
Villain Arc System

Bozo, the unfortunate but smart goblin, gets killed for being weak by the very humans whom he hated. But this hate takes a new turn, helping him activate the Villain Arc System. Thanks to the system, he now transmigrates to different worlds to play the role as a villain, and kills the humans whom he despises by either manipulating them, or outrightly destroying them. It's not just one world, but multiple worlds where he would be put into different situations, like a play.

1st_Manga_KING · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 9: Accepting the challenge

Chapter 9: Accepting the challenge

While the situation was unexpected, Fang Ryou knew that all he had to do was get Chen Jie into an agreement which would lead to the fight between them.

"I heard you are a villain.", Fang Ryou addressed Jie, almost instantly changing his words.

Nhi Zing turned her gaze right at Ryou, for he was starting his saga of blabbering again.

She thrusted her arms forward, grabbing a hold of Rou's left arm. She wanted to pull him away and prevent him from saying anything else that could escalate the situation.

However, Ryou was adamant. In fact, when she grabbed his arm and tried to pull, her pushed her slightly, almost causing her to fall due to her own momentum.

Nhi Zing stumbled but regained her balance before hitting her head on the wall. She turned her gaze slightly towards Ryou, and relived the careless behavior of pushing her away.

Never once in her life had she been treated this way…

Her glance then fell on Chen Jie who was staring right at her, his gaze fixated into hers.

As she stared right in his eyes, she noticed, his eyes speaking to her, saying, "And you choose him over me?"

It was as if Jie was mocking Zhi Ning for the sudden cold treatment she got.

All she could do right now is clench her fist and remain mum, for Ryou had already spoken a ton of bullshit!

"I want justice for all who have to live in fear, all because of you…"

"I want justice for all those people you have tormented."

"I want-"

"Shut up and say that you just want to fight me.", Chen Jie interrupted, his voice dominant and cold.

Ryou's words were cut short. He closed his mouth and then stared at Jie, saying, "Indeed. I want to fight you, the villain and the so-called geni-"


"Pardon me… now you are nothing but a cripple…", he placed his palm right in front of his lips, and laughed, "Pfft."

This was too much of an insult now and Chen Hao wanted to give a slap and remind Ryou where he was at, but again, Chen Jie had been grabbing Hao's shoulder, preventing him from causing a movement.

"Aye, and this cripple will whoop your ass tomorrow.", Jie countered with his words.


"You wanted a fight, right? Come to the main square tomorrow. I will give you one."

"…", Fang Ryou was surprised and happy at the same time, mixed feelings bulging his chest out.

He didn't think that Chen Jie would accept to fight when his condition was so bad. In the novel that he knew, it was anger and the want of Zhi Ning that caused him to fight.


"All right then, we-"

"Shut your mouth and get lost.", Chen Jie didn't give him another chance to open his mouth.

Fang Ryou, the one with heavy ego who believes to be the protagonist as he had reincarnated, raised his arm and pointed the index finger at Jie.

"You fker, how dare you speak to me like that? I-"

But Jie was not ready to listen to more of his blabber.

"Old man.", he called out to Hao who knew exactly what to do.

He merely blinked once, his eyes closing for just 1 second which caused a gust of terrifying wind of be summoned out of nowhere.


With a large force, the wind blasted both of them out of the room, destroying the walls behind them and throwing them outside.


'He is powerful…', Jie's face was adorned with a smile as he noticed the move.

[Fufu, this is not even 1% of his power.]


Chen Hao then turned back, staring at his grandson.

"Chonny boy, why did you agree to his challenge?", Hao asked, worried that his grandson might end up heavily injured, or worse, dead!

"You will-", his voice was shaky, his eyeballs moving wildly as well.

"You will die."

"Grandpa, I believe… as long as you are with me, there is no one in this world who can kill me."

The moment Hao heard this, tears broke out of his eyes, drenching his face.

Sniff Sniff-

"Aaahhh!", he started crying like a baby, standing up and hugging Chen Jie.

"Eh!?", Jie was surprised and confused, merely staring at Hao's wide back.

"C-calm down.", he said as he patted once or twice, but Hao's tears were never ending.

It was only 10 minutes after that Jie was forced to call a maid who then supported Hao, and pulled him away.

As Hao was being escorted away, he kept saying, "Channy boy called me Grandpa… Waaahh!"

"Yes, yes Master Hao.", It was Nan who accompanied him away.

Jie was now left alone, of course, Yiyi hid in the ceiling. The system had already revealed it long ago.

"Yiyi, you can come out now."

Hearing his voice, Yiyi almost instantly slid the wooden crate. A square opening was visible in the ceiling via which, Yiyi jumped down.

As she descended, her dress was slightly lifted due to the wind, almost up to her thighs which she covered almost instantly, hiding the embarrassment with a cough.


"Jie…", she twirled her hair, pushing it behind her ears.

"Yes Yiyi? You brought the items?"

"Ahem, yes.", she pulled out the ring that sat on her left middle finger and gave it to Jie.


But when Chen Jie received it, he was rather confused.

Why is she-'

[It's a storage ring. It can store items and has what you asked for.]


"Thanks Yiyi.", Chen Jie said with a smile.

"W-welcome.", Yiyi averted her gaze and said that with a blush.

Of course, Bozo's attention was on the ring.

'Alright, now I can proceed with the plan and prepare the poison…', Bozo smirked internally.

He then raised his gaze to thank Yiyi once again because she was a big help when the system reminded him again, [Don't forget about the main mission. You need to prevent her-]

'Crash her marriage? On it.'

"Say, Yiyi, why haven't I received an invitation for your marriage?", he asked.



"I forgot to give you.", she said, her smile slowly fading as he reminded her of the marriage which she had forgotten for a minute.