
Villain in the world of Naruto

Akuma, standing under the red light of the moon that mimicked the pattern of his eyes, stared at the destruction of the world. Cries, cries of despair, pleas for mercy were heard, but he only smirked and said: "Devil, it's your time!"

_DilLen · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 4 Perspectives on the Future

Back at the shelter after training, I was spotted by Yakushi Nono

-Akuma, where have you been, I was worried!" she said, hugging me at the same time.

-Nono-sempai went to the library

Akuma's Thoughts

Hmm. Wandering Miko. Perhaps that would be a useful connection, she could introduce me to Danzo. I have to show my talent, or that sly fox won't notice me. And I can't let that happen.

-Why do you need a library? -Yakushi Nono asked

-I want to become a ninja and take over Konoha and you, Nono-senpai! I learned how to feel chakra from books.

-Will you try to unlock it? -Inquired Nono

-No, I already unlocked it!

-Are you kidding me?

-No, I really unlocked it. Look. I started to pass the chakra through my body so that she could feel it.

-You're only 2 years old, but you were able to unlock the chakra?

-Yes, Nono-sempai, is something wrong?

-No, it's okay. Go to dinner. You must be hungry.

I'm off to eat.

Meanwhile, at Root's base.

-Danzo-sama, there is a message

Danzo, looking at the former member of the root, the great spy Wandering Miko, asked:

-What's the message

-There's a talent in my orphanage. He's only two years old, but he was able to awaken the chakra on his own, without any mentors or clan.

-Hmm. Interesting. Who's that?

-Yakushi Akuma. Orphan of this war

-That's right, keep the money. This is to get Akuma into the Academy, and start referring him to me, you have to deal with it. Otherwise, your orphanage will no longer be maintained by Konoha.

Sensing that Danzo wasn't lying, Nono promised to complete the task. If it had been her will, she wouldn't have told Akuma, but at least 1 member of the root is always watching the Asylum. And someone would have spotted Akuma. Then not only would she be in danger, but the entire Konoha Asylum would be in danger, Danzo would write everything off as enemy village ninjas, and Hiruzen would side with his old friend to the end.That's the real truth of Konoha.

-The task will be done, Danzo-sama,‖ Nono said as she walked away.

-Dog, keep an eye on Akuma and help him if he needs anything. But without Yakushi Nono seeing you.

-Order understood, Danzo-sama

Konoha Shelter. Night

Lying in bed, Akuma began to think about what to do next. In the future, there will be a huge number of monsters in this world, and Akuma definitely has to be superior to all of them combined. But it's extremely difficult to do that alone. You have to make connections and preferably a good teacher. Soon Tsunade, Jirae, and Orochimaru will be fighting against Hanzo Salamandra, and they will be declared Sannin. One must become their apprentice. Jiraiya will bring up Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan. Tsunade's brother and lover will die. She'll get drunk and leave konoha.

That leaves only Orochimaru. I'm not a bad choice, as he'll interact with Danzo in the future. Maybe I'll get a chance to get First Hokage Hashirama Senju's cells. But right now the main thing is to become as strong as possible and show loyalty to Danzo.

Next day. Morning

-Good morning, Nono-senpai

-Good day, Akuma. I've got great news.

-What is it? No-senpai, please tell me." Making my face as nice as possible, I said.

-You're going to the academy when you're 5, Danzo-sama gave you the money to do it.

-Who is Danzo-sama? -I asked with surprise

-Danzo-sama is a very strong ninja, they say he's almost as strong as Lord Third Hokage.


-Yes, really.

After chatting with Nono-senpai some more, I went back to the library and took the story of Konoha's creation and started reading it.

Three hours later

So far the story is exactly as shown in the anime, only with more details.So let's go to the training

On the range.

As I finished the developmental exercise, a notice appeared in front of me


After exercising, the Master's Dexterity is increased by 0.1

Feeling a pleasant warmth spreading over my body, I opened Status

Name: Yakushi Akuma


Age: 2 years

Power: 0.7

Dexterity:0.4( Affects attack speed, reaction, movement speed, coordination.




Chakra Control: 1%



Passive skills

"Shurikenjutsu LVL1"

After reviewing my status, I started practicing throwing rusty shurikens again. Suddenly a ninja with a Dog mask appeared in front of me and asked:

-You're Akuma, aren't you?

-Yes, how do you know?

-Danzo-sama saw your talent and wants to help you

-That Danzo? Nono-senpai told me about him," I said happily.

-Listen, Asuma. Suddenly leaning over, he started whispering in my ear "Nono-senpai is actually a spy for another village, don't tell her about our meeting. We can't kick her out because she's an important member of Konoha's Medical Department"-Told the Dog trying to choose the right words to plant the seed of doubt in his mind about Yakushi nono.

-How... how... how can that be?! She's so nice to everyone at the orphanage, isn't she?

He started stroking Akuma's head and said, "Akuma, these things happen in life, but the main thing is that Danzo-sama is in control of the situation. And he sent me to help you. Here are some new kunias and shurikens instead of your rusty ones.

-But they must be expensive. I don't have any money.

-It's not a problem. Danzo-sama wants you to be strong. For that, he will help in any way he can.

Akuma's Thoughts

This is the point. Right now you can accomplish 1 of the goals

-Thank you," I said crying, "Danza-sama is the first person who has ever cared about me so much.

The dog, hugging the boy, said: "Don't cry Akuma, just don't tell Yakushi Nono about meeting me, okay?"

-Okay," I stopped crying and said

After a few more words, he left, and I continued to practice throwing

Eight hours later. Evening

Passive Skills

"Shurikenjutsu LVL 1 63/100 "

Okay, tomorrow this skill should reach the second level. In the meantime, I'm going back to the orphanage.

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