stop his shaking. Still with his manhood device inside his Ana Darling's enjoyment valley, his sturdy as well as muscular body collapsed on his Ana Darling's slim as well as sexily intoxicating body.

Anabella herself felt as though her whole body had been smashed to the ground. Her Taurus Bruce Darling had totally attacked and assaulted her with all his love, lust and desire. With the unbearable pain throughout her whole body, Anabella finally sank into her pitch black unconscious background world.


The morning sunlight finally fell into the hotel room via the glass window. It was Taurus Bruce who first woke up and opened his eyes. He was extraordinarily astonished finding himself in totally naked circumstance, still hugging his Ana Darling and with his manhood magical sword still inside his Ana Darling's enjoyment canyon.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! What have I done to my Ana? What did I do to her yesterday night? What occurred to me yesterday night?" murmured Taurus Bruce still in his extraordinary astonishment.

Taurus Bruce's memories recalled back what happened with him after quaffing the kiwi juice in the massive luxurious auditorium yesterday night. He gradually recollected that he'd also kicked and punched that shit bad ass Aldo Saturn before finally he ended up in this hotel room and on this bed.

"Oh, I shouldn't have accepted Ana beside me… I should've rejected her… I've hurt her… I've hurt her… Oh, Ana Darling… Ana Darling… Wake up, Ana Darling…"

Taurus Bruce called his Ana Darling to wake up by gently patting on her cheeks.

"Wake up, Ana Darling… Don't make me afraid, Ana Darling…"

Slowly and eventually, Anabella was seen blinking and blinking her eyes. The first thing she saw was her Taurus Bruce Darling who was staring at her immensely anxiously.

"You've lastly waken up, Ana Darling… I thought something bad and awful had happened to you…"

"You were immensely strong, wild and free yesterday night, Taurus. I couldn't follow your strength. Then I passed out." Anabella was seen smiling in her great exultance and satisfaction.

"I'm sorry, Ana Darling… I'm really and really sorry… I'm sorry that I'd hurt you so badly yesterday night… You shouldn't have stayed beside me, Ana Darling… You should've stayed away a bit further from me, Ana Darling…" Taurus Bruce seized his Ana Darling into his warm, cozy and precious hug.

"That's okay, Taurus… As long as I could help you neutralize the effect of the stimulating medicine in your body, I'm fine with it..." Anabella was seen drawing some abstract patterns on her Taurus Bruce Darling's sturdy, muscular and six-packed stomach.

Anabella released herself from her Taurus Bruce's sweet, warm and cozy hug for a little while. "Tell me… You're merely sorry for hurting me, aren't you? You aren't sorry for what had happened to us last night, are you?" asked Anabella quite jumpily and nervously.

Taurus Bruce smiled in his exhilaration at this moment. "Of course not, Ana Darling… You know what… For what had happened between both of us last night, I've been waiting for that for quite a long time, since the first day I bumped into you in the office."

"So, since the first day of our meeting, you've felt a kind of nasty desire towards me, Taurus? Haven't you?"

"Together with my love and affection as well, Ana Darling… You know what? Inside love, there's also lust and desire as well…" Taurus Bruce landed his gentle, romantic and intimate kiss on his Ana Darling's cute and adorable lips.

"So, do you still remember what things you told me last night during our… our… our fusion…?" asked Anabella staring deeply at Taurus Bruce's eyes.

"Hah? Did I tell you something important during our fusion yesterday night?" Taurus Bruce was seen scratching his head which wasn't actually itchy.

"You indeed have forgotten it! You make me really upset and sad, Taurus! So, you've also forgotten that you'd grabbed away my virginity last night, haven't you?"

"No… No… About that thing, I definitely don't forget it… But, about something else more important… Mmm… Mmm… Is it about rings? I vaguely remember that I ever spoke up something about rings. Didn't I?"

"Yes, you did… What did you tell me about the rings, Taurus?" Anabella was staring deeply at her beloved Taurus Bruce's eyes again.

"I said we'll go to buy our wedding rings, didn't I? Sorry, Ana Darling… Sorry and sorry… I can vaguely remember it now…"

"Yes, you're right… You've promised me to buy our wedding rings, so you may not forget about it. Won't you?"

Taurus Bruce sighed in his long and relieved breath. "Of course I won't, Ana Darling… I've been tremendously happy right now because you've totally accepted me. Definitely I won't forget that. I'll tie you up inside our happy marriage and family lives, Ana Darling. You can't run away from me anymore."

"I won't… I won't run… This gorgeous, handsome, hot, sexy, and kind man… I want him… I'll never let him drown into the other women's hugs and embraces…"

Anabella's naughty hand played and explored her hot and sexy man's sturdy as well as muscular stomach, until it reached the manhood magical sword down there which stood up uprightly again once he was touched and caressed.

"Oh, what are you doing to me again, Ana Darling?"

"Taurus… Taurus…" Anabella's hand still played, touched and now squeezed her hot and sexy man's manhood device down there.


"I think I've… I've… I've been addicted to you, to your warmth, your love as well as your affection…" whispered Anabella somewhat coquettishly.

"Really…? You aren't telling a lie, are you?" uttered Taurus with his exhilaration. He carried his Ana Darling so that his Ana Darling was sitting on his laps right now.

Anabella simply shook her head, telling that she didn't tell a lie.

"I feel as though I was the most exhilarated man in the whole universe…"

"Treat me again with your warmth, hotness, your sexiness and your gentleness, Taurus… I think I've been addicted to all of them…" Anabella held tightly her hot and sexy man. Her hands carried on travelling and exploring her man's hot and sexily-intoxicating body.

Slowly but surely, Taurus inserted his manhood magical sword into his Ana Darling's enjoyment canyon again. As though she'd been electrocuted by high voltage electricity, Anabella moaned in her quite high and long voice tune.

"Is my magical sword nice and satisfying, Ana Darling? Is he long, strong, and hard inside you?" whispered Taurus Bruce with his slightly naughty smirk.

"He's marvelous, Taurus… My underpart body feels so full and stuffy… It creates a kind of protection, warmth, and affection sensations…" moaned Anabella again, closing her eyes, trying to absorb drop by drop of the enjoyment sensations smiting her underpart body as well as her whole body.

"Your feminine heavenly valley is also superb and terrific, Ana Darling… Look… She's perfectly clutching and gripping mine, Ana Darling… I think I can really squirt my all out merely in twenty minutes…"

"Just squirt it all out, Taurus… Just express out all your love, lust and desire towards me… We belong together, don't we?"

"Yes, we do… I love you, Ana Darling…"

Taurus Bruce began their hot bed scenes again that morning. Sighing, howling, and moaning were audible again throughout the hotel room that morning.