
Viajante Witcher - SI AU

Don't expect anything elaborate. I'm just writing as a way to clear my mind and escape my depression. In case I ever post this, you don't have to leave your useless comments, just constructive ones. Whether they are encouragement, because you are enjoying it, or because you can see where it could be improved. Regarding chapters, I have no idea, I will just write and release when I can. I need to finish my degree soon, get a job or I won't be able to pay my bills anymore. The grammar will suck anyway, because I'm really lazy, and no, I don't have people to correct it because it needs money, and I'm unemployed. I don't own any universe that will be used, much less its characters. As for the timeline, I don't give a shit. My patreon is.... https://patreon.com/Noxville753 Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Emerson_Leite · Video Games
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65 Chs

22. Deixando de Lado

I was in my rare moment of peace. While reading some books, when the craziest possible idea came to me. Since I could no longer feel my Animago cast in my being, and I know I have not lost it, it just means it has evolved.

I then started to meditate, okay, that's not the best word for it, but to think of each and every hypothesis that could be plausible. One of them was, if my wand has fused to my body, and my animago is a magical animal representation.

That can only mean that at some point they became one, and if I find the right ritual, I may well let them both take the step necessary to regain my magic.

So I sank into the books, once again. I practically knew them by heart, but still, there were always several books on the table in the library of Toussaint's castle.

Anna Henrietta always came over, to join me for lunch, or to have some random conversation time. These were moments that she realized she was craving in her life.

Since her bridesmaids always treat her like the queen and not like the woman who needs a friend, she never had that time. This made her open her eyes to her needs, even if some were as clear as water.

Not only did she make great discoveries. Her sister, Geralt and I did the same.

Her sister discovered that in her stories, SHE was the evil queen who brought that world to its decline, and Geralt, with his highest capacity to throw the truth in people's faces, helped the girl, to see her mistakes.

Geralt discovered a side of himself very well hidden beneath the mask of the frivolous Witcher badass. How his actions, can greatly change a person's mindset, either for good or evil.

For the people he cares about, it was a welcome change to see how he treated them with much more freedom and closeness. He still had his moments of frivolous badassery, but for the most part, it was a welcome change.

Even in my studies he helped.

When he found out that I sent almost 300 High Vampires to Kaer Morhen, he almost killed me, but when I explained that they could help protect Ciri when she showed up, he calmed down a lot.

I also hadn't forgotten the two sexy redheads I had met, although one of them, it had been a quick conversation.

I had separated 50 soldiers to help the woman find and escort the wizards and alchemists to Kovir, and according to the news reaching me, there is little left. So I told Geralt that his friend may be in need of help, and he left two days ago.

As for Régis and the Lamias, they were in Corvo Bianco, following my recipe for creating vampire wine. I gave it this name precisely to be specific to whom it was intended. On human lips, it would be like drinking rusty water.

Sylvia and Henrietta were getting ready, I had asked the guards to only allow each other to visit if I was in the place. It was my way of studying the changes Sylvia had. And also to stop Henrietta from being stupid.

Which she sometimes is.

But other than that, my studies were going full steam ahead. There was no ritual for what I needed to do, so I decided to create one. And it was through much study, notes, calculations, and frustration that I found a way.

The problem threw itself right in my face.

Let's say that much of the magic I learned would be lost in this ritual. Sure, I would still be able to do magic, but only one branch of it, one that people would be afraid to face when they found out.

Black Magic is a poorly spoken branch of magic. It includes among many things the most visceral form of magic, employed only to satisfy the wishes of the caster. It is not evil in itself, only employed in bad situations.

For example, it is possible to bring an inanimate object to life, using the Animancy found in black magic, but usually it is used in situations where the caster just wanted to protect something important, or cause trouble for others.

Golens are a good way to explain Animancy. Although it is not the same, for those who are not scholars of the subject, just understand that, it is basically me being able to create a golem just because I want to.

I was not complaining about the stronger range of my magic, but rather what I would lose. I would be giving up helping people, healing them like I did the Nilfgaardian soldiers in the past.

But if I ...

A much crazier idea flashed into my mind. I needed to return to Kaer Morhen for there, I would have a much better chance of succeeding.

After leaving a hidden Lamia watching the sisters' meetings, and explaining that I needed to go, I quickly said goodbye to both of them and opened a direct portal to Kaer Morhen. I didn't want to waste any time.

There, after a brief explanation to Vesemir, I went to a separate area of the castle, which would give me space and was a great place to absorb the magic of the focal points around the fortress.

Creating a heptagram, placing the words to generate the magic written around it, positioning the runes that symbolized much of the power I would be losing, but that could be used in some way.

Studying the words that would trigger the ritual, and all that I would donate to make it happen, I was ready, and without wasting any time, I began it.

"Oro ut magia partem mei accipiat, ac permittat habere me purum et sanctum, cui nummum dedi, ut perfectus natus sit." I repeated the words 7x. I did not create it in a heptagram by chance.

To finish, I pull out the sword that Vesemir had given me, and that for a long time had been kept in my bag, and pull out my left arm. The pain, almost made me fall, but I remained, with a strength of will that was not even mine.

It was the same arm, that I used dimeritium to hide the huge scar that had formed when my wand melted and joined it.

This same arm, had barely touched the ground, when everything went dark.