
Villain Arc System

Bozo, the unfortunate but smart goblin, gets killed for being weak by the very humans whom he hated. But this hate takes a new turn, helping him activate the Villain Arc System. Thanks to the system, he now transmigrates to different worlds to play the role as a villain, and kills the humans whom he despises by either manipulating them, or outrightly destroying them. It's not just one world, but multiple worlds where he would be put into different situations, like a play.

1st_Manga_KING · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 10: Xiong Household

Chapter 10: Xiong Household

Bozo noticed Yiyi holding her hand with sadness etched on her face.

However, he didn't have any sort of attachment with Yiyi. He merely used her to get his items. Whatever happened to her, it was none of his business.

But thanks to the mission of the system, he had no choice but to intervene.

"Wait, when was your marriage again?", he asked, pretending not to know.

"Today…", she muttered, her voice barely audible.

"Wait, today? So, you need to go now?"

"Mhm, a little later, but yes…"

Hearing that, Bozo tapped his chin, as if thinking something, But then clearing his mind, he looked at her and then said, "Alright, then I will accompany you. No need for an invitation."

What he meant was that she need not give a separate invitation letter.

Of course, Yiyi was far from even thinking that.

'He wants to come along to attend my marriage…'


'Did I really expect him to stop me from going away?'

'I guess… to him, I am just a friend.', Yiyi had tons of thoughts swirling in her mind.

Chen Jie then looked towards his wardrobe.

"Give me a minute, let me get changed…", he said.

"Sigh, Jie, the marriage is later in the evening…"

"Will you wear the same outfit throughout the day?", she questioned.

"Then, what do you suggest?"

"Uh, why don't you wear something normal… you could wear whatever you want right now, and wear formals later.", she said with a smile.

He nodded and stood up, walking straight towards the closet.

"A minute.", he repeated.

However, Yiyi, rather than leaving, she closed her eyes.

"What… are you doing?"

"Um, closing my eyes?", she questioned back upon hearing Chen Jie.

He expected her to walk out and give him some privacy, but looks like she chose the later.


"I want to change…", he said.

"Yes, go ahead. My eyes are tightly closed."



'She's not leaving, is she?'



Bothered but only a bit, he decides to change in her presence.

Slowly and steadily, he removes his shirt and then his pants, wearing them quickly right after from the closet.

As for Yiyi… she had an entirely different thought process, battling her demons…

'I must not open my eyes…'



'Just a peek won't hurt, right?'

'Yes, it won't!'

Convincing herself, she tried to open her eyes, just a little bit. She tried to create that tiny little space by which she could see Chen Jie's superb body, but of course, by the time she opened her eyes, he was already wearing a different set of clothes.

"Eh?", her eyes remained wide open as she stared at him.

"Done. Let's go.", he said hearing which, Yiyi nodded.

Yiyi took the lead and walked forward, exiting the room and then turning left. Her strides were short and she was slow, quite unusual, but Chen Jie was in no hurry.

He followed her closely, taking small steps as well.

It was a long open path, both sides surrounded by pond which had lotus blooming on them.

The pathway led to the main gate. As Yiyi arrived there, a guard who sat there, stood up and bowed.

"Greetings Miss Yiyi.", she said, slowly opening the gigantic door.

Yiyi nodded her head.

The guard noticed Chen Jie as well, and stuttering, she barely greeted him properly, "G-god morni-"

"Good morning, young master."

She bit her tongue in between by mistake, as she was startled seeing Jie there.

It was not that she wasn't paying attention, rather, Jie was right behind Yiyi due to which, it was not visible to anyone who looked from the front. Furthermore, his aura had almost vanished, causing her failure.

Bozo, behaving like the villain, didn't reply. As the gate was opened, he merely walked out of it, following Yiyi.

Two guards stood outside as well. They bowed as Yiyi and Chen Jie stepped out.

"May you have a good day!", both of them wished in unison, the guard from within joining in as well.

The Xiong household, one of the top 3 families in the city, was not too far from Chen Household. Arguably, it wasn't near either.

Yiyi, despite being the heir of the Xiong Family, did not take any cart or wagon, for she wanted to enjoy the time with Chen Jie.

"Say, Jie, do you still love Zhi Ning?", she asked, breaking the silence between them.

"Mhm.", Bozo was not paying attention to her as he was rather uncomfortable with the surroundings.

There were many sellers and other humans who gave him a hard time.

They knew very well who was Chen Jie, and what sort of villain and scum he was. Therefore, the moment they noticed, the chatter got lower but their gazes, intensified.

'Scary…', Bozo said to himself as he felt their penetrating gazes.

Yiyi, who walked in the front, merely smirked, "I think it's best if you look the other way, don't you think people?"

The moment the words fell in their ears, they instantly looked the other way. Their hands trembled and their throats were dry, for the notorious Xiong Yiyi was passing through the streets.

'Did she do that because of me?', Bozo smiled as he thought about it, walking a bit faster and closing in the distance between them.


Yiyi paused when she heard and then resumed her walk. Now, a smile sat on her face and it remained until they reached the Xiong Household!

There were a lot of people gathered in the front of the house. Elderly, young and the ones holding various posts and professions had gathered – that was because they were invited.

Although the wedding was in the night, the party and festival was all day long.

Bozo, who thought that he got away from a lot of people, now found the fear again.

'I need to go through all of them?', Bozo sweated as he looked at them.

One of them, turned back and noticed Yiyi, almost instantly shouting, "Miss Yiyi has returned!"

It was a man, who was rather head over heels for Yiyi's beauty.

The moment he shouted, all the attention shifted towards them.

Yiyi paused, staring at them right after which, came storming her aunt, Xiong Rui Yi.


Her aunt was a beauty too despite being forty. With a dimple sitting on her face, she came smiling and hugged Yiyi.

"Where had you been!?", she asked as she stared at Yiyi, who maintained a low voice.

"Just… to invite Chen Jie. I had gone to Chen family.", she said, her face devoid of the smile.

The aunt briefly stared at Chen while mouthing, "Oh…"

Giving a side-eye, she shifted her attention back to Yiyi, "Come come, you have tons of things to do today!"


Yiyi turned back momentarily, staring at Chen and said, "Enjoy your time here…"

Saying this, she walked away, or rather, she was pulled away by her aunt who merely had a stare similar to a death stare to Chen.

'Something's fishy…'

Action and badass moments will start from next chapter, do stay tuned.

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