
villainess : Antagonist story

HORRIBLE GRAMMAR READ IT AT YOUR OWN RISK! *Warning* (This book will have some mature content, if you are uncomfortable reading mature content then please don't read it.) Everyone wants to know the story of the protagonist. But what about the antagonist? Two girls, both became the antagonists of their own lives without knowing why. Destiny causes their paths to cross as they meet in club as strangers and leave it as potential friends for life. Tulip Anderson, the daughter of a wealthy family. Yet, ironically, most don’t know about her existence, the limelight having been stolen away by her twin sister. All she wanted was her parents’ love but they were too occupied with her twin to care about her. All her life, the story was about her sister and Tulip’s role was the villainous twin. Lily Lawrence, wife of Zachary Lawrence, CEO of Lawrence Enterprises. Entangled in a loveless marriage, her husband hates her and the reason? He wasn't ready for marriage. She was forced upon him by his grandfather. Everyday Lily saw a different girl leaving his room and slowly became a shallow, scheming woman. Just to get back at those adulterers. She only wanted her husband to respect her, since he couldn’t love her. But in the end, he only saw her as the woman who forced him into a commitment he didn’t want. Two girls with two different stories, this is about how they become the greatest of friends and journey to change their destinies. ------------------------------------- The picture is taken from Pinterest. To discuss anything you could contact me on my discord id mehu#7456

mehu · Urban
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78 Chs

my first kiss

It took some seconds to Lily to realise that Leonard is kissing her. With all her force Lily try to push him but he didn't budge and tighten his hold on her hands pressing her more to wall. She again tries kick his balls but this time Leonard block her leg. He roughly started to kiss her as if he is punishing her.

Leonard broke the kiss. He place his fingers on her right cheek slowly crassessing her. Looking intensely at her eyes.

Lily give him a sharp glare "You stolen my first kiss how dare you ...you asshole.... who given you the right to touch me"

Leonard taken aback hearing what Lily said. What he knows she had been married once, he don't know what type of relationship it was but he don't know why but hearing that no touch her brings a satisfaction to him "then that means I have to take your responsibility" he grin at her.

Lily scoff "what responsibility.... just leave me alone"

Leonard grin widen "Damn such a loser your husband is..... from today onwards you are my woman Lily and I look forward to work with you" with that he turn and move towards his car.

"hey ....hey. ...let me tell you one thing I'm not your woman" Lily glare at his back but he didn't respond, he get inside his car and start the engine giving her a last look.


Tulip is inside her home waiting for little bun. The door bell rings Tulip move towards the door and open it. Lily come inside with string of curses, seeing her Tulip give her an amuse look "what happen lily .....who this person you are cursing?"

Lily growl "I hate that pervert bastard ... who does he think of himself ...declaring me his woman"

Tulip move to kitchen to get herself and Lily a glass of water....hearing Lily she give her a puzzle look "who is this person?"

Lily shouted angrily " that Leonard Marshall.... that pervert!!!!!!"

Tulip who is drinking water suddenly choke she cough and give lily a weird look "you are talking about THE LEONARD MARSHALL devil of business world....known for his ruthlessness"

"yes the same" Lily mumble.....

Tulip gasp looking widely at Lily. Lily got annoyed seeing Tulip giving her weird look "stop it Tulip...stop giving me that look"

Tulip compose herself "sorry my friend but you got a devil attention only god can save you my child"

Lily give her an irritate look "what nonsense are you sprouting"

Tulip sign " I'm speaking truth Lily .... that man is truly a monster.... even in his appearance he look like a beast.....he is not a type of person to mess with..... but don't worry Lily he is not type of person who take advantage or women.... and more importantly you have me Lily... I won't let anyone hurt you" tulip sweetly grin at her.

Lily face broke into a genuine smile..... truly it feels amazing to have someone with whom you can talk about anything.... with whom you can trust... it's feel good to have one good friend.

*warning*This novel is going to contain some heavily mature scenes which is not comfortable for some.

Some of you may not like Sol and Leonard but I'm not going to change ML. Both of them going to be dominating. But being dominating and disrespecting women is two different things.

Lastly, if you guys really like my work, want me to release many chapters then I want your votes, reviews on my book to get into good ranking.

I feel like my work is not satisfying.

mehucreators' thoughts