
Villain or Hero? Who i am?

Doctor Eggman was tired of seeing all his plans go down the drain because of Sonic and his friends. The scientist then had an idea, and inspired by his grandfather, Doctor Eggman resolved to create his own secret project that would be aimed at defeating Sonic and anyone who stood in his way. However, his new creation begins to wonder why and why he exists and whether or not he wanted to be a villain like his creator and father. Determined to find out who he is, he sets out on new adventures trying to find out who he should be. Will Sonic and his gang get another ally? Or will the villain team have a powerful new member?

VileTheMandalorian · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Treasures and Skunks

(A/N): English is not my language, so if you find a grammatical error let me know; 🇧🇷

It was just another beautiful, sunny day in Knothole when we saw our Hedgehog Echidna walking around the village with a handful of blueberries that he ate with Cute Fofy, while carrying some lunchboxes of self-made lunch.

Aaron was on his way to the shop where Elina said he worked, but Doctor Eggman's creation wasn't having such luck in finding him.

He and his Wisp looked at each other as they scratched the back of their necks with no idea where they were supposed to go.

Not knowing the way to the flower shop, Aaron decides to ask some people for directions.

Soon the Hedgehog Echidna and the Blue Wisp found themselves in front of a flower shop which had its front decorated with several beautiful flowers.

Aaron: I think this is it, Cute Fofy.

He and his little alien friend soon could smell the flowers as they went to the door and opened it when a bell rang above the door signaling that someone had entered the place.

The greenish one then looks around looking for someone when he calls for the blonde Hedgehog.

Aaron: Elina? Where are you here? Is it right here, Cute Fofy buddy?

The blue Whisp just makes a gesture that wouldn't know how to answer the question. That's when the two heard a noise that seemed to come from the back of the store.

A girl then appeared to attend to the Hedgehog Echidna who watched her carefully.

The girl was an anthropomorphic pink cat with straight, wavy black hair. It goes down to the lower back. Her eyes are a bright purple color and her muzzle is a reddish peach. She also has black spiky hairs on the tips of her ears.

She wears a very light fuchsia jacket along with a white and black top with very short sleeves, a purple skirt a little below the knee and to complete, a pair of black shoes and pink laces.

She soon walked over to Aaron with a smile on her face to greet him.

Barbará: Hello and welcome to our store, my name is Barbará and you must be?

Aaron: Hi, my name is Aaron and this is my friend, Cute Fofy. I came to see Elina, is she there?

Barbará: Sorry, she's out to deliver some plants to the customers, but I'm sure she'll be back soon.

Aaron: All right, well, I made her lunch.

Barbará: That is very kind of you. Hey, are you the Hedgehog Echidna they're talking about in the village?

Aaron: Um, what if I go?

Barbará: How incredible! Everyone has been talking about you. How you use it is fast like Sonic, strong like Knuckles and has Chaos powers and uses these skills to defeat Eggman's army.

Aaron: Well, I still have to learn to control these powers or I'm Gonna Wreck It.

Barbará: Well, it's an honor to welcome you here in our store. Are you friends with Elina?

Aaron: Yeah, she told me about this store and how she owns it. So just you and Elina work here?

Barbará: No, there are two more who work here and they should return with Elina soon.

Then the little bell rang behind them as they turned to see Elina and two of her friends walk into the store as one stretched and said.

??? 1: Man, those deliveries were harder than I thought.

??? 2: Look on the bright side, at least we broke up.

Elina: Yeah, good job girls.

Aaron: Speak up Elina, in peace?

The blonde Hedgehog turned around and was surprised to see him wave excitedly at her as she ran over to give him a hug.

Elina: Aaron, I'm so glad you came to visit.

Aaron: Hehehe I said I would come didn't I?

The blonde's other friends then approach her when they ask in confusion.

??? 1: Wait, do you know him Elina?

Elina: Yes girls, this is Aaron, I met him together with Amy.

Aaron: Come on ladies. In peace?

Elina: Aaron, these are my friends. Beatrice and Bianca, I'm sure you've already met Barbará.

Beatrice is an Anthropomorphic Antelope, she has a light tan snout, this coloring extends to the inside of her ears but not the rest of her body. The remainder of its form is mustard yellow in color. However, her hair is black and wildly styled, reaching elbow length and her eyes are chocolate brown.

As for her outfit, she wears a short-sleeved black T-shirt; with the sleeves cut off at the elbows while on top of that shirt is a pink long-sleeved jacket with white lining. She wears a red skirt held in by a white belt, with a circular buckle with a yellow center, black shorts, and a pair of long socks in a gray and black ring pattern along with shoes that are mostly pink in color with white cuffs with a yellow buckle placed in horizontal position. She wears a pair of white gloves with a vertical yellow line on the cuffs. She can almost always be found with a predominantly black hat with several red spots; normally shown as red triangles and a red line.

Bianca, in turn, is an Anthropomorphic Hedgehog, she has a tan muzzle, light brownish fur, dark brown eyes, her hair is combed back reaching the end of her back while a fringe covers part of her left eye.

As for her clothes, she wears a short teal dress with a V-neck, brown belt with two golden buckles, teal shorts with brown stripes just above her knees, and a sleeveless brown jacket as well as gloves in the same color and green wristbands. with engravings of a yellow ray. She also wears dark brown shoes with yellowish stripes and a green tongue along with white socks.

Aaron: Right. I came here to see how you are doing and I decided to prepare your lunch, I thought you were hungry.

Elina: How kind of you, thank you.

Beatrice then blinks for a moment before speaking in surprise.

Beatrice: Wait a minute, so this is the Aaron you're talking about?!

Bianca: That was a little too loud.

Beatrice: Whoops, sorry, I was just surprised.

Aaron: Cool, it's really nice to meet you ladies

Beatrice: Likewise. Then let's talk in the office.

Elina: Yes, let's go.

Everyone goes to the back and enters the office to sit, talk and have lunch together. As they eat, the Echidna Hedgehog looks around and says.

Aaron: I have to say, your store is really nice.

The girls smile appreciatively before the blonde Hedgehog speaks.

Elina: Thank you. We opened the store a few weeks ago before you arrived with the help of Tails and Amy.

Beatrice: After that, we came in a few days later and Elina hired us and we've been working with her ever since.

Aaron: Great show, so where were you guys from before you came here?

Beatrice: I used to be a traveler as I explored the world and discovered new and interesting things. I even kept some souvenirs in my house, they are really cool.

Aaron: Sounds cool. It must be nice to be out there and have new adventures.

Bianca: I lived in a town a bit far from here and worked as a baker until Eggman's forces attacked. I soon found Beatrice and we traveled together until Barbará joined us.

Barbará: It's true. I used to be a scientist working to make high tech to make the world a better place. But then Eggman attacked and I managed to escape with the help of Bianca and Beatrice.

Aaron: It must be sad to lose two seats to Dr. Eggman. (Thoughts) But that's villainy, that's what I am, just like Dr. Eggman...

Barbará: It was, but at least we got to know each other and that's important.

Aaron: It's spoken hehehe.

Elina: So Aaron how is your training with Shadow, I'm sure he's taking it easy on you.

The greenish one thought about it for a while. He admired Shadow, as well as Sonic and Knuckles, but mainly the Black Hedgehog since Project Weapon Aaron was inspired and based on Project Shadow, so without Shadow, perhaps Aaron would not exist. The Hedgehog Echidna had respect for Shadow and used to look up to him at times, even having a more lively personality, Aaron still had his dark moments and the coldness that Shadow.

The Echidna Hedgehog then sighed tiredly as he remembered how cold the Black Hedgehog could be, and that always landed on his back in training.

Aaron: Oh blonde, I won't even tell you, I don't want to be boring, but he looks like he ate the bread that the devil broke! It's not that I don't like Shadow, I admire him and even get inspired by him sometimes, but he's a hell of a tough guy. I don't know if he's trying to train me or turn me into an old rag in the middle of training. He's always in a bad mood, any idea why?

Beatrice: Well, you can't blame him. He has lost many things from his past, including someone.

The Hedgehog Echidna was soon interested in this.

Aaron: Really? Who?

Beatrice: It's... best not to talk about it.

The Hedgehog Echidna pouted at this when it just nodded in response.

Aaron: If you say so.

Antelope just smiled at the boy's sullen face before speaking with a wink at him.

Beatrice: I still can't help how beautiful you are.

Hearing this, the Echidna Hedgehog quickly starts to blush while stuttering.

Aaron: H-Handsome?

Sophia: Beatrice!

Beatrice: I'm just playing with him Bianca.

Barbará: So do you have plans for today?

The greenish one soon shakes his head from side to side to dispel the blush before speaking.

Aaron: So far no, Sonic and Tails are on a mission and haven't passed anything on to me. Worse than standing still is too boring.

He then starts tapping his foot impatiently when the girls laugh at meeting another Hedgehog who had the same habit.

Barbará: Well, I'm sure it will.

Aaron: I pray so.

Soon they finish lunch when suddenly they hear a noise of something falling and sounds of vases being broken. The five look at each other in confusion before the Brown Hedgehog asks.

Bianca: Did anyone else hear that?

Barbará: I heard.

Beatrice: Me too.

Elina: What was that.

Aaron: I have no idea.

The boy then looks around when he misses his blue Wisp companion before speaking.

Aaron: Hu, has anyone seen Cute Fofy?

Soon noises and squeaks are heard coming from the front of the store which the quintet investigate only to find some broken vases while a blue Wisp is seen rolling on the floor while squeaking and mumbling trying to get a vase stuck on its head.

Such a sight made the guy and the girls choke trying to hold back their laughter only to burst out laughing when they saw what poor Cute Fofy had gotten himself into. Bianca and Beatrice were already on the floor holding their stomachs that hurt from laughing so much while Barbará had to lean against the wall, Aaron in turn was seen leaning on his knees while Elina held onto his shoulder.

Cute Fofy snorted angrily with laughter as he started hissing and growling angrily before Aaron walked over to him still laughing.

Aaron: *laughs* Hahaha looks like you fell head over heels into gardening, right buddy hehehehe.

Hedgehog Echidna then carefully picks him up before slowly pulling him out as the little blue creature finally breaks free and lets out a relieved sigh as he snarls at the others for laughing at him.

Aaron: At least that way you learn not to stick your head where it doesn't belong *laughs*.

Soon everyone calms down as Aaron looks around to see several broken potted plants, flowers on the ground and dirt strewn everywhere. The Hedgehog Echidna then scratches the back of his head awkwardly before speaking.

Aaron: Sorry about the mess, ladies.

Elina: Alright Aaron.

Bianca: It wasn't your fault.

The boy then places his hand on his chin as he thinks for a bit before having an idea.

Aaron: Girls, do you have any glue?

Beatrice: We do, but why?

Aaron: I think I can fix this.

Soon he was seen with a tube of glue in his hand before earning a smile when he uses his speed and runs across the store picking up all the shards of the vases while leaving a green bulge where he passed along with afterimages of him.

He then places the shards on top of an empty table when he uses the tube of glue and quickly starts gluing together various pieces and creating various vases with different shapes and colors. Quickly all the broken shards became a variety of new vases.

Then the boy quickly grabs a broom and a shovel as he begins to sweep the sand scattered on the floor and leave the floor clean again before picking up the flowers and putting them back in the vases to later put the sand in its place.

Hedgehog Echidna finally stops using his super speed as he looks at his work in hand and then turns his gaze to the girls to see them wide-eyed in surprise. Aaron just laughs at their reaction before speaking.

Aaron: What is it? Did the big boy here eat your tongue? *laughter*

Bianca: That was amazing!

Elina: They were right, you're fast like Sonic.

Beatrice: Thanks for fixing the vases, Aaron.

Barbará: Yes, they are more beautiful than before!

The Hedgehog Echidna just scratches the back of his head awkwardly.

Shortly after Aaron decided that he would buy a pot of plant and promised that he would be more careful with his curious little blue friend, the boy then said goodbye when he left the place and disappeared through the streets.

Beatrice watched him leave before speaking excitedly.

Beatrice: He's a nice guy. What do you think girls?

Barbará: What do you mean?

Beatrice: Come on girls, he is very funny, very handsome and shows care for everyone around him, besides being polite and knowing how to be serious too despite being naive.

Barbará: Well, he was really nice when he came in and talked to me.

Bianca: Yes, same here.

Beatrice: And you, Elina, what do you think of him?

The girls turn to the said blonde Hedgehog as her cheeks flush as she tries to find the answer, but Beatrice looks over to see the same thing and she smiles.

Elina: W-Well, I think he's a cool kid. He's very similar to Sonic, Knuckles and Shadow and reminds me a lot of them, but at the same time he's very different.

Barbará: Now that you mention it, Aaron looks a lot like them.

Bianca: Maybe it's a distant relative?

Beatrice: I don't know about that, but he's a kitten.

In another place...

We see Aaron in his house as he sets his flower pot on the kitchen windowsill and before placing his hands on his hips and waving with a satisfied smile.

Aaron: Yeah, it was good.

He then looks at his companion Wisp before speaking.

Aaron: Hey buddy, not to be mean, but I think that's enough playing with potted plants for today. *laughter*

Cute Fofy just hissed angrily at his greenish friend reminding him of that before rolling his eyes.

The Echidna Hedgehog then crosses his arms while looking at the floor thoughtfully about what he should do next.

Aaron: (Thoughts) What do I do now? Perhaps I should see if I can get some information for Dr. Eggman. That'll be good, let's do some spying.

That's when thoughts of him are cut short when he hears a bell ring at the front door. Aaron walks to the door and opens it to see that Rouge was at the front door as she waved at him with a wink and a smile.

Rouge: Hi Aaron, glad you're home. I can enter?

Aaron: Hello Rouge, come in, I'm going to make some tea.

He lets the girl in while he goes into the kitchen to make some tea while the Bat sits on the sofa in the living room and after a while the Hedgehog Echidna comes in and hands the girl a cup of tea and sits down in front of her when the Bat drink tasting.

Rouge: Mmm the tea is great.

Aaron: Thanks, Sticks taught me how to do it.

Rouge: I see, so do you have any plans for today?

Aaron: Not really, why?

The Bat Girl smiles at this.

Rouge: Perfect, I need your help with something.

Aaron: My help? With what?

Rouge: With this.

The Bat picks up a small device and places it on the table. Once it opened and a hologram of a map appeared in the air as Rouge explained.

Rouge: I found this map at one of Eggman's storage stations and it contains information about a treasure Eggman has stored. I thought maybe I could come in and steal them, but I also thought, why not bring you along for the fun?

Aaron: Are you asking me to go on a scavenger hunt?

Rouge: You're perfect for the job. Your speed, strength, and Chaos powers can help. I thought it might be useful for this situation.

Rouge came a little closer which made Aaron a little nervous which didn't go unnoticed by the bat who smiled when the boy said while scratching the back of his head.

Aaron: (Thoughts) If she takes this treasure from the Doctor, it's going to be pretty bad for him. (Out of Thoughts) I don't know, we're talking about breaking into Dr. Eggman's storage, who knows what we might find there. It could be dangerous.

Rouge: True, but what if I told you that he got these treasures from the villages he destroyed. He steals everyone's items and stores them in secret rooms so they'll never find them.

The Hedgehog Echidna was not surprised by this, after all that was what villains used to do and its creator was no different. But to play the good guy, Aaron glanced at the map before nodding in agreement.

Aaron: You can count on me, but I want some of the treasure to be given to those who need it most.

Rouge: We have a deal then, meet me in front of the gates in 3 minutes, don't be late.

She then takes the map off the table and walks out and closes the door as Aaron gets up and prepares for this mission with the Bat.

About that...

We see Sally in the control room as Tails appears on the huge screen in front of her.

Sally: Any luck so far, Tails?

Tails: No luck, Sally. Wherever the next Chaos Emerald is, it must be nearby.

Sally: Okay, keep working and contact me as soon as you find it.

The fox nods and the screen turns off as Amy enters the room as she asks the Princess.

Amy: Any luck Sally?

Sally: None.

Amy: Those Emeralds, I wish they were easier to find sometimes.

Sally: Me too.

Amy: Speaking of which, did you notice that there's an Emerald signal coming from Aaron's house on the map?

The two girls then look at the computer screen which shows a house sign coming straight from Hedgehog Echidna's house before he started walking out of the place.

Sally: But what? How is this possible?

Amy: Do you think there's a problem with the Chaos Radar?

Sally: Maybe it does. Nicole?

Nicole: Yes, Sally?

Sally: Scan the radar systems.

Nicole: Just a moment, Sally.

A few seconds later the artificial intelligence ends the scan when you speak.

Nicole: Full scan. Systems are operating correctly, no errors were found.

Amy: What does that mean?

Sally: That's... complicated.

Amy: What do you mean?

Sally: Nicole, show me Aaron's files.

Nicole: Yes, Sally.

Then a screen opens the Hedgehog Echidna's files which are revealed to be completely empty except for his name, age and breed while any other information remains unknown.

Sally: He has no history, no family, no place where he was born or lived. Nothing, it's like he appeared out of nowhere a little while ago.

Amy: That's impossible.

Sally: Yeah, and things just get weirder, did you notice the claws on his hands?

Amy: I noticed, he's an Echidna, but his claws are made of a material similar to Emeralds.

Sally: Exactly, but how is that possible? Knuckles was supposed to be the last Echidna and I don't remember him mentioning that some of his people had crystal claws.

Amy: I've asked Aaron why, but he says he doesn't know.

Sally: *sigh* He's a real mystery. But I will find out who he is.

Amy: Well, I'm going, see you later.

Sally: See you later Amy.

The Pink Hedgehog then leaves the room and Sally turns to the screen and looks at Aaron's files and then at the sign of an Emerald moving in the Echidna Hedgehog's house. The Princess then turns back to look at Aaron's picture as she thinks to herself.

Sally: (Thoughts) Are you full of mysteries, Aaron the Hedgehog Echidna... or secrets perhaps...?

In another place...

We see Rouge and Aaron walking through the jungle looking for Eggman's base where the treasure is while the Hedgehog Echidna uses his claws to break through branches and vines when the Bat Girl pushes aside some bushes to find Eggman's warehouse.

At the front of the base a large metal door leading into the base can be seen when Aaron and Rouge come out of the forest and look towards the entrance.

Rouge: That will do.

Aaron goes to the control panel and messes with it only to discover that it was turned off and had no power.

Aaron: Oops.

Rouge: This is going to be a problem.

Aaron: Then I will be the solution.

He then walks up to the large door before throwing his fist back and preparing to throw a punch.


The boy removed the handle from the door to reveal that he had left a large dent in the exact shape of his hands and claws. He then smiled looking at his hands before speaking.

Aaron: Wow! Aaron, you rock! I'm Gonna Wreck It!

He then lands another punch, followed by another and another and another. Soon there was a big hole in what used to be the door. Aaron then grabs the edges of the hole before pulling them widening the entrance so he and his partner can get through.

Aaron: Are you coming?

Rouge looks at his expression for a moment when she realizes he reminds her of a red Echidna she used to love to pester. She soon shakes her head before stepping in after the greenish one.

Inside, the two look around to see some corridors, but the darkness of the place made it difficult to see the interior.

Rouge then walks over to an energy pattern before messing with them only to realize there is no energy in the place.

Rouge: No power.

Aaron: Let me see.

He goes to the panel before ripping it off the wall to reveal some power wires.

Aaron: (Thoughts) Let's see if it works.

The boy then grabs some wires when he feels an energy run through him and manifest itself in greenish sparks on his hands while his claws glow before electricity runs through the energy wires of the place and energizes the warehouse when the lights flicker just before light up.

Rouge looked at him in surprise as she asked.

Rouge: How did you do that?

Aaron: I don't know, I just concentrated, I wanted the lights to come on and they did.

Rouge: Looks like you've got good hands, sweetie.

The Bat then gave him a few winks which made him look away awkwardly.

Aaron: T-Thanks, shall we go?

Rouge nods and they enter and walk through the halls of the base. It was pretty empty inside with silence filling the air as they walked through the halls of the base.

Aaron: Dude, I think this place is abandoned.

Rouge: That's what you think, but that's how Eggman sets his traps.

Aaron: You seem to know a lot about this.

Rouge: Well sweetie, you could say I have some experience with this.

Aaron: Wewsome.

They walk for a while until Rouge reaches out in front of Aaron to stop him and pulls out a smoke grenade and rolls it and the smoke comes out revealing invisible lasers.

The Hedgehog Echidna already knew that Dr. Eggman used to place these types of traps in his bases, but he was glad that Rouge was there, otherwise he could have stumbled into them without knowing it. He follows Rouge as they slowly and carefully step around the lasers and try not to switch into them. Once on the other side, they continue forward.

Soon they arrive at a door that on the other side is the treasure. Aaron goes to the controls and touches the controls and once he's shocked the doors open and they go in and see stacks and stacks of chests as Aaron walks over to one and opens it.

The trunk opens to reveal lots of jewelry and anything else of value, as Rouge peers into the box and gets a big gleam in her eyes and a grin from ear to ear.

Rouge: Woah look at all those jewels!

Aaron: There's more out there.

Rouge: Yeah, let's hurry up before-

???: Well, well, well, hello.

They turned and then the Hedgehog Echidna was hit squarely in the chest by something and thrown backwards before hitting the wall hard and toppling to the ground.

Rouge: AARON!

??? 2: Turn off the lights!

Rouge turns around and green smoke appears around giving Bat who ended up breathing in some of the smoke which made her cough for a while before passing out and falling to the ground.

Aaron groans with the blow he took, but he knew he had already taken stronger blows from Metal in training, he shakes his head and stands up to see two figures walking towards him and one said.

??? 1: Looks like we found you, see, I said we would.

??? 2: Yes, you were right, boss.

The Hedgehog Echidna gains a serious expression as he becomes wary of the situation.

Aaron: Who are you?

One of the two strangers smiled at the question before speaking.

??? 1: Well, you may not know us kid, but prepare to get your ass kicked.

??? 2: And prepare to be crushed.

??? 1: Because we are .....

Rough and Tumble: Rough and Tumble!

Rough is a medium-sized anthropomorphic skunk with blue-gray and cream fur. He has a tall, cream mohawk that extends down his back. He has cheek tufts on the sides of his cream-colored snout and has a scruffy hairstyle along with a long, cream-striped tail that can extend over his own head. He has a grayish-blue V-shaped patch on his cream-white chest. He also has fangs. Rough has red eyes with yellow sclera, along with thick black outlines along the outer corners.

For the costume, Rough wears orange boots and gloves that have a red lining and light beige volar surfaces.

Tumble is a tall, muscular anthropomorphic possum with cream and beige fur. His mohawk runs down his back with its cream stripes reaching the ends of the stump where his tail used to be. He has a rather scruffy coat, with his chest and muzzle appearing to be connected. He has a pink nose with a triangular shape and short ears. He has a "W" shaped patch in the center of his chest and has fangs. Surrounding his black eyes with red sclera, Tumble has extremely defined purple bags under his eyes.

To dress up, Tumble wears two black bracelets with gold buckles and black and gray boots also with gold buckles.

Aaron, however, just gave the two a confused look.




Aaron: ...I've never seen fatter.

Rough: Forget it, we're here to beat your ass.

Tumble: Yeah, so get ready to go to the hospital.

The Hedgehog Echidna then looks at Rouge to see her lying on the ground as she was passed out. He then looks at the two Skunks before earning a serious look as he bumps his fists.

Aaron: You're the ones who are going to need a hospital, and for your own sake, I hope there's one nearby.

Before the two Skunks could react, he ran across the place while Rough and Tumbler tried to catch him, but the greenish one was too fast for both of them. The two then corner him in a corner and jump on top of him only for the Hedgehog Echidna to leap up and stick to the ceiling using its claws.

Aaron: Too fast for you guys?

Rough: Oh, laugh while you can because we've got cards up our sleeves. Tumbler ready?

Tumbler: Ready.

Rough curls into a ball and Tumbler grabs him and throws him towards the Hedgehog Echidna who is hit square in the chest and knocked off the ceiling as he lands hard on the ground. The blue Skunk unfurls on top of the green one only to get one hell of a punch to the middle of the face, courtesy of Aaron.

Rough groaned in pain as he felt the hard bones in Aaron's hand collide with extreme force causing him to fly away before collapsing to the ground. He gets to his feet before feeling a pain in his jaw before spitting it out to reveal that the Hedgehog Echidna's punch had lost him a tooth.

Aaron: Let's play dentist, friends.

Rough snarled angrily at him as Tumble lunged at Aaron as he leapt into the air and clasped his hands together before swooping down to hit the greenish one who then leapt back as the beige Skunk slammed into the ground, cracking the floor and opening a small crater.

Aaron landed on the ground only for Rough to appear behind him and grab him by the legs knocking him to the ground before spinning him around slightly and throwing him back against the floor. Aaron groaned at the blow he took before digging his claws into the ground and ripping off a floorboard and then smashing it hard on the blue Skunk's head.

Rough clutched his head in pain as he staggered back only to have Aaron skate over to him and kick him in the face using the rockets on his shoe to give him more speed.

The blue skunk flew away as it spun before crashing to the ground, but Aaron had no rest when a large chest hit him hard in the back.

Aaron fell to the ground before looking back to see Tumble throw several chests at him. Seeing that he wouldn't get up in time, the Hedgehog Echidna used Shadow's powers when he teleported away from the bombardment before appearing behind Tumble and giving him a well-aimed Spin Dash in the middle of his back making the big guy fly forward and fall next to no partner.

Rough soon recovers before speaking angrily.

Rough: Okay kid, now you pissed me off.

Aaron: Come get me stinky.

The blue Skunk charges like a bull in a rage towards the hedgehog Echidna who was waiting for the right moment to attack and, once Rough approaches, Aaron jumps and rolls to the side, which causes the Skunk to stumble over some chests and I end up trapped inside one when Aaron locks him inside.

Rough: Hey! Let me out! Let me out!

Aaron: I can't believe it worked. Ask to shit and get out, stinking.

He then runs to Rouge and shakes her to try to wake her up, but the Bat still remains unconscious. The Hedgehog Echidna then becomes wide-eyed as he looks around and sees something that worried him.

Unbeknownst to him, Tumble has popped out of the rubble with a rocket launcher, as he aims for the greenish one.

Tumble: Now you pay me!

Tumble pulls the trigger and fires the incoming rocket straight so that on instinct he gets into position before reaching out with an open hand as a blast of Chaos energy.

Aaron: Chaos Spear!

The energy bolt dashed towards the rocket before hitting it and causing it to explode surprising Tumble as the bolt brushed past him.

Rough: I'm finally free!

But he sees the energy beam coming towards him and he panics and ducks as the attack passed him and there was a huge explosion as the alarms in the place started going off. Aaron upon seeing this soon realizes that the extra doors for security measures were starting to close.

Upon seeing this, the Hedgehog Echidna quickly runs to the still unconscious Rouge when he picks her up in his arms and runs outside as quickly as he can through the corridors.

Tumble sees him running and aims his rocket launcher at him and pulls the trigger only for the rocket to come out of the back and almost hit Rough who spoke angrily.

Rough: What was that for bro!

Tumble: Sorry bro, I was going to aim for the greenie!

Rough: We can't kill him, you idiot!

Then, the doors close in front of them when the place starts to catch fire thanks to the rocket explosion and to complete the scene, the doors finish closing.

Tumble: um.... the door closed.

Rough: No door won't stop us! We're tough, let's get the hell out of here!

Rough turns into a ball and Tumble grabs him and throws him towards the metal door but only leaves a dent that was his own face as he slowly slides down and to the ground as Tumble approaches and says.

Tumble: So....we panicked?

Rough: Yes...we panicked.

Then they start to panic as the place explodes around them. We then see Aaron carrying the unconscious Rouge as they head out the door and once in a safe place, the place exploded as Rough and Tumble could be seen flying away while singed and covered in dirt.

Aaron sees them disappear into the sky and disappear like a bright little star while the Hedgehog Echidna sighed in relief. The Bat Girl soon starts to wake up as she slowly opens her eyes and sees Aaron holding her before asking.

Aaron: Are you okay there Bat?

Rouge: What happened to me?

Aaron: Two Skunks ambushed us and caused a huge explosion that destroyed the base along with the treasure inside.

Rouge looks over to see the warehouse go up in flames as she sighs in disappointment.

Rouge: Wow, so much for nothing.

Aaron: Just not.

Rouge looks at him confused when the Hedgehog Echidna takes off her shoe and shakes it when several gold coins and jewels fall out of his shoe which surprises the Bat.

Rouge: How did you get all that in there?

Aaron: Nobody keeps things like me hehehehe. It's not much, but it's enough for you and everyone in Knothole.

Rouge then walks up to him before getting close to his face.

Rouge: You were a good boy, you deserve an award.

She then plants a kiss on his cheek which makes the Hedgehog Echidna tense and stiff as he gains a small blush on his cheeks.

Rouge: Keep it up, and who knows won't win anything more.

Aaron: A-Anything else?

The Bat laughed at the boy's shyness before calling him.

Rouge: So, shall we go home?

Aaron: Let's go.

The two then follow together along the same path they came when they return to Knothole while the Hedgehog Echidna thinks about the scolding he would get from his creator for having completely destroyed one of his warehouses.

Aaron: (Thoughts) Oh man, I'm toast.

To be continued...