
Villain in the world of Naruto

Akuma, standing under the red light of the moon that mimicked the pattern of his eyes, stared at the destruction of the world. Cries, cries of despair, pleas for mercy were heard, but he only smirked and said: "Devil, it's your time!"

_DilLen · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 5 Making the Most of Nono

Near the shelter

-Welcome back, Akuma- said Yakushi-Nono affectionately

Akuma's Thoughts

I'll have to ask her for medical knowledge sometime (knowledge, not Jutsu). The Hyuga Clan has a soft fist style that hits tenketsu. Their style I won't repeat. No biakugan. But you can at least imitate it. Plus these are great basics for becoming an Orochimaru apprentice. Resolved

-But-but-but-but-senpai-said I maxed out in a weak, trembling, on the verge of tears voice

-What happened, Akuma? -She got worried.

-Please, please, no, I beg you! Teach me medical knowledge- I couldn't hold back my tears, I said.

-Calm down, Akuma. Explain what happened?" Nono asked, holding me to her chest.

-On my way to the library I passed through the hospital, and there are ninjas, some with injuries, some without eyes, some missing body parts and having to be disabled for the rest of their lives. - I answered with madness in my voice.

-Are you afraid of blood?

-No, I'm afraid it might happen to someone close to me. With you, with the orphanage children, with Danzo-sama,

And I-I... I won't be able to do anything. I'll be useless.

-Don't worry, Akuma. That's not going to happen. But it's a good idea. I'll get you some books from the Medical Department

-Thank you Nono-senpai- I said cheerfully and hugged her tightly

Konoha Shelter. Night

Akuma's Thoughts

Today is a very productive day. Standing out in front of Danzo. Tomorrow I'll learn about the medicine of this world, plus Shurikenjutsu training and developmental exercises are good for me. But I have to start training Chakra Control, I can't do anything without it. The first exercise is to stick a sheet to yourself with Chakra Control and hold it for as long as possible. You have to try it. I opened the window and took a few leaves and started to try. The first leaf fell right away - too little chakra - the second one split - too much chakra. So I sat for an hour, trying to stick this leaf, and finally succeeded. But with my reserves I could only hold it for five minutes, and then it fell off. But:


Thanks to the training of the host Characteristic "Chakra Control" increased by 1%

Because of the intense consumption and replenishment of chakra, the "Chakra" Characteristic has increased by 5

Young Genius Achievement

Description: While others only read books and dream of awakening the chakra, you have not only done it, but also advanced in its control.

Reward: +5 to Chakra, a little more awareness of you among the influential (be careful, more awareness is not always good for you), +2% to control, +1 to Intelligence, +1 to Wisdom

So many awards because of 1 exercise.Eh, too bad it's a one-time promotion. It's going to be harder from here on out. But okay. I didn't expect that either.


Name: Yakushi Akuma


Age: 2 years

Power: 0.7





Chakra Control: 4%

Passive skills

"Shurikenjutsu LVL1 63/100"

Now I feel the chakra much better, first of all there is twice as much, and secondly, don't underestimate this 3%. Even in the Anime, only a few have been able to achieve perfect control, and in combat, even 1% can decide

your fate: To die or to kill.

Next day

-Get up, Akuma," said Yakushi-Nono in an affectionate voice.

-Good morning- I said in a sleepy voice

-Here, the books I promised.

-Thank you very much, Nono-senpai.

After 10 minutes, she finally got off my back

Okay. Let's see what she brought. "Human Anatomy" and "Basic Poisons and Detoxification Measures"

Useful books. Let's start with Anatomy.So a person has 361 tenketsu points in the chakra channel system.

Only Hyuga can emit chakra from all tenketsu. Again because of their Byakugan. There's one thing I don't understand.

Why do all the characters in the anime, except for Gaius and his disciples, pay only little attention to taijutsu and to physical fitness in general. I get it, there's chakra. But the same Naruto. He's got a nine-tailed chakra generator sitting in him, which on top of that gives him high regeneration. He could train just like Gai. And then, even Madara in the Sage 6 Way modes would have to be serious.

Note: I consider Madara's drain the worst in the entire anime, he was shown as a genius and ended up with Kaguya, who wasn't even known about.

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