
Villain in the world of Naruto

Akuma, standing under the red light of the moon that mimicked the pattern of his eyes, stared at the destruction of the world. Cries, cries of despair, pleas for mercy were heard, but he only smirked and said: "Devil, it's your time!"

_DilLen · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 32 Obito's Birthday

Chapter 32 Obito's Birthday

Five days have passed since I moved into the orochimaru house. During that time I had fully recovered. Since I couldn't give a hundred percent in Taijutsu training during that time, my goal was to bring Shurikenjutsu up to level five. After three days of training, the mark finally reached 100/100, and the skill went to level five.


Congratulations to the Master for bringing the skill "Shurikenjutsu" to level 5. Skill change: Gives the user an in-depth knowledge of how to use throwing weapons. Also, at the moment of throwing, time will slow down a bit for the user to better aim. Increases the chance of hitting with shuriken, kunai, senbon, throwing knives by 50%. Also passively gives +1 to dexterity. "Master, you're good," Yui began to praise me.

"That's the kind of notification I got after finally bringing this skill up to level five. The time dilation effect works very well. I've been testing it for two days now, and I can't get enough of it. But enough with the training. Today is finally Obito's birthday. The last two days I saw him, he kept reminding me that I had an obligation to attend his party and had no right to be late(Who's to say about that. "The black cat crossed my path" and "crossed my grandmother across the street")" - I thought about today as I looked at my status

Name: Yakushi Akuma


Age: 3 years

Strength: 18.7





Chakra Control:25%

Closeness to attributes: Lightning-102%, Fire-9%, Earth-2%, Water-2%, Wind-2%


Transformation Technique LVL3 4/100 (Cost 8)(The user's body emits less chakra at each level, making it harder to spot)

Illusion of paralysis LVL1 10/100 (Cost 40)

Cloning technique LVL3 67/100 (Cost 8) (3 clones can be created)

Target of hunting LVL1 17/100 (Cost 200)

Chakra Blade LVL1 23/100 (Cost 400)

Thread of Sin

Passive Skills

"Shurikenjutsu LVL5 3/100"

"Taijutsu Fundamentals LVL5 52/100"

"Evil Chakra"

"Eye of Truth"


15% to mind techniques.

6% to physical damage


Gaining the Assassin class

Killed 68/100.

It was still about three hours before my scheduled time, so after training I took a bath and started picking out clothes. My hair had grown a lot during my time in Konoha, so I started to tie it into a ponytail, leaving two lacons hanging down over my face. "Master, you're very handsome," Yui began to praise my hair. Orochimaru, though he didn't like Obito, was okay with the Uchiha themselves, unlike his "buddy" Danzo. So he didn't object to me going to their birthday party. Putting the present in the birthday box, I got dressed and headed towards the Uchiha clan's territory. I was a frequent guest at Obito's house and on top of that I was a student of Orochimaru, so many Uchiha knew me. I was greeted at the entrance of the house by Obito himself I came a little early, so I was the first one there. Many other Uchi children, as well as people from other clans, were going to come to his house. After Obito awakened the Sharingan, the clan took much better care of him; now his talent overshadowed many of the other geniuses of the clan, causing many of them to dislike Obito.

-Where can I put the gift, Obito?" I asked my only "friend. "Gift? Oh, give it here," Obito said cheerfully, holding out his hands to me. I, with a heavy sigh, handed over the box with the gift inside. Obito immediately opened the box, seeing another box inside. He looked at me perplexed. "Did you think it would be that easy?" - I asked him. Obito didn't answer anything and started opening box after box. After opening the fifth final box, he saw a wrapped envelope; as he unfolded it, his eyes widened . He saw a beautiful handmade kunai. In the middle of the kunai was a drawing resembling a sharingan with a single tomoe. The blade of the kunai was red and also very sharpened.The rest of the kunai was completely black, with only a gold ring standing out in the background. In the same gold color on the kunai was written "Brothers, though not by blood."

-Is that for me? - Obito asked with tears in his eyes. "Just don't cry now, Obito. Now other people will come, and what will they think?" - I asked him, laughing to myself at the whole situation. Obito, wiping his eyes with his hands, reached out to hug me, and I accepted them quietly, waiting for him to let me go. When I saw the smile on his face, I realized that he wasn't going to cry anymore. And so we both were waiting for the arrival of the guests.

Some time later

-I want to congratulate Obito again on his fifth birthday. In just six months you're going to enter the Shinobi Academy and become a real ninja. - said one of the clan elders. There were many elders among the guests with their children or grandchildren. There was even the son of the current head of the Fugaku clan, who, like Minato and Kushina, was now about 11 years old. The celebration had already been going on for quite a long time. During this time, many children came up to congratulate Obito, or to chat with a student of Orochimaru. The uchis, though arrogant, acknowledged other people's power. At one point Obito and I were approached by two children from the Uchiha clan. I thought it was another one of Obito's acquaintances, but the conversation immediately went in the wrong direction

-So you're the so-called genius of our clan? - One of the guys asked "Me? A genius? Well, I guess I'm the future Hokage after all," Obito replied in his own way. "I think I found Naruto's real father," thought Akuma mentally.

-Stop messing with us, kid. We challenge you to a duel," said the other guy. The other guests immediately looked in our direction. One of the old-timers said, "Why? I think it's a good offer, they're two years older than him. Also Obito has awakened sharingan, so their age advantage doesn't count, the younger generation should be competitive, at the same time all kids will see the power of sharingan and what they should strive for. The elder who was looking out for Obito replied: Maybe so, but Obito is alone and he is called by two, it's not a fair duel.

"Political games," Akuma thought in his head. "Ever since Obito discovered the Sharingan, the elder who started looking out for him has gained a lot of power and respect from the head of the clan, making the others jealous of him. The same elders who discovered the Sharingan had gained a lot of power and respect from the head of the clan, causing the others to be jealous of him.

The same elder who said it was a good idea replied: Then let Obito fight alongside his friend Akuma. From what I hear he's Orochimaru's apprentice and therefore can compete, am I right? - Asked the old man a rhetorical question. "Master, these people are picking a fight," said Yui's angry voice in my head. "It seems the news that I defeated the three genies was not passed on to the public. Hiruzen hid the fact about the attack on me, and the fact that I was in the hospital. It's worse for them. I'll show them my power. Don't worry, Yui," I answered in my head.


Quest "Suppressing Uchis" was created.

Quest Goal: Brutally defeat the two arrogant guys of the Uchiha clan.

Reward: +5 to Strength. +5% Fire Proclivity.

Negative: -5 to all stats, -3% to Firepower.

-I agree. Just don't cry about us beating you. - I replied to the two guys and the elder when I saw the system message. Obito, who hadn't even agreed to a fight yet, stood in a stupor until I stepped on his foot. "Yes, we agree to the duel," Obito said as he looked at me...

In Obito's backyard.

The people gathered around wanted to watch the sparring between the four talented children. One guest from the Hyuga clan volunteered to be the referee, and so the duel began...

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I apologize for not releasing the chapter yesterday, I came home late and immediately fell asleep, forgetting about everything

_DilLencreators' thoughts