
Villain in the world of Naruto

Akuma, standing under the red light of the moon that mimicked the pattern of his eyes, stared at the destruction of the world. Cries, cries of despair, pleas for mercy were heard, but he only smirked and said: "Devil, it's your time!"

_DilLen · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 6. First Fight

The new day in Konoha began as usual for me. A conversation with Nono, a trip to the library. But there was an unexpected twist waiting for me at the shooting range. There was some kid there, desperately trying to awaken chakra. But his appearance gave away that he belonged to the Uchiha clan. When I got a little closer, I recognized him as a little Uchiha Obito.

Akuma's Thoughts

Uchiha Obito. One of the main characters in the anime. In terms of strength, he is also at the top of the list. Probably something interesting will come out of getting to know him. Although at the moment, and for the next 20 years, he is of no use at all. No, now is not the time to get to know him. I'll leave that for the moment of admission.

As I was about to leave, someone called out to me:

-Hey, who are you? -Obito asked.

-What does it matter to you? -I said in a nonchalant tone.

-Whatever you say to me, you little brat! -Obito said furiously.

-Whatever I want.

-Do you know who I am!? I am Uchiha!

-Did you wake up the Sharingan yet?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

-Not yet, but soon I will!

-So you're no different than a normal civilian kid. - When I left, I said to him one last time.

-Let's fight! -He said with confidence in his voice.

Before I knew it, a message popped up.


First Battle Quest Launched

Conditions: Fight and Win the Fight with Obito Uchiha

Reward: +200 Ryo, +0.1 to Strength, +0.1 to Dexterity.

Loss: -0.2 to Strength, -0.2 to Dexterity

When I saw the reward for the quest, I accepted without hesitation. Despite the age difference. I have the intelligence of an adult. In the first place I have experience in fights, and there were a lot of them. I also awakened my chakra, and he, remembering his actions, hasn't yet.

I smiled wryly and said:

-OK, I'll do it, but on one condition.

-On what condition? -Believing in his victory Uchiha Obito asked.

How do you mean? -Trusting Obito Uchiha is without a doubt the strongest clan in Konoha, so you must be rich, let's wager 200 Ryo each.

Thoughts of Uchiha Obito

That kid. How dare he underestimate me! He's at least a year younger than me and yet he's so confident. It's okay, I'll wipe that smirk off his face. But it's a money bet. It's money I get once a month as an out-of-pocket expense. What am I thinking? I'm going to win and make some extra money. That's exactly what's gonna happen.

-Absolutely, it's no problem for me! -Replied Obito Uchiha.

Standing up in a fighting stance, I prepared for a fight. Uchiha Obito ran towards me and landed a direct punch. I dodged and punched him in the cheek. After a few moments, Uchiha pulled himself together and attacked again. I didn't have time to step back, so I took it in the face. I pulled myself together and decided to knock him to the ground. But an Uchiha remains an Uchiha. Quickly realizing my plan, Obito did a backward somersault. Getting into a fighting stance. After five minutes of our fight, I began to feel tired. My body's age was taking its toll. I decided to go for broke. I jerked closer to Uchiha and punched him. He did a somersault in the air.

"Here's my chance!" I thought. The moment he landed, he was very unstable. I rushed over and managed to knock him to the ground. I started punching him in the nose, eyes, mouth. The Uchiha tried to resist. but the pain was intense. He gathered his strength, took the sand in his hands, and was about to throw it at my eyes. I managed to notice it. I stood up and stepped on his palm.

-AAH, It hurts, Let go-started screaming Uchiha.

I ignored the book and kicked the lying Obito to death.After about three minutes, I looked at the Uchiha. Nose broken, lips smashed, 2 teeth knocked out, 2 fingers broken. Taking the money from his pockets, I moved toward the orphanage.


Mission accomplished.

Does the master wish to be rewarded?


Master has learned the new passive skill "Taijutsu Fundamentals"

"Yes, come on," I mentally commanded

Another 200 Re appeared in my hands.

"Money is good, of course, but the most important thing is. Status!"

Name: Yakushi Akuma


Age: 2 years






Chakra Control:4%

Passive skills

"Shurikenjutsu LVL1 63/100"

"Taijutsu Fundamentals LVL1 0/100"- Standard knowledge of combat skills. Increases Strength and Dexterity by 0.2

Somewhere on Root

-Lord Danzo-sama. New message on Yakushi Akuma.

-Speak, Dog.

-He just got in a fight against a kid from the Uchiha clan. He won.

-So what if the kid got in a fight? -Danzo asked angrily

-If that's all the information, you'll be punished.

-No, Danzo, the cruelty of Yakusha Akuma is what matters.

-From this point on, tell me more.

And the dog recounted the entire fight between Asuma and Obito.

Akuma's thoughts.

That's good. Plus another skill. I've gained knowledge not only about the actions in combat. But also about training.

But now the big question. How do I explain my appearance to Nono?

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