
Villain or Hero? Who i am?

Doctor Eggman was tired of seeing all his plans go down the drain because of Sonic and his friends. The scientist then had an idea, and inspired by his grandfather, Doctor Eggman resolved to create his own secret project that would be aimed at defeating Sonic and anyone who stood in his way. However, his new creation begins to wonder why and why he exists and whether or not he wanted to be a villain like his creator and father. Determined to find out who he is, he sets out on new adventures trying to find out who he should be. Will Sonic and his gang get another ally? Or will the villain team have a powerful new member?

VileTheMandalorian · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Robot Factory - Act 1

(A/N): English is not my language, so if you find a grammatical error let me know; 🇧🇷

Another day has dawned in Knothole as we see Aaron in his garden planting some flowers with the help of his trusty Blue Wisp, Cute Fofy, while Sticks was seen setting up several secret traps in place.

The greenish one turned his gaze to the Badger girl who remained focused on what she was doing. Aaron didn't complain about her being there, after all he liked the girl's company and the wild way that only she had, but the thought of someone getting trapped in the traps in his backyard worried him.

Aaron: Are you sure you need to do these traps?

Sticks: Absolute. We don't know when aliens might attack or when robots will revolt and take over the world or when the government will plan to use mind control on us or when evil clones of people will try to attack us and destroy everyone.

The Hedgehog Echidna didn't care about his partner's first three crazy theories, but the last one worried him a little. Sticks had given a perfect description of what he was, a clone created in a laboratory with the DNA of other beings and with the sole purpose of being a soldier and following orders, just another number in the thousands of other projects of his creator, just more a weapon in Dr. Eggman's arsenal.

These thoughts had been in Aaron's mind for some time, he was an Echidna Hedgehog who had been created with the DNA of Sonic, Knuckles and Shadow as well as having a small alien part just like the Black Hedgehog, and knowing this he wondered what what Sticks would think of him if the lab monster he was.

The Hedgehog Echidna knew that he must just be a spy for Dr. Eggman infiltrated in the Freedom Fighters and that his duty was to pass on information and help his creator to take down everyone who tried to get in his way, after all that was the only reason for him be alive.

He was strictly forbidden from befriending any of the Combatants as they were the enemy, but the time he spent with Sticks was making the Hedgehog Echidna grow more and more attached to the girl and he feared that this would put his mission at risk as Of all the Combatants he had met, Sticks was the only one he didn't want any harm to come to.

Aaron allowed himself a sigh when he saw that he had done something he shouldn't have done by gaining affection for his enemy, but now it was too late to regret it and he could only pray that things wouldn't get too complicated in the future.

Returning to reality and abandoning his thoughts, the Hedgehog Echidna looked at the Badger girl before resuming the conversation, thinking carefully about what he would say.

Aaron: Don't you think you might be a little hasty?

Sticks: Prevention is better than cure, that's my motto.

Aaron: But what makes you think these things can happen?

He then looks at Cute Fofy who was seen smelling a flower before sighing contentedly at the sweet aroma.

Aaron: Look at Cute Fofy, he's an alien, but he's not a bad guy. Omega is Dr. Eggman's robot and is on our side. And from what I know, Shadow was created in a laboratory and he is on the side of good.

Sticks: I don't trust any aliens, not long ago some who have something to do with Shadow wanted to dominate the world. The robots are already there wanting to dominate the world with Eggman and Omega just wants revenge against him for abandoning him and Shadow was once a bad guy and tried to end us.

Aaron: Okay, but what about that theory of yours about people's shadows being evil?

Sticks: It was scientifically proven by myself why Shadow's shadow has already become an evil monster.

The Hedgehog Echidna thought about that for a bit when he blinked in surprise to see that even though Sticks had a little paranoia, several of her crazy theories had come true at one time or another.

Aaron: Do you know of one? I will listen to you more from now on.

Sticks: Finally someone who understands me.

Aaron smiles at her as he rolls his eyes before looking at the floor in thought before asking a profound question.

Aaron: Sticks... do you think someone who was born with a destiny already written... can one day write their own story...?

The Badger looked at her partner with a confused look at his question. Sticks and Cute Fofy looked at each other when they saw the greenish one's distant and thoughtful expression before the girl asked.

Sticks: What do you mean?

Upon seeing what she had said, the greenish man immediately tried to disguise his speech.

Aaron: Uh, n-nothing, it was nothing, forget what I said. *nervous laugh*

Sticks and Cute Fofy looked at each other as Aaron scratched the back of his head before speaking to try and distract them both from his question.

Aaron: Hey Jungle Queen, I know you're taking precautions by making these traps and that's fine with me, but why do them in my backyard?

Sticks: Simple Greenboy, because you're my partner and you have to be protected too.

Aaron: Are you setting these traps to protect me?

Sticks: Of course, we're a team now.

Aaron: But weren't you the one who didn't like the idea of having a partner?

Sticks: Well, of course it was, but you seem to be the only one who doesn't treat me like a wild animal and tell me I'm paranoid.

Aaron: Well, I think everyone is crazy with their own crazy thing.

Sticks: Not to mention it's funny to see you swing from side to side when you get stuck in the traps *laughs*

She and the Blue Wisp laugh together while Aaron just rolls his eyes before looking at the Badger and speaking with a smirk.

Aaron: What can I say? I like to get your attention.

Sticks felt the blush cover his cheeks as he looked away while Aaron smiled at her reaction. Trying to change the subject, the Badger girl looks at the flowers before asking.

Sticks: W-Good, but what about these flowers?

Aaron: Huh? Oh, they are very pretty, right?

Sticks: Where did you get it?

Aaron: At Elina's flower shop and her friends. I like flowers and plants, after all I carry the color of life with me, so I thought about putting some here, I thought you would like them too since you live in the forest.

Sticks: I don't care much about it, I'm not delicate like other girls...

The Hedgehog Echidna noticed the girl's downcast look when she had an idea. He picked a lilac colored flower from his garden before walking over to Badger and placing the flower in her hair above her ear.

Sticks looked at him a little confused by her action before Aaron spoke with a true and kind smile.

Aaron: You don't have to be like other girls, you're perfect just the way you are Sticks.

The girl gains a small, shy smile and looks away from him as she runs her hand through her hair and the flower. Cute Fofy who was watching the scene unfold laughed already imagining what this could become in the future.

Sticks: Thanks, Greenboy.

Aaron: You're welcome Jungle Queen.

He then turned his gaze to his garden when a thought came to mind.

Aaron: You know, ever since I woke up I've always wondered why Dr. Eggman wants to destroy things like that...

Sticks: That mustachioed guy is just a crazy scientist who stays in a dark room building robots and evil projects to destroy and dominate the world. He destroys our forests and has no respect for anything, not even nature.

Aaron: Come on, Sticks, he's not that bad. Who knows, maybe there's something good in it?

Sticks: Something good? In Eggman? Are we talking about the same person?

Aaron: Sticks, he might be good inside!

Sticks: He's a villain and villains are never good!

Aaron: I don't think so, sometimes we do the wrong things for the right reasons.

Sticks: Are you defending him?

Aaron: No, I'm just saying people can change.

Sticks: So he's not one of those people. Eggman will never change.

The Hedgehog Echidna sighed in defeat when he saw that he wouldn't be able to convince the Badger before returning to his work.

Aaron: If you say so, partner...

He starts watering the plants in his garden before thinking about anything.

Aaron: Hey Jungle Queen, now that I remember, our team doesn't have a name yet.

Sticks: Is this really important?

Aaron: Of course it is, every other Combatants team has a name. Haven't you thought of any?

Sticks: Why me?

Aaron: Because you're the leader, captain.

Sticks: Oh yeah, let's think of one. It has to be someone who suits our team...

Aaron: Well, our team is the jungle division, that's where we operate... you know the forest as if it were your backyard, you have unparalleled and very precise instincts and very sharp survival skills...

Sticks: And you're the perfect guy to act in the jungle with your claws, super strength, super speed and a coat that's perfect for camouflage...

They both place their hands on their chins as they think about it before coming up with ideas.

Aaron: Team Jungle Patrol?

Sticks: Team Super Fury?

The two look at each other as they see that they have different ideas before thinking some more when they have an idea and a light bulb goes off above their heads.

Aaron & Sticks: How about Jungle Fury?! I liked! You too?!

They laugh a little at this before the Hedgehog Echidna speaks again.

Aaron: Very well then, I think this is where Jungle Fury is born.

Sticks: That's it!

The two bump fists, exchanging a fist bump, giving each other excited smiles before hearing something. The Combatants' communicator started ringing before the greenish man answered the call. He nods as he hears the message passed to him before turning off the machine when his partner asks curiously.

Sticks: Who was it?

Aaron: Princess Sally. She told us to go to the meeting room immediately.

Sticks: What is it about?

Aaron: I think one of the other members of the Combatants must have discovered important information.

Sticks: So let's see what it is. Time for Team Jungle Fury to take action!

Aaron: That's it. With partner license.

Before the girl could react, the greenish man picked her up bridal style, lifting her very easily and delicately. Sticks was a little surprised by his action before asking.

Sticks: But what?

Aaron: Just enjoy the ride, Captain. We have to go fast!

As soon as he says this, the Badger girl instinctively wraps her arms around his neck to hold on as the Hedgehog Echidna quickly darts towards the base while Cute Fofy follows close behind laughing at Sticks' screams.


At the Freedom Fighters' base, all members were seen looking at the large screen that played a recording made by one of the soldiers.

In the recording it could be seen that it was night when we see two soldiers sent by Sally to explore an area close to Dr. Eggman's robotization factory.

The two walk through the dark and silent forest, Wispons in hand and guard up, ready for whatever comes their way. Fortunately, the two were already approaching their destination when they lay down on the ground and crawled to the edge of a hill to see a factory running at full steam.

One of the soldiers pulls out binoculars to get a closer look when he spots a group of Badniks guarding the factory while several captured Mobius people are forced into the place.

Mobuis Soldier 1: That's too bad. Soon he will have a complete army.

Mobuis Soldier 2: Yeah, we can't let that happen. Let's go back before they find us.

Mobuis Soldier 1: Very well then-

Before he could finish his sentence a flash of light hits them revealing their presence leaving them blind for a few seconds before they see one of Dr. Eggman's ships flying above them and reporting them to the Badniks.

Mobuis Soldier 1: Run! They found us!

The two try to get up and run, but they were soon surrounded by several robots that approached them more and more menacingly.

Badnik: You will serve Emperor Dr. Eggman.

The machines extend their robotic hands towards them as the two poor soldiers scream in terror before there is only silence in the place before the recording ends.

Aaron and Sticks were seen among the other members who were whispering about what they had just seen. The Hedgehog Echidna began to feel sorry for the two soldiers lost on the mission, but he soon pushed those feelings aside knowing that he should have no mercy for his enemies.

Without understanding why there was so much fuss from the others present, he decided to ask.

Aaron: So what did we just see? Why so much fuss?

Sonic: Simple newbie, you just saw two of ours taken away to be roboticized.

Sticks: I knew it couldn't be a good thing!

Tails: It appears to be a new factory.

Sonic: Yeah buddy, I thought Eggman was capturing animals, but it looks like he has other ideas.

Aaron: I'm out of the loop. What's the problem with that factory?

Talis: We really need to give you an update on things. Simply put, Eggman has captured many Mobius and they are taken to factories like those where they undergo the robotization process, making them mindless robot slaves of Eggman's empire.

The greenish one blinked in surprise at this. Aaron knew that his creator was an evil genius and that he was the villain of the story, but he didn't expect Dr. Eggman to be capable of something as barbaric as this.

Aaron: This... this is horrible...

Sticks: I told you! People like him will never change!

Sonic: Absolutely, which is why we're going to blow this house of horrors up like so many of your other factories!

Sticks: It's time for Jungle Fury to put an end to the robots' domination plan!

Sonic: Jungle Fury?

Sticks: It's our team name! Aaron and I chose it together.

The others turn their gaze to said Hedgehog Echidna to see him with a distant and thoughtful countenance. In his mind there was only one question: "Why didn't Dr. Eggman ever tell him about this robotization thing?" and this doubt began to generate another "What else was his creator hiding from him?".

Aaron had in mind that Dr. Eggman was a conqueror, but he believed that taking away someone's free will was a very bad thing, something that should not be done by anyone and knowing that his father did such a thing scared him.

The Hedgehog Echidna soon thought about his brother having a doubt if Metal Sonic could be someone who was roboticized, but that idea went away when he remembered a conversation with the metallic Hedgehog explaining that he was a robotic replica of Sonic.

But that didn't calm the greenish one down, after all would Dr. Eggman be able to robotize him if he didn't obey him? Aaron hoped not, after all so far he had not disobeyed or displeased his creator, but the thought of becoming a puppet haunted him since he lived every day knowing that he was nothing more than a clone and a weapon of war, nothing more.

His thoughts, however, were cut short when he heard a voice call him back to reality.

Sticks: Aaron? Hey Greenboy, how are you?

Aaron: Uh... Oh, okay, okay, it's okay Sticks. I think it distracts me a little, that's all...

Sticks: Are you sure? You seemed worried about something.

Aaron: It's nothing, I assure you.

The Badger looked at him for a moment while the Echidna Hedgehog looked away trying to cover up his lie before the girl shrugged.

Sticks: If you say so.

Sonic: Well, I like your team name.

Aaron: Wait until you see us in action.

A door then opens as Sally walks through it and walks to stop in front of the screen when everyone falls silent to listen to her as Nicole's hologram appears next to her.

Sally: As you may have seen, two of our Fighters discovered a hidden factory where people are being turned into robots for Eggman's army. After some time planning, Nicole and I have a plan to take down this factory and free everyone in it. Nicole.

Nicole nods as she turns on the screen as Sally walks away as a picture of the factory is shown for everyone to see.

Nicole: The factory is guarded by Eggman's forces, however, due to the discovery of the base by the Combatants, Eggman has increased the place's defenses in case we attack. We need to sneak into the factory without being detected, so here's the plan. Some of our soldiers will disguise themselves as prisoners and, once inside, will cause chaos to distract the robots' attention. Meanwhile, a small team will sneak into the base through an air duct and make their way to the control room. We need a team of four people, two will go to the prison cells while the other half will go to the reactor to turn off the power. Once everything is sorted, we meet outside with the distraction team and leave with everyone who was captured.

As soon as Nicole finished, Sally stepped forward.

Sally: We need a small team to get into the base while the distraction team wreaks havoc. I lead this small team, who else will join me?

Sonic: You can count on me Sal.

Sticks then approached Aaron before whispering in his ear.

Sticks: *whispers* What do you think? Shall we go with Sally? I don't know about you, but I don't want to run the risk of becoming an old can.

The Echidna Hedgehog thought a little about this, he was in doubt about what he should do, as a spy it was obvious that he would tell Dr. Eggman the Combatants' plan, but he needs to gain more of the Combatants' Leader's trust and there would be no another opportunity like this.

Already knowing what he would do, he stood up and raised his hand.

Aaron: You can count on us too. Let's Wreck it.

His Badger partner soon stood up beside him with a determined expression on her face.

Sticks: That's it, let's make them cry by calling mommy!

The Princess in turn gets a small smile at this when she sees how Sticks and Aaron seemed to be doing well as a team, their support and willpower would be of great help in this mission.

Sally: Thank you. For the rest, they will prepare for the mission. It's going to be difficult, so grab your gear and meet at the gates.

Everyone nods and goes out to the room to prepare their equipment, getting Wispons and Wisps and other things they need.

Aaron in turn separated from Sticks who went to his den to prepare, being accompanied by Cute Fofy despite the girl's protests.

The Hedgehog Echidna looked around to see if anyone was nearby and seeing that the coast was clear he turned on the communicator that Dr. Eggman had given him before calling the mustachioed base.

Aaron: Aaron to Base, answer Dr. Eggman. Exchange.

A hiss was heard over the communicator as a cold, metallic voice responded on the other end of the line.

Metal Sonic: (Communicator) Metal Sonic speaking, proceed.

A small smile appeared on Aaron's face upon hearing the metallic Hedgehog's voice before he spoke excitedly.

Aaron: Metal? It's really you? Bro, it's good to hear your voice!

Metal Sonic: (Communicator) Positive. Why did you call?

Aaron: Serious as always, right? Not even a "Wow brother, how good it is to hear from you."? Or maybe "How are you little brother?"?

He could hear the robot sigh tiredly on the other end of the call and couldn't help but laugh a little.

Metal Sonic: (Communicator) Did you call to give some information or just to test the patience of my processors?

Aaron: Both, you iron grouch. But I have something important to report.

Metal Sonic: (Communicator) Proceed.

Aaron: Well, to summarize, the Combatants found the Doctor's new factory and plan to destroy it and free the prisoners.

Metal Sonic: (Communicator) Then I must notify Dr. Eggman immediately.

Aaron: No, I have a plan. I managed to infiltrate, but I want to gain more of Princess Sally's trust since she is the boss here.

Metal Sonic: (Communicator) And what do you have in mind?

Aaron: Tell Dr. Eggaman to prepare the base, but let the Combatants have this victory. But so that it doesn't become suspicious, he shouldn't make it too easy. What do you think?

Metal Sonic: (Communicator)...

His brother's silence made Aaron raise an eyebrow in slight confusion before asking worriedly.

Aaron: Metal? Everything okay there?

Metal Sonic: (Communicator)... What makes you think he'll follow through on your plan?

Aaron: Why do you say that?

Metal Sonic: (Communicator) Dr. Eggman doesn't really like following plans he hasn't made.

Aaron: I know, but if it can make me more trustful of others around here, then I think it will be worth it.

Metal Sonic: (Communicator)...

Aaron: Bro? Are you still there, Metal?

Metal Sonic: (Communicator) I'm here. I will inform the Doctor of your plan.

Aaron: Thanks bro. But I have a question.

Metal Sonic: (Communicator) Let me know.

Aaron: What's this about our dad turning people into machines?

On the other end of the line, Metal Sonic's eyes blinked at the question. He stopped for a moment, staring into space trying to find a way to answer the question he was asked.

He already sensed that there would come a time when his youngest brother would begin to question his creator's actions, but now that it had arrived he wished it would take longer. Even though he was a machine, cold and calculating as he was, he could say that he knew Aaron better than anyone and knew that sooner or later the Hedgehog Echidna would have doubts.

Metal Sonic: (Communicator) Are you questioning our master's actions?

Aaron: Don't give me that. I know our father is a villain, I'm loyal to him and I'm willing to do whatever he says even if it's bad things, but turning people into brainless puppets is another story.

Metal Sonic: (Communicator) Dr. Eggman does whatever is necessary to achieve his goals and that includes roboticizing anyone who gets in his way.

Aaron: But Metal, that worries me a lot. If he is capable of doing this to others, then what stops him from doing this to us. I don't want to have to fight you if he starts controlling you too.

Metal Sonic: (Communicator) I am a robot with Artificial Intelligence so advanced that it rivals yours and other Mobius, but I am still a machine and therefore a soldier who follows orders. Do what Dr. Eggman says and nothing will happen.

Aaron: But-

Metal Sonic: (Communicator) Good soldiers follow orders.

The Hedgehog Echidna wanted to protest, but he knew it would be better to do what his brother told him, it was better that he not worry about these matters again and letting out a defeated sigh he replied.

Aaron: Okay... Good soldiers follow orders...

On the other end of the line, Metal's eyes glanced back and forth at his brother's silence. Even though he was a machine and had wires and iron pieces instead of flesh and bones, he still had feelings in his heart, or energy core in this case, and knew that perhaps he had been too hard on Aaron.

Metal Sonic: (Communicator) Are you okay?

Aaron was a little surprised by Metal's question since the metallic Hedgehog was not one to show feelings of concern for others, but since Aaron had woken up his presence seemed to have changed something inside Metal, making him more expressive, more sentimental, more human than he ever was.

Metal Sonic: (Communicator) Aaron?

Aaron: I'm fine... I just need to get used to it...

Metal Sonic: (Communicator)... I'll pass the information to Dr. Eggman.

Aaron: Okay, see you later.

Metal Sonic: (Communicator) Aaron?

Aaron: What happened?

Metal Sonic: (Communicator) It was good talking to you brother, take care of yourself.

With that, the metallic Hedgehog ended the call while Aaron gained a small smile at his brother's speech as that was his way of showing that he cared.

Aaron: This iron grouch never changes *laughs*.

Shortly afterwards...

Aaron could now be seen leaving his house as he met up with Sticks and Cute Fofy who had already come to call him.

Aaron: So, Cute Fofy? Did you take good care of her?

The Wisp landed on his head and nodded before Sticks spoke.

Sticks: I said I wasn't delicate, but I'm not defenseless either!

Aaron: I know, I know hehe. I just wanted to make sure nothing would happen to you, but the worst is yet to come.

Sticks: You're right and that's why I came prepared.

Aaron: Let me guess. Did you bring traps?

Sticks: Nop.

Aaron: So what?

Sticks: Hihihi is a surprise.

Aaron and Cute Fofy looked at each other at this trying to figure out what that was supposed to mean before shrugging as Amy approached them.

Amy: I heard you and Sally are going to tear down the factory.

Aaron: That's it. Wish us luck.

Amy: Be careful, especially you Sticks.

Sticks: What's that supposed to mean?

Amy: Just try not to act without thinking, okay?

Sticks: And when did I do anything different?

The pink Hedgehog rolls her eyes at the Badger as she sighs.

Amy: Take care of her, okay, Aaron? I don't want anything bad to happen to my best friend.

Aaron: Don't worry, nothing bad will happen to Sticks because I'm here!

Sticks: Said the one who was screaming like a little girl when he activated several of my traps a few days ago.

This comment made the Hedgehog Echidna flinch as a heavy blush crossed his face making him look away as the two girls laughed at him.

Aaron: N-It's not funny girls. Those things scared the hell out of me!

Amy: Alright, brave knight. When they return we will visit Cream, Vanilla and Cheese. Cream really wants to meet you, Aaron.

Aaron: Who are Bream, Vamila and Fresse?

Sticks: It's Cream, Vannila and Cheese.

Aaron: You understand me.

Sticks: You'll see, Green Boy.

Amy: After the mission I'll meet up with you to go see Cream and her family. Oh and bring Cute Fofy, Cream loves playing with Wisps. Good luck to you both.

She walks away as Jungle Fury waves at her before they look at each other and wave at each other and begin walking towards the gate to meet up with the others.


We see Sally, Sonic, Aaron and Sticks hiding in a bush at the back of the factory while a fence was seen in front of them and just behind it were seen a small group of Badniks protecting the back of the place.

Sonic: *whispers* Wow, the defenses are so much heavier than normal.

Aaron: (Thoughts) Did Dr. Eggman not want to follow my plan? (Outside of Thoughts) *whispers* When will the bunch of distractions touch the terror inside?

Sally pulls out a small computer pad that Nicole was at before asking.

Sally: *whispers* Nicole, where are they?

Nicole: Approaching the entrance right now, Sally.

At the entrance to the base, the said distraction team was seen with their heads down as they were escorted by the Badniks who took them into the place.

As soon as they enter, the gate closes behind them when one of the Combatants gives the signal and everyone breaks their handcuffs before taking out their Wispon weapons and opening fire on the machines that ask for reinforcements to deal with the invaders when the robots that were in the bottoms begin to move towards the entrance leaving the way clear for Aaron and the others.

Sally: *whispers* Come on guys.

Sonic nods before running over to the fence and doing a Spin Dash opening a hole in it before Aaron approaches and widens the opening wider for everyone to pass through.

Soon they reach the back wall of the base where they see the entrance to an air duct in the highest part. Aaron in turn claps his fists seeing that it was his turn to act.

Aaron: It looks like this is my job.

Sticks soon hands him a rope and places it around his body before digging his claws into the wall and beginning to climb like Knuckles. Soon he reaches the air duct before grabbing the bars tightly and ripping it off with ease.

Already inside the duct he throws the rope to the others who begin to climb while the Hedgehog Echidna pulls them up. The foursome crawl through the ventilation ducts as Sally leads them around the place.

Aaron who was at the front of the group suddenly stops abruptly in place leaving the others confused.

Sonic: What happened?

Sticks: Why did we stop?

Aaron: Look.

He grabs one of Sally's hair before tossing it forward. The strand of hair flies a few meters before ending up being cut into several pieces, surprising Sonic, Sticks and Sally.

Aaron: If it wasn't me, you'd be minced meat at this point. Now let's fix this invisible trap.

He looks around while knocking on the sides of the duct, causing some sounds as he listens to them carefully before hitting a hollow place. The greenish one gets a small smile before digging his claws into the metal side and opening it as if it were made of cardboard.

As soon as he removes the steel plate, a control system is seen on the duct wall, surprising everyone. He then pulls some wires from the panel and as a result some invisible lasers that cut Sally's hair begin to flicker as they appear in full.

Then the greenish one cuts some wires and connects them with others, which causes the energy to be cut off from the laser system, completely deactivating the trap while a smile crosses Aaron's face.

Aaron: Open up, sesame! Hehe Are you ok back there? Huh?

As soon as he turns his gaze to the others he soon notices the curious and somewhat surprised look that the blue Hedgehog and the girls are giving him.

Aaron: Huh? And what happened now?

Sally: How did you know?

Aaron: You know what? Be more specific.

Sonic: How did you know about this secret slicer?

This question made Aaron break out in a cold sweat as he desperately searched for an excuse that wouldn't raise suspicion.

Aaron: Hmm... Oh come on guys. We're on a Dr. Eggman base, it's to be expected that there's some of that stuff around.

The others looked at each other before shrugging and going back to crawling through the hardwoods.

Soon they arrive at the control room, the Echidna Hedgehog then opens the air conduit cover before jumping out of it to be accompanied by the blue Hedgehog.

The two boys look around to make sure there was no danger and seeing that everything was fine they wave to the two girls who jump out of the vent as Aaron catches Sticks and Sonic catches Sally before setting them down.

But these moments of stealth soon ended when the room's door was opened and some robots entered before heading towards the quartet.


Sonic and Aaron soon get into fighting stance ready to attack if necessary while Sticks pulls out his boomerang and Sally prepares for combat.

Aaron: I don't think the others made as much noise.

Sticks: Apparently not.

Sonic: Hey, look on the bright side, at least we'll get some action! Let's go!

With that said, the blueish one ran towards one of the machines before attacking them with his Spin Dashs, destroying and piercing the metal as if it were made of paper.

Other robots began to approach Aaron, who spun his arms a few times to flex them before slamming his fists together and gaining a determined look on his face.

Aaron: I'm gonna wreck it !

He advances towards the machines using his speed and not giving the robots time to react when one of them was hit by a powerful punch from the Hedgehog Echidna which made the metal being fly and collide with one of the walls of the place.

Then Aaron dodges the attack of another of the robots that came from behind only to be met with a strong aerial kick from the greenish one who activated the rockets on his sneakers to increase the force of the blow.

Sticks in turn used his boomerang to stun the Badniks before throwing at them some small homemade bombs made from electric rocks and vines that caused short circuits in the machines, disabling them.

One of the robots then grabs Sticks tightly and lifts her into the air as the girl tries to escape his grip.

Sticks: Let go of me, old can! I will not be turned into a zombie servant of the government!

She throws her boomerang which spins in the air before hitting the robot's face only for the wooden object to fall to the ground without causing any damage to the machine which earns a bead of sweat on the back of its head.

Badnik: Does The Rebel Scum Really Believe They Can Defeat Dr Eggman's Robots??

Sticks: Hey, bucket of screws. I'm not trying to defeat you, I'm just keeping you busy until my partner arrives.

The Badnik then realizes what she meant by that, but it proves too late when Aaron appears behind him with his hands raised and fists clenched before hitting the machine's head with a double hammer punch.

The robot, having its head crushed, fell to its knees before releasing Sticks, which landed safely on the ground.

Finally, the room was now full of broken and out of order robots. Sonic soon approaches the Hedgehog Echidna and Badger when the three exchange a fist bump when they see the good work they had done.

Sonic: We did well!

Sally started to walk towards the computer controls, passing by some of the downed Badniks, that's when one of them grabbed her leg tightly. The Princess sighed in fright and tried to free herself, but the robot's grip proved stronger.

Sonic, upon seeing this, was about to run to the girl to help her, but soon stopped when a shot of energy passed by him.

Aaron: Chaos Spear!

An arrow of Chaos energy shot from the Hedgehog Echidna's palm and flew towards the Badnik before striking him in the chest ripping a hole in his armor. The machine's eyes blinked at the damage it had taken before they went out completely as the robot lay motionless where it was.

Sally then pulled her leg and managed to free herself from the machine's grip as the others walked towards her.

Sonic: Are you okay Sally?

Sally: Yes, I am. Thanks Aaron.

Aaron: No problem your highness. (Thoughts) First step taken to gain the leader's trust.

Sally laughs a little before walking over to the controls while the other three watch her connect Nicole to the system that starts scanning the place's data.

Nicole: There are still some prisoners left in the prison. With the other team distracting security we can free them.

Sally: Alright, let's split up. Aaron and Sticks, grab Nicole and head to the engine room. Sonic and I will free the prisoners.

She hands Nicole to the greenish one who nods.

Aaron: Okay. Good luck to you.

Sally: Likewise.

They exit the control room while heading in different directions. Sticks and Aaron go to the engine room while Sally and Sonic go to free the people who are trapped there.

After a while of walking through the corridors and being careful not to get caught, the Hedgehog Echidna and Badger enter the engine room to see that the place was extremely large with a catwalk giving access to the controls.

Sticks: Yeah, Eggman sure likes big things.

Aaron: Don't even get me started.

Sticks: Let's get it over with, this place is giving me the creeps, Greenboy.

Aaron: I know, I have a bad feeling too.

The two walk to the computers and Aaron connects Nicole to the system and she soon begins hacking it.

Aaron: Not to be impatient, but will it take long?

Nicole: About 5 minutes. Be a little patient.

Aaron: Wait, wait, wait, patients are in the hospital, we're in robot country and it makes me nervous!

As soon as he says this, sounds of metal-soled footsteps are heard in the distance getting closer and closer to where the pair were.

Sticks: We have company!

As soon as they turned around, the shadow of a horde of Badniks could be seen approaching as they finally appeared in front of the door.

Aaron raised his fists and got into a fighting position like that with Sticks who now had his bat in his hands.


As soon as the first of the robots enters the room, a large blue block falls on top of it, transforming it into scrap metal while blocking the entrance, preventing other machines from entering the room.

The Hedgehog Echidna and Badger look at it in surprise before Aaron observes the large object carefully while raising an eyebrow.

Aaron: Cute Fofy?

Three yellow eyes then appear on the blue cube that smiles at the green one.

Aaron: Cute Fofy! Just in time, friend!

Sticks: I'm starting to like the Wisps.

Blue Wisp gets a happy expression upon hearing this, but soon felt something on the other side.

Outside the room, the Badniks began to push the large blue cube to get it out of their way. Cute Fofy, feeling that he was being pushed, tried to force himself to remain still in place, but the robots used more and more force.

Small openings appeared as the door began to unlock and the machines put their arms through the doors trying to enter.

Aaron, upon seeing this, quickly ran to the blue cube before pushing it back, blocking the exit again while the robots continued trying to enter.

Seeing that they could not compete with the Hedgehog Echidna's strength, the Badniks aimed their weapons at the cube in their path and began shooting at it.

Cute Fofy groaned in pain as he felt the shots hit him from behind and Aaron, seeing this, spoke impatiently.

Aaron: Not yet Nicole?! I can handle this without any problems, but Cute Fofy won't be able to stay in this form and take so many attacks! How much time do you still need?!

Nicole: We might have a problem.

Sticks: I don't like problems at all.

Nicole: The firewall security is very strong.

Aaron: Then let's do it my way! Let's gonna wreck it everything!

He runs to the controls before pulling Nicole out and handing her to Sticks.

Aaron: It's going to be dangerous.

Sticks: Is danger good or bad?

Aaron: That's what we'll see. Hang in there Cute Fofy!

He then walks over to the engines as he takes a deep breath and holds out his open hands. Soon strands of electricity begin to come out before going straight into the hands of the Hedgehog Echidna who began to absorb the energy from the place.

Aaron: Let's turn out the lights!

Soon Aaron's claws began to glow emerald green as did his fur as he absorbed even more energy.

Cute Fofy, who continued to have his back bombarded by the Badniks, ended up returning to his normal form and opening the way to the machines.

The robots entered the room as Cute Fofy flew away from them and hid behind Sticks who was holding his staff with a firm look on his face.

The robots got closer and closer and started walking down the catwalk heading towards Team Jungle Fury. Sticks took a few steps back as the machines approached threateningly closer and closer.

Badger and Blue Wisp tried to fight the machines, but they soon found themselves surrounded by the robots. Just as the Badniks were about to catch the two, a voice spoke.

Aaron: Hey, brainless droids!

Everyone then turns their gaze towards the voice to see Aaron in front of the engines as emerald green electrical wires jump out of his body as he claps his fists before speaking.

Aaron: You guys make me green with rage! I'm gonna wreck it!

With that said he opens his arms with his hands open before giving a strong slap into the air creating a powerful electrical shock wave that grows throughout the place and extends outwards from the base growing more and more while slowly weakening as it disappears into the darkness of the forest.

All the machines in the place, including the Badniks and the base's engines, went out of order and short circuited with the electrical wave that hit him as the robots fell to the ground one by one while tiny strands of green energy could be seen in them.

Sticks and Cute Fofy who were crouched on the ground stood up before looking around to see what damage the Hedgehog Echidna had done, not only had he finished off the robots, he had probably put an end to any electronics that were in that place. .

Looking around, Badger and Blue Wisp soon spotted Aaron lying on the ground groaning a little dazedly while his fur was full of soot and dust from the base's engines that had been burned by the electrical explosion.

Sticks and Cute Fofy walked past the downed Badniks on the ground before running over to Aaron to help him. The greenish one sits down a little dazed from the effort he had made before coughing out a cloud of dust while the long green hairs and red locks that made up his hair were sticking up like the rest of his body.

Sticks touched it and felt a bit of electricity run through her causing the girl's fur to stand on end as well. The Badger looked at this with a bit of confusion, but decided to ignore it.

Sticks: Are you okay, Greenboy?

The Hedgehog Echidna coughed some more before responding.

Aaron: Oh, I feel like lightning hit me, it tickled me hehe... I'm still in one piece, but remember to train before I do that again.

Cute Fofy then landed on Aaron's head before he felt the small waves of electricity left in the Hedgehog Echidna course through his small body.

This made the little blue creature start to giggle as he felt tickled. Aaron and Sticks looked at Wisp before looking at each other and starting to laugh together.

Aaron then stood up with the help of Sticks before shaking himself clean of the dirt in his fur and returning his hair to normal.

Team Jungle Fury then leaves the room while Hedgehog Echidna tries to call Sonic through the combatants' communicator.

Aaron: Sonic, this is Aaron, over.

However, the only thing he could hear was the hiss of the communication channel that no longer worked. The greenish one tried a few more times, but nothing happened, causing the boy to scratch the back of his head.

Aaron: I think I fried the communicators too hehehe *nervous laughter*

Sticks: *sarcastic* That's great. That's why I don't like technology. And now?

The Hedgehog Echidna then puts his hand to his chin as he scratches it trying to think of something before coming up with an idea.

Aaron: I know, maybe Nicole can help.

Sticks: It could have, if it hadn't been fried too.

She then hands over the device where the artificial intelligence was and Aaron takes it before analyzing it closely to see that Nicole would not be functioning again anytime soon.

Aaron: Sally will kill me if this thing doesn't work again.

Sticks: Do you think it can be fixed?

Aaron: I think so, but we don't have the time or the tools for that. Hmm... there was that time I managed to get Tails' Wispon weapon to work...

He then tries to focus on the object in his hand while Sticks looks at him confused by her action.

Sticks: What are you doing?

Aaron: Maybe I can get this working again, if I concentrate maybe I can-

Before he could finish his sentence, a technological sound was emitted as glowing light blue lines of energy appeared in Aaron's hand and extended through his fingers to the machine he held.

The glowing lines stretched across the device where Nicole was as the technological sound increased as the small machine's screen came to life.

The lines of bluish energy then retreated to Aaron's hand before disappearing completely leaving the Hedgehog Echidna and Badger confused.

Sticks: What did you do?

Aaron: I have no idea. I just wanted him to call and then he did.

Nicole: Restarting system.

A few beeps were heard from the small machine when it started working again.

Nicole: System restarted successfully.

Aaron: Hey! I achieved! It worked out!

Sticks: Do you control machines now? Are you sure it's not a robot?

The greenish one just rolls his eyes at the girl before turning his gaze to Nicole.

Aaron: Hey Nicole, is everything okay there?

Nicole: A sudden jolt of energy must have knocked me offline, but now everything seems to be fine.

Aaron: Well, we need to talk to Sonic and Sally, but the communicators don't work. Think you can fix this?

Nicole: Give me a second. Analyzing... The communicators channel suffered a crash due to the explosion, but I think I can fix it.

Aaron: Okay.

He then turns to Sticks before speaking.

Aaron: In the meantime, we better get out of here or we'll soon run into some Badniks coming to fix the engines.

Badger nods in agreement and walks ahead. The Hedgehog Echidna even tries to follow her, but due to the effort he had made, he soon finds himself unable to walk when he trips and falls to his knees, which catches the attention of the girl in front of him.

Sticks: Hey Greenboy, are you okay?

The greenish one, ashamed of looking weak in front of the girl, tried to come up with an excuse while a small embarrassed blush appeared on his face.

Aaron: S-Sure! I'm great! Q-Why wouldn't I be?

The jungle girl sighs when she sees that he was lying as she shakes her head at his stubbornness. She then walks over to the greenish one before helping him to his feet.

Sticks: If you needed help, just talk, after all, we are partners.

Aaron: It's not that Jungle Queen, it's just that I...

Sticks: Is that you?

Aaron: It's just... it's just that I don't want to seem weak to you.

Sticks: Hey, I learned a while ago that you can't always do everything alone, even the strongest people sometimes need help. Come here.

She then puts her arm around his shoulders to help him stand up.

Aaron: Are you sure, Jungle Queen? I weigh almost 300 kilos.

Sticks: And I already told you that I'm not a delicate girl.

They then began to walk along the catwalk while Aaron was surprised at how strong Sticks could be to the point of being able to help him even though he was extremely heavy, but the fact that he was practically being carried by his partner began to hurt the Hedgehog's pride. Echidna.

Aaron: Carried by my partner on our first mission together, that's embarrassing.

Sticks: Hey, stop complaining, you fool.

Aaron: I have to salvage what little dignity I have left.

Sticks: You're walking with me now friend, dignity has nothing to do here. Now shut up and keep moving!

The greenish one then stops in his walk before looking at Cute Fofy who was still sitting on his head. The two looked at each other before turning their gaze to the Badger who had an impatient expression on her face.

Sticks: Hey then don't go, it's up to you to decide.

The boy then gained a small smile on his face before Nicole spoke again.

Nicole: Communications system successfully repaired. You can use the communicator now, Aaron.

Aaron: Thanks Nicole.

He then wastes no time before trying to talk to the Blue Hedgehog and the leader of the Combatants.

Aaron: Brigger19withneighbor, this is the HedgehogEquidna14Aaron dropping the hammer on the super skateboard, there are car stickers on our donkey, I repeat, there are car stickers on our donkey, answer over.

On the other end of the line, two other confused voices could be heard.

Sally: (Communicator) Huh? Is it just me or did someone else not understand a single word he said?

Sticks: No, I didn't understand either.

Sonic: (Communicator) HedgehogEquidna14Aaron, this is Brigger19withneighbor listening, we released the swallows, I repeat, we released the swallows, over.

Sally: (Communicator) Really, boys?

Sonic and Aaron: What happened? It seems like no one likes codenames anymore.

Sally: (Communicator) Anyway, apparently you managed to fix the generators.

Sonic: (Communicator) It was one hell of a blast! I bet all the Badniks got fried in the explosion.

Sally: (Communicator) Okay, but what caused that?

Sticks: Aaron with his tricks.

Sonic: (Communicator) Really? As?

Aaron: Even I don't really know, but what about the prisoners?

Sonic: (Communicator) We freed them and took them to the exit, but there's a little problem.

Sticks: I didn't like the sound of that.

Aaron: What happened?

Sally: We took everyone to the back exit, that's when the gates closed, trapping us both here.

Aaron: Huh? But how? I thought all the systems in this place were gone, except...

Sticks: What?

The Badger gained a worried expression on his face when he saw the look of shock on Aaron's face.

Sticks: Greenboy, you're scaring me. Spill it out, what happened?

Aaron: Dr. Eggman captured two Combatants, he already expected us to come here, the prisoners were just bait! That is a trap!

He then grabs his communicator when he speaks nervously.

Aaron:Sonic! Sally! I don't know where you are, but you have to get out of here now!

However, to his concern, the only thing he could hear on the communication channel were the voices of the Princess and the Blue Hedgehog sounding like they had been surprised by something followed by the sounds of metallic footsteps and sounds of struggle and resistance so that in the end only a hiss could be heard.

He and Sticks looked at each other worried about this only for two walls to come down from the ceiling, covering both sides of the corridor where Team Jungle Fury was and trapping them inside.

Hedgehog Echidna and Badger walk up to one of the walls trying to open it when green gas starts coming out of vents in the floor.

The two soon start coughing after starting to inhale the gas, Cute Fofy, who was scared by what was happening, ended up flying to the ceiling and escaping through an air duct.

Sticks was the first to fall to her knees as she coughed and felt her mind start to feel heavy.

Aaron, fearing what could happen to the girl, soon began to punch the wall, managing to leave some bruises on the metal, but his effort proved in vain when he began to feel dizzy as he knelt down before falling unconscious next to Sticks, who also she was passed out.

The walls then rose revealing a horde of Badniks carrying the unconscious Sonic and Sally. Two of the robots then approach as one of them picks up the Hedgehog Echidna while the other picks up Sticks before taking them somewhere in the base while the laughter of a mustachioed scientist can be heard echoing through the halls of the place.

To be continued...