
Villain in the world of Naruto

Akuma, standing under the red light of the moon that mimicked the pattern of his eyes, stared at the destruction of the world. Cries, cries of despair, pleas for mercy were heard, but he only smirked and said: "Devil, it's your time!"

_DilLen · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 33 Fighting the Uchiha

Chapter 33 Fighting the Uchiha

Before the fight, I used the Eye of Truth on Obito to find out my partner's approximate strength level before checking my opponents.

Name: Obito Uchiha

Age: 5 years

Gender: Male

Strength: 11

Dexterity: 14.2

Intelligence: 16

Wisdom: 12

Chakra: 1070

Chakra Control: 17%




Uchiha Blood - Gives the ability to awaken the Sharingan, also +50% inclination to Fire, +20% inclination to Lightning, Sharingan (1 tomoe) - Chakra + 500, Dexterity + 5( also + 10 for each year lived), dynamic vision, ability to copy enemy jutsu, +10% inclination to Fire, +5% inclination to Lightning,immunity to enemy genjutsu, own Sharingan genjutsu.

"My desire for the Sharingan has multiplied, and this is only one tomoe, so what happens at the level of Eternal Mangyoke Sharingan? And the Rinne-Sharingan? I'm going to get that coveted Sharingan in a few years, if everything goes according to plan. For now, I have to evaluate my opponents."


Name: Menma Uchiha

Age: 7 years

Gender: male

Strength: 14

Dexterity: 12.2

Intelligence: 19

Wisdom: 9

Chakra: 570

Chakra Control: 12%




Uchiha Blood.


Name: Kasuma Uchiha

Age: 8 years

Gender: Male

Strength: 17

Dexterity: 16.2

Intelligence: 21

Wisdom: 14

Chakra: 600

Chakra Control: 14%




Uchiha Blood.

"Not bad characteristics, considering they're still studying at Shinobi Academy. They definitely have all the jutsu of the academy, and since they are Uchiha, they most likely know the Great Fireball Technique for sure, which I have to be wary of. I don't have a Jutsu to use as a long-range one, not even a Jutsu to defend myself," Akuma considered the situation.

The Uchiha began the battle by throwing shurikens, Akuma threw his own shurikens, blocking the enemy ones with them, then went on the attack. Obito, noticing the start of the battle, began folding seals to release the jutsu, after stopping to fold the seals, a Fireball appeared near Obito's mouth, which he launched at Menma.

Menma used a cloning technique, creating three clones as well as a replacement technique, constantly swapping places with the clones to make it harder for Obito to hit him. After the fireball missed, Obito did not fold the seals for the next one, but activated the Sharingan, seeing with it the real Menma, he went to compete with him in Taijutsu. While Obito fought Menma, Akuma took on Kasuma.

Quickly appearing beside him, Akuma used all the power of his body to strike him. Kasuma quickly disappeared, using a replacement technique, and a tree appeared in his place. Sensing the danger, Akuma quickly jumped aside, the shurikens fired by Kasuma already flying in his former place. Noticing the enemy's location, Akuma applied the Illusion of Paralysis, immobilizing his opponent while he was unable to move, Akuma used his superior agility to get to him in a moment and, reinforcing his fists with chakra, began beating him up quickly.

When the effects of the paralysis should have subsided, Akuma grabbed Kasuma by the arm and threw him over his hip. Kasuma, sensing that the paralysis had subsided, quickly applied the cloning technique so that they would interfere with Akuma, quickly becoming, he began to fold the fireball jutsu with his hands. Akuma, who couldn't see what Kasuma was doing because of the clones, noticed the fireball approaching him at the last moment.

Covering his entire body with chakra, he took the blow on himself. There was a small explosion and Akuma was thrown several meters away. "Lucky I had time to cover my body with chakra, otherwise my injuries would have been much worse," Akuma thought, quickly coming to his senses. Obito noticed that his friend had been hit by a jutsu, and wanted to go to his aid. But Menma blocked his path by starting a series of taizutsu again. Unlike Obito, who just started learning the clan fighting style, Menma has been learning it for four years now, making it impossible for Obito to gain an edge in his favor even with the Sharingan. While Obito and Menma were in their second sparring session, a second fireball flew at Akuma, Akuma noticing that Kasume's chakra was running low, yet such a jutsu should absorb quite a bit of chakra, not counting the other techniques Kasuma used.

Throwing a few kunai at a nearby tree, Akuma climbed to the top of it. As he suspected, Kasuma didn't use the Great Fireball technique again, but instead decided to help Menma. But would Akuma allow it? Akuma used the cloning technique, and 3 copies of him appeared and began jumping into other trees, taking Kasuma into the ring. At the same moment, shurikens began flying at him from four directions. Kasuma tried to dodge them, or repel them with his kunai.

While Kasuma focused on dodging the shurikens, the real Akuma quickly went to Obito's aid. Menma, very much into sparring with Obito, didn't notice Akuma approaching and within the next second felt a severe pain in his shoulder. Looking at the sore spot, he saw a kunai jammed into his shoulder as well as Akuma, who had already jumped up and swung to hit Menma in the face, knocking his tooth out. "Take it from here, Obito," Akuma said, and started back toward Kasuma, who by this point had destroyed all of his clones. Several small cuts appeared on Kasuma's body from the shuriken, which he was unable to dodge.

As Akuma approached him, Kasuma began to put the seals back together for the Great Fireball. This time the orb was quite small in size. Kasuma began to spend the last of his remaining chakra. He began to wait for Akuma to get close enough to hit it accurately. Seeing the size of the orb, an idea popped into Akuma's mind. He began folding the seals for the Scalpel Chakra jutsu as he approached Kasuma. When there was a short distance between them, Kasuma launched a jutsu at Akuma.

Akuma, instead of dodging, waited for the ball to get close enough. When he saw that the distance was small enough, he made a sharp movement of his hand, covered in a thick layer of black chakra, to cut the fireball in half, causing the jutsu to dissipate. Everyone watching was surprised by this, especially Kasumi, who stood up briefly, out of which he was taken by Asuma's powerful blow that flew into his face and broke his nose. As he stood over his opponent. He looked at Obito, who ran up to him while the ground burned behind him.

While Akuma ran towards Kasuma again, Obito used the same fireball, just put a lot of chakra into it, making its size and power far greater than before, and launched it at Menma. The latter responded with the same fireball, but its power was much lower and only slightly reduced the power of Obito's ball. This was Menma's last moment in this battle. After that fireball hit him, many areas of his skin were badly burned, causing him to be immediately treated by the ninjas there while Akuma finished the battle with Kasuma.

-The winner of this sparring is Akuma and Obito! - proclaimed the ninja who is the judge.

"Master, congratulations on your victory as well as the completion of your quest. Would you like to receive your reward?" - Yui said in her sweet voice in my head. "Yes," I replied. After Menma was completely healed, the party went on for another hour or so, and then the guests started to disperse. In the end it was just Obito and me who stayed at Obito's house for another night.

In the main Uchiha building.

-Elder Muso, you're doing a great job raising Obito, my son Fugaku reported on the sparring... - began to praise the elder Clan Leader.

-I am not worthy of your praise, Head. - replied the elder modestly. After discussing other topics, the clan meeting was concluded. Only one Clan Head remained seated in the darkness.

"Akuma Yakushi means? Orochimaru's apprentice? What an interesting kid, and with such power at such a young age. We should make sure he and Akuma get on the same genin team, then the Uchiha Clan will have a lot of political influence in Konoha. Orochimaru is the most possible candidate for the Hokage position. With the help of this boy it will be possible to finally end the oppression of the Uchiha that the Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju, started....

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