
Viajante Witcher - SI AU

Don't expect anything elaborate. I'm just writing as a way to clear my mind and escape my depression. In case I ever post this, you don't have to leave your useless comments, just constructive ones. Whether they are encouragement, because you are enjoying it, or because you can see where it could be improved. Regarding chapters, I have no idea, I will just write and release when I can. I need to finish my degree soon, get a job or I won't be able to pay my bills anymore. The grammar will suck anyway, because I'm really lazy, and no, I don't have people to correct it because it needs money, and I'm unemployed. I don't own any universe that will be used, much less its characters. As for the timeline, I don't give a shit. My patreon is.... https://patreon.com/Noxville753 Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Emerson_Leite · Video Games
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65 Chs

23. Eudynamys Scolopaceus


I knew this kid could be crazy, but today he is above the normal levels of crazy. The damn boy said he had to lose an arm, so that his magic could run free.

Honestly, I don't know what this boy has been drinking, but I can bet it is strong stuff. He himself has made many of these strong drinks that we drink now in Kaer Morhen.

But as I was looking at the strangest group of new residents of the fortress, a tremor caught not only my attention, but from what I can see, the Vampires' as well.

If I didn't know better, from the expressions they are now showing, I would say that the fear from before, now can't even be said. Their faces are in complete horror, some even holding back from falling into despair and tears.

Another strong tremor, but this one remains. I don't know how far people can feel it, but it's not natural at all, and I doubt very much that that crazy boy imagined this could happen.

I start to run towards the room he has asked me to. As soon as I opened the door, I could feel my heart want to jump out of my mouth. The room was in complete darkness, as if a shadow had taken over the place, and there seemed to be eyes.

But they were closed, a small gap was all that could be seen of them. Then comes a sound, sweet, soothing, in the midst of all that darkness. *COEL*

A small bird, dark blue feathers, red eyes, grayish breast and belly, no more than forty centimeters in size. Its song was quiet, and seemed to keep me calm, as if it could really do that.



I was just finishing another check of the machines that would make the vampire wine when I felt the ground shaking. It wasn't anything that would cause any problems with the machinery, but it was as if the world was getting something big.

A strange feeling was running through my mind, a feeling that I needed, in that instant, to pay respect to the being that had decided to gift me with its arrival.

It was a really heavy pressure, and as I have never been very attached to my pride, I didn't mind, turning to the North direction, and kneeling down.

"Wait, that direction is not..."



Who the hell could wield that much magic? The slight trembling, dense, heavy magic, I'm not liking this at all, and it only makes me worry even more about Ciri. I don't understand why Geralt is taking so long with this mission.

I'm going to Skellig, it seems that something powerful has left a trail of magic, and it could very well be Ciri's trail. She is powerful enough to do these things.



I was lying on the floor, eyes closed, just thinking about how dumb I was for so long. My ritual was much better than I had thought.

My idea was, my left arm would be the flesh that would shape the body, my animago would be the soul that would shape the body, and the core of the wand, would be the heart of the new being that would be created.

But the words of the ritual, magic, accept the flesh and allow, did more than that. Not only did magic bless the ritualistic creation I made, and I know this because I can hear it chanting not far away.

What magic has done most is accept me. I no longer need to put a drop of my being into a body adapted to that world, I can just go, or keep as I do, but with my own body.

The many options open to me now, can give me many ideas of what my arrival in a new world will be like. My body and mind no longer need to be in two places at the same time.

I no longer have the physical self in the shadow dimension, now there is only one self, complete, adapted, and without the risk of destroying reality with my power. For the first time, I feel free.

When I finally open my eyes, I understand Vesemir's expression, shocked. I was in sinister shadow form, with sinister eyes. (If you don't understand, think of Pride from FMAB in shadow form).

Pulling myself together, I notice the differences shown in my body. I was taller, stronger, in short, I was complete. I was free. I couldn't help but laugh at this feeling. Even the little bird was singing happily.

"Your name will be Coel, since that's what you always sing, my friend," I say, as the bird comes to land on my shoulder.

"It would be nice if you put on some clothes, I don't like looking at your preciousness," teases Vesemir, pointing at my waist and walking away.

I smile a little and swing my hand in front of my body. I was now wearing an elegant social outfit, with a white overcoat, giving a contrast to the black clothing underneath.

I have changed my appearance to one closer to the one I wore before, letting it appear only that I am a little older.

As soon as I arrive in the courtyard, I see that bunch of Vampire Superior kneeling, as if they were my soldiers, waiting for an order.

This frustrates me greatly. If I wanted an army, I would have already done so, but whatever, if they want to serve me so badly, let them serve.

"Go back to your business, and relax a little, you don't need this desperate need to bow down. I hate it!" I say, waving my hand dismissively.

I signaled to Dettlaff to follow me, as we were moving towards the forest. He seemed very calm, although I can feel his body trembling, even as he walks behind me.

I then stop in a further area, and turn to him.

"I can send you to another world, where you will have to learn a lot, but I think some people there can help you. Or you can stay, and who knows, find a new path for yourself, one that you like," I tell him.

"I don't know what to do, my lord, so I'd like to wait a little longer. Who knows." he replies.

"Very well said. Now I need to stretch, train with me." I say, and I set off toward him.