
Virgo Waterpark & Its Seven Slides

P.S. This story contains lots and lots of 21+ scenes, but of course it's still got its plot twist which'll make readers curious to complete reading it until the end. Go ahead only if you're comfortable with it. Virgo Waterpark – a vast, always crowded, and always fun waterpark right in the middle of crowded, modern, sophisticated, and never sleeping Tokyo city. It was built by a quite well-known mixed Japanese Indonesian businessman, Toshiro Jeffry Nakamura. The name of the waterpark is given based on the name of the woman whom he loves and adores immensely truly and deeply. The woman is also a mixed between Chinese and Indonesian, whose name is Virgo Belle Huangwira. In Virgo Waterpark itself, there are lots and lots of slides as well as many other water games. There are seven largest, highest and most thrilling slides for the thrill-seekers as well as water-games lovers. Each slide has their own stories until there comes an ‘urban-legend’, or so-called ‘superstition’, or so-called ‘belief’ lain behind those seven slides. All of those sound queer, illogical, or perhaps absurd. All of them don’t even make sense at all. However… As long as you believe… As long as you take them for granted, the ‘urban-legend’, or so-called ‘superstition’, or so-called ‘belief’ will certainly… come true… Will you dare to prove it?

ATua · Urban
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61 Chs

A Bad Night for Jun Kim

Several days passed by again. Eventually, tonight was the party where Aldo Saturn planned to utilize Anabella Fanggawa to slander Jun Kim in front of Judith King so that Judith King could get mad and leave him.

In the massive luxurious auditorium in a five-star hotel in Medan, the feast was attended by many important business people and influential figures in the business world either in Medan or in Indonesia. Jun Kim was seen chit-chatting with some of his business colleagues and acquaintances. While chit-chatting, he was seen quaffing some whiskey, vodka and some other types of liquor. Meanwhile, from another corner of the massive luxurious auditorium, Aldo Saturn paid and paid his sharp attention to Jun Kim.

"What's happening, Mr. Jun?" asked one of Jun Kim's business acquaintances when he saw that Jun Kim began to blink his eyes and turn round his head for quite a couple of times.

"It seems that… seems that… seems that… I've drunk too much…" said Jun Kim still trying to show his warm and friendly smile.

"Are you okay, Mr. Kim? I think you need to stop drinking. I think you need a rest right now. Don't force yourself, Mr. Kim…" said Jun Kim's another business colleague.

"I guess you're right… Excuse me, Friends… I think I need to go to the restroom first…" Jun Kim subsequently went to the restroom which was quite far from the massive luxurious auditorium.

Aldo Saturn called his bodyguards via cellphone. "It's the time now… He's gone to the restroom… Drag him to the hotel room upstairs… You've known the number of the room, haven't you?"

"Yes, I have, Sir…" replied the head of the bodyguards.

"Alright… Finish your task and the rest of your payment will be transferred tonight…" said Aldo Saturn again. He subsequently ended his conversation with his rented bodyguards.

Jun Kim arrived at the restroom. His dizziness and queasiness was worse and worse. He began to feel hotter and hotter. Although he'd washed his face and both of his hands, his body was still hotter and hotter.

"What's happening to me? What's…" Jun Kim hadn't finished his rhetoric question to himself when suddenly two big, tall, sturdy men broke into the restroom and dragged him out.

"What… What are you doing to me? Who are you?" Jun Kim would rebel against those men and free himself. Nevertheless, his worse dizziness as well as hotter body prevented him from doing so. His body was like being cleft in two parts and losing his power at all.

Jun Kim was dragged to the elevator at the back side of the five-star hotel.

"Let me go! Who are you! What are you gonna do to me?" shouted Jun Kim weakly and languidly.

The two big, tall and sturdy men landed some of their deadly punches on Jun Kim's body. Jun Kim was then entirely helpless. He was dragged until the tenth floor of the five-star hotel. A room was opened and subsequently Jun Kim was thrown onto the bed inside the room. Then the two men walked out of the room.

Jun Kim's body was hotter and hotter. Automatically and unknowingly to himself, he'd taken off his own coat, shirt, even trousers. It left merely his dark brown undies this moment. He was seen squirming here and there on the bed like a worm which was sprinkled with salt on its body.

Meanwhile, Anabella finally arrived at the massive luxurious auditorium. Because the feast was entirely opened for public, she could get in easily, and so could Taurus Bruce Swan, which was immensely worried about what would occur to the girl whom he loved and adored.

"Fifteen more minutes, you can go to room 2007 on the tenth floor. Don't forget…" Aldo Saturn paused his sentences for a little while.

Anabella Fanggawa was staring at Aldo Saturn extremely worriedly, waiting for his continuation.

"You must take off all your clothes. You must be totally nude and lie beside that shit rubbish Jun Kim. Your photos will then be taken. Your video will subsequently be recorded. After that, your job is done. You're free to leave." Aldo Saturn showed his somewhat sly and vicious smirk.

"Okay…" replied Anabella Fanggawa still extremely anxiously.

"Just enjoy the drinks and the foods first… Help yourself…" Aldo Saturn showed again his somewhat sly as well as victorious smirk before he walked away, leaving Anabella Fanggawa alone there.

A waitress approached Anabella and served her a glass of whiskey.

"Sorry… But, I don't drink any liquor…" replied Anabella courteously.

Another waitress approached Anabella again and served a glass of kiwi juice. Anabella then took the glass of kiwi juice. The two waitresses went away. Anabella would drink the kiwi juice when suddenly her glass was grabbed away by Taurus Bruce suddenly showing up himself from nowhere.

"Tau… Tau… Taurus…? You're here as well…" Anabella was fractionally startled.

Taurus Bruce quickly quaffed that kiwi juice till the end. He put back the empty glass on the table right in front of Anabella.

"Just pretend that you'd just quaffed that kiwi juice… And remember, don't drink and don't eat anything which was served to you…" whispered Taurus Bruce.

"Tau… Tau… Taurus… You're really worrying about me… Thanks… Thanks very much, Taurus…" said Anabella with her immensely touched feeling.

"Are you okay, Taurus?" Anabella raised up her hand to gently clutch both of Taurus Bruce's hands. It sent a kind of shuddering and exhilarating signals even to Taurus Bruce's aorta and some main veins around it.

"You can thank me tomorrow, by accompanying me for lunch… Would you mind…?" asked Taurus Bruce gently.

Anabella nodded her head vigorously. "I promise you this is the last time I help that Aldo Saturn Hongzu, Taurus. I promise you…"

"Good… Now, before he suspects both of us being here, I'll step aside first. Be careful, Anabella… For Mars' sake, Anabella… You must take care of yourself…"

Anabella Fanggawa simply nodded her head, still with all her immensely touched feeling. Taurus Bruce Swan left her alone. Several minutes later, Aldo Saturn Hongzu approached her dining table again. Seeing the empty glass right in front of Anabella Fanggawa, Aldo Saturn smirked viciously and cunningly again.

"It's been the time… Go to room 2007 on the tenth floor…" Then, Aldo Saturn buttoned his coat and walked away again.

Passing by the live band in the middle of the massive luxurious auditorium, Anabella subsequently got into the elevator which would bring her to the tenth floor.

Meanwhile again, in the swimming pool on the twelfth floor of the similar five-star hotel, Cecilia Belinda was seen coming out of the pool, wearing her cyan and sexily intoxicating one piece swimsuit.

"Are you ready, Jud Jud?" asked Cecilia Belinda. "The boss of this hotel has finally informed Tet Tet Sweetheart that your Brother Jun has been dragged to room 2007 on the tenth floor," said Cecilia Belinda reading a text message in her husband's cellphone.

"Thanks goodness the boss of this hotel is one of Tetsuo's business colleagues. Or else, I think I'll get a bit difficulty in quelling Aldo Saturn's dirty tricks," muttered Judith King in her somewhat relieved manner.

"You've known what to do, haven't you? After this, you have to pretend to be angry and disappointed to your Brother Jun. You mustn't talk to him at least for one month ahead. Let's see whether he'll try to beg for your understanding and forgiveness or not," continued Cecilia Belinda again.

"Actually, I don't have such a heart to give Brother Jun such a tormenting and arduous test like that, Ceci…"

"Just to prove to yourself that your Brother Jun really and really loves you and he'll be faithful to you for the rest of your lives…" said Cecilia Belinda convincingly.

"Okay then…" Judith King sighed in her long breath. "I'll go to room 2007 right now before everything is too late…"

"Okay… I'll follow you later on…" Cecilia Belinda smiled gently.

"Has everything been ready, Darling?" Tetsuo was seen hugging his Dear Ceci Darling from her back.

"Ready, Tet Tet Sweetheart… Jun has just been dragged to room 2007 on the tenth floor. Anabella and Taurus have also just arrived in the auditorium. We'll go to room 2007 in the next ten minutes."

"Mmm… Does this remind you of something, of the same ordeal nearly happening to you at that night?" whispered Tetsuo.

"Of course, Tet Tet Sweetheart… I'll never forget that night… That night has become my most beautiful and wonderful one night stand in my life…" Cecilia Belinda chuckled in her exhilaration.

"Why do you call it one night stand, Darling? One night stand is for a man and a woman who don't know each other but they have their intercourse in order to satisfy each other."

"For me, it's my wonderful and beautiful one night stand, Tet Tet Sweetheart. It's merely one night, but it stands in my beautiful memories forever, for the rest of my life."

"You're so smart in arranging words, Darling… I love you deeply and deeply…" Tetsuo cut the distance between their bodies by tightening his hug. Cecilia Belinda could feel something hard, strong and robust piercing and piercing her butt from behind.

"Wow… Your manhood junior is rebelling against your swimming trunks, Tet Tet Sweetheart…" Cecilia Belinda chuckled jovially again.