
villainess : Antagonist story

HORRIBLE GRAMMAR READ IT AT YOUR OWN RISK! *Warning* (This book will have some mature content, if you are uncomfortable reading mature content then please don't read it.) Everyone wants to know the story of the protagonist. But what about the antagonist? Two girls, both became the antagonists of their own lives without knowing why. Destiny causes their paths to cross as they meet in club as strangers and leave it as potential friends for life. Tulip Anderson, the daughter of a wealthy family. Yet, ironically, most don’t know about her existence, the limelight having been stolen away by her twin sister. All she wanted was her parents’ love but they were too occupied with her twin to care about her. All her life, the story was about her sister and Tulip’s role was the villainous twin. Lily Lawrence, wife of Zachary Lawrence, CEO of Lawrence Enterprises. Entangled in a loveless marriage, her husband hates her and the reason? He wasn't ready for marriage. She was forced upon him by his grandfather. Everyday Lily saw a different girl leaving his room and slowly became a shallow, scheming woman. Just to get back at those adulterers. She only wanted her husband to respect her, since he couldn’t love her. But in the end, he only saw her as the woman who forced him into a commitment he didn’t want. Two girls with two different stories, this is about how they become the greatest of friends and journey to change their destinies. ------------------------------------- The picture is taken from Pinterest. To discuss anything you could contact me on my discord id mehu#7456

mehu · Urban
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78 Chs


Tulip got ready to leave. She kissed little bun forehead who is still sleeping after all he must be tired from the long travelling. She is happy that atleast her son is getting the love from all the family members even from his father who genuinely wants to be part of Leo's life. She don't want her son to be deprive of parents love that she never got from her parents. But thinking of Sol a sore taste left her mind. She grumbly get out from little bun room.

Lily look concernly at Tulip "What happen Tulip why early in morning your mood is bad"

Tulip grumble again "Argh!!!!! ... little bun father drives me nuts .... what does that bastard think of himself ordering me around.... he wants me to meet him at his office.... and before I could refuse he hung up on me ...that asshole!!!!!" Tulip spat glaring at the wall.

Lily gulp Tulip can really be scaring when she is mad "Oh....but why did he call you to come to his office"

"because of little bun...he want to talk about the timings when he can keep little bun with himself" Tulip said.

"Are you going to allow little bun to stay with his father" Lily ask in concern she knows how much Tulip is protective of her child.

Tulip sign "I don't know .... let me first hear what he wants to say"


Inside Romani organisation.

Tulip reach his office. She move towards the reception "Excuse I'm here to meet Sol can you tell me where his cubicle.

Receptionist look at her and inwardly roll her eyes it's not the first time women coming and demanding to see her boss. She expressionlessly said " do you have an appointment Miss"

"No ...but you can ask your boss he demanded to see me" Tulip said with poker face she clearly knows what running inside receptionist mind.

Receptionist sign "I'm sorry Miss he is busy man without appointment I can't let you meet him"

Tulip scoff "so you mean that I have worlds free time with me" She glare at receptionist.

Before receptionist could say anything someone interrupted them. A man come towards Tulip with polite smile "I'm sorry ma'am please excuse her, she is doing her job I'm boss assistant Travis. Boss told me to get you"

Tulip didn't said anything and follow Sol assistant. She reach his floor which is at top of the building. The whole floor belong to him. Outside his office there is only one women. She give polite smile to Tulip. Tulip nod at her. Without knocking Tulip get inside Sol office. He look at her and signal her to sit. Travis left the room.

"What do you want to talk about" Tulip come straight to point.

But before they could discuss anything. A woman barge inside. She furiously glare at Tulip then at Sol "You bastard you are cheating on me with that slut"

Tulip look at that woman she is truely beautiful but her eyes slit when that woman call her "Slut"

Sol is getting headache seeing Julie barge inside his office. His another assistant Ms Gloria come inside panting "I'm sorry sir I tried to stop her but she didn't listen but rather get violent verbally". Sol sign and signal her to leave. He coldly look at Julie but before he could say anything Tulip interrupted.

Tulip give her a cold smile she very well know who she is. She is Julie Summer one of the famous model who thinks world revolve around her. In her working line Tulip seen a lot of men and women like her. Tulip in cold tone ask " Who you are calling slut"

Julie glare at her "Do you have hearing problem obviously you who can't keep their legs close and seduce taken man"

Tulip laugh coldly and then smirk. She didn't remove her eyes from Julie. Julie gulp seeing Tulip cold eyes. Tulip doesn't look like a person who can get scare easily.

"You are Julie the famous model of sunshine entertainment. You have been trending quite lately. Aren't you famous for sleeping with the director of Sunshine Entertainment, which landed you Show stopper contract. And here you are calling me slut ironical isn't it. Even it's didn't leak in media but darling trust me I belong to same industry rumours fly everywhere. And it's not hidden The director of Sunshine Entertainment sleeping with his model." Tulip said smirking.

Julie shudder "You ...You bitch how dare to ...slander me ....I can sue you"

Tulip chuckle "Sue me ...I dare .....and I will destroy your career ....do you think I'm a type of woman to mess with. And moreover Sol can be bastard sometimes...." Sol glare at Tulip when he heard her calling him bastard. But Tulip ignore him and continue "he is not a type of man to cheat on relationship. I know him more than you could ever know.... for him his first priority is always his family. And it's interesting to hear from your mouth calling him cheater when last week there is news about you dating one of male model"

Sol for the first time in his life his heart beats for a woman. And that to the person he is hating. He somewhere regret that he truly misjudge her. Tulip is really remarkable woman. She knows how to handle the situation inspite of his action Tulip stand neutral. A sense of respect spread inside him for Tulip. For the first time in his life he really wants to know her before it becomes too late.

Julie face become pale she never in her life came across such sharp tongue person. Tulip is really not a person to mess with but the sake of her so called ego she glare at her "This is not over ....I will see you" saying that Julie left his office.

Tulip roll her eyes her mood seriously got ruin. She glare at Sol "Now I'm not in a mood to talk so you clearly listen. You can meet Leo whenever you want but at the end of the day he must come to my place. I won't hinder my son meeting his father but I'm not allowing him to stay at your place. For six years I have been looking after my son. I never begged you ..... You wanted to leave that's your decision but now you can't come demanding for Leo rights" Saying that with a bang she left his office.

Sol place his hand on his chest. It still beating fast. He called one his man "I want you to investigate something"


Outside the office both Gloria and Travis looking at the drama with open mouth. Gloria look at Travis "I have become the fan of Ms Tulip"

Travis didn't said anything but what he heard about her is total opposite what he saw.

How do you like Tulip?.

Thank you AstralWhite for the review I dedicate this chapter to you. And I really like your review.

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