
Villain in the world of Naruto

Akuma, standing under the red light of the moon that mimicked the pattern of his eyes, stared at the destruction of the world. Cries, cries of despair, pleas for mercy were heard, but he only smirked and said: "Devil, it's your time!"

_DilLen · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 31 Relocation

Chapter 31 Relocation

At the Hokage's office.

-What do you mean by turning a blind eye, Hiruzen?! My apprentice was absolutely attacked with the intent to kill by the Suna genies, now he's in a coma in the city Hospital, and you're telling me I should turn a blind eye?! - Shouted Orochimaru at Hiruzen. "I agree with Orochimaru, Third Hokage. Konoha must respond to this provocation," supported Orochimaru's opinion by Hiruzen's old friend, Danzo.

-I understand your feelings, Orochimaru. But Shinobi World War II has just ended, and our relations with all the other villages are at a dangerous level. You don't want World War III to start, do you? That's why you have to swallow your grudges now, do you both understand? - Hiruzen said, ending this conversation.

Danzo's thoughts."You just shouldn't have signed the peace treaty so quickly, Konoha was winning on all fronts, a little more and the other villages would have had to sign a treaty on our terms, but no, you wanted a quick end to the war, making all the victims of this war look useless now. You're a terrible ruler, Hiruzen. If I were you, I'd make Konoha much stronger than it is now. Too bad that kid Akuma wasn't killed, so I'd have an excuse to not only push harder politically on Hiruzen, but also to get back at that kid for playing games with me."

-Swallow grudges? A talent like Akuma cannot be lost, and what would have happened if he had been killed after all? - Orochimaru began to grumble. "That's it, Orochimaru, we'll continue this conversation when Akuma comes to his senses," replied Hiruzen.

Orochimaru had no choice but to leave the Third Hokage's office.

Orochimaru's thoughts.

"Has that old man gone completely insane? First a useless war because of his treaty, now he's turned a blind eye to the attempt on my apprentice. Looks like my plan to leave Konoha and create my own village for experiments needs to be moved up. Now Hiruzen has started digging deeper, he may soon find out about my experiments, and then I'll have to leave Konoha in a hurry. Akuma... Will he come with me if I ask him to leave Konoha? I can't do that now, but in two or three years. Akuma will have just completed his first year at the Academy and become an official genin. With his talent, it'll be easy. Akuma... I wish you'd wake up soon..."

Konoha Hospital. Three days later.

"How my whole body hurts," said Akuma, bandaged in bandages. "Congratulations on your recovery, Master. Before you fell into a coma, a quest was completed. Would you like a reward?" - Yui said in a sweet voice.

"Yes, go ahead," Akuma said mentally. The nurse who entered the room quickly called the doctor, seeing that the patient was awake.

-You've been in a coma for three days. Your Sensei, Orochimaru-san, had our whole hospital up in arms, saying that if we didn't do anything, he'd wipe this place off the face of the earth. So we're lucky you woke up. Kozuki! Ask someone to tell Orochimaru-san that his apprentice is awake!

-Now, Akuma, lie down and rest. You've lost too much blood. I'll get someone to bring you food. - The doctor said one last thing as he left Akuma's room. A few minutes later they brought me some food. While I was eating lunch, Orochimaru flew into my room like a bullet.

"Are you okay, Akuma?" - Orochimaru asked, examining my condition. "I'm fine, Sensei, no need to tear down the hospital," I said, smirking. "You little rascal, since you're joking, you're really fine," Orochimaru exhaled calmly. "You'll be discharged in two days. You're moving in with me. That's not negotiable. I live alone anyway, and this way you'll be safe for sure. I'll also have to go see the Third Hokage. He wants to ask you about what happened." After talking to Orochimaru for another twenty minutes, he left the hospital. Since it was still hard for me to move, I started using the cloning technique, this fight showed how important it is. Too bad I don't know the technique of mass shadow cloning.

Two days later

Walking out of the hospital, I saw my sensei. "Let's stop by Hiruzen's first, all your stuff is already delivered to my house, do you need to go anywhere?" - Orochimaru asked me. "Yes, Orochimaru-sensei, after we visit the Hokage, I need to stop by the shopping district to pick up a gift for a friend." - I replied. "That Uchiha again? You should spend less time with him, you'll pick up his stupidity. Though their Sharingan is interesting even to me" said Orochimaru, walking towards the Third Hokage building.

At the Hokage building.

-So Akuma, you single-handedly defeated three genins? - Hiruzen asked me a question.

-Yes. Even though they were genins, they were probably beginners. Only one of them knew the non-academic Mud Clone jutsu. All the others knew only the three basic techniques of the academy. Compared to them, I have my sensei's ninjutsu, what else decides the outcome of a battle if not them? (A physique like Maito Gaius for example, or Kurama's walking chakra generator, and other tailed ones) -I answered my question in my head.

-Hmm...Sounds logical, if you know Orochimaru's techniques then it makes sense how you were able to overpower them. Well then, I have no more questions for you. You're free to go. - Hiruzen told us. Orochimaru, taking my hand, used Shunshin, and we ended up on the street. Stopping at a shopping area on the way, we ate lunch, and I headed to my new home...

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Which Biju do you think will fall into Akuma's hands first? And which beast do you like best? Not counting the ten-tailed Jubi, my favorite tail is Chowmei.

_DilLencreators' thoughts